ASSESSMENT1 - Quiz - Shift of Educational Focus From Content To Learning Outcomes

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Shift of Educational Focus from Content to Learning Outcomes

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and answer the following items carefully. Shade the letter of the
correct answer in your ZipGrade answer sheet.
The quiz that you are about to take is TEXT-DEPENDENT, meaning the items are
constructed based from the readings that have been provided and assigned to you. Specifically,
the main text is Assessment in Learning 1 by Navarro | Santos | Corpuz,

1. What is the main focus of Outcome- c. To confuse students about the learning
Based Education (OBE)? goals
d. To limit student creativity
a. The teacher as the sole source of
knowledge 5. Which of the following is an example of
b. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) an immediate outcome in education?
c. Memorization of subject matter
a. Winning a Nobel Prize
d. Technology-driven learning platforms
b. Ability to present a science project
2. How does Outcome-Based Education c. Retirement from a job
(OBE) differ from traditional education? d. Writing a bestselling novel
a. It emphasizes passive learning 6. What do deferred outcomes in
b. It discourages faculty involvement education refer to?
c. It focuses on measurable student
a. Immediate competencies acquired after
d. It does not use technology in the
b. Skills demonstrated during job interviews
c. Ability to apply skills years after
3. According to the text, what are completing a program
educational objectives mainly formulated d. Institutional achievements beyond
from? graduation
a. Student perspective 7. What are institutional outcomes in
b. Teacher perspective Outcome-Based Education (OBE)?
c. Community feedback
a. Statements of what graduates should do
d. Government mandates
shortly after graduation
4. What is the purpose of listing learning b. Statements of what graduates are expected
outcomes for each subject/course to demonstrate 3 or more years after
objective? graduation
c. Achievements of students during a
a. To make the course content challenging
b. To provide detailed guidance for teaching
d. Requirements for certification
and measurement

8. In Outcome-Based Education (OBE), 13. What is the main advantage of
what do program outcomes refer to? Outcome-Based Education for students?
a. Skills demonstrated after each lesson a. Reduced access to information
b. Goals achieved by students at the end of a b. Increased responsibility for their learning
course c. Limited exposure to real-world skills
c. Skills demonstrated at the completion of a d. Teacher-directed learning
degree program
14. How does OBE promote continual
d. Learning outcomes in a specific subject
improvement in instruction?
9. How are learning outcomes different
a. By reducing student participation
from program outcomes in OBE?
b. Through faculty resistance to change
a. Learning outcomes are broader c. By providing data to guide teacher
b. Learning outcomes are less specific decisions
c. Learning outcomes are specific to d. By advocating for traditional teaching
individual subjects methods
d. Learning outcomes focus on institutional
15. Why is technology considered a
driving force behind educational change?
10. According to the text, what are
a. To limit student access to information
outcomes assessment procedures
b. To make teachers obsolete
primarily used for?
c. To provide students with varied sources of
a. Assessment tool for teacher performance information
b. Determining the degree to which students d. To increase reliance on textbooks
are achieving desired learning outcomes
16. Which type of outcomes are identified
c. Assigning grades to students
as competencies acquired upon
d. Guiding students on career choices
completion of an instruction?
11. Which of the following best describes
a. Deferred outcomes
the role of the teacher in OBE?
b. Institutional outcomes
a. Passive distributor of information c. Immediate outcomes
b. Facilitator of knowledge d. Program outcomes
c. Strict disciplinarian
17. According to the text, how have
d. Knowledge dictator
educational perspectives shifted over the
12. How does OBE impact the centuries?
relationship between teachers and
a. From passive to active learning
b. From content to learning outcomes
a. It increases dependency on teachers c. From technology to traditional methods
b. It creates a more collaborative learning d. From student-centered to teacher-centered
18. How has the role of the teacher
c. It eliminates the need for teachers
evolved in Outcome-Based Education?
d. It hinders student progress

a. Less involvement in student learning c. It discourages student participation
b. More emphasis on delivering content d. It limits educational outcomes
c. Transition to a facilitator of knowledge
20. Which of the following aspects of
d. Directing students on what to learn
education does OBE prioritize?
19. Why is Outcome-Based Education
a. Subject content and memorization
considered meaningful?
b. Teacher-centered instructional methods
a. It eliminates the need for faculty c. Student learning outcomes and skills
involvement d. Redundant assessment procedures
b. It provides data for teacher improvement

Answer Key
1. b. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
2. c. It focuses on measurable student accomplishments
3. b. Teacher perspective
4. b. To provide detailed guidance for teaching and measurement
5. b. Ability to present a science project
6. c. Ability to apply skills years after completing a program
7. b. Statements of what graduates are expected to demonstrate 3 or more years after
8. c. Skills demonstrated at the completion of a degree program
9. c. Learning outcomes are specific to individual subjects
10. b. Determining the degree to which students are achieving desired learning outcomes
11. b. Facilitator of knowledge
12. b. It creates a more collaborative learning environment
13. b. Increased responsibility for their learning
14. c. By providing data to guide teacher decisions
15. c. To provide students with varied sources of information
16. c. Immediate outcomes
17. b. From content to learning outcomes
18. c. Transition to a facilitator of knowledge
19. b. It provides data for teacher improvement
20. c. Student learning outcomes and skills


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