Grade 8 Pre Technical Studies Schemes of Work Term 1

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SCHOOL: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



TERM 1 YEAR: 2024

TEACHER’S NAME: ……………………………………………….… TSC NO……………………………………

We L Strand Sub- Specific-Learning outcomes Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessm Reflectio
ek es strand Question(S) Resources ent n
so Method
n s
2 1- Safety Safety By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: Why is safety Workshop Questio
5 practices learner should be able to: important in Measuring n and
in the and marking Answer
 Use charts and pictures to identify the work
working various personal safety wear in the tools Observ
a)identify potential safety threats environment? Workshop
environ work environment ation
in a work environment, attire such as;
ment  Prepare a catalogue of different Checkli
dress codes for various tasks in the overcoats,
b)choose appropriate dress code aprons, shoes, st
work environment Written
for various tasks in the work  Watch video clips on safety How do you goggles
environment, practices in different work observe safety Career
environments brochures, Rubrics
in the work career Project
 Role-play appropriate safety
c)practice the appropriate safety environment? magazines Practica
behaviour while in the work
procedures in the work environment Digital l work
environment,  Arrange the work environment to devices such
enhance safety as; computer,

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d)arrange the work environment  Discuss the importance of safety in laptop, smart
to enhance safety, the work environment phone, tablets
 Visit any work environment in the Workshop
school and the community to rules and
e)appreciate the importance of observe how safety is being regulations
safety in a work environment practiced JKF, Pre-
Grade 8
Learners Book,
3 1- Safety Fire By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: Why is fire Career Questio
5 safety learner should be able to: safety brochures, n and
 Watch video clips and brainstorm career Answer
the different causes of fire in the magazines Observ
work environment Digital
a)identify the possible causes of ation
 Use digital media and pictures to devices such
fire in the work environment, identify injuries caused by fire in as; computer,
the work environment How can you laptop, smart st
phone, tablets Written
b)describe injuries caused by fire deal with a
 Discuss ways of preventing fire Workshop test
in the work environment, fire outbreak
outbreak in a work environment rules and Rubrics
in your regulations on Project
 Discuss ways of preventing fire
c)propose ways of preventing fire with regards to right to safe locality? fire safety Practica
outbreak in the work buildings, right to information Firefighting l work
environment, regarding safety and right to safety equipment
labels such as “exit” in buildings JKF, Pre-
d)relate the type of fire injury and  Role-play First Aid procedures on technical
management of fire burns and Education,,
the corresponding First Aid Grade 8
smoke choking in the work
requirements, environment Learners Book,
 Discuss the need for fire escape in Pg.3-4
e)apply basic fire-fighting the work environment
methods applicable in a work  Use charts to sketch various fire
environment, escape routes for different work
 Watch video clips to observe and
f)appreciate the need for record fire-fighting methods in a
observing fire safety in the work work
environment  In pairs, role play different
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firefighting methods
 Visit different work environments in
the locality to observe how fire
safety is enhanced
5 1- Safety Electric By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: Why is Career Questio
5 al learner should be able to: electrical safety brochures, n and
 Use digital media and pictures to important? career Answer
identify and describe electric shocks magazines Observ
a)Identify electricity related and burns in the work environment How can you Digital
injuries in the work environment,  ation
Watch video clips and discuss ensure safety devices such
causes of electric shocks and burns from electrical as; computer,
b)describe causes of electrical at work environments injuries in the laptop, smart st
injuries in the work environment,  Use visual aids to discuss different work place? phone, tablets
ways of preventing electric shocks Workshop test
and burns in the work environment rules and Rubrics
c)analyse ways of preventing  Use charts to relate the type of regulations on Project
electricity-related injuries in the injury and the corresponding First electric fire Practica
work environment, Aid requirements safety l work
 Role-play First Aid procedures on Electric
d)relate the type of injury and the management of electric shock in the firefighting
corresponding First Aid work environment equipment
 Develop a catalogue of safety JKF, Pre-
requirements, practices related to electricity in the technical
work environment Education,,
e)appreciate the need for  Share and comment on each other’s Grade 8
electrical safety in the work catalogue of safety practices related Learners Book,
environment to electricity in the work Pg.5-7
6 1- Materials Composi By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: How can you Concrete, Questio
5 te learner should be able to: identify a bricks, n and
materials  Use visual aids and realia to identify composite manufactured Answer
8 materials made of composites boards, stone, Observ
a)identify common composite material? papier-mâché
(concrete, bricks, manufactured ation
materials in the locality, boards, stone, papier-mâché and and plastic
coated paper
plastic coated paper among others)
b)describe the composition of Why are among others st
 Collect items made of composite
Career Written
common composite materials in materials in the locality composite
 Classify the collected composite brochures, test
the locality, materials
materials according to their career Rubrics
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functions important? magazines Project
c)explain the uses of common  Discuss, in pairs, the constituent JKF, Pre- Practica
materials of the composites, technical l work
composite materials in the
 Discuss the importance of seeking Education,,
locality, information on product use and Grade 8
reading labels on products to ensure Learners Book,
d)match careers available in the compliance to conditions of use, Pg.8-9
locality to various uses of  Watch video clips and visual aids to
composite materials, observe and note the different uses
of composite materials
 Tour the locality and note the
e)acknowledge the importance of various careers related to composite
composite materials used in the materials
9 1- Materials CERAM By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: How can you Earthenware, Questio
5 IC learner should be able to:  Use visual aids and realia to identify identify an stoneware and n and
items made of ceramic materials porcelain Answer
item made of
(earthenware, stoneware and among others Observ
a)identify common ceramic ceramic Career
porcelain among others), ation
materials in the locality,  Collect items made of ceramic materials? brochures,
materials in the locality,
b)describe the basic properties of  Categorise the collected ceramic Why are magazines st
Digital Written
ceramic materials in the locality, materials according to their ceramic
functions, devices such test
 Discuss, in pairs, the composition of important? as; computer, Rubrics
c)explain the uses of common laptop, smart Project
ceramic materials,
ceramic materials in the locality,  Discuss the importance of seeking phone, tablets\ Practica
information on product use and JKF, Pre- l work
d)match careers in the locality to reading labels on products to ensure technical
ceramic materials, compliance to conditions of use, Education,,
 Watch video clips and visual aids to Grade 8
observe and note the different uses Learners Book,
e) Acknowledge the importance Pg.10-14
of items made of ceramic materials,
of ceramic materials used in the  Tour the locality and note the
locality. various careers related to ceramic

