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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161

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A novel class of Pecten maximus POU gene, PmaPOU-IV: Characterization

and expression in adult tissues
Vanessa Lozano, Roi Martínez-Escauriaza, Cristóbal Bernardo-Castiñeira, Crimgilt Mesías-Gansbiller,
Antonio J. Pazos, José L. Sánchez, M. Luz Pérez-Parallé ⁎
Laboratorio de Biología Molecular y del Desarrollo, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Instituto de Acuicultura, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,
15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: POU genes encode a class of DNA-binding proteins that interact with DNA through a bipartite domain of ~150
Received 13 September 2013 amino acids. This domain is composed of two highly conserved regions, an N-terminal POU specific domain
Received in revised form 15 January 2014 and a C-terminal POU homeodomain, separated by a non-conserved linker. POU domain proteins are currently
Accepted 18 January 2014
grouped into six or seven classes. In a variety of organisms, including Drosophila, Caenorhabditis and vertebrates,
Available online 7 February 2014
POU proteins have been shown to play critical roles in the development and functioning of the nervous and neu-
roendocrine systems. POU-IV class genes regulate neuronal metazoan development, including a range of sensory
Bivalve mollusc neurons. However in Lophotrochozoa, their presence, function and expression is not well studied, especially in
Expression the phylum Mollusca.
Homeodomain In this study, we have isolated and fully sequenced a homologue of the vertebrate Brn-3 gene from the bivalve
Pecten maximus mollusc Pecten maximus (L.), which we have called PmaPOU-IV. The derived amino acid sequence exhibits
POU domain characteristic features of POU-IV proteins. First, the new sequence includes a POU-specific domain and a POU-
POU-IV genes homeodomain. Second, PmaPOU-IV contains a POU-IV box, found only in the proteins of class IV. Third, the Pecten
POU-IV bipartite domain shares a significant amino acid sequence identity with other members of the POU-IV
class. Finally, phylogenetic analyses confirm that PmaPOU-IV is an orthologue of POU-IV genes. We have also in-
vestigated by reverse transcription quantitative real time PCR (RT-qPCR) the expression pattern of PmaPOU-IV in
adult tissues. PmaPOU-IV was expressed in several sensory organs and gonads but was undetectable in both
muscle and the digestive gland. Our findings support the belief that POU class IV genes involved in the terminal
neuronal differentiation are still operating in the adult nervous system.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction these two segments that can vary from 15 to 56 amino acids in length.
Both subdomains contain helix-turn-helix motifs that bind to the DNA
Transcriptional factors play essential roles in the regulation of devel- (Herr and Cleary, 1995).
opment and differentiation including cell-type specification. One partic- POU domain proteins have been identified from a diverse range of
ularly interesting type of transcription factors is POU family. The POU species as divergent as C. elegans (Bürglin et al., 1989), Drosophila
family was defined following the observation that the proteins encoded (Billin et al., 1991), Xenopus (Agarwal and Sato, 1991), zebrafish
by three mammalian genes, Pit-1, Oct-1 and Oct-2 and the product of the (Johansen et al., 1993), and humans (Herr et al., 1988). POU proteins
Caenorhabditis elegans gene unc-86 shared a region of homology, known are known to regulate many fundamental developmental and homeo-
as the POU domain. POU transcription factors are also characterized by static processes, such as embryogenesis and histone gene expression
the presence of a highly conserved homeodomain (Herr et al., 1988). (Phillips and Luisi, 2000). In a variety of organisms, including verte-
The bipartite POU domain varies from 150 to 191 amino acids in length brates and Drosophila these genes seem to carry out essential functions
and contains two major regions of very high homology —a ~75-amino- for organ development and cellular differentiation. Several members of
acid N-terminal POU specific domain (POUSD) and a 60-amino-acid C- the POU family have also been implicated in the control of development
terminal POU-homeodomain (POUHD). A hypervariable linker joins and function of the neuroendocrine system (Andersen and Rosenfeld,
There are six or seven distinct gene families within the POU class
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 881816049; fax: +34 981 547165. (POU I to POU VII) based on the amino acid sequence of their POU do-
E-mail addresses: (V. Lozano),
(R. Martínez-Escauriaza), (C. Mesías-Gansbiller),
mains and on the conservation of the variable linker region. The (A.J. Pazos), (J.L. Sánchez), neuronally expressed Pit proteins define Class I. The ubiquitously (M.L. Pérez-Parallé). expressed Oct-1 and Oct-2 are representative of type II. Brn1, 2, 4 and

