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K £ lecbug chive : . (04- “ul -23) Scot ef} eh ‘ e => Block diag am of wom Elecksic ¢ } Motion Contso dp Keqpined dn osaqe 100) Of adapta A eptic. Ofblicastion Like branspodation ‘ Nee i \ ) Sa b& textile , pafes and vrobling mille, a “ pur R ¢ , Waehing mmofithine ; etc. Ryton employed yr virion tonbrol are called Davee” wove uuddeddUuUudUUUUuUuUrrTroeoCos Q o leo Mil Drive Employed ecbric vmotore HC known of ebecbuic tive oe ae si vere Such ap -Perier ex ie e efowered 4 eleobreca) one which hag a = Shey me available se nf = Elechic or ro A yee ids. —— : eg ard gonsidetable, @h Ime OU ~ aby ane adoptable So abmopt vue ond Guth ap explerive amd xadioo ii 4 “ hoy do net pelt ote eruidonment- = ae nvalttbe four quadrant of speed 44h ew ep dann th deacoelesation amd it ip oooh a + when sepenctative Broking. ip ceasible, Considerable ey q encase uy achieved» + Sheae bare ante not anoileble Jo eathere porrime MoveEy * 'Sihexe Gp me need to sequel gt worn uf the moto. Shey an a eaten And stan inet be ntact ayo they fore of anegey , -* : oer Sounep ase wet a he. - O fred Vortage and fed fray AC. @® fixed Votrege Toes fixed Vol AS fixed (py jot faa} tae peo Sean , Vesdiable 1d on Sg AC Recki tier Voltage De al a : ; i > Sow ay ; ; fry F Sn qnoee gq and 3 db 50 Hz AC Vol Y ane a tg aA Lecation oe ive em od Luo, |g Seusce.. cr . dah a Co ee Regt of te dome po poaerel eae oe 4 Ayadion dxiver ushert even ot wr oa Lovely digte ose SHG “4 ped -becouie ok. Aston the Motor duusep ave ded diet ism Gout, ACS Hox peel of ricki sand Syrohnonsup motors ase Lien f Sow vfm. for Aigher Sheede ensocsion 10 Wafer Susy: é Sty mainder & sage tt i and pase afptiction, Aon te Me day in garni, see Brachioe ith fooor ee atic - a - - = Main dine tuactien , Sot 25 KV . dog ound deuction , Soo to 750 See 4 ihe” Semiconductor, convertor ae Used. (in peeo0 oduflite 6 hE Control Unit wl Lt tonstety ef boting cisceruit® eohich. embloy Linear A Faital \nte: eit tnede and, Aya me and a umiviopnceasen - then Sophisticated control te wequired LShen ey Oncuy Je Kegpiruid control unik Provide B Sequencing oO ee i Co ¢ Cc c Cc c c ® Choice of tlecbual Dyiveps- c e ec c © e e @ ® . x « . ‘ ‘ ‘ Gt depende en ne- of jockey -: oO c. Hegpburmente . Node. of fesqpe charactersticp, Speed st ion, Spud songt, ane: uy ate Guosbont of Pe efom @ aansent apetion Repurements -: : Nlolucg of acceesosion ard dearedexatien , Staseking stadt, and MANE Peefermancee @ Gita amd bons ceate 5 Wpinkananee needa, te Regbucony If © Ervoorment ond locate ‘> of Sout md ip © ge meas a wand Baki Beton otc ial Revere Wreckeciod enengty ' noe or Dab ihe mot. rurtiquadreatt Operation ' dh Braking, ir poorlhs op ieee oan > > > > eed LT) opposes She Motion. > oe > cound Brockin * ‘7 > > ) > ) ) Sn Moto Motor cam provide Oren beth . F amd direction . Go. hows the 1 awd (Om agidinakea 4 soth and Kevorge mekien our ee ee Motor ts oa . Zpred tay UN Tore .. oy the frcduatod

