4BE0 01 MSC 20140306

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Mark Schem e ( Result s)

January 2014

Pearson Edexcel I nt ernat ional GCSE

in Bengali ( 4BE0) Paper 1
Ede x ce l a n d BTEC Qu a lifica t ion s

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January 2014
Publicat ions Code UG037558
All t he m at erial in t his publicat ion is copyr ight
© Pearson Educat ion Lt d 2014
General Marking Guidance

• This mark scheme provides a list of accept able answers f or t his paper.
Candidat es will receive credit f or all correct responses but will be
penalised if t hey give more t han one answer where only one is required
(e. g. put t ing an addit ional cross in a set of boxes). If a candidat e
produces more writ t en answers t han t he required number (t wo inst ead
of one, t hree inst ead of t wo et c), only t he f irst answers will be
accept ed. Free responses are marked f or t he ef f ect ive communicat ion
of t he correct answer rat her t han f or qual it y of language but it is
possible t hat , on some occasions, t he qualit y of English or poor
present at ion can impede communicat ion and lose candidat e marks. It is
somet imes possible f or a candidat e t o produce a writ t en response t hat
does not f eat ure in t he mark scheme but which is nevert heless correct .
If t his were t o occur, an examiner would, of course, give f ull credit t o
t hat answer.
• All candidat es must receive t he same t reat ment . Examiners must mark
t he f irst candidat e in exact ly t he same way as t hey mark t he last .
• Mark schemes should be applied posit ively. Candidat es must be
rewarded f or what t hey have shown t hey can do rat her t han penalised
f or omissions.
• Examiners should mark according t o t he mark scheme not according t o
t heir percept ion of where t he grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement . All marks on t he mark scheme
should be used appropriat ely.
• All t he marks on t he mark scheme are designed t o be awarded.
Examiners should always award f ull marks if deserved, i. e. if t he answer
mat ches t he mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared t o award
zero marks if t he candidat e’ s response is not wort hy of credit according
t o t he mark scheme.
• Where some j udgement is required, mark schemes will provide t he
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplif icat ion may be
limit ed.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding t he applicat ion of t he mark
scheme t o a candidat e’ s response, t he t eam leader must be consult ed.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS t he candidat e has replaced
it wit h an alt ernat ive response.
Q1. Mark Scheme 4BE0/ 01 January 2014

Com: = 2 marks Com = 1 mark Com = 0

Hard work is t he key t o • Complet e t ransmission wit hout • Transmission is t ot ally
success in lif e. L­W¡l
punct uat ion mark/ s, such as: out of cont ext / does not
make sense at all such
f¢lnÊj/ C S£h­e p¡g­mÉl Q¡¢hL¡¢W
• Complet e t ransmission as:f¢lnÊj e¡ Ll­m f¡n
wit h accurat e language,
• Part ial t ransmission/ omission of one Ll­h e¡z or similar.
L­W¡l f¢lnÊj/ C
such as: word/ phrase f rom t he f ol lowing,
S£h­e p¡g­mÉl Q¡¢h/L¡¢Wz or f¢lnÊj or S£h­e or p¡g­mÉl or Q¡¢h/L¡¢W
or similar. such as: f¢lnÊj S£h­e p¡g­mÉl Q¡¢hL¡¢W or
• Complet e t ransmission
wit h minor spel ling errors
• Complet e t ransmission wit h maj or spelling
(one or t wo) such as: LVl errors, (t hree or f our) which does not
f¢lnÊj/ C S£h­e p¡f­mÉl af f ect communicat ion such as: f¢lnÊj
Q¡¢h/L¡¢Wz or similar. S£i­e p¡f­mÉl R¡¢hM¡¢Wz or similar.

