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FROM 3, TERM 11, 2024
NAME: ……………………………………………………… …………..ADM:


1. State two reasons why the Africans were opposed to British colonial rule. (2mk)

2. Name the company that administered Kenya on behalf of the British government up to
1985. (1mk)

3. Give three reasons why the British was able to defeat Africans during the colonial
period. (3mks)

4. Other than assimilation name another French administration policy in Africa. (1mk)
5. Name the four communes in Senegal where French system of assimilation was used.

6. Give three privileges enjoyed by assimilated Africans in the four communes. (3mks)

7. Outline four conditions required for one to be fully assimilated in Senegal. (4mks)

8. State four reasons that made Fredrick Lugard use the indirect rule in northern Nigeria.
9. Give four reasons why the British applied the direct rule in Zimbabwe. (4mks)

10. Explain four factors for the failure of assimilation in Senegal. (4mks)

11. State three roles/ duties of the African chiefs during the colonial period. ( 3mks)

12. Give three differences between the British and the French colonial administration.

13. Discuss three effects of indirect rule in Kenya. (3mks)

14. Explain three reasons why the indirect rule failed in southern Nigeria. (3mks)

15. State two methods used by the colonial government to acquire land for white settlers in
Kenya. (2mks)

16. Apart from providing white settlers with land, outline three other ways through which
the British government promoted the settler agriculture in Kenya. ( 3mks)

17. Give three problems experienced by the railway construction workers who constructed
the Kenya Uganda railway. (3mks)
18. State three results of the construction of the Kenya Uganda railway. (3mks)

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