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Difference between hardware and software (2 marks):

 Hardware: Physical components of a computer system. Examples include monitor,
keyboard, and CPU.
 Software: Programs, routines, and instructions that enable hardware to perform
specific tasks.
2. Primary functions of an operating system (4 marks):
 Managing computer hardware and software resources.
 Providing a user interface.
 Facilitating communication between hardware and software.
 Controlling and coordinating computer operations.
3. Difference between primary and secondary storage devices (4 marks):
 Primary storage devices (e.g., RAM): Store data temporarily while the computer is
on. Example: RAM.
 Secondary storage devices (e.g., HDDs, SSDs): Store data and programs for long-
term use, even when the computer is turned off. Example: Hard disk drive (HDD).
4. Purpose of the CPU in a computer system (2 marks):
 The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of the computer and is responsible
for executing instructions and processing data.
5. Function of the motherboard in a computer system (3 marks):
 The motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer system. It connects and
communicates between all parts of the computer, houses the CPU, RAM, and
other essential components, and allows components to work together.
6. Purpose of an input device in a computer system (5 marks):
 Input devices are used to enter data and instructions into a computer for
 Examples include keyboards, mice, scanners, and microphones.
7. Data processing to produce output (3 marks):
 Data is inputted through an input device.
 CPU processes the data according to instructions in the software.
 Processed data is outputted through an output device in a usable form.
8. Difference between RAM and ROM (4 marks):
 RAM (Random Access Memory): Temporary storage for data the computer is
currently using. Example: DDR4 RAM.
 ROM (Read-Only Memory): Permanent storage for instructions used to boot up
the computer and start the operating system. Example: BIOS ROM.

Data Processing Cycle Diagram (4 marks):

 Diagram should include Input, Processing, Storage, and Output stages, connected in a

Total: 31 marks

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