Com: = 2 marks Com = 1 Com = 0

What happened t o t he gold • Complet e t ransmission wit hout punct uat ion • Transmission is: t ot ally
wat ch you used t o have? ®a¡j¡l ®k ®p¡e¡l O¢sV¡
mark/ s, such as: out of cont ext / does not
make sense at all such
¢R­m¡ ®pV¡l L£ q­m¡
• Complet e t ransmission as: O¢s R¡s¡ ¢L Q­m? or
wit h accurat e language, similar.
• Part ial t ransmission/ omission of
such as:®a¡j¡l ®k ®p¡e¡l ®a¡j¡l
one word/ phrase f rom t he f ol lowing,
O¢sV¡ ¢R­m¡ ®pV¡l L£ or ®p¡e¡l or O¢sV¡ or ¢R­m¡ or ®pV¡l or
q­m¡? or similar. L£ q­m¡ such as: ®a¡j¡l ®k O¢sV¡ ¢R­m¡
• Complet e t ransmission
®pV¡l L£ q­m¡? or similar.
wit h minor spel ling errors,
(one or t wo) such as: • Complet e t ransmission wit h maj or spelling
errors, (t hree or f our) which does not af f ect
®a¡j¡l ®k n¤e¡l N¢sV¡
communicat ion such as:aj¡l ®k n¤e¡l
¢R­m¡ ®pV¡l L£ q­m¡? or
N¢lV¡ ¢Q­m¡ ®pV¡l L£ q­m¡? or similar.
Com: = 2 marks Com = 1 mark Com = 0

Even if you do apologise • Complet e t ransmission wit hout • Transmission is: t ot ally
now, he won't be very a¤¢j HMe
punct uat ion mark/ s, such as: out of cont ext / does not
make sense at all such
happy. rj¡ Q¡C­mJ ®p/¢a¢e M¤h / HLV¡ M¤¢n
as:a¤¢j a¡l L¡­R rj¡
• Complet e t ransmission
q­h/e e¡
®QJ e¡z or similar.
wit h accurat e language,
such as • Part ial t ransmission/ omission of one
word/ phrase f rom t he f ol lowing,
a¤¢j HMe rj¡ Q¡C­mJ
a¤¢j or HMe or rj¡ Q¡C­mJ or ®p/¢a¢e or
®p/¢a¢e M¤h / HLV¡ M¤¢n
M¤h or M¤¢n q­h/e e¡ such as: a¤¢j rj¡
q­h/e e¡ / a¡l/ay¡l l¡N
Q¡C­mJ ®p/¢a¢e M¤h or M¤¢n q­h/e e¡ or
Lj­h e¡z or similar. similar.

• Complet e t ransmission
• Complet e t ransmission wit h maj or spelling
wit h minor spel ling errors
errors, (t hree or f our) which does not
(one or t wo) such as:
af f ect communicat ion such as:
a¤¢j HLe Mj¡ Q¡C­mJ ®p
a¤¢j HLe Mj¡ R¡C­mJ ®p L¤h M¤¢n q­h
M¤h / HLV¡ M¤¢n q­h e¡z
e¡z or similar.
or similar.

Com: = 2 marks Com = 1 Com = 0

You should have done it as I • Complet e t ransmission wit hout • Transmission is: t ot ally
showed you. ®ki¡­h
punct uat ion mark/ s, such as: out of cont ext / does not
make sense at all such
®c¢M­u¢Rm¡j ®pi¡­hC ®a¡j¡l HV¡ Ll¡
• Complet e t ransmission as:®c­M- ®c­M L¡S Ll¡
wit h accurat e language, E¢Qv ¢R­m¡
E¢Qvz or similar.
such as: ®ki¡­h
• Part ial t ransmission / omission of one
®c¢M­u¢Rm¡j ®pi¡­hC word/ phrase f rom t he f ol lowing,
®a¡j¡l HV¡ Ll¡ E¢Qv ®ki¡­h or ®c¢M­u¢Rm¡j or ®pi¡­hC or
¢R­m¡z or similar. ®a¡j¡l or HV¡ or Ll¡ E¢Qv or ¢R­m¡ such
as: ®ki¡­h ®c¢M­u¢Rm¡j ®pi¡­h Ll¡ E¢Qv
• Complet e t ransmission
wit h minor spel ling errors, ¢R­m¡z or similar.
(one or t wo) such as:
• Complet e t ransmission wit h maj or spelling
®kh¡­h ®c¢M­u¢Rm¡j
errors, (t hree or f our) which does not
®pi¡­hC ®a¡j¡l HV¡ Ls¡ af f ect communicat ion such as:
E¢Qv ¢R­m¡z or similar. ®kh¡­h ®c¢M­u¢Qm¡j ®ph¡­h ®a¡j¡l HV¡
Ls¡ E¢Qv ¢R­m¡z or similar.
Com: = 2 marks Com = 1 Com = 0

