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Section A: Identifying Potential Safety Threats

1. Multiple Choice Questions: (4 marks)

 a. i. Conducting a risk assessment (2 marks)
 b. ii. Well-maintained equipment (2 marks)
2. Short Answer Questions: (6 marks)
 a. Three examples of potential safety threats in a workshop environment could
 Spilled liquids on the floor: This is dangerous because it can cause slips
and falls.
 Overloaded electrical outlets: This is dangerous because it can lead to
electrical fires.
 Blocked emergency exits: This is dangerous because it can prevent people
from escaping during an emergency. (3 marks)
 b. Three importances of conducting regular safety inspections in a work
environment are:
 Identify and rectify potential hazards: Regular inspections help in
identifying and fixing hazards before they cause accidents.
 Ensure compliance with safety regulations: Inspections help ensure that
the workplace meets safety standards set by regulatory bodies.
 Promote a safety culture: Regular inspections demonstrate the importance
of safety to employees and encourage them to prioritize safety in their
work. (3 marks)

Section B: Choosing Appropriate Dress Code

1. Multiple Choice Questions: (2 marks)

 a. ii. Long pants and a lab coat (1 mark)
 b. ii. To protect against slips, trips, and falls (1 mark)
2. Short Answer Questions: (4 marks)
 a. It is important to wear appropriate clothing for the task being performed in a
work environment because it helps protect the worker from injuries. For example,
wearing long pants and a lab coat when working with chemicals can protect the
skin from chemical splashes. (2 marks)
 b. The appropriate dress code for working with machinery in a workshop typically
includes wearing close-fitting clothing, tied back hair, and no loose jewelry. This
is important to prevent clothing or hair from getting caught in moving parts of
machinery, which can cause serious injuries. (2 marks)
Section C: Practising Appropriate Safety Procedures

1. Multiple Choice Questions: (3 marks)

 a. ii. At all times (2 marks)
 b. iii. Stop and ask for clarification (1 mark)

Total Marks: 25

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