Weak and Strong Forms of Function Words Answer Key

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I.S.P. N˚8 “Alte.

Teacher Education & Translation Programme
Phonology II
Source: Adapted from Hewings, M. (2007) English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced). United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.

Weak and strong forms of function words


1. ǁ ə ðeɪ ˈ ɪk iˑtʃ ʌðəǁ

2. ǁ ɪ ˈsɔ: sʌmbədi ət ə ˈwɪndə ǁ
3. ǁðə wəz ə ˈletə fɹəm hɪz ˈbrʌðəǁ
4. ǁðə ʃud bi səm ˈmɔːr ɪ ə 'bɒksǁ
5. ǁwi wə ˈgə ɪŋ tə ˈsi: hə ˈph ərə tsǁ
6. ǁ ə ðeɪ ˈ ɪk iˑtʃ ʌðəǁ
7. ǁ ʃi ˈ ʌz t ˈ k əz ˈə ɫd əz miǁ
8. ǁˈwen də ju get ðə rɪˈzʌɫts əv jɔː 'tʰestsǁ
9. ǁ aɪ wəz ət ˈhə ɱ fɹəm ˈ ɪt əˈk ɒk ǁ

The reason why some function words are in the strong form is given in brackets.
Example a S (“some” is use at end of the sentence; it is stranded) b W
1. a W b S (I se te ce b “ca ” is emphasised)
2. a W b S ( “were” is co traste with “were 't” )
3. a W b S (“from” is co traste with “for”)
4. a S (“for” is used at the end of the sentence; it is stranded) b W

A: Do1 you know any good restaurants in Brockhurst?
B: Well, I haven't been there2 for years, but there3 used to be some4 very good restaurants. The
Oyster was the5 place to eat seafood.
A: Mmm. I do6 like seafood.
B: But I'm sure any of the7 restaurants there will be good.

Weak form/Strong form: When a modal verb or an auxiliary verb occurs in initial position in a
question, it can take its weak or strong form. In general, most native speakers use the weak form.
Strong form: “there” is used as an adverb of place.
Weak form: “there” is use to show existe ce.
I.S.P. N˚8 “Alte. Brown”
Teacher Education & Translation Programme
Phonology II
Source: Adapted from Hewings, M. (2007) English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced). United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.

Weak form: “some” is fo owe by a cou tab e ou i the p ura form. This is a common context
for the wor “some”.
Stro g form: “the” is use for emphasis.
Strong form: “ o” is use for emphasis.
Weak form: “the” is ot use for emphasis.

A: Have1 you tried turning the tap off?
B: Yes, I have2. But it's stuck.
A: Did you ask anyone for help?
B: No. Look, why don't you try?
A: Okay. Hmmm. There3 must be some4 way of doing it.
B: I did tell you it was stuck.
A: There5. It just needed some6 strength! Anyone could have7 done it.

Weak form/Strong form: When an auxiliary verb occurs in initial position in a yes/no question, it
can take its weak or strong form. In general, most native speakers use the weak form.
Stro g form: “Have” is stressed.
Weak form: “There” is use to show existe ce.
Strong form: “some” is fo owe by a cou tab e ou i the si gu ar form. This is ot commo .
“some” is use to emphasise the i ea that there must be a way.
Stro g form: “There” is used as an adverb of place.
Weak form: “some” is fo owe by a u cou tab e ou . This is a commo co text for “some”.
“Some” is ot use for emphasis here.
Weak form: “have” is use as a auxi iary verb.

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