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Week 6 2.

Selective amnesia – forget only the

disturbing particulars that take place
dissociative identity disorder (multiple
during a certain period of time
personality) - classified as a dissociative
3. Generalized amnesia – people forget
their entire lives
- Grouping of psychological disorders 4. Continuous amnesia – forgets
characterized by changes in everything that occurred from a
disturbances in the functions of self – particular point in time up to and
identity, memory, or consciousness including the present
5. Systematized amnesia – memory loss is
somatic symptom and related disorders – specific to a particular category of
physical complaints that defy medical information
explanation and so are believed to involve
underling psychological conflicts or issues  Implicit Memory – requires no
Earlier versions of DSM classified somatic knowledge (ex. biking, typing, etc.)
symptom and related disorders with anxiety  Explicit Memory – requires knowledge
disorders in a category of “neurosis”
Malingering – faking symptoms or making false
Dissociative Disorders claims for personal gain

dissociative disorders – dissociative identity Fugue (“amnesia on the run”) – person may
disorder, dissociative amnesia, and travel suddenly and unexpectedly from his or
depersonalization/derealization disorder her home or place of work

Dissociative Identity Disorder  fugue derives from the Latin fugere,

meaning “flight.”
dissociative identity disorder (DID) / multiple
personality or split personality – Emergence of Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
two or more distinct personalities, each having
Depersonalization – temporary loss or change
its own well-defined traits and memories
in the usual sense of our own reality
Alters – the different personalities residing
Derealization – a sense of unreality about the
Dissociative Amnesia (psychogenic amnesia) – external world involving odd changes in the
Inability to recall important personal material perception of one’s surroundings or in the
that cannot be accounted for by medical causes passage of time

 Amnesia derives from the Greek roots Theoretical Perspectives

a-, meaning “not,” and mnasthai,
Psychodynamic Views
meaning “to remember.”
 dissociative disorders involve the
Dissociative amnesia is divided into five distinct
massive use of repression, resulting in
types of memory problems:
the splitting off from consciousness of
1. Localized amnesia – events occurring unacceptable impulses and painful
during a specific time period are lost to memories, typically involving parental
memory abuse
 Dissociative amnesia may serve an Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
adaptive function of disconnecting or
somatic derives from the Greek soma, meaning
dissociating one’s conscious self from
awareness of traumatic experiences or
other sources of psychological pain or somatic symptom and related disorders
conflict (somatoform disorders) – may have physical
 dissociative identity disorder, people (“somatic”) symptoms without an identifiable
may express these unacceptable physical cause or have excessive concerns about
impulses through the development of the nature or meaning of their symptoms
alternate personalities
Somatic Symptom Disorder
 depersonalization, people stand outside
themselves somatic symptom disorder (SSD) – excessively
concerned about their symptoms to the extent
Social-Cognitive Theory
that it affects their thoughts, feelings, and
 psychologically distancing oneself from behaviors in daily life
disturbing memories or emotions
 hypochondriasis – believed their
 form of role-playing acquired through
symptoms were due to a serious,
observational learning and
undetected illness, such as cancer or
heart disease, despite medical
Brain Dysfunction reassurance to the contrary; can lead to
 possible dysfunction in parts of the
brain involved in body perception, may Illness Anxiety Disorder
help account for the feeling of being
illness anxiety disorder (IAD) – anxiety
disconnected from one’s body that is
associated with illness rather than the distress
characteristic of depersonalization
the symptoms cause
Diathesis–Stress Model
 it’s not the symptoms they find so
 children who experience extreme troubling—symptoms such as vague
trauma eventually develop multiple aches and pains or a passing feeling of
personalities tightness in the abdomen or chest.
 prone to fantasize, are highly Rather, it’s the fear of what these
hypnotizable, and are open to altered symptoms might mean
states of consciousness, may be more  care-avoidant subtype – postpone or
likely than others to develop avoid medical visits or lab tests because
dissociative experiences in the face of of high levels of anxiety about what
traumatic abuse might be discovered
 care-seeking subtype – go doctor
Treatment of Dissociative Disorders
shopping, basically jumping from doctor
Much of the research interest on treating to doctor in the hope of finding the one
dissociative identity disorder focuses on medical professional who might confirm
integrating the alter personalities into a their worst fears
cohesive personality structure
Conversion Disorder
Conversion disorder (functional neurological According to psychodynamic theory, hysterical
symptom disorder) – affect the ability to control symptoms are functional: They allow the person
voluntary movements or that impair sensory to achieve primary gains and secondary gains
functions, such as an inability to see, hear, or
 primary gain of the symptoms is to
feel tactile stimulation
allow the individual to keep internal
 Conversion disorder was formerly called conflicts repressed
hysteria or hysterical neurosis  allow the individual to avoid
burdensome responsibilities and to gain
Factitious Disorder
the support
Factitious disorder – fake or manufacture
Learning Theory
physical or psychological symptoms, but
without any apparent motive From the learning perspective, people with
somatic symptom and related disorders may
1. factitious disorder on self – faking or
also carry the benefits, or reinforcing
inducing symptoms in oneself
properties, of the “sick role.”
 Münchausen syndrome (Baron Karl von
Münchausen) People with hypochondriasis, which is now
labeled somatic symptom disorder or illness
2. factitious disorder imposed on another anxiety disorder, are often bothered by
– inducing symptoms in others obsessive, anxiety inducing thoughts about the
state of their health.
Koro and Dhat Syndromes: Far Eastern Somatic
Symptom Disorders? Cognitive Theory

