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People around the worl both Roman C ld Catholics and oth Protestant her hes zed lebration of Chr ristmas every Church were fantasiz with the cel D_cem mber. They are co onfined to many r rites; giving of gifts, baptism, g marry making which mostly indulg h ges to drinking spree and g mes with ce. sometim ended up w some violenc Others spent their time in casinos and other gamb s bling institutions. Those who stan in defense nd for this fallacy asserted that D_cember 25 was the na s d r* ativity of the Messia ah. In this pam mphlet we wo ould like to disclose that d D_cem mber*25 was not the birth day of the Savior and th the origin hat of Chr ristmas evolved from Paganism What is Chr m. ristmas then? Accord ding to The New W Websters Internat tional Encyclopedi Vol. 2, page ia 224, Ch hristmas (Christs Mass), annual C s Christian festival observed on l D_cem mber*25 to comm memorate the birt of the Messia Thus, it is th ah. Mass of Christ as i implied accordin to the same source. The ng on elebrate a Mass? Was He a ? questio is when did the Messiah ce Roman Catholic Priest t celebrate a ma (the word C n to ass? Christ mas it means mass of the dead d) THE O ORIGIN OF CH HRISTMAS In the first three centur of the Comm Era and even today this ries mon l erved by true YAHUWANs (believers of ( festival was not obse YAHU UW the Mesch hiYAach (Messiah). Encarta states that; Histor rians are unsure exactly when Christians (Ca e atholics) first began celebrating the Nativity of Chr rist. However, most scholars m believe that Christmas originated in th 4th century as a Christian e he (Cathol lic) substitute fo pagan celebra or ations of the wi inter solstice. Before the introductio of Christma each year beginning on on as, b mber*17th in hon of the Rom nor mans pagan god Saturn, the d D_cem ancient god of agricu t ulture, in a fest tival called Satu urnalia. This festival lasted for seven days and includ the winter so l n ded olstice, which usually occurred arou y und D_cember* *25 on the an ncient Julian calenda During Satu ar. urnalia the Rom mans feasted, postponed all busines and warfare, exchanged gifts, and temporaril freed their ss ly slaves. Many Romans also celebrated the lengthening of daylight g ing solstice by participating in ritua to glorify als followi the winter s Mithra, the ancient Per , rsian god of ligh (see Mithraism These and ht m). other w winter festivities continued throu J_nuary 1, th festival of ugh he Kalend when Roman marked the da of the new moon and the ds, ns ay m first da of the month and year. (R ay h Restad, Penne. "Christmas." " Micros soft Student Encarta 2009 [DVD]. Redm 9 mond, WA: Micros Corporation, 2008.) Emphas Mine Therefo according soft , sis ore to histo D_cember*2 festivity is co ory, 25 onnected down to Mithraism. t What i Mithraism then? Well, it is a Persian religion, Mithraism is a arrives in Rome in 68 B It later influ BC. uencesChristianit (Catholic). ty mber*25, for exa ample, is consid dered the sun god Mithra's g D_cem birthda Its similarities to Christianity (Catholic) foster conversions ay. s r to Chri istianity in the first centuries A AD. ("Mithraism Microsoft m."
Student Encarta 2009 [DV VD]. Redmond, WA Microsoft Corp WA: poration, 2008.) Emphas Mine Mithraism, one of the m sis major religions of the Roman o

Empire, th cult of Mith he hra, the ancient Persian god of light and wisdom. In the Avesta, the sacred Zoroastrian writ , Z tings (see anism) of the anc cient Persians, Mithra appears as the chief M s Zoroastria yazata (Av vestan, beneficent one), or go spirit, and ru of the ood uler world. He was supposed t have slain the divine bull, fro whose e to e om dying bod sprang all plants and animal beneficial to humanity. dy ls After the c conquest of Assy in the 7th cen yria ntury BC and of B Babylonia in the 6th century BC, Mit thra became the god of the sun, w which was worshiped in his name ( d (see Sun Worsh hip). The Greeks of Asia Minor, by identifying Mith with Helios, the Greek god o the sun, y hra of helped to spread the cult. It was brought to Rome about 68 BC by pirates whom the Roman genera Pompey the G e al Great had Cilician p captured, and during the early empire it spread rapidly th hroughout the vinces. It was a rival to Christian in the r nity Italy and t Roman prov Roman w world. Mithraism was similar to (Catholic) Chris stianity in many resp pects, for example, in the ideals of humility and brotherly d love, bapt tism, the rite of communion, th use of holy w f he water, the adoration of the shepherds at Mithra's birth the adoption o Sundays s h, of _cember*25 (Mit thra's birthday) as holy days, and the belief and of D_ in the imm mortality of the so the last judgm oul, ment, and the res surrection. The simila arities, however, made possible the easy convers , sion of its followers to Christian (Ca atholic) doctrine. ("Mithraism." Microsoft e
Student Encarta 2009 [DVD] Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporat ]. M tion, 2008.) Emphasis M Mine It is evident therefore, that Christmas origin t C nated from