0022-0981/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

V. Lozano et al. / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161 155

Tst-1, involved in central nervous system development are included in A 614 bp fragment was generated using RACE procedures with the
class III. Members of the IV class are involved in neural development primer 5′ GTACGCTTGCGCTTTTTGTCAGC 3′ that corresponds to nt 208
within embryonic and adult neural tissues. Type V proteins are involved to 230 of HasPOU-IV (AF231943, O'Brien and Degnan, 2000) (Table 1).
in early embryogenesis like Oct-3, 4. Type VI proteins, such as RPF-1, are The PCR reaction mixture contained 1.5 μl cDNA, 0.1 mM of the primer,
expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) while it seems that type 1 μl of 50× Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix, 5 μl of 10× Advantage 2 PCR
VII proteins are critical for early developmental stages (CEH-18) Buffer and 0.2 mM dNTPs in a final volume of 50 μl. PCR was performed
(Phillips and Luisi, 2000; Ryan and Rosenfeld, 1997). at 94 °C (2 min), followed by 30 cycles (94 °C, 30 s; 62 °C, 30 s; 72 °C,
The POU-IV class proteins have critical functions in vertebrate CNSs 1 min) and an additional extension at 72 °C for 3 min on a Biometra
and sensory organs. POU-IV genes like Brn-3 and unc-86 appear to be thermocycler.
neural genes involved in the differentiation of sensory neurons, as dem- RACE PCR products were purified by using a MiniElute Gel Extraction
onstrated in the gastropod Haliotis, the insect Drosophila, the nematode Kit (Qiagen, Germany) and later cloned by the pGem-T Easy Vector Sys-
C. elegans and in vertebrates. Brn-3 genes are involved in mouse neural tem II (Promega, WI, USA). DNA from individual clones, obtained using
development especially in the development of the sensory cells involved a GenElute Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Sigma, MO, USA), was double strand
in vision, hearing and olfaction (Latchmann, 1999). The Drosophila Brn- sequenced by using an ABI Prism dRhodamine Terminator Cycle Se-
3-homologue (iPOU) is expressed in the visual and chemosensory sys- quencing kit (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA).
tems and acts as a transcriptional repressor in the central and peripheral Based on the sequence, gene-specific primers were designed to carry
nervous system from late embryonic to adult stages (Certel et al., 2000). out the 5′and 3′RACE on SMART cDNA. These primers (Thermo Scientif-
The C. elegans unc-86 POU protein is required for the commitment of ic Inc. Germany) are listed in Table 1. The amplification of the 3′and 5′
several sensory and motor neuroblast lineages as well as for the specifi- regions of the gene was performed following the standard RACE proto-
cation and maintenance of particular neural phenotypes (Finney and cols using the cycling parameters described above with an annealing
Ruvkin, 1990). In Cnidaria, AurBrn3, a POU-IV homologue is expressed temperature of 65 °C. These products were similarly cloned and se-
during sensory cell development (Nakanishi et al., 2010). In the primi- quenced, and the contig was generated with the program CAP (Huang,
tive bilaterian acoela Neochildia fusca, Brn-1 and 3 genes are expressed 1992) using the BioEdit package (Hall, 1999). The full length coding se-
in distinct subsets of nerve cells in juvenile and adult worms quence of the novel POU gene was deposited in the EMBL-EBI gene bank
(Ramachandra et al., 2002) supporting the hypothesis that POU genes with the indicated accession number FR734404. We assigned a name to
