The Orphan

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The Orphan

Rahul was a 10-year-old kid. He was an orphan. He mainly was from Tamil
Nadu. When he was 2 years old his father died of a heart attack and his mother
died of shock of his father’s death. So, when the orphanage took, he was lost
and after that he was found and raised in a small village in the Kerala-Tamil
Nadu border. When he was raised, he was always a quiet and a cold person.
No one knew the reason, some believed that he was ashamed of being an
orphan. So, they always tried to comfort him of being loved and cherished. But
nothing worked.
On the day of Onam, the boat race was held where Rahul was also
participating in his villagers saying that it will be good for a distraction. To
make them pleased Rahul participated on the race. On the rules
announcement time the village head said,” The competitors will go through
three coasts ad reach the fourth one which is the last one and finishing coast.
The one boat which reaches first will be awarded bags of rice, grains and
jewellery.” So, the race started. At the beginning people thought it would rain
badly but, sun rays came again. The race was so far so good until they reached
the second coast there came a cyclone, a heavy cyclone. Trees were uprooted,
houses smashed, street lights fallen. The boatmen tried to save themselves
and their family and kids. Rahul as he had no family had just tried to save
himself which for the moment was grateful not to have a family. But then,
something just triggered in his mind, he got reminded of his parents’ death. He
didn’t want the same thing happened to him happen to all the children and
parents there at all. So, he swam and tried to rescue as many as children,
labourers and parents possible. And then the cyclone calmed down. But the
damage was horrendous. People had lost their homes, shops, boats, carts you
name it. Everyone was saved but at what cost? But still, the people were very
grateful to Rahul for saving them.
Three months later, the village settled down and Rahul was still the hero of the
village when just then a big car arrived and an elderly person gets down of the
car and asks the people about Rahul and the people fetch him. When Rahul
arrived, the old man smiled and patted his back and said, “Congratulations
son!! You have been awarded the Padma Shri award for courage and
bravery!!” “What?” Rahul says in surprise, completely unaware of the man in
front of him. The old man replies, “Yes, and before you ask, I am Paramesh
Tiwari a simple messenger for the President. Your work of saving lives in this
village is amazing.” “But how do you know me saving the people of this
village?” asked Rahul in doubtfulness in his mind. The old man replied again,
“The journalists!! They are the spies of India! And the President liked your
story and background and recruited you for the Padma Shri Nominates!!”
“Oh!! Oh my god!!” exclaimed Rahul jumping with excitement.
And so that’s how Rahul had got the Padma Shri Award for his Brave and
Courageous action.

Thank you

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