Koro Syndrome – fear that their genitals are cognitive perspective, we can think about
shrinking and retracting into their bodies, which hypochondriasis in some cases as a type of self-
they believe will result in death handicapping strategy, a way of blaming poor
performance on failing health
Dhat Syndrome – involves excessive fears over
the loss of seminal fluid in nocturnal emissions, Brain Dysfunction
in urine, or through masturbation
investigators proposed that conversion
Theoretical Perspectives symptoms may involve a disconnect or
impairment in the neural connections between
Hippocrates prescribed marriage as a “cure” on
parts of the brain that control certain functions
the basis of these observations and also on the
(speech, for example) and other parts involved
theoretical assumption that pregnancy would
in regulating anxiety
satisfy uterine needs and fix the organ in place
Treatment of Somatic Symptom and Related
Hippocrates’s mistaken belief in the “wandering
uterus” has contributed throughout the
centuries to degrading interpretations of Psychoanalysis seeks to uncover and bring into
women’s complaints of physical problems conscious awareness unconscious conflicts that
originated in childhood
Psychodynamic Theory
The behavioral approach to treatment focuses
on removing sources of secondary
reinforcement (or secondary gain) that may Asthma
become connected with physical complaints
Asthma – main tubes of the windpipe—the
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has achieved bronchi— constrict and become inflamed, and
good results in hypochondriasis, which is now large amounts of mucus are secreted
classified as somatic symptom disorder or
illness anxiety disorder
exposure with response prevention – can help
patients with somatic symptom disorder and Cancer – development of aberrant, or mutant,
illness anxiety disorder break the pattern of cells that form growths (tumors) that spread to
running to doctors for reassurance whenever healthy tissue
they experience some worrisome, health-
related concerns Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Health Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

– caused by the human immunodeficiency virus
psychosomatic disorders – physical disorders in (HIV)
which psychological factors are believed to play
a causal or contributing role HIV attacks the immune system, leaving it
helpless to fend off diseases it normally would
 psychosomatic is derived from the hold in check
Greek roots psyche, meaning “soul” or
“intellect,” and soma, which means


Migraines – involve intense throbbing pain on

one side of the head

Biofeedback training (BFT) – helps people gain

control over various bodily functions

Cardiovascular Disease

cardiovascular disease (CVD) or heart and

artery disease – leading cause of death in the
United States

Coronary heart disease (CHD) – major form of

cardiovascular disease

Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) –

artery walls become thicker, harder, and less

heart attack (myocardial infarction) – life-

threatening event in which heart tissue dies
because of a lack of oxygen-rich blood

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