act as transcription factors for neuron type-specific proteins. The ascidi- the new sequences beginning with three letters indicating the abbrevi-
an Ciona intestinalis Ci-POU-IV gene is expressed in the precursor cells of ated species name (the first letter of the genus and the first two letters
the neural system during development and in the neural system of the of the specific epithet) and followed by POU-IV.
larva (Candiani et al., 2005). Finally, in the amphioxus Branchiostoma
floridae, AmphiPOU-IV acts early in the pathway of sensory neural spec-
ification (Candiani et al., 2006). 2.3. Alignments and phylogenetic analyses
Currently, their presence, function and expression in the bilaterian
clade Lophotrochozoa, comprising molluscs, are still unclear (Bassaglia The initial orthology of the PmaPOU-IV gene was tested by searching
et al., 2013; Hedgecock et al., 2005). Two class-IV POU genes have homologous sequences using the Fasta option with the EBI server
been identified in the gastropod Haliotis asinina (O'Brien and Degnan, (Matrix Blosum50, set at default parameters gap open = 10, gap exten-
2000) and in the bivalve Crassostrea gigas (Zhang et al., 2012). In Haliotis sion = 0.1). Amino acid alignments of the deduced PmaPOU-IV protein
POU-III and POU-IV genes have been implicated in the development of with homologous proteins were performed using Clustal W2.1 using
peripheral sensory cells and were expressed in the adult central nervous the POU-specific domain and POU homeodomain regions. The identity
system and in several sensory tissues, as well as in the cerebral and between sequences was calculated as a percentage of identity
pleuropedal ganglia from adults (O'Brien and Degnan, 2002a, 2002b). (100 × number of matches / total number of amino acids).
We have isolated and fully sequenced a homologue of the vertebrate Phylogenetic analyses of the amino acid sequence PmaPOU-IV were
Brn-3 gene from the bivalve mollusc Pecten maximus (L.), which we performed using a distance method, neighbor-joining (NJ) (Felsenstein,
have called PmaPOU-IV. We have also described the expression of this 1996; Saitou and Nei, 1987) and two character methods, maximum par-
class IV gene. This study is the first complete characterization and ex- simony (MP) (Eck and Dayhoff, 1966; Felsenstein, 1996) and maximum
pression analysis of a POU gene in bivalves. likelihood (ML) (Felsenstein, 1996; Jones et al., 1992). NJ, MP and ML
methods were implemented using the MEGA5 package (Tamura et al.,
2. Materials and methods 2011). The trees were inferred using the JTT model of amino acid substi-
tution and gamma distribution with eight discrete categories. The reli-
2.1. Samples ability of the resulting evolutionary tree was tested by bootstrap
analysis using 2000 replicates. A variety of sequences for homologous
For this study, specimens of the great scallop Pecten maximus gene products and Class I, II, III, V and VI POU gene products were select-
(Pectinidae) were collected from the Ría de Pontevedra, Galicia ed for the analyses. The trees were rooted using C. intestinalis POU-like
(Spain). A total of 10 adults were investigated. Digestive gland, gill, as the outgroup.
male and female gonad, adductor muscle, mantle edge (including
eye), cerebropedal ganglia and parietovisceral ganglion were all dissect-
Table 1
ed from adult scallops (Beninger and Le Pennec, 2006). Tissue samples
Oligonucleotide primer sequences and annealing temperatures.
were prepared in RNAlater (Sigma, MO, USA) and stored at − 20 °C
until used. Primer name Primer sequence 5′-3′ °C