on D_cembe er*6th. After th Reformation German Prot he n, testants encouraged veneration of the Christkindl (Chr child) as a gif giver v rist ft on his own feast day, D_cem f mber*25. When the Nicholas tr radition prevailed, it became attached to Christmas its b d self. Because the saint's e life is so unre eliably document Pope Paul VI ordered the feast of ted, V f Saint Nicho olas dropped f from the offic cial Roman Catholic calendar in 1969. (Brunvan Jan Harold. "S nd, Santa Claus." Mic crosoft
Student Encart 2009 [DVD]. Red ta dmond, WA: Micros Corporation, 20 soft 008.)

the pagan cult of Mithrais It has no co sm. onnection whatso oever with YAHUW(1) the M MeschiYAach (M Messiah). If only Catholic y birth of Y and Protes stant relatives an friends know that the Messia was not nd ah born on D D_cember*25 and most of all, His name is not t hybrid H the name Jesu invented by t Society of Je us the esus in 1542 (ak Jesuits) ka then our r relatives and frie ends must repent and turn from these lies and falseh hood and traditio that they hav inherited, and come to ons ve d our Maste YAHUWAH(1) in full hum er H miliation with re epentance. Rabbi Sha auwl (aka Paul) said that becau of delusion, people in use latter days would believe lies. And for th cause YAHUW s his WAH shall
send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: Th they all hat might be damned who be elieved not the truth, but had pleasure in t unrighteou usness.(2 Thess salonians 2:11, 12) So many rites and

From the supreme head himse of the Roman Catholic Church based elf n h ce ast m on the sourc above the fea of Nicholas was erased from their calendar. An nother inconsistency here is about gender er a rror; if Nicholas (Cl laus) is a man (masculine) th hen he should not be addressed as Santa (feminine you see the fa e), allacies here. Are many e are e m Catholic awa of this, or do they just ignore it. Well, truth matters and if truth matters then it hur but if admitte it heals, it mak you m rts, ed kes free as YAHUW(1) the Messi said John 8:32 And ye shal know iah 8 ll the truth, and the truth shall make you free. The saddest th d hing for this is; even the Protestant ch hurches swallow this lies and follow wed ood and lying traditions, wit thout regard for the f after falseho commandmen of the Almi nts ighty YAHUWA (1). Are you sincere AH with your fai ith? If so, then se the truth. Fo by so doing you will eek or find salvation for your soul. We can do not n thing against the truth. e 2Co 13:8 Fo we can do noth or hing against the truth, but for the truth. t Many people in the Scriptur heard the trut but rejected it, then e re th i ended up the lives persecut eir ting or even killing the messeng gers of truth. YAHU (1) the Messiah suffered death by telling the tru His UW h uth, true talmidim (disciples) suffe the same by proclaiming the truth in m ers p t His Name tru given name. ue REASONS WHY YAHUW W Wshua(1) (NOT JE ESUS) THE SO OF ON YAHUWAH WAS NOT BO H ORN ON D_CEM MBER*25 FIRST: The Angel Visited M MariYAam (Ma ary) 26 After he sixth er
month was co ompleted (on SC* 10/1 or Gregor * rian-Dec 21, 7 BC), the B angel GabriYA was sent from Almighty Loving YA of All Creati to a YAel m g ion community of GalilaiYA, the *N f Nazar-Bareith, 27 to a virgin pledge to be ed e YAHUWAH provi ides for married to a man whose name was YAoseph (Y eternity, sn- Joseph, Joe), of Th Covenant-Fam of YA from Da J he mily aUWid. The virgin's name was MariY n YAam (Proclaim YAH to The Peop ople). 28 Having come in, the angel s e said to her, "Rej ejoice, you blesse one. ed YAHUWAH, Master, is with/in you. Blessed ar you among the IshAH M n re e (women of YA AH)." 29 But when she heard him, she was greatly tr s roubled at the saying. She pondered wh kind of greeti this might be. 30 The hat ing . e e angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, MariYAam, for you have found favor with YAH HUWAH, Almigh Loving YA of all Creation. 31 He this, hty a ear you willconce (future tense) in your womb an bring forth a son and eive ) nd s you will call his name YAHUW h W-husha (YAHUW W-who-will-save) for He, f 3 YAHUW, will save His People from their sins. 32 He will be stro and ong will be called YAHUW, The Son of YAHUW d WAH-The-Most-Hig and gh YAHUWAH The Master, Almig Loving YA of All Creation (Elo T ghty f oah-YAIm) will give to Him the thron of his father, DaUWid, 33 and He will ne D H Asarel (Almighty Y Reigns), The People of YAacob (YA is YA P b reign over YA raising up) for rever. Of His King gdom, there will be no end." 34 Mar b riYAam said to the an ngel, "How can th be considering I am a virgin?" 35 The his g " angel answere her, "YAHUWA RUWach Qad ed WAH dUWsha will com upon me you and The Power of The Most High (cod for YAHUWAH will de H)

