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Queries for Game Website
1. Project Understanding
The objective of the project is to design and develop a single player gaming website
supporting platform to a podcast show, where players and audience participants can
register and login to navigate the timeline and to view and interact with the visualization
features of the podcast. This mainly refers to the grid map, which is associated (and
differs) according to the active podcast episode. More to this, players will be able to
access quick blog updates, poll information, podcast play menu, and episodes list.
Admin will be able to manage the entire platform from the backend including users, grid
maps, and podcasts.

2. Key Functionalities
2.1 Flow for the User

⮚ Login/ Signup

● Players can log in/sign up using the email ID and password.

● In case players forget the password they can regenerate the password

using the OTP sent to their email.

⮚ Navigation Menu

● Players can access the navigation menu located on the left sidebar

containing the following:

o Lore/ Wiki (Third Party Link)
o Store (Shopify Website Link)
o About
o Blog
o (Mini) Blog update

⮚ Grid Map

● The Map will be displayed in a grid of square/rectangle

o Number system for horizontal representation

o Alphabets for vertical representation

● Each square should be individually editable with a simple interface for

making changes.

● Players can hover over a tile to show a description of the square.

● Players can click on a tile and related item to view a detailed profile


● Each tile is connected to an item from each database.

⮚ Right Sidebar

● Spotify Player

o Scroll bar to control the episode

o Previous and Next
o Episode list

● Twitter Poll

o View the current Twitter poll

o Navigate previous posts

● Database

o A
o B
o C

⮚ Zoom

● Players can zoom in and zoom out on the tiles.

⮚ Timeline

● Players can view different states of the grid map using the timeline

functionality. Changing the time will affect the podcast episode number
and will pause the active episode (if there is any).

⮚ Blog

● Players can view all the recent blog posts on the platform.

● On detailed blog page players can view the banner image, title, sub

title, body, text, image, videos and comments .

● Users can view all the recent blog posts on the platform.
2.2 Flow for the Admin

⮚ Login

● Admin will be able to login into the web panel via login credentials

o Username
o Password

● Admin will be able to reset the password using the OTP sent to their

registered email id.

⮚ Players Management

● Admin can manage the players from the backend

● Activate, deactivate, and remove the players

● Search and view the player details and active hours.

⮚ Grid Maps and Items Management

● Admin can manage the Grid maps and Database items from the


● Admin can change tiles, add/edit/ remove the hover text, and link with

the database item.

● Each tile is comprised by a square 1:1 png file, database items links and

hover over text.

● Editable items in a tile:

o Castle
- Level 1
- Level 2
o Shed
- Level 1 (Small Shed)
- Level 2 (Barn)
o Boat
- Level 1 (Sail Boats)
- Level 2 (Ship)
o Gravestone
o Trees (4 Types)
o Grass
- Level 1 (Green Grass)
- Level 2 (Yellow Grass)
o Path
- Sand
- Cobblestone
- Dirt Road
o Pier
o Canal
o Ocean
● Search and view the maps and database item.

⮚ Podcast Management

● Admin can manage the podcast from the backend

● Admin can post the link of the podcast and add details like the episode

name and number.

● Admin can link the maps with the episodes.

⮚ Blog Management

● Admin can manage the Blog section from the backend.

● Admin can create and edit the articles and mini blog update.

● Admin can search and view the articles

⮚ General Management

● Admin can manage the FAQ, About us, Policies, and terms and

Note: All the third-party APIs required for the development of the
website will be provided by the client
3. Queries
a. Please explain the gameplay and the interaction between the podcast, tiles, and
database items.
Each podcast episode is associated with a specific state of the grid map. This means that
when players click to listen to a specific episode the grid map should correspond to:
1. admin’s selected tiles for the episode
2. the database items associated to each grid for this episode
example: Tile A-1:one png or jpg, database A element:A1, database B element:B6 , database C
element: none
b. What specific content is included in DATABASE A, B, and C? Do the database items
reset with each new map or depend as per the player usage?
Text and images. Potentially an animated gif at best or a sound effect
c. How do database items interact with the tiles? Specify the number of items used
to create the tiles and describe their interaction within the gameplay.
Each tile is associated with a list of elements:
● image file for the specific tile
● Text information and an image in a popup box (that the user can see if hovering)
● Database A element - image and text (that the user can see if hovering)
● Database B element image and text(that the user can see if hovering)
● Database C element image and text(that the user can see if hovering)
When clicked it takes the user to a larger panel of the database item so we can elaborate
more on the item itself.
d. Are players required to make a payment on the website for any specific grid map
feature or database items?
No. Users only use the store page to buy, like any conventional eshop can sell items.
e. Describe the categories, number of products, and product details available in the
Shopify store?
Tshirts, posters, 3d printed miniatures, stickers, mugs, hats
f. Please specify the functionality of the Timeline feature.
The timeline is scrolling through the states of the map, the map changes state with each episode.
g. Will the admin be creating maps according to each episode, and are the episodes
linked to specific maps?
Yes. The admin can choose an image file, and link database items to each grid. The map will
change based on each episode but not completely, a couple of tiles per time.
h. What are the dimensions of each square, and how many items can be placed on a
square at once?
A png 1:1 that you can zoom in by 50% and it's not breaking. A 500x500 png per tile at max. In total
around 42 to 50 tiles.
i. What functionality is available on the detailed profile page when a player clicks on
a square tile or database item?
It shows a pop-up menu with hover over. On click, it gets highlighted along with the relevant
Database A, B and/or C items affiliated with it.
j. Explain the "Highlight functionality to show related items from Databases A, B, or
C" mentioned in the map grid?

The highlighted items get a while glow circle around them to pop out from the rest.

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