She looked t hrough t he • Complet e t ransmission wit hout • Transmission is: t ot ally
window and said, “ What a ®j­u¢V
punct uat ion mark/ s, such as: out of cont ext / does not
lovely morning! " make sense at all such
S¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u a¡¢L­u hm­m¡ L£ p¤¤¾cl
as: ®j­u¢V L£ p¤¾cl! or
• Complet e t ransmission
pL¡m or similar. similar.
wit h accurat e language,
• Part ial t ransmission/ omission of one
such as:®p / ®j­u¢V
word/ phrase f rom t he f ol lowing,
S¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u a¡¢L­u ®j­u¢V or S¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u or a¡¢L­u or hm­m¡
hm­m¡, ""L£ p¤¾cl or L£ p¤¾cl or pL¡m such as: ®j­u¢V
pL¡m!'' or similar. a¡¢L­u hm­m¡, ""L£ p¤¾cl pL¡m!'' or
• Complet e t ransmission
wit h minor spel ling errors, • Complet e t ransmission wit h maj or spelling
(one or t wo) such as: errors, (t hree or f our) which does not
®j­u¢V k¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u a¡¢L­u ®jH¢V
af f ect communicat ion such as:
hm­m¡, ""L£ n¤¤¾cl k¡e¡m¡ ¢c­u a¡¢L­u hm­m¡, ""L£ n¤¤¾cl
pL¡m!'' or similar. pM¡m!'' or similar.
Marking Grid for Q1 4BEO-01 January 2014

There are 5 sentences in Q1

Communication Mark: (for each single sentence)

2 marks:
• Full relevant communication in Bengali with miner spelling errors (1 or 2
1 mark:
• Partial/ half relevant communication in Bengali and or 3/ 4 spelling errors

0 mark:
No relevant communication
The Quality of Language grid is applied GLOBALLY to all five sentences

Quality of Possible marks based on the total

language Communication marks

High level of accuracy wit h only minor

5 errors
Com = 10/ 9 5

Level of accuracy generally secure but

4 incident s of error increases in more
Com = 8/ 7 4
complex language.

Accuracy variable wit h some basic

errors. Com = 6/ 5 3

High incidence of error impedes

communicat ion at t imes. Inconsist ent . Com = 4 2

Frequent error wit h only isolat ed

examples of accurat e language. Com = 3/ 2 1

No language wort hy of credit .

Com = 1/ 0 0
Question 2 and Question 3: Translation


Excellent t ransmission skills wit h clear grasp of det ail. Excellent t ransf er
of inf erence, nuance and idiom. Pleasant t o read.

A generally very compet ent rendering of t he original t ext wit h grasp of

most det ail, nuance and idiom. Some passages, usually more complex,
misint erpret ed. Some successf ul at t empt s at rephrasing. The st yle is
generally pleasing.

The main point s, usually narrat ive and concret e, are conveyed successf ully
f or t he most part , alt hough problems are encount ered wit h more complex
7-9 language. Inf erence, nuance and idiom t ransmit t ed successf ully on
occasions. Some passages misunderst ood and at t empt s at rephrasing only
part ially successf ul. The st yle is not always coherent .

Only t he more st raight f orward concret e point s are t ransmit t ed

successf ully. Very lit t le or no awareness of nuance and/ or idiom.
Several sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yl e is incoherent wit h
communicat ion impaired at t imes.

