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Using Tables for Arithmetic Calculations

a. Create a Table

 Insert a table by going to the Insert tab and selecting Table.

 Choose the number of rows and columns needed.

b. Enter Numbers

 Enter the numbers you want to perform calculations on into the table cells.

c. Using Formulas in Tables

 Place the cursor in the cell where you want the result to appear.
 Go to the Table Tools - Layout tab.
 Click on Formula in the Data group.
 In the Formula dialog box, enter the formula you need. For example:
 To add numbers in the same column: =SUM(ABOVE)
 To add numbers in the same row: =SUM(LEFT)

d. Available Functions

 SUM: Adds the values.

 AVERAGE: Calculates the average.
 PRODUCT: Multiplies the values.
 MAX: Finds the maximum value.
 MIN: Finds the minimum value.

3. Using Google Docs for Arithmetic Calculations

a. Using Google Sheets for Complex Calculations

 Open Google Docs.

 Go to Insert -> Table to create a table.
 For complex calculations, use Google Sheets:
 Open Google Sheets from the Google Docs menu by going to File -> New -> Spreadsheet.
 Enter your data and perform calculations using Google Sheets functions.
 Copy the results and paste them back into your Google Docs table.

4. Demonstrating Arithmetic Calculations

Example 1: Basic Addition

 Type =10+20.
 Highlight 10+20.
 Click the Calculate icon.
 The result (30) will appear in the status bar.

Example 2: Sum in a Table

1. Create a Table:
 Insert a 2x2 table.
 Enter 10 in the first cell, 20 in the cell below it, and leave the second column empty.
2. Add Values:
 Place the cursor in the empty cell in the second column.
 Go to Layout -> Formula -> type =SUM(ABOVE) and click OK.

Example 3: Using Google Sheets

1. Open Google Sheets:

 Create a new Google Sheet from Google Docs.
2. Perform Calculations:
 Enter 10 in cell A1 and 20 in cell A2.
 In cell A3, type =SUM(A1:A2) and press Enter.
 The result ( 30) appears in cell A3.

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