traditions which have no Scriptural bas were attache to this o sis ed e fallacious celebration. One is the myth of the fat-belly man called us as) y Santa Clau (Saint Nichola who allegedly brings gifts on Christmas Eve. Children were told by their parent that they sho ts ould put a stocking o the Christmas tree for Santa Claus will pass th on C hrough the chimney o the night of C on Christmas to prese gifts. But loo parents, ent ok are you aware that you are teaching your children a lie and u paganism. Watch out my friends, Scriptur says all liars t re their place will be des struction in the lak that burns with fire and sulfur. Rev 21:8 ke h
8 But for the cowardly, un nbelieving Covenant breakers, bla asphemers, , ral, sorcerers, id dolaters and all l liars, their murderers, sexually immor place will be destruction i the lake that burns with fire a sulfur, in b and which is th second death." Since this myth of Nicholas ha no basis he " h as

therefore i 1969 through the papacy of Pope John Paul V ordered in P VI to drop this feast from the Roman Catholic calendar. The feast day e e as, s y of Nichola when presents were received, was traditionally observed

oversha adow you. Therefo also The Qad fore dUWsha One who will be born o to you, will be called YAHUW, The Son of YAHUWAH Alm f mighty Loving YA of A Creation. 36 Re All emember ElishaBethiYA (The Almi ighty will save The Co ovenant House of YA), your relativ also has conce f ve, eived a son in her old age and now she has just complet of her sixth mo e ted onth (*10/1, 7 BC) wit her who was ca th alled barren. (2) It is clear in the Scripture that S

find a baby wrap pped in strips of c cloth, lying is the sign to you. You will f in a mang ger."(UriYAH-Luk [luke] 2:11-12)(2) Seventh mon of the kah 2 nth

the An ngel GabriYael (Gabriel) anno ounced the bir name of rth YAHU on the first day tenth month of the Scriptural Calendar, UW h this cor rrespond to D_ce ember*of the Gregorian calendar First day of r. the tent month of the S th Scriptural Calend is the Feast of Light. This dar o is a por rtrayal of the Me essiah being the Light of the Wor witnessed rld to by J John (YAHUWch hanon) the immerser. 4 In Him was Life and
this Life is the Only True Light for all inte fe e elligent men and women. 5 This w True Li ight shines agains the Darkness an the Darkness cannot persist st nd c against it. 6 There was a man of YAH (AH t Hdam), sent from YAHUWAH, m whose n name was YAHU UWchanon (YAHU is our Covena Grace, snUW ant Yohan, John). 7 The sam came as a witn me ness, that he migh testify about ht the Ligh that all might believe through H ht, Him. 8 He was not the Light, but was sen that he might t nt testify about the c coming Light. 9 The Light that T brings true knowledge to everyone wh seeks was com ho ming into the world.(2) YAHUW intr roduced Himself as the Light Of the World 12 t Again, therefore, YAHU spoke to them saying, "I am the Light of UW m, m the wor He who follo Me will not w rld. ows walk in darkness but will have The Lig of Life."(YAH ght HUWchanon 8:12) (2) )

