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Імітація №1 від

Усього балів 27/32

1) Which advertisement is about *1/1


a) Entertainment

b) Kids day

c) Sightseeing

d) Theatregoing

e) Handcraft

f) Environmental protection

g) Cinema

h) Reading books

2) Which advertisement is about *1/1


a) Entertainment

b) Kids day

c) Sightseeing

d) Theatregoing

e) Handcraft

f) Environmental protection

g) Cinema

h) Reading books

3) Which advertisement is about *1/1


a) Entertainment

b) Kids day

c) Sightseeing

d) Theatregoing

e) Handcraft

f) Environmental protection

g) Cinema

h) Reading books

4) Which advertisement is about *1/1


a) Entertainment

b) Kids day

c) Sightseeing

d) Theatregoing

e) Handcraft

f) Environmental protection

g) Cinema

h) Reading books

5) Which advertisement is about *1/1


a) Entertainment

b) Kids day

c) Sightseeing

d) Theatregoing

e) Handcraft

f) Environmental protection

g) Cinema

h) Reading books

Reading 6-10 *1/1

As the morning sun peeks through

my window, its golden rays casting
a warm glow upon my room, I am
drawn to the comforting aroma
wafting from the kitchen. It's not
the scent of pancakes or bacon
that beckons me, but rather the
rich, earthy fragrance of freshly
brewed coffee. This daily ritual has
become a cornerstone of my life, a
ritual that transcends mere caffeine
consumption and delves into the
realm of artistry and culture.

Coffee, to me, is more than just a

beverage; it's a journey. It begins
with the selection of beans, each
variety possessing its own unique
flavor profile and story. Whether it's
the bold intensity of a dark roast
from Ethiopia or the smooth
elegance of a Colombian medium
roast, every cup tells a tale of its
origins, its journey from farm to

Grinding the beans is an essential

step in the process, a ritualistic
dance between man and machine
that releases the aromatic oils
trapped within. The rhythmic whir
of the grinder, the gentle hum of the
coffee maker – these sounds
compose the symphony of my
mornings, setting the stage for the
sensory experience that awaits.

And then, there's the brewing itself

– a delicate balance of water
temperature, grind size, and
brewing time. It's a science, yes, but
also an art. Each method – be it
pour-over, French press, or
espresso – yields its own nuances,
its own expression of flavor. Like a
painter with a palette of colors, I
experiment with different brewing
techniques, each one unlocking
new dimensions of taste and

But coffee is not just about the

drink itself; it's about the
community it fosters. Whether it's
sharing a cup with friends at a cozy
café or striking up a conversation
with the barista behind the counter,
coffee has a way of bringing people
together, transcending barriers of
age, culture, and background. It's a
universal language, spoken and
understood by all who partake in its

6) What metaphor does the author

use to describe the process of
grinding coffee beans?

a) A symphony

b) A dance

c) A journey

d) A painting

7) According to the passage, what *1/1

role does coffee play in the author's

a) It's a daily necessity

b) It's a symbol of independence

c) It's an art form

d) It's a social activity

8) How does the author describe *1/1

the aroma of freshly brewed

a) Sweet and fruity

b) Rich and earthy

c) Salty and savory

d) Floral and delicate

9) What comparison does the *0/1

author make between brewing
coffee and art?

a) Both require precision and technique

b) Both involve mixing colors

c) Both are subjective experiences

d) Both require expensive materials

Правильна відповідь

a) Both require precision and technique

10) According to the passage, *1/1

what does coffee have the power to

a) Bring people together

b) Cause addiction

c) Induce sleep

d) Enhance productivity

11) Reading 11-16 *1/1

Select a title for the text

During my recent trip to the bustling

streets of Tokyo, I was immersed in
a world of vibrant culture and
innovation. From the neon-lit
skyscrapers of Shinjuku to the
serene gardens of Kyoto, Japan
captivated me with its blend of
tradition and modernity. Sampling
sushi at the famous Tsukiji Fish
Market and experiencing the
tranquility of a traditional tea
ceremony were among the
highlights of my journey

