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1. Define the following terms as used in programming:

(i) Programming (1mark)

(ii) (ii) Syntax (1mark)

2. State three advantages of high level languages over low level languages (3mks)

3. Name three tools in Word processor that would help a user to minimize spelling mistakes when
creating a document (3marks)

4. Convert 12.125 10 to binary number system (3mks)

5. The table below is an extract from a spreadsheet program showing transaction details of Ferry
uniform Distribution. Use it to answer the questions that follow

a) State how cell E7 will be presented using R1C1 style (1mk)

b) Identify two data types used to represent data in the table above (2mks)

c) Use a function to get the following

i. Average price (1mk)

ii. The item with the least price (2mks)

6. Outline two methods that can be used to prevent transcription errors during data entry (2mks)

7. Find the sum of binary number 101.101 2 and 110.100 2 (3mks)

8. Subtract 110 2 from 11010 2 (2mks)

9. State at least three advantages of storing data in computer files over the manual filing system

10. Mention three parameters used to measure data integrity (3mks)

11. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal numbers. (4mks)


12. Using an illustration, describe the four primary stages of the data processing cycle. (4mks)
13. You may have come across the term Garbage in Garbage out (GIGO). What is its relevance to
errors in data processing? (2mks)

14. Distinguish between:

a) Sequential and serial file organisation methods. (2mks)

b) Random and indexed-sequential file organisation methods. (2mks)

15. State the two elements that make up a computer file. (2mks)

16. Define the following terms:

a) Data processing. (2mks)

b) Data processing cycle (2mks)

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