Only t he very basic point s are t ransmit t ed successf ully wit h some very
1-3 st raight f orward sect ions t ot ally misunderst ood. The st yle is of t en
incomprehensible. Communicat ion is f requent ly impaired.

0 No language wort hy of credit .

Quality of Language

A very high level of accuracy wit h only minor errors. Conf ident use of a
wide range of lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask. Excellent grasp
of t ense use. Very pleasant t o read overall, alt hough not necessarily
f ault less.

A high level of accuracy overall wit h however occasional basic errors,

usually in more complex language. Uses a wide range of lexis and
7-8 st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask wit h occasional lapses. Grasp of t ense/
concept / t ime sequence generally secure alt hough occasional lapses are
evident . Pleasant t o read f or t he most part .

Largely accurat e when using simple, short phrases: incidence of error

increases in more complex language. Lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o
t he t ask t end t o be adequat e wit h several it ems unknown. Problems at
5-6 t imes wit h t ense use.
Some use of given adj ect ives and/ or adverbial phrases wit h some degree
of success. About half of what is writ t en should be f ree of maj or errors.
Not always easy t o read.
Some inaccuracies in basic grammar alt hough narrat ive sect ions, usually
short and st raight f orward, are in general correct . Lexis and st ruct ures
appropriat e t o t he t ask rest rict ed wit h some of t en quit e basic it ems
3-4 unknown. At t imes some f airly basic problems wit h t ense concept / t ime
sequence. Use of given adj ect ives, and/ or adverbial phrases occasionally
evident , t hough t hese are likely t o be only part ially successf ul. Of t en
quit e dif f icult t o f ollow.
A very high incidence of basic error in all aspect s of grammar, synt ax and
morphology. Basic lexis and st ruct ures appropriat e t o t he t ask unknown.
No awareness of t ense concept / t ime sequence. Large sect ions t ot ally
misunderst ood. Communicat ion impaired. Very lit t le of credit .

0 No language wort hy of credit .

Question 2

Bengali translation

S¡¢qc nq­ll h¡¢Z¢SÉL Hm¡L¡l HL A¢g­p L¡S L­lz h¡¢s ®gl¡l f­b ®p HLV¡ h¡­p
EW­m¡z qW¡v a¡l j­e fs­m¡ h¡¢s­a l¡­al M¡h¡­ll SeÉ ¢LR¥C ®eCz ®p i¡h­m¡, k¡Ju¡l
f­b L¡R¡L¡¢R h¡S¡l ®b­L ¢LR¥ j¡R Abh¡ ph¢S ¢e­u ®N­mC q­hz h¡pV¡ a¡­L ec£l L¡­R
f¤­m e¡¢j­u ¢c­m¡z ec£l d¡l ¢c­u fÊ¡u cn ¢j¢eV qy¡V¡l fl ®p h¡S¡­l ®fy±R¥­m¡z aar­Z fÊ¡u
påÉ¡ q­u H­p­Rz

q­lL lLj j¡R ®cM¡l pju ®p mrÉ Ll­m¡ c§­l HL ­L¡­Z HLSe hªÜ ®m¡L ¢LR¥ C¢mn j¡R
¢h¢œ² Ll­Rz C¢mn j¡­Rl c¡j S¡¢q­cl p¡j­bÑÉl h¡C­l j­e L­l ®p fÊb­j C¢mn j¡­Rl fÊ¢a
BNÊq e¡ ®c¢M­u ph¢Sl ®c¡L¡­el ¢c­L ANÊpl q­m¡z qW¡v ®R¡V ®j­uV¡l ®Qq¡l¡ a¡l j­e
®i­p EW­m¡z C¢mn j¡R ®f­m ®j­uV¡ Bl ¢LR¥C Q¡u e¡z p¤al¡w c¡j k¡C ®q¡L e¡ ®Le
S¡¢qc a¡l ja hcm L­l j¡RC ®Le¡ p¡hÉÙ¹ Ll­m¡z ®j­uV¡l q¡¢p j¡M¡ ®Qq¡l¡V¡ ®a¡ ®p
A¿¹a ®cM­a f¡­h! A¢hm­ð ®p hªÜ ®m¡L¢Vl L¡­R ¢N­u HLV¡ a¡S¡ C¢mn j¡R ¢Le­m¡z i¡S¡
C¢m­nl p­‰ ®M­a i¡­m¡ m¡N­h h­m ®p HLV¡ g¤mL¢f Bl L­uLV¡ Bm¤J ¢Le­m¡z