Scriptural Calendar corre esponds to S_pt tember of the Gregorian s he calendar. At this time is summer in th Middle East including There are three F Festivals on the Seventh Month in Yasarel; S n YAsarel. T on the Fir Day is Yaom Teruah [Feast of Trumpets]; on the Tenth rst Day is the Yaom Kippur [Day of Atonem e ment] and on the Fifteenth e Day was the Feast of Suk kkoth [Tent or Tabernacles] tha lasts for T at Seven day (Uwyaqara[Le ys eviticus] 23:23-44 If GabriYAel [Gabriel] 4). l announced the birth of Y d YAHUW(1) on th First Day of the Tenth he month of the Scriptural Ca alendar as quoted on the first rea ason sated en exactly nine mon nths until the Fir Day of rst earlier, the it would be e the Sevent Month which is Yaom Teruah [Feast of Trum th mpets] that the Messi was born an not D_cember*25. On the Feast of iah nd Trumpets there are 4 Trumpet blast s, ted (Tekiah, S Shewarim, Teruah, T Tekiah Gedolah). One of these sounds is ca alled the Tekiah. It is a pure unb broken sound tha calls man to s at search his rsake his wrong doings, and seek forgiveness through g s s heart, for repentance in YAHUWA e AH. This is the sound that is used to e s usher in the King when he is coroneted. It is fitting tha Messiah n at YAHUWh husha would be born on this day since YAHUW y, WAH was announcin His son into t world as the Melek Tzadik (Righteous ng the King). Luk 2: 4 And YAos ke seph (Joseph) als went up from GalilaiYA, so
out of the city of Nazar-Ba areith, into YAHU UWdaia [Judaea] unto the ], UWid (David), wh hich is called BeY YAth-Lechem (Be ethlehem); city of DaU (because h was of the hous and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with he se f MariYAam (Mary) his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it m was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplishe that she w ed should be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and d n wrapped h in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because him d there was no room for the in the inn. Th issue is very important em his

Lechem (Bet thlehem). Luke 2 15 And it came to pass, as the angels 2: e were gone aw from them i way into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even u u unto BeYAth-Lech hem(Bethlehem), and see a this thing whi is come to pa which YAHU ich ass, UWAH has made known unto us. 16 An they came with haste, and found MariYAam (Mar and nd h d ry), YAoseph (Joseph), and the bab lying in a man be nger. Actually, there is t clear proof th YAHUWhus could not ha been born at any of hat sha ave the three pilg grimage feasts o Passover, Pen of ntecost or Taber rnacles. These were times when all Y t YAsarel men we required by biblical ere b law to be in YArusalem (Deu Y uteronomy 16:6, 11, 16). Yet Luk tells ke us that during the time of the Messiahs nativi everyone we into g ity ent his own city (Luke 2:3). B y Besides, the Ro omans would no have ot selected the three primary fes stival seasons for a census when most of r m the YAHUW WdAH (Jews) i Palestine we required to be in in ere YArusalem. It was possible t I that the census of Augustus was in the o s last week of the Sixth mo *SC and the the time com of f onth en mes MariYAams delivery which is the Seven Month*SC. As the s h nth A Trumpets sou unded at the birt of YAHUWh th husha Ha Mashia the ach last Trump of YAHUWAH a also will be blas sted soon as a pr rologue d ss. of His second coming (1 Thes 4:16-17). CONCLUSION: So, what m message did we get from Chri e istmas? es d, ditions. Nothing but its all about lie and falsehood and pagan trad ot riousness of this offense is again our nst People do no matter the ser Savior and cr reator YAHUWA Ha Mashiach If you place yourself AH h. y with the Messiah, would y you allow peop to celebrate your ple e b ther day which is not your bir rthday? memorable birthday on anot Look D_cem mber*25 is the bir rthday of Mithra and more than 25 other pagan deities such as Zeus [D s Dios], Jupiter [io ove=Yahweh], Ba acchus, Nimrod and Tammuz and is not the nativity of the AbraYA s y AHUW eschiYAach YA AHUWhusha. Yo ouve not only got the g (Hebrew) Me wrong date of His birthday bu also miserably youve got the wrong o ut y name [Jesus is not the na ame] of our Savior. His true name 1) His AHUWhusha(1) [means is YAHUW(1 and at birth H name was YA YAHUW is our Savior] but w when He rose from the dead the Father H n me mer, YAHUWAH(1) gave the Son the same nam with the form the name YAHU UWAH(1) which i the Name abov all names (Jn. 17:11is ve 12; Eph. 1:21 Phil. 2:9-10; R 3:12; 22;3-4) 1; Rev. ).