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10 1- Project: By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: What are the Composite Questio
5 Making learner should be able to:  Point out and discuss existing problems in materials n and
items problems in their community that Ceramics Answer
from require a solution using skills in the Career Observ
a)identify a problem in the community brochures,
ceramics technical field ation
community which requires a  Brainstorm on how the identified that can be career
or solution using ceramic or solved using magazines
problem affects the community
composit composite materials, ceramic or Digital st
 Suggest the technical skills that may
e devices such Written
be used to solve the identified composite
materials problem as; computer, test
b)describe how the problem materials?
 Collect sort and use locally laptop, smart Rubrics
affects the community, phone, tablets Project
available materials to make simple
items to solve the identified JKF, Pre- Practica
c)determine the skills needed to problem. technical l work
solve the problem in the Education,,
community, Grade 8
Learners Book,
d)make a simple item using
ceramic or composite materials
to solve the identified problem
11 1- Project: By the end of the lesson, the In groups, the learner is guided to: What are the Composite Questio
5 Making learner should be able to:  Point out and discuss existing problems in materials n and
items problems in their community that Ceramics Answer
from require a solution using skills in the Career Observ
a)identify a problem in the community brochures,
ceramics technical field ation
community which requires a  Brainstorm on how the identified that can be career
or solution using ceramic or solved using magazines
problem affects the community
composit composite materials, st
 Suggest the technical skills that may ceramic or Digital
e devices such Written
be used to solve the identified composite
materials problem as; computer, test
b)describe how the problem materials?
 Collect sort and use locally laptop, smart Rubrics
affects the community, phone, tablets Project
available materials to make simple
items to solve the identified JKF, Pre- Practica
c)determine the skills needed to problem. technical l work
solve the problem in the Education,,
community, Grade 8
Learners Book,
d)make a simple item using

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ceramic or composite materials
to solve the identified problem

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