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Future Prospects on Family Issues

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and answer the following items carefully. Shade the letter of the
correct answer in your ZipGrade answer sheet.
The quiz that you are about to take is TEXT-DEPENDENT, meaning the items are
constructed based from the readings that have been provided and assigned to you. Specifically,
the main text is Introduction to social problems by Thomas J. Sullivan,

1. What is the main issue regarding the a. Increased isolation of parents from
family's future prospects according to communities
sociologists? b. Setting up substance abuse treatment
programs for children
a. The family institution will disappear
c. Training parents in parenting skills
d. Providing more privacy for families
b. The form the family will take is the main
concern 5. How have recent efforts impacted the
c. Single parenthood will eliminate all other vulnerability of women to spouse abuse?
family forms
a. Women are now more vulnerable
d. Cohabitation is the only emerging family
b. Improving economic and social position
of women
2. What type of family structure seems to c. Increased isolation of women from society
be emerging in modern industrial d. Decreased access to spouse abuse centers
6. What has been a positive step toward
a. Extended families only reducing family violence?
b. Single-parent families exclusively
a. Keeping the issue of family violence
c. Nuclear, blended, and same-sex families
b. Establishing protective services for the
d. Covert families unheard of
elderly only
3. What factor has contributed to the c. Offering more secrecy around abuse
stabilization or decline in the divorce rate reporting
since 1980? d. Bringing the issue into the open
a. Increased societal pressure to stay married 7. What has been the trend in U.S. federal
b. Decrease in the marriage rate policies regarding teen pregnancies?
c. Mandatory counseling before divorce
a. Focused solely on promoting abstinence
d. Higher financial penalties for divorce
b. Promoting comprehensive sex education
4. What is a suggested strategy for programs
reducing future episodes of child abuse?

c. Encouraging early pregnancies a. Whether the government should directly
d. No involvement in teen pregnancy issues provide services
b. How to make child-care services more
8. What did President Clinton's family
leave bill require large employers to
c. Whether only for-profit centers should be
a. Paid family leave for all employees d. If child-care services should be outlawed
b. Unpaid leave for ill family members and
13. What do privatization policies provide
new children
parents to purchase child care?
c. Additional work hours for employees
d. Required more overtime for parents a. Tax deductions for daily
9. What has been a significant area in
which child-care policies have evolved in
b. Vouchers or tax credits
the U.S.?
c. Direct government funding
a. Few employers offering child-care d. Free child-care services
14. What is the argument of
b. Providing child-care services exclusively
interventionists regarding child-care
for women
c. Developing comprehensive sex education
programs for children a. The government should not be involved in
d. Employers developing child-care providing child care
programs b. Nonprofit and government-run centers
offer better services
10. What is the primary motivation for
c. For-profit centers provide the best care
employers to sponsor child-care
d. Government should focus on profit-
making child-care centers
a. Increase in labor costs
15. What has been the trend in the U.S.
b. Retention and recruitment benefits
regarding a national policy on paid
c. Preference for absenteeism
maternity leave?
d. Decrease in productivity
a. Paid maternity leave is mandatory for all
11. Should child-care services be available
to all families according to the text?
b. The U.S. is the only nation with no paid
a. Only to wealthy families maternity leave requirement
b. No, only low-income families c. Maternity leave is only offered to high-
c. Yes, irrespective of their economic income workers
circumstances d. Paid maternity leave is only available for
d. Only to families with multiple children government employees

12. What is the controversy surrounding

child-care policy privatization?

Answer Key
1. b. The form the family will take is the main concern
2. c. Nuclear, blended, and same-sex families coexisting
3. b. Decrease in the marriage rate
4. c. Training parents in parenting skills
5. b. Improving economic and social position of women
6. d. Bringing the issue into the open
7. b. Promoting comprehensive sex education programs
8. b. Unpaid leave for ill family members and new children
9. d. Employers developing child-care programs
10. b. Retention and recruitment benefits
11. c. Yes, irrespective of their economic circumstances
12. a. Whether the government should directly provide services
13. b. Vouchers or tax credits
14. b. Nonprofit and government-run centers offer better services
15. b. The U.S. is the only nation with no paid maternity leave requirement


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