SECON : The season in YArusalem (Jer ND n rusalem) should be considered b when y want to know the precision of the Saviors Na you w ativity. It was recorde in the Besur (Gospel) of Luke that when the Savior ed rah n YAHU UWshua(1) was b born indicates th it was not wi hat inter because the she epherds were pas sturing their floc at night outs cks side the field.
Luke 2: And there were in the same cou :8 untry shepherds abiding in the a field, ke eeping watch ove their flock by n er night. It would be an irony to b

believe that YAHUW ( e (who was wrongl known as Jesu for the past ly us 500 ye ears) the Messiah was born in D h D_cember*25 bec cause; at this season in YAsare (Israel) and it is impossible el time is already winter s asture their flock outside. During winter times for the shepherds to pa s eir wever, when the Messiah was animals were fed in the mangers. How born in the manger (wh n here animal wer kept within the Sheppards re house) the manger was empty this evident, because YA AHUWshua(1) eschiYAach (Me essiah) was born there, as script n ture has said, the Me this sho ows that all man ngers were empt and that the animals were ty a outside because the seas was hot, it w not cold nor was it winter. e son was w THIRD: The Occasion and the AbraY YAHUW (Hebre ew) Festivals when th Messiah was born. In the gos he spel of Luke cha apter two has recorde a taxation de ed ecree by Augustu Ceasar for all the people us whose domicile, were u under the imperialism of Rome. Some alleges is sion that made p possible the inn to be fully ns that thi was the occas occupie Quite sound b more also, th Festivals of YAsarel has to ed. but he Y do with the crowding o YArusalem a nearby cities on the birth h of and s date of the Messiah. In the Word YA translation, st f n AH tates that the Messia was born on th Seventh Mon of the Scriptu Calendar. ah he nth ural
For there is born to y r you, this day (SC* 7/1 AY or G** 6 BC, Feast of * Trumpe ets), in the city of DaUWid, a Savi who is the Et f ior, ternal King of The Family of YAH (Me eoschiYAach) of Y YAHUWAH The Master.12 This M

because th here are three Pilgrimage Feasts that every YA s Asarel man must trav to YArusale [Jerusalem] and keep. Acc vel em cording to Deuterono omy 16:16, the are: Passov ey ver (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot or Feast of W Weeks), and the Feast of Tabernacles e salem is 6 miles away fromBethl lehem, we (Sukkot). But since YArus t ph] Am ve know that Yaoseph [Josep and MariYA could not hav been in YArusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles when Messiah was born. m Had he be born on the Feast of Taber een e rnacles, he wouldve been born in Y YArusalem six miles away fr rom Bethlehem. Yaoseph (Joseph) had to appear before YAHUW WAH in the T Temple in YArusalem and bring an offering on the Feast of Ta m n t abernacles according to Exodus 23:19-20. But if YAoseph [Joseph was in Y h] m fe Bethlehem 6 miles away helping his wif give birth in a Sukkah, how then could he go to YArusalem to make on offerin for the ng Tabernacles? Yo see, he could not be in both places at ou d Feast of T once, and Yaoseph [Joseph] would not hav left MariYAa [Mary] ve am ne t m there alon giving birth while he went to YArusalem to offer sacrifices in the temple. The shepherds were also told to go to s d m Bethlehem to see the child, but they were not told to go to YArusalem If this was th Feast of Tab m. he bernacles as som asserts, me then the A Angel of YAHUW WAH wouldve told the shepherd to go to t ds YArusalem to keep the F m Feast in YArusa alem and not to BeYAth-

EndNotes:*SC=ScripturalCallendar)**G=Greg * goriancalendar)(D D_cember*is

the 12th month of the year on the Gregoriancalenda h e ar) 1) (Seethepam mphletTheEternal lSavingNameofth heSavior& Tetragramma atonHowisitPronouncedforexplan nationofYAHUWs shua) (2) TheWordof fYahKingsCove enantOriginalScriptureEnglishE1)

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