Yynamic texqye , coreien Anos that tougpe Bevetofoed- motor 6 (under boloncede ay Loot. toque Te and dynamic. 2 Tdiom , Tosqpe Lompbonemt dive 16 calldeeh i Te torque, Becaree ff siorfrepent cae duasing Areantenkopeeti a acc elewaten ot deaccelesatea defending on cohesten oo acceleration meter Bat an add ition. preater. ot Lend than To, « Shout oupply vot ot uoad Ame ue trae Component dus, gn osedor 40 OV Ercorne douve "2° Ineta, - Qusing deacoolexabes yo namic fore Sider Tain hae ave aiqn e dt amish motor develope dsl T ond maintain, exbacting trea prom hanced Srinehc dttive motion & - Gijjrenr mechanion, cuch ag peas, belly and OPERS Theee fouls src chore didtembspeeds ond Sie mations auch an +oredonag ard duaratocdionall om, “hic Aectien Weprteaens- smesthose ues dhe Rapin adem Momean- ee anes 2 and cpiatenr TDIge compres ot wefarred to Hoe motor, shalt —> (oade wrth Rotational Motion -* Shy a Year, het of Consider. 0 Motor Giving tus loads, One touted ; Sinrecty do tts Shalt tevnd Othe “Thscough a Leo with anend, Nn, , ceety, - : heb dhe moment of Srectia of Moto cund QLrot sureotiy Confted Fo ite shale be J, Motasr Speed amd Tooxapie — . ” - a | & ¥ aeeaneeeae@@e @ @ & & & § . i i me i eF Let the rnomert 4 Areacho. , apeed ord torrie 4 the nad. Couples tesconath 0 Root che 1b (Om, vd I, : Dr = Bor 210, (year tooth sak) by, oe } ( { sy Op the teacep Jn enamiasion due dy eqpiuotent’ Toesuio must be sn ate neglected then ie Rinetic Ene the comme aR Rinetics ene? F( the vasdaup rere spas ; “Tolad Mormemct © Qnestiag 1 Tao,* = Aout 4 1 Teo? s = 1 [S= sewer | ) Powe at othe Load amd moter must be aAhe Rome ower = torque x angtitans Speed = Tg xCOm = Thy lOmn + Tex ro, ( + q ae 17 total ea tomope He sted be. as pai St in addition to the Lead dixectiy ctoufs led te the motor usithy jp ostth yen mem ef tpeartia . san teeth stotio be i ‘ or f duammiasion eficienes i af the (yeas be 1, then mMotax (nesta TT, chetie cure 7) nthe ined To Tas- - = Tn sespectivedy oe Benoa. a4 -- = Im steopectively, Pees >_> >:. ~~ "*VYVUCRCUUBCUULUUUCUUCUGE ia ey, Pal aye te) Ost . GS F=q6 +yCExP) ushexe Cie abptied EMP duction oppocite kothe cote W Clecborical Osiuep -(25°* iy 28) (eee | flee Hares tan smission Man M, Force & oy hoadsusith Axonletionad and Rotational Motien + heb up consider a Motor es Doody one coupled to ate alot cand other Fhuou gh we mpmission Se Coe Rotational). Motion fo Linea Motion . Let Moment of thudtia aoe Votox and Load Seclty coupled fodt ube Te Load forjpe Si wubted: fo modo be Wy ad the Mans, velocity cand foxce load roith tans (attenad motion . he 4. Um), viliee) , and AUN), Jf Se qusranssion lowes axe neglected the Rinechie ones due fo eyaiuafent: inesekin T muat be he sinc eng of Se Vorp roy lle ee a they? Tam = Fy + Te Wm. oa eres Ft Uy, % 4 sin addition 80 one load diunety Coubled) 40 te mote Soft Whee axe 1 erher Loads ustth Bamlotional motion orth veloctica (UN... Ua. Vy = Ve ) eam merseo (M94 A, -- Mn) then cay Momento} ineia , T= Ty + ae Ng arend Taroyte = Th= Tot Pith 4 Fava ___. + Crn\ln LomU Pm" On In - ae Wt GSD m tet Zso123 Q. + Motor Driver two deods one hap wetuieral metion. ik up coupted to the mete though Heduction 9034 « with A= Ol and Kony ot 90% . “ihe Anad au Aas. 2 Moment «ft Inesehio. 