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Your Responses

 Question 1 of 25

What are the three building blocks of Trello? 14895629


o workspaces, boards, and cards

o templates, workspaces, and lists

o boards, lists, and cards

o cards, members, templates

o members, workspaces, and boards

 Question 2 of 25

What does a Trello board do? 14895629


o shows a single task to be completed

o groups information, shared by a project or team

o displays a chart of due dates

o shows a list of upcoming sprints

 Question 3 of 25

You have created a board for a team with five members.

How many lists can the board contain? 14895629

o ten for each member

o two for each member

o one for each member

o unlimited

 Question 4 of 25

What does a Trello card represent? 14895629

+0 / 1

o a set of work items for a team

o the process to complete a task

o the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas

o a member’s avatar

The correct answer was "the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas".

A. Incorrect. Trello cards are the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas.

B. Incorrect. Trello cards are the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas.

C. Correct. Trello cards are the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas.

D. Incorrect. Trello cards are the smallest unit, representing tasks and ideas.

 Question 5 of 25

What is a Trello workflow? 14895629

+0 / 1

o the collection of cards to complete a project

o the order that work is completed

o the assignments to the team members

o the process to create a new Trello board

The correct answer was "the order that work is completed".

A. Incorrect. A Trello workflow is the order that work is completed.

B. Correct. A workflow is the order that work is completed. For example, a

three-step workflow would be Step 1, then Step 2, then finally Step 3.

C. Incorrect. A Trello workflow is the order that work is completed.

D. Incorrect. A Trello workflow is the order that work is completed.

 Question 6 of 25

Which of the following cannot be added to a card? 14895629

+0 / 1

o card cover

o multiple members

o dates

o attachments

o multiple tabs

o labels

The correct answer was "multiple tabs".

A. Incorrect. Covers can be added to cards to help categorize different types of

tasks and add visual interest to your Trello board.

B. Incorrect. Multiple members can be added to a card.

C. Incorrect. A date can be added to a card to show when the work is due.

D. Incorrect. Attachments can be added to cards to store additional information,

files or images.

E. Correct. Trello cards do not have multiple tabs.

F. Incorrect. Labels can be added to cards to provide information about that

card at a glance.

 Question 7 of 25

All of the items in the checklist on your card are checked.

What does this indicate? 14895629


o all the items are assigned to members

o none of the items have been completed

o none of the items have been assigned to members

o all of the items have been completed

 Question 8 of 25

According to the course content, which of the following Trello features

helps to keep the board neat and tidy? 14895629


o adding card covers

o adding members to cards

o archiving completed cards

o removing attachments

 Question 9 of 25

Which of the following cannot be done from the board menu? 14895629

+0 / 1

o update a team members's board permissions

o add a new board background color

o add another list

o create an automation rule

o enable a Power-Ups

The correct answer was "add another list".

A. Incorrect. Member permissions can be modified from the board menu.

B. Incorrect. The board appearance can be modified from the board menu.

C. Correct. Lists can be created on the board, but not from the board menu.

D. Incorrect. Automation rules can be created from the board menu.

E. Incorrect. Power-Ups can be enabled from the board menu.

 Question 10 of 25

What is the result of at-mentioning a team-member in

comments? 14895629

+0 / 1
o They will be added as a member on the card.

o They will receive a notification.

o They will become the assignee.

o They will be invited to the board.

The correct answer was "They will receive a notification.".

A. Incorrect. At-mentioning a team-member does not add them to the card.

Instead, team-members receive a notification when they are at-mentioned in a

B. Correct. Team-members receive a notification when they are at-mentioned

in a comment.

C. Incorrect. At-mentioning a team-member does not assign the card to them.

Instead, team-members receive a notification when they are at-mentioned in a

D. Incorrect. At-mentioning a team-member does not invite them to the board.

Instead, team-members receive a notification when they are at-mentioned in a

 Question 11 of 25

You created a board and want anyone with internet access to view the

Which visibility setting should be selected? 14895629


o Public

o Private
o Organization

o Workspace

 Question 12 of 25

Li is a member of your organization and workspace, but cannot view a

board you created.

What is a possible reason? 14895629


o The board’s visibility is set to Public.

o Li is not a member of any card on the board.

o The board’s visibility is set to Private.

o Li is not mentioned in any card on the board.

 Question 13 of 25

You want a new team-member to collaborate on a single board.

Which invite should be sent? 14895629


o a board invite

o a workspace invite

o a card invite

o a list invite
 Question 14 of 25

Omar will need to invite several consultants to your board in the future,
but he does not know who the consultants will be.

What can you do to allow Omar to invite the new consultants? 14895629


o Show Omar how to at-mention the consultants.

o Create a link using the “Invite with link” feature for Omar to share with the

o Set the board’s visibility to Private.

o Show Omar how to assign cards to the consultants.

 Question 15 of 25

What would you add to “” to find pre-formatted boards

you can use for your team? 14895629


o /templates

o /workspaces

o /community

o /lists

 Question 16 of 25
You need to see a full list of shortcut keys.