2.2. Molecular cloning of PmaPOU-IV from P. maximus

Total RNA extraction was performed from 100 mg of gill tissue using POU Nested 3′ 5′ GCATGGCTTGAGGAAGCTGAGAAACAAG 3′ 65°C
RNAaqueous (Ambion, UK) according to the manufacturer's instruc-
tions. Total RNA was stored at −80 °C. POU RACE 5′ 5′ GGTGTCCATGCATCTGTAACTGTTGACG 3′ 65°C
First strand cDNA was synthesized from 12 μg of total RNA with a
SMART RACE cDNA Amplification kit (Clontech Laboratory Inc. Japan).
Author's personal copy

156 V. Lozano et al. / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161

2.4. Quantitative real-time PCR calculated with the Bio-Rad iQ software V3.1 from the slope of the stan-
dard curve, E = [10(−1/slope) − 1] × 100, E (%) = E × 100. The Cq values
Total RNA was extracted from 20 mg of individual dissected diges- were transformed to quantities by using the equation Q = (1 + E)−Cq.
tive gland, gill (GI), male and female gonad (MG and FG, respectively), The normalized gene expression was calculated as the ratio between Q
adductor muscle, mantle (MT), cerebropedal ganglia (CPG), and and the normalization factor. The normalization factor used was the
parietovisceral ganglion (VG) using NucleoSpin RNA II (Machery- geometric mean of the quantities (Q) of the selected reference genes.
Nagel, Germany). RNA was precipitated with 0.5 volume of lithium The IBM SPSS statistic 19.0 package was used to perform one-way
chloride (LiCl, 7.5 M) and then treated with 1 μl (2U) of DNase (Turbo analyses of variances (ANOVA). Gene expression was log-transformed
DNA-free, Ambion, UK) and stored at −80 °C until used. cDNA was syn- (base 2) to meet the requirements of normality and homogeneity of
thesized using 0.5 μg of RNA with the iScript™cDNA Synthesis kit variances. Post hoc comparisons between tissues were carried out
(BioRad Laboratories, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer's with the Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test. Differences
recommendations. were considered significant when p b 0.05.
For accurate relative quantification of gene expression, a normaliza-
tion using internal reference genes whose expression levels are stable 3. Results and discussion
must be performed (Andersen et al., 2004; Bustin et al., 2009; Pfaffl
et al., 2004; Vandesompele et al., 2002, 2009). A total of 7 candidate ref- 3.1. Sequence, structure and phylogenetic analysis of PmaPOU-IV
erence genes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), NADH
dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 7 (ndufa7), cyto- The entire coding sequence for P. maximus POU-IV gene was isolated
chrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), eukaryotic translation elongation factor by a combination of 3′ and 5′rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE).
1 alpha (ef1a), actin (act), 40S ribosomal protein SA (rpsa), and 18S ribo- 3′ and 5′RACE yielded a cDNA of 1280 bp with an open reading frame
somal RNA (18S) (Table 2), were evaluated using three software applica- of 987 bp (329 amino acid residues). The new gene was designated
tions: NormFinder (Andersen et al., 2004), geNorm (Vandesompele PmaPOU-IV for Pecten maximus class IV-POU. Both nucleotide and
et al., 2002) and BestKeeper (Pfaffl et al., 2004). The candidate reference amino acid sequences are provided in Fig. 1 (EMBL Accession number
genes have been previously used for the normalization of RT-qPCR data FR734404). The derived amino acid sequence exhibits characteristic
by our research group (Mauriz et al., 2012). Primers were designed with features of POU-IV proteins. First, the new sequence includes a POU-
the program OligoAnalyzer 3.1 (Integrated DNA technologies Inc., specific domain (POUSD) near the amino terminus of the putative from the PmaPOU-IV protein between residues 167 and 244 and a POU-
sequences of Table 2. Oligonucleotide primers were synthesized by homeodomain (POUHD) closed to the carboxyl terminus between resi-
Thermo Scientific Inc (Germany). The primer sequences and amplicon due 264 and 322. The POUSD and the POUHD were separated by a short
lengths are listed in Table 3. The primers used for quantitative RT-PCR linker region of 19 amino acids (Fig. 2). The POUS region can be
analysis of 18S were as previously reported by Dondero et al. (2005). subdivided further into two highly conserved regions (A and B) which
A quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain re- display high identity with other POUS domains overall; these two subre-
