Make A Presentation of An Interesting Article About A Current Issue in The World

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make a presentation of an interesting article about a current issue in the world.

presentation should include the most important points and supporting details. Students are
expected to use reported speech when explaining the topic.

Title: The Global Impact of Climate Change: A Call to Action

Slide 1: Introduction

• Good morning, everyone. Today, I'll be presenting an article that delves into one of the
most pressing issues of our time: climate change.
• The article emphasizes the urgent need for action to mitigate its effects and highlights
the global impact of climate change.

Slide 2: Overview of Climate Change

• According to the article, climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature,

precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions.
• These changes are primarily driven by human activities, such as the burning of fossil
fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.

Slide 3: Rising Global Temperatures

• The article reports that global temperatures have been steadily rising over the past
• This increase in temperature has led to a variety of consequences, including more
frequent and severe heatwaves, melting polar ice caps, and rising sea levels.

Slide 4: Extreme Weather Events

• Another key point highlighted in the article is the increase in frequency and intensity of
extreme weather events.
• Events such as hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, and floods are becoming more common,
causing widespread devastation and loss of life.

Slide 5: Impact on Ecosystems

• Climate change is also having a profound impact on ecosystems around the world.
• The article discusses how rising temperatures are disrupting ecosystems, leading to
habitat loss, species extinction, and changes in migration patterns.
Slide 6: Economic Implications

• The economic implications of climate change are significant, as outlined in the article.
• Damage to infrastructure, agricultural losses, increased healthcare costs, and the
displacement of communities are just a few examples of the economic toll of climate

Slide 7: Social Justice and Equity

• Climate change exacerbates existing inequalities and disproportionately affects

marginalized communities.
• Vulnerable populations, such as the poor, elderly, and indigenous peoples, are often
the hardest hit by the impacts of climate change, despite contributing the least to its

Slide 8: Call to Action

• Despite the bleak outlook presented in the article, there is still hope for mitigating the
worst effects of climate change.
• The article emphasizes the importance of global cooperation and individual action in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and
implementing sustainable practices.

Slide 9: Conclusion

• In conclusion, the article underscores the critical need for immediate and concerted
action to address the global challenge of climate change.
• By working together and taking meaningful steps to reduce our carbon footprint, we
can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Slide 10: Questions & Discussion

• Thank you for your attention. Now, I welcome any questions or comments you may
have about the article or the topic of climate change. Let's open the floor for

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