S¡¢qc kMe l¡Ù¹¡u Bh¡l ¢g­l ®N­m¡ aMe påÉ¡l jS¡c¡l M¡h¡­ll Bn¡u a¡­L M¤¢n
®cM¡¢µR­m¡z ¢L¿º a¡l p¡j­el Se­pÊ¡a ®c­M ®p iu ®f­m¡z ®j­ul M¡Ju¡l B­N h¡¢s­a
®fy±R¥­a f¡l­h ¢L e¡ ®i­h ®p E¢àNÀ q­m¡z A­eL L­ø ¢is ®W­m ®k h¡pV¡ h¡pøf ®b­L ®R­s
k¡¢µR­m¡ ®pC h¡­p m¡g ¢c­u ®p E­W fs­m¡z
Question 3

English translation

Shibly was admit t ed in Dhaka Govt College af t er t he complet ion of his school lif e.
While he was a 1st year st udent in t he college, alongside his st udies, he st art ed
writ ing in a variet y of magazines; st ories, poems, f ilm crit ique and so on. Those were
published in dif f erent magazines.

Two years of Shibly’ s lif e went by t his way. He passed his higher secondary
examinat ion wit h dist inct ion. Unt il t hen, he had not decided t hat he would st udy on
t he t heat re perf ormances' course. He had a desire t o st udy Economics in t he Dhaka
Universit y. However his desire was not f ulf illed as he could not do well in t he
admission t est . He t hen had a chance t o get admission in t he t heat re perf ormances'
course. Shibly realised af t er t he f ew init ial lessons t hat t he diverse t heat re t opics
were at t ract ing him st rongly.

Af t erwards, he t ruly got int o t he t heat re plays; he st art ed t ranslat ing t he plays.
St art ing f rom Shakespeare's play, he also t ranslat ed cert ain f amous plays f rom t he
world of lit erat ure. He t hen st art ed writ ing t he script s of t he plays on his own.
Alongside, Shibly also had t he f irst lesson (sacrament ) t o direct t heat re plays.
Anyway, he succeeded t o pass his graduat ion and post graduat e degrees and achieved
1st class at bot h st ages.

From t hen, t his young dramat ist / script writ er devot ed whole-heart edly in direct ing
st age plays. He had many plans, lot s of dreams about plays. On a t elevision int erview
recent ly, he st at ed boldly, "I want t he publicit y and expansion of t he Bangladeshi
t heat re perf ormances t o be widely spread t hroughout t he world. Courses on
perf orming art s need t o be st art ed at least in t he public universit ies if not in all
universit ies. We not only should use our own ingredient s; we also need t o borrow
ingredient s f rom count ries all over t he world. Our plays should be unique and
dedicat ed t o t he new generat ion.
Question 4 – Writing (Total: 35 marks)

This quest ion at t ract s marks f or Communication and content and Quality of
Language . Please see t he f ollowing grids:

Communication and content

Responds f ully and appropriat ely t o t he st imul us wit h excellent and relevant
expansion. Gives det ailed descript ions, expresses and j ust if ies opinions as
appropriat e t o t he t ask. The t ime sequence is clear and unambiguous.
A coherent piece of writ ing which is pleasant t o read.

Responds t o nearly all of t he t ask alt hough t here may be some omissions.
Some relevant expansion at t imes. Provides evidence of descript ion,
narrat ion and opinion as appropriat e t o t he t ask. Time sequence generally
sound wit h occasional lapses. A generally well st ruct ured piece of writ ing. A
sound at t empt overall t o link t he piece int o a coherent whole wit h, however,
some lapses.
May be a lit t le pedest rian and predict able or somewhat over-ambit ious at
t imes.