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

12) Select a title for the text *1/1

Venturing into the mystical

landscapes of Morocco was like
stepping into a scene from Arabian
Nights. Wandering through the
bustling souks of Marrakech, with
their vibrant colors and exotic
aromas, was a sensory delight.
Exploring the ancient medina of Fez
and spending a night under the
stars in the Sahara Desert were
experiences that transported me to
another world

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

13) Select a title for the text *1/1

Embarking on a safari adventure in

the Serengeti National Park was a
wildlife enthusiast's dream come
true. Witnessing the Great
Migration, with thousands of
wildebeest and zebra thundering
across the savanna, was a
spectacle like no other. Camping in
the heart of the African wilderness
and encountering majestic lions,
elephants, and giraffes made this
safari an unforgettable expedition

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

14) Select a title for the text *1/1

Exploring the ancient ruins of

Machu Picchu was a dream come
true for me. As I hiked along the
Inca Trail, surrounded by mist-
shrouded mountains and lush cloud
forests, I felt a profound sense of
connection to the past. Standing
atop the iconic Sun Gate and
witnessing the sunrise over the
sacred citadel was a moment I'll
cherish forever

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

15) Select a title for the text *1/1

My backpacking adventure through

the rugged landscapes of
Patagonia was nothing short of
exhilarating. Trekking through the
towering peaks of Torres del Paine
National Park and camping under
the starlit sky left me in awe of
nature's grandeur. Crossing glacial
rivers and encountering diverse
wildlife made this journey an
unforgettable experience

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

16) Select a title for the text *1/1

From the lively Ramblas to the

architectural wonders of Gaudí,
Barcelona offers a captivating
blend of culture and history.
Strolling through the narrow
alleyways of the Gothic Quarter, I
marveled at medieval buildings
juxtaposed with modern art
installations. Indulging in tapas and
sipping sangria at bustling outdoor
cafes, I embraced the city's lively
atmosphere and warm hospitality.
Climbing to the top of Montjuïc, I
was rewarded with panoramic
views of the city and the sparkling
Mediterranean Sea beyond.
Barcelona's vibrant energy and
artistic charm left an indelible mark
on my soul, making it a journey I'll
cherish forever

a) Panoramic views of the sea

b) Glacial experience

c) Ancient ruins

d) Overnight stay with animals

e) A nature lover's dream

f) Tokyo is characterized by innovation

g) Unforgettable tea

h) Experience under the stars

17) *1/1
Every summer, the vibrant city of
Barcelona (17) ________. This
celebration, known as "Festa Major
d'Estiu," is a delightful
amalgamation of music, dance, art,
and culture. Locals and tourists
alike eagerly anticipate this event,
which showcases the rich diversity
and creativity of Barcelona's

One of the highlights of the festival

is the plethora of live music
performances (18) _______. From
traditional Catalan music to
contemporary international acts,
there is something to suit every
musical taste. The streets pulse
with energy as musicians serenade
crowds (19) _______, creating an
electrifying atmosphere that is truly

In addition to the music, the festival

also offers a feast for the senses
with its colorful street parades and
artistic displays. Flamboyant
costumes, intricate floats, and
mesmerizing street (20) ________.
Visitors can wander through the
streets, taking in the sights and
sounds of this vibrant celebration
at every turn.

For those seeking a taste of

Catalan culture, the festival
provides ample opportunities to
indulge in traditional cuisine and
customs. Food stalls line the
streets, offering a tantalizing array
of local delicacies, from freshly
grilled seafood to savory tapas.
Meanwhile, workshops and
demonstrations (21) _______, from
dance and music to crafts and

As the sun sets over the

Mediterranean, (22) _______, with
fireworks lighting up the sky and
revelers dancing until the early
hours. The summer festival in
Barcelona is a testament to the
city's spirit of creativity, diversity,
and joie de vivre, leaving a lasting
impression on all who have the
pleasure of experiencing it.

a) where exactly the rallies take place

because of the festival

b) comes alive with the excitement of

its annual summer festival

c) allow visitors to be moved to tears

d) that take place across the city

e) performers transform the city into a

playground of visual delight

f) allow visitors to immerse themselves in

Catalan traditions

g) gathered in squares and parks

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