Which key should you click? 14895629


o the "b" key

o the forward slash key, "/"

o the "c" key

o the question mark key, "?"

o the "e" key

 Question 17 of 25

You need to filter the board, to only see the cards that are assigned to

Which key should you click? 14895629

+0 / 1

o the "d" key

o The "q" key

o the dash key, "-"

o the escape key, "esc" or "Esc"

o the "f" key

The correct answer was "The "q" key".

A. Incorrect. The “d” key opens the due date picker for a card. Use the “q” key
to filter the board to only show cards assigned to the current user.

B. Correct. The “q” key will filter the board to only show cards assigned to the
current user.

C. Incorrect. The dash key, “-”, adds a checklist to a card. Use the “q” key to
filter the board to only show cards assigned to the current user.

D. Incorrect. The escape key, “esc” or “Esc”, closes any open dialog. Use the
“q” key to filter the board to only show icards assigned to the current user.

E. Incorrect. The “f” key opens the card filter menu. Use the “q” key to filter
the board to only show cards assigned to the current user.

 Question 18 of 25

Which of the following sorts is not possible? 14895629

+0 / 1

o card name (alphabetically)

o due date

o date created (newest first)

o date created (oldest first)

o label (alphabetically)

The correct answer was "label (alphabetically)".

A. Incorrect. It is possible to sort by card name.

B. Incorrect. It is possible to sort by due date

C. Incorrect. It is possible to sort by date created, newest first.

D. Incorrect. It is possible to sort by date created, oldest first.

E. Correct. Cards can be sorted by card name, due date and date created, but
not by labels.

 Question 19 of 25

What is one action a pro Trello user does every work day? 14895629

+0 / 1

o They keep Trello open.

o They create new boards.

o They commit to a three day Trello streak.

o They manually update cards, avoiding automation.

The correct answer was "They keep Trello open.".

A. Correct. A pro Trello user will always have the tool open and stay logged in
to help ensure regular views of boards and cards.

B. Incorrect. A pro Trello user would need to check their boards each workday,
but not create new boards.

C. Incorrect. A pro Trello user will commit to a 30 day streak, as the longer
period will help to establish good habits.

D. Incorrect. A pro Trello user utilizes automation to let the tool take care of
repetitive updates.

 Question 20 of 25

You have a set of minor work items that need to be completed for
multiple tasks on your board.
Which feature can be used to facilitate this? 14895629

+0 / 1

o copy a board

o copy a checklist

o copy a card

o copy a list

The correct answer was "copy a checklist".

A. Incorrect. Copying the board would include cards and checklists that do not
need to be repeated. Create and copy a checklist for work items that apply to
multiple cards.

B. Correct. A checklist can be copied from an existing card to be included on

multiple cards.

C. Incorrect. Creating a copy of a card will include a checklist, if attached, but

would also include other unnecessary information. Create and copy a checklist
for work items that apply to multiple cards.

D. Incorrect. Creating a copy of a list would include all the cards, which may
not contain the checklists. Create and copy a checklist for work items that
apply to multiple cards.

 Question 21 of 25

Your team is working on an iOS project across multiple boards and

you need to locate all the “Mobile” cards.

Which can be used to find the cards? 14895629


o the “f” shortcut key

o the Sort feature

o the Search feature

o the “l” shortcut key

 Question 22 of 25

You received an email when Paolo added a comment to a card, but you
are not a member of the card.

What is the reason you received the notification? 14895629

+0 / 1

o You are watching the card.

o You created the board.

o You recently opened the card.

o You completed an item on the card’s checklist.

The correct answer was "You are watching the card. ".

A. Correct. If you are a watcher on a card, you will receive a notification when
another member adds a comment on a card.

B. Incorrect. You would need to be watching the card to receive a notification

when another member adds a comment on a card.

C. Incorrect. You would need to be watching the card to receive a notification

when another member adds a comment on a card.
D. Incorrect. You would need to be watching the card to receive a notification
when another member adds a comment on a card.

 Question 23 of 25

Which of the following does not send notifications when changes are
made? 14895629


o Boards

o Workspaces

o Cards

o Lists

 Question 24 of 25

You need to integrate some external apps such as GoogleDrive and MS

Teams to your board.

How can this be accomplished? 14895629


o upgrade to Trello Premium

o use Power-Ups

o update the board’s visibility to Public

o use automation

 Question 25 of 25
You need cards that are due in the next two days to appear at the top of
the “To Do” list.

How can this be accomplished? 14895629

+0 / 1
o add a label to the cards

o use a Power-Ups

o create an automation rule

o set a due date reminder on the cards

The correct answer was "create an automation rule".

A. Incorrect. Adding a label will not change the location of the cards in the list.
Instead, create an automation rule to move the cards to the top of the “To Do”

B. Incorrect. Power-Ups provide additional features and external integration

but do not change the location of cards on the list. Instead, create an automation
rule to move the cards to the top of the “To Do” list.

C. Correct. Create an automation rule to move the cards to the top of the “To
Do” list when they are due in the next two days.

D. Incorrect. Setting a due date reminder will not change the location of the
cards in the list. Instead, create an automation rule to move the cards to the top
of the “To Do” list.

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