action (RT-qPCR) was conducted in 96-well reaction plates on an iCycler gions are separated by a well conserved 9-amino acid sequence. Second,
iQ® Real-time System (BioRad, CA, U.S.A.) using SsoFastTM EvaGreen within the amino-terminal end PmaPOU-IV contains a stretch of homol-
(BioRad). Non-template controls (NTC) were also included in each ogy, a new domain called POU-IV box, found only in the proteins of class
run. The reaction mix contains 10 μl of 0.5 × SsoFast EvaGreen Mix, IV (Candiani et al., 2006). Third, the Pecten POU-IV bipartite domain has
0.4 μM per primer, and 20 ng of cDNA per 20 μl reaction. For all the anal- a significant amino acid sequence identity with other members of the
yses the cycling conditions were 95 °C for 30 s, 40 cycles of 95 °C for 5 s, POU-IV class. Finally, phylogenetic analyses confirm that PmaPOU-IV is
60 °C for 10 s, and 10 s at 75 °C for fluorescence measurement. At the an orthologue of the POU-IV genes.
end of each run a melting curve was performed: 95 °C for 20 s and Searches for related sequences in public databases were performed
60 °C for 20 s followed by an increase in temperature from 60 to using the Fasta option with the EBI server. Alignment of the PmaPOU-
100 °C (with temperature increases in steps of 0.5 °C every 10 s). IV gene product with other metazoan POU class IV sequences from the
Baseline values were automatically determined for all plates using Uniprot database reveals a high level of conservation and indicates
the Bio-Rad iCycler iQ software V3.1 (IQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Sys- that this scallop gene is homologue of other POU class IV genes present
tem). In order to ensure comparability between the data obtained from in bilaterian genomes. Fig. 2 shows a comparison of 16 POU-domain se-
different experimental plates, the threshold value was set manually at quences indicating the position of α-helices in the POUSD and POUHD
200 relative fluorescence units (RFU) for calculating the Cq values. To and residues that are invariant among those sequences.
generate the data basis for the determination of PCR amplification effi- Based on the primary sequence throughout the POU domain, the
ciency (E) of each transcript, it is recommended to use various dilutions patterns of highest conservation in the linker region separating the
in triplets of a pool of all available cDNAs (Pfaffl, 2001). POUS and POUH domains and also on phylogenetic analyses, we were
Therefore for each primer pair a standard curve was obtained based able to assign the new gene to the POU class IV family.
on known quantities of cDNA (5-fold serial dilutions corresponding to The POUSD is predicted to contain four helices and the POUHD is pre-
cDNA transcribed from 20 to 0.0064 ng of total RNA). Each dilution dicted to contain three helices which correspond to those of the classic
was assayed in triplicate. PCR efficiency (defined as percentage) was homeodomains, with the third recognition helix of the POU-domain
gene family. Both domains contain a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif, a
Table 2
structure common to a broad class of DNA-binding domains. This struc-
Gene symbols, gene names and accession numbers of reference genes. ture consists of two α-helices (α2 and α3) connected by a short turn.
The HTH motif is stabilized by the other two α-helices (α1 and α4) in
Gene symbol Gene name Accession number
the POUSD, whereas in the POUHD, a single α-helix (α1) stabilizes the
ndufa7 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) HE572783 HTH motif (Herr and Cleary, 1995).
1 alpha subcomplex subunit 7
PmaPOU-IV has invariant residues Leu, Glu, Phe, Ala, Phe, Lys, Gln,
gapdh Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase DN794150
cox1 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 DN793748 Arg, Ile, Leu, Gly, Thr, Gln, Val, Gly, Arg and Leu at positions 9, 10, 12,
ef1a Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha DN794050 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33 and 37, respectively, in
rpsa 40S ribosomal protein SA HE572589 the POUSD-A region. Invariant residues Ser, Thr, Ile, Arg, Phe, Glu, Leu,
act Actin DN794215 Leu, Ser, Asn, Met, Leu, Leu and Trp at positions 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54,
18S 18S ribosomal RNA L49053
56, 58, 61, 63, 66, 70 and 83, respectively, in the POUSD-B region.
Author's personal copy

