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Mata Kuliah/Kode : Bahasa Inggris/PDGK 4304 Semester : Pertama/Ganjil
Program Studi : S1 PGSD Tutor : Hamdani, S.Ag., M.Pd

I. Complete the following dialogues!

1. Budi : What time do you usually get up in the morning?
Susi : I usually get up at …………………….. (7.15 )
2. Rino : What time is it?
Nina : It is …………………(9.25)
3. Tini : What time do you usually take a nap?
Riri : I usually take a nap at …………….. …( 12.45)
4. Ahmad : How many seasons does Indonesia have?
Susi : …………………..
5. Rita : What is the weather like in the dry season?
Nina : ………………………………
6. Tino : What do we have to bring in the rainy season?
Dini : ……………………….
7. Ahmad : When were you born?
Tuti : I was born ………… (25 April 2016)
8. Andini : …………………
Nino : it very hot
9. Yuni : ………….
Yuyun : my Phone number is 08378483739
10. Rina : ……………….the book cost?
Tini : It costs Rp. 23.000

II. Make a simple dialogue about telephone communication (15)

Situation : Susan wants to visit her old friends in Bali, his name is Budi. Before visiting, Susan phones
her friend in advance; however, the women receiving the telephone is his servant, finally
Susan leaves the message to the servant that she wants to go to Bali to meet him.
III. Read the text and answer the following questions!
Going shopping
Mrs Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a present for Mr Smith's birthday. Mrs
Smith wants to buy him a new camera and Tom wants to buy him a jumper. They drive to the department
store on the high street. Mrs Smith uses the escalator to go to the Electrical Department on the third floor
and Tom takes the stairs up to the Men's Clothing Department on the first floor.
When she gets to the Electrical Department she finds that cameras are sold in the Photography
Department on the ground floor. She takes the elevator down and asks the sales assistant there for some
help. She doesn't know much about cameras and needs some advice. He recommends an automatic camera
by Olympus, but it is too expensive. She asks him if he has anything a little cheaper and he tells her about a
special offer on the Pentax range. It still seems expensive so she thanks the assistant and decides to shop
around first. Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he can't afford most
of them. He sees his mother and they decide to go to the smaller shops round the corner.
1. What does Mrs. Smith want to buy for her husband’s birthday party?
2. How does Mrs. Smith go to the Electrical Department on the third floor?
3. What does Tom want to buy for his father’s birthday party?
4. How much money does Tom have?

IV. Rearrange the following dialogue correctly!

You : Thank you
Waitress : Here you are. I will be back in a minute to take your order.
You : May I see a menu, please?
Waitress : Yes, sir. Over there, by the wash towel
You : Have you got a table for six?

V. Answer the following questions?

1. Mention the kinds of food you like best, give your reason. At least 10 kinds of food
2. There are two places for shopping,namely: Supermarket and traditional markets. Which one do you
prefer? Why!
3. Why do people like shopping? Write your reason in a paragraph?!
4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in the traditional market and supermarket!


Mata Kuliah/Kode : Bahasa Inggris/PDGK 4304 Semester : Ganjil
Nama : Sella Nanda Resta Kelas :C
Pokjar : Tarumajaya Program : S1 PGSD

I. Complete the following dialogues!

1. I usually get up at aquarter past seven
2. It is twenty-five minutes past nine
3. I usually take a nap at aquarter to one
4. Indonesia has two seasons, rainy and dry season
5. the weather in dry season is hot
6. we need to bring raincoat and umbrella on the rainy season
7. I was born on the twenty-fifth of April 2016
8. mks
9. What is your phone number?
10. How much the book cost?

II. Make a simple dialogue about telephone communication

Susan : Hello, may I speak with Budi, please
Servant : I’m sorry, but Budi is not available right now. Who is this?
Susan : Hi, I’m Susan. I’m an old friend of Budi.
Servant : Oh, hi Susan. This is his servant. Can I help you?
Susan : I’m planning to visit Bali and I want to meet him
Servant : Budi is currently out, but I can take message for him. What would you like to tell him?
Susan : Sure, please let him know that Susan called. I wanted to inform him that I will be in Bali
next week and would love to meet up
Servant : Got it, Susan. I’ll make sure to pass along the message. Is there anything else?
Susan : No, that’s all.
Servant : Can I take your phone number so he can call you back?
Susan : yes, of course. My phone number is 028-54321
Servant : Great, I will pass on the message and your phone number to Budi.
Susan : Thank you so much! Looking forward to seeing Budi.
Servant : You’re welcome, Susan. Have a safe trip to Bali
Susan : Have a nice day!
Servant : You, too, bye!

III. Read the text and answer the following questions!

1. Mrs Smith wants to buy her husband a new camera
2. Mrs Smith uses the escalator to go to the Electrical Department on the third floor
3. Tom wants to buy his father a jumper
4. He only has £10 to spend

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