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February 19, 2024


Greetings of Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness!

FEU High School is dedicated to the holistic development of its students. To meet this objective, the Academic
Affairs Office has organized an Educational Trip that would foster students’ interest and needs based on their
chosen field of specialization. As such, the HUMSS and GAS Arts strand will be having the educational trip at
the Angono, Rizal on February 20, 2024.

The itinerary are as follows:

Date of Trip: February 20, 2024 (Tuesday), BATCH A

Location: Angono, Rizal
Participants: 12HUMSS 1A, 12HUMSS 2A, 12HUMSS 2B, 12HUMSS 3A

5:30-6:00 AM Assembly in FEU High School

6:00 AM Departure from FEU High School
8:00-10:00 AM ETA in Pinto Art Museum
10:00-11:30 AM Angono Petroglyphs
11:30-2:00 PM Angono Forest Park
- Lunch
-Live Sketching in SM Angono
2:00-4:00 PM Blanco Museum
4:00-6:00 PM Departure from Angono, Rizal
6:00 PM ETA in FEU High School
Note: First two sections will have Pinto Art Museum at morning, while the other
two will have Blanco Museum at the same time.
Things to take note for the trip:
1. There will be no additional fees required for the event.
2. Bus transportation will be arranged and provided by FEU HS.
3. Lunch will be provided by the school.
4. Other guidelines for the educational trip will be posted later through Canvas.
For more inquiries about this event, please contact the Academic Affairs Office thru this email address:
Thank you.


Tyron Casumpang
HUMSS Coordinator
Reply Slip
(Submit on February 20, 2024)

I have received and read the letter about the educational trip at Angono, Rizal which will happen on February 20,

____ I am ALLOWING my child to attend the said event/activity.

____ I am NOT ALLOWING child to attend the said event/activity due to the reason that

Name of Student: ___________________________________ Strand and Section: ____________________

Name of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Number: _______________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________ Date:__________________

*Kindly attach a photocopy of the parent/guardian’s valid ID with signature.

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