24 to Ra NM ond o ee to Nien other lead day dromslatienal Motien and (onaist of (poo Loci Po de Jified sf ph om wwvtown Abeed of |-6m/seg eoupuli ubckoeen this Load amd }he motu hoa om(bMicien £61,. Motor hus an inedtia sf O+2 Ram? ound sume ab G. tonmtomi Seed 1420 £PM.~ Debesunine equivalent inertia, wed So the motart atolt wong fever Ot i oa LELLLULLLLLLLUL Aap. GMM Hil k By eS TE IE se yt “a +, Bese yon ct) CNN : 5 +. Bo Ts Gr gor + MM) ’ ~ OF 10x 0-0) +4 Vo00( 15 _ BB 14.20 OS Ramat On! 60 7 0-4 Fare” Ebpivalons Tose ; Tye % Ty ven Soy => OKO 4 lomx9-B 165 O25) 085 a ; a. \( + 11523-4l¢9-01) > M640 Noy . oer = Texayie & Arggulase cars| : > WTS 148-62 | =? (15472-25 WwW. aoe teheny roa ad ane wratep O Aosupe 4 on Af “wid age Sony ed ts do. the wash Me {echanical Jeske ( T a. : of His Aeseape defende en frordtienflon ¢ oy he senos W aaghttoug? Gre inh bendemt - speed ts nebion of sped if omy deberd on the spes oHiey B Aollowed by athe Lod St amon be df Use \ C dy oychica ond te ae Qa ~ ee Te. 4aistion wt Kew speed - ( Stiction) pt Static fodction « An cudert drive fo ott the motor SsuqKe Should atteart exceed Stiction . Ty ~Viscous(icten Fuchien fone hs ~ Couturnb Qaietien “Tg = stadic friction : © (mponont Ty vossiep aan es apeed up caller’. Vieceup ection iT 88 : Viecap patton eofficiend © Component Te which fa independent ef Speed wo Anau a® Loulums friohiern. >DDPRARHPLPBSBRBDAARORDDDODOOFRP ROAR RGAHAQKA 8 bindare Aoxape Tw cashich | 8 fuofotinah +p feed soya 2. Pes Cn ci, clas demain dot Pee eediisaye. (a rk ; 19 sh x ul a ‘* there el ta | nnd “ony Ke be V angle eau “Reed y foxsion “| 4 cg “sae, A : ro nim] ae * ©) “iq ie 1 rm ik (a) T ae un gheed a Motor Load Kyetem ig obtained . wrhen Metox ag eqs oe Lesa) AS aque uy ‘ ne Saif sft ot tie State ot hip sfeedh . Ine coil bY termed Op Gtable cohen the Wr afte 0 gmatl deparrwre Nr new speed, Motor toxaite By qnectex thon the load dprque, Conequentyy vmotox a acroleate ound festa Z Pirioory , “4 unemeape Hee, Ul make Load torque oar into deceler C f eet sume , Dr but Point 8 urhich da oftaineds Se he 6 wmoto Srelvep amother Lond ‘ | Cource the foad tps roto fosguey Usdve Je Point onbvep an J TTS Tis Tdism > Padament? toy eyn —B) Sa(2) — Eay 6) . OW 21: AT, + THe) mae Aly = Sg oben as) Jor math cho eo, xhe peed toreqpe cuscueg ‘a She Moto _ Wd Lead am Be arume cto ee lines . “Gs Bt =). Sle es Seon ~(5) cohene Ob and dtp aye Respective e , a axe pec ite: Slopes of d Wm es the Steady Atafe Speed “fosiqe coe ge mo tot Amd Load ‘at ty foint under tonidexatteon . Now aes ey @ 25) in wv) fy dt CIA He AT i Ate NA cond oS O is diam Wm Bic a Jivat oder Lingrr. difprential