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Main psychological problem: Living in space can feel cramped because there's not much
room, even though astronauts have amazing views outside. This lack of space and sharing
close quarters with others can be challenging for astronauts.

3. Consequences of zero gravity: Living without gravity for a long time can cause health issues
for astronauts, both while they're in space and when they return to Earth. It can affect things like
how they eat, sleep, and even how their bodies work.

4. Another danger for astronauts: Outside Earth's atmosphere, astronauts are exposed to high
levels of radiation. This radiation, especially during solar flares, can be very harmful and even

2. Source of data about long-term effects: Scientists learn about the long-term effects of space
living from studying astronauts who have spent a lot of time in space, like those on the ISS, and
from past space missions, like those to the Mir space station.

1. Main difference between living on Earth and living in space: The biggest difference is the lack
of gravity in space. It affects everything from how astronauts move around to how they eat and
sleep. It also causes changes in their bodies that can lead to health problems.

5. Main psychological problem: The main psychological problem about living in space is the
distinct lack of space and the confinement astronauts experience in their living quarters, despite
the vastness of the views outside.

3. Consequences of zero gravity: Living with zero gravity for a long time can lead to complex
changes in the human body, both short-term and long-term, which can cause health problems
both in space and upon return to Earth.

4. Another danger for astronauts: High radiation levels outside Earth's atmosphere, especially
during solar flares, pose a significant danger to astronauts and can be immediately

2. Source of data about long-term effects: Most of the data about the long-term effects of living
in space come from years of research and experience gathered from astronauts living aboard
space stations like the ISS, as well as from previous missions such as those to the Mir space

1. Main difference between living on Earth and living in space: The main difference between
living on Earth and living in space is the absence of gravity, which profoundly affects daily
activities such as eating, sleeping, and even bodily functions, leading to complex changes in the
human body.

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