V. Lozano et al. / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161 157

Table 3
Primers used in this study, amplicon length (bp), efficiency (E %) and correlation coefficients (r) from the standard curves for each primer pair to estimate efficiencies.

Gene symbol Sense primer (5′-3′) Antisense primer (5′-3′) Amplicon E% r



POU homeobox domains are more closely related to each other than the most highly conserved in the POU family, and also distinguishes
to other homeodomains (Bürglin, 2011; Mesías-Gansbiller et al., 2012). POUHD from conventional homeodomains (Phillips and Luisi, 2000).
The carboxy-terminal subregion is extremely well conserved among In these highly conserved POU-specific domain and homeodomain,
homeoboxes. However, in contrast to other homeodomains, in the PmaPOU-IV was 67% similar to the C. elegans unc-86 protein and was
PmaPOU-IV homeodomain the ninth residue of the DNA-recognition most similar to molluscan sequences, with the C. gigas being iPOU 98%
helix (α3) is a cysteine; this Cys50 is unique to the POU class of homeo- similar and the H. asinina POU-IV being 96% similar. Furthermore, in
boxes. Gln54, which interacts with an adenine base in the DNA, is one of terms of amino acid identity the PmaPOU-IV gene is less close to
human, mouse, rat, chicken and Xenopus POU-IV genes (86–89%),
followed by the ascidian C. intestinalis (83%) and amphioxus (82%).
Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of PmaPOU-IV gene with
other molluscan POU specific regions reveals that it has been conserved
at the amino acid level but not as well conserved at the nucleotide level,
especially the sequence coding non-POU domains regions (73% identity
with Cgi-iPOU and 69% identity with HasPOU-IV). This comparison sug-
gests that the POU-specific regions have been conserved through func-
tional constraints on the protein products.
The orthology assignment of the Pecten POU gene was also con-
firmed by phylogenetic analyses by the maximum likelihood (Fig. 3),
neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods (supplementary
material). The reliability of the resulting evolutionary tree was tested
by bootstrap analysis using 2000 replicates. The major groups of pro-
teins are well supported by high bootstrap values, as well as the cluster-
ing of PmaPOU-IV with other POU-IV proteins. PmaPOU-IV gene groups
into a single clade with other POU-IV genes with strong bootstrap values
(ML bootstrap values 89%, MP and NJ, 97%) in all trees (Fig. 3 and sup-
plemental figures). PmaPOU-IV is also placed into the same clade with
the molluscan POU-IV sequences albeit with moderate support (ML,
52%), indicating the antiquity of this gene class within the larger
multigene families.

3.2. Expression of PmaPOU-IV in P. maximus

Using specific primers, we have determined by RT-qPCR amplifica-

tion whether PmaPOU-IV transcripts were present in a variety of adult
tissues. In the selection of reference genes geNorm (Table 4) ranks
ndufa7, gapdh, ef1a and cox1 as the most stable genes, the NormFinder
results (Table 4) were similar although in different order (ef1a, ndufa7,
cox1 and gapdh). High coefficient of correlation (r) of Cq values to the
BestKeeper index and low SD of Cq values are characteristic of stable
reference genes (Pfaffl et al., 2004). BestKeeper index is the geometric
mean of candidate reference gene Cq values. The genes with higher cor-
relation coefficients with BestKeeper Index were ef1a, ndufa7 and
gapdh, while cox1 Cq values showed the lowest SD (Table 4). Therefore
ndufa7, gapdh, ef1a and cox1 were selected as the best reference genes
for normalization. In P. maximus (Mauriz et al., 2012) ndufa7, rpsa and
ef1a were the most stable genes in ovary and 18S, ndufa7 and gapdh in
testis. The normalized expression levels of PmaPOU-IV in adult tissues
are shown in Fig. 4. The highest expression levels of POU-IV gene were
found in both gill and mantle from adult specimens. A moderate expres-
sion was observed in ovary and parietovisceral ganglion with similar ex-
pression profiles. PmaPOU-IV was also expressed in both cerebropedal
Fig. 1. Nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence of PmaPOU-IV gene. Aster-
ganglia and male gonad and it presented a negligible expression in the
isk denotes the end of the 3′ translated region of the gene. Gray boxes indicate POUSD, digestive gland and muscle. PmaPOU-IV transcripts were about 15 to
POUHD and POU-IV box. Nucleotide and amino acid numbering are to the right. 25-fold more abundant in gill and mantle than in female gonad or
Author's personal copy