Maj orit y of t ask complet ed wit h, however, some signif icant omissions. There
may be some irrelevance. Goes beyond a minimal response wit h some
expansion of ideas and st raight f orward opinion relevant t o t he t ask. Time
sequences show a degree of ambiguit y at t imes. Comprehensible overall wit h
some at t empt t o link t he piece int o a coherent whole. Ambiguous in places
especially in more ambit ious language. Tends t o be somewhat predict able.

Main point s of t he t ask underst ood but some point s t ot ally misunderst ood.
Some maj or omissions wit h a degree of irrelevance and/ or repet it ion. Level
of response f airly limit ed wit h lit t le opinion and j ust if icat ion appropriat e t o
5-8 t he t ask. Funct ions predominant ly in simple, concret e sent ences f or t he most
part . Some evidence of correct t ime sequences but most ly inconsist ent and
insecure. Just about comprehensible overall wit h, however, a marked degree
of ambiguit y. Not easy t o read.

Task generally misunderst ood wit h lit t le relevant inf ormat ion conveyed.
Much ambiguit y, conf usion and omission. Level of response minimal wit h only
1-4 a f ew relevant phrases. Communicat ion largely impaired. Time sequences
rarely correct . Largely incomprehensible wit h t he except ion of isolat ed
it ems. Very dif f icult t o read.

0 No language wort hy of credit .

Quality of Language

Predominant ly accurat e: f ree of all but minor errors in grammar, synt ax and
morphology. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure
appropriat e t o t he t ask wit h very lit t le or no repet it ion. Excellent use of
13-15 t ense concept / t ime ref erent s. Excellent examples of subordinat ion and
appropriat e use of more complex st ruct ures. Clear abilit y t o manipulat e
language wit h a high degree of accuracy t o suit t he purpose. Very pleasant
t o read, t hough not necessarily f ault less.

Generally accurat e and secure in grammar, synt ax and morphology wit h

some lapses. Accuracy less secure when more complex language is
at t empt ed. Uses a good range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure, which are
f or t he most part appropriat e t o t he t ask. At t empt s at more ambit ious
10-12 st ruct ures not always successf ul. Generally a secure grasp of t ense
concept / t ime ref erent s. Manipulat es language t o suit t he t ask at hand wit h,
however, some errors. A wide range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure may
compensat e f or a lower level of accuracy. Generally easy t o read despit e t he

Fairly accurat e in simple language however t ends t o be inconsist ent in

applicat ion of grammar, synt ax and morphology when at t empt ing more
complex language. Range of vocabulary, idiom and st ruct ure st andard and
somewhat predict able. Some inconsist ency in use of t ense concept / t ime
7-9 ref erent s. Some at t empt s at subordinat ion and sent ence linking which are
only part ially successf ul. At t empt s enhancement of f act wit h adj ect ives
and/ or adverbial phrases wit h moderat e success. About half of what is
writ t en should be f ree of maj or errors. Despit e inaccuracies t he basic
message is conveyed.

Accuracy is inconsist ent wit h f requent basic errors in grammar, synt ax and
morphology. Simple, short sent ences are somet imes correct but very lit t le
beyond. Range of vocabulary and st ruct ure very limit ed. Use of t ense
concept / t ime ref erent s limit ed and of t en inappropriat e. Limit ed success in
at t empt s at enhancement of f act wit h adj ect ives, and/ or adverbial phrases.
Not easy t o read.
A high level of inaccuracy wit h very f requent and basic errors in grammar,
synt ax and morphology. There may be t he occasional correct phrase. No
1-3 awareness of t ense concept / t ime ref erent s. Vocabulary very basic wit h lit t le
or no evidence of correct use of basic st ruct ures. Communicat ion is severely
impaired overall. Ext remely dif f icult t o read.

0 No language wort hy of credit .

Pearson Educat ion Lim it ed. Regist ered com pany num ber 872828
wit h it s regist ered office at Edinburgh Gat e, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE

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