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2. Relevant
3. Critical
4. Develop
5. Community

Culturally responsive teaching is a method that we must integrate in our classroom discussions and
teaching materials as well. Above are the 5 words that I can relate to the concept of culturally
responsive teaching. First is the school, most of what the students know and learn begins in the
school, this includes being a culturally sensitive individual. Next is the word relevant. What students
learn inside the school, should be relevant, especially in solving 21st century concerns regarding
culture, and cultural awareness. Critical is another word that I can connect with the idea of culturally
responsive teaching since, integrating culturally responsive methods in the teaching-learning
process, encourages students to think critically, and become more culturally aware. Develop is
another word that I can relate to culturally responsive teaching since, as educators, it is our task to
develop students who are globally competitive, and at the same time, anchored in his cultural roots
and heritage. And lastly, community, since after learning RELEVANT information, and DEVELOP
CRITICAL thinking, it is now time for the students to apply what they are equipped with in their

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