158 V. Lozano et al. / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161

Fig. 2. Alignment of derived amino acid sequences of Pecten maximus POU-IV gene with other known POU-IV metazoan sequences. The position of POU subdomains, POUSD, POUHD, and
POU-IV box are indicated as well as the linker region between POUSD and POUHD. Dots indicate invariant residues and dashes represent gaps. Boxes indicate the positions of the α-helices
within the POU domains. Taxa abbreviations were mentioned above in Fig. 1.

parietovisceral ganglion. Statistical analysis showed that significant dif- and mantle than in the other tissues (p b 0.05). Expression in female
ferences existed in the expression of POU-IV in different tissues of gonad and visceral ganglion did not differ significantly from the expres-
P. maximus. The expression of POU-IV was significantly higher in gill sion in the male gonad and cerebropedal ganglion.
Author's personal copy

V. Lozano et al. / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453 (2014) 154–161 159



89 75

95 oct-1

79 brn-1

99 oct-3/4

95 Brn-5


Fig. 3. Phylogenetic analysis of PmaPOU-IV by the maximum likelihood method. Representative sequences from metazoans were selected for comparison. Alignment of selected sequences
was constructed by Clustal W2.1 and phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA5. The tree was constructed using sequences from the POUSD, linker region and POUHD. Pecten se-
quence is marked in gray. Numbers on the branches indicate bootstrap support value (only indicated when N50). Taxa abbreviations are Bfl, Branchiostoma floridae (amphioxus); Cin,
Ciona intestinalis; Cgi, Crassostrea gigas; Cqu, Culex quinquefasciatus; Dre, Brachydanio rerio; Dme, Drosophila melanogaster; Has, Haliotis asinina; Gga, Gallus gallus; h, human; m, mouse;
Pma, Pecten maximus; Phu, Pediculus humanus; r, rat; Tni, Tetraodon nigrovidis; Xtr, Xenopus tropicalis. Unc-86 is from C. elegans.

Although there is extensive knowledge about the role of the POU-IV was undetectable in the gut, gonad, muscle or digestive gland (O'Brien
gene in ecdysozoan and deuterostome organisms, there have been only and Degnan, 2000, 2002a). The Pecten orthologue was also expressed
a few reports of these genes and their expression in lophotrochozoan as in several sensory tissues (like mantle/eye and gills) but was undetect-
molluscs. The expression patterns for POU genes have been previously able in muscle and digestive gland as in the case of HasPOU-IV; however
described in the cephalopod L. pealeii and in the gastropod H. asinina PmaPOU-IV was detectable in female and male gonad.
where they could be involved in the development of the central nervous These data agree with a number of other studies in several inverte-
system and various sensory organs. rpf-1, a POU class VI gene is brate species where the POU-IV genes are expressed in the central ner-
expressed in the developing and adult stellate ganglion of the squid vous system and several sensory tissues. Ci-POU-IV is expressed in the
Loligo pealeii, a cluster of neurons that innervates the muscles of the precursor cells of the neural system during development and in the lar-
mantle (Burbach et al., 2001). In the gastropod Haliotis HasPOU-III tran- vae of the ascidian C. intestinalis (Candiani et al., 2005) and in C. elegans
scripts were detected in the epipodial fringe, tentacle, eye, gill and mus- unc-86 is expressed in sensory and motor neurons (Finney and Ruvkin,
cle. HasPOU-IV was expressed in the cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia. 1990). In amphioxus AmphiPOU-IV is expressed in the neural tube and
HasPOU-IV was also expressed in the fringe, eye, tentacle and gill but epidermal sensory neural cells during development (Candiani et al.,
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3 ef1a 0.943 cox1 0.612 gapdh 0.810 ndufa7 1.06 gapdh
4 cox1 1.164 gapdh 0.762 rpsa 0.748 ef1a 1.21 cox1
5 rpsa 1.329 18S 0.880 act 0.562 gapdh 1.31 rpsa
6 18S 1.423 rpsa 0.919 cox1 0.489 act 1.48 18S
7 act 1.557 act 1.111 18S 0.303 rpsa 1.60 act

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