Q pation if Jnl deuioHen din apoed af t=0 ihe 20 inp sre. Soba 6) 3 + ea icy (ate - ar Veh Ap = (Brdeng) C tn opetig fon esis. be. sh gratia ashen Albom appraohes xo GM K Electucal ete allies. fasta rete, - pee te -o-lN,N-m , sasive Load : ie ra Nem show Ni ig the Speed in 4 «ie Inet athe duve a opouak: ya an atate , Now | is tv be severged 92 this Perot te f onped do (-It-O-1N) N-m, Ghulate -the time ot Reveraal . OSteady state speed , Ty = T 0° O5N = [00-o-1N ae Ob Cancer Beveral Speed = Ni, = = ~ 666-7 sfom, T= The T dum com> Qay gt “ear coe erm | (= ) ETT ” K Cledvial Pave <: (Nbecat: Wasik) Date - K Clare 4 Motos Duy -! 0 Lontiuouy Gluy Q me | hort mr speodic duly with Ching > Actemitert Potedic duly ith Bkuding amd Leaking Anis Cul tdin intermitenct poriods tole Losinuoug My ULSHth Bit and Lyra; Lonsiunnp duke volt pevedic shed aba ce > \pdation of moto, 8 HK Shook time O re; A © © Anthig, dime of dove Te operation Js edna dexat lene than the heatie t eC y tb : - " % : deomp , before, dhe -metore allowed +0 teot off to Cd fhe mic ne MIC py dhis opexation Ake ral > mets elec brxoki eg Jpedod. with Hiya on foo chose forthe Stenpective ack Shed, Br icon: ato be ocktain Hi ~ Koreas doen Mechanism blow, nite, et ume Hoek doaver , ee cbu'cal Aubwiban esing ound ening Hoist’. x Lontinuoup Quy LON jokenmnittenk Quiodic ae & = bessodic duty oY Chae ea conaisti 4 Ou pou eps a Longta lead , q aoe a “sy ee No. bead , uslth nosinal voller 00404 DHE exddar Landy ah “ ood period Ye rox Dood ae uber Epo. Show te okhe ebective, Jonb aa 5 attain. Te dudy 1G atHteter digtinquich es ye inbenrnttent Ve Sal li sporiod 4 al ot on a vip ch each oii St Consist te ia ee eG dts, “wk — a pened + Cjhete ie ne posed t Rot .-. eo Te. Wain Qhuve a. Hani MN * Conptant Duty boltn Pouodic Speed changer ‘7 Ay eoaist Yo mwodic 4 cle, each Paving & apo temte na as a eo s poxiod © Fe he cra eb chewed 4 Stunning OF ere oy ak diffrent Loack and cleo shot 4 Quowiretion g] Motor Ratieg :- re Grom athe paint ef vied a eatcatation of mater volt Vostioug sduly cle. can Ube ee ‘ee ® Continuicug ' ® Fctucel Vode © ahouk Hine ard intewntttent chy. ) Lomiounap Qty 2 Hox Lond bowser - dernand of athe Load as aien DQ motos colo. next Ja hex fpovoe - ane cCOMMeENcs Quyilab\e a. Je elect Obiio mo aber) should saloo umecteh Loade afeed Sequixement « Ye te ales neces sto che whecthe rhe steq pus emente and an more. CoM ay vigpe OU nn athe, ‘pheae a poxmal digwrbanee anuned in pao OL coos Bitten « “nd Bien oradn eneue ae the duansient oo “ the nolo > De Equivatent Guvcent tosqpe and peo punting Seund Intexmittent Ghe Later J ip pres exe method: 4 Jp cbosed on vicnadion thot abe actuok Yoniabte ot. cusvenk ton be: replaced ee equivalent (Lay ) pshic? Jproducen game LOReP ‘dn sthe motox pute + ag onal pute Qoods . de BS, ee +(.13288 Oy (este 4 R, + Ee 8 .- i , tae Ro+ Tey" = sic SPA «3A ge aR a Tit +i tet — sain Lyte Teal

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