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In this image you can see a man who has a lot of work accumulated and

doesn't know where to start. I think he should finish all the accumulated
work at the office so he can carry out household activities and personal
hobbies. Once all these work obligations were finished, he could do many
personal activities such as going fishing with his friends in a river near the
city. Also, he could make many paintings of the landscapes he visits when
he goes out for a walk with his pet. On weekends he could go out to do
activities with his friends such as going swimming or partying and enjoying
classical music, but if he doesn't like partying he could stay at home and
prepare typical food.
Would you like to go for a walk with your pet in the park?
Would you like to stay at home and cook your favorite food or go out to
party with your friends?
In this painting you can see a family that has planned a trip to different
places in Mexico. To begin the trip they must first take a taxi to take them
to the airport. They will travel by plane for a couple of hours to a beach
called Acapulco, on this beach they will be able to enjoy many landscapes
that have a great variety (varaiety) of animals and museums. (miusiums)
This will be surprising. At night they will go out to enjoy the open-air
theaters (tiders) put on by the community of this beach. I think this trip
will be wonderful and they will enjoy it.
Do you prefer to travel to the beach by plane or by private car?
Would you like to go on a trip with your friends or family?
In this painting you can see a tourism teacher who is teaching (tiching) her
students the tourist places in France. She mentions that the most
wonderful places to visit are the animal museums, theaters and zoos that
are located near the city. She also explains that the rides are very fun, but
you can only enter if you are over 18 years old. She explains to her
students that, when she went to visit this city, she only visited the cities
that had castles and many huge (jiush) buildings. She recommends doing
this activity as a family.
Have you visited any place outside the country?
Would you like to go on a trip with your friends or family?
The family of 4 people in the image was in a very difficult situation
because it was raining too much in their city and they wanted to enjoy a
nice vacation, so they met in their living room to plan where they would
travel. The youngest son of the family proposed (propous)to go shopping
and visit all the toy stores, but the daughter said that this was very boring
and said that she wants to go to the beach and visit the dolphins.
(dolfins)The father said that it would be better to watch a movie in the
cinema but the mother, while serving the food, suggested (sugyested)
going for a walk in the mountains of the city.
-Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?
-Would you like to go on a trip with your friends or family?
In this picture I can see a group of friends made up of 3 women and two
men deciding what fun activity they can do during the day. They can go
see a tennis match and support their favorite player or go to their favorite
band's concert and enjoy the songs all afternoon. They could also practice
skateboarding in the city's central park or go to a party to dance and meet
new people. A good option is also to have a picnic while enjoying nature.
Everyone has different tastes (teists), so they vote to see what activity they
do today.
Is your group of friends large or small?
Do you practice any sports with your friends?
What is your favorite band?
When was the last time you went to a concert?
In this image I can see a calendar. I guess a person needs to plan activities
for the month of September. This person has to decide what activity to do
on Sunday, September 7th. The options are to go to the cinema and enjoy
a premiere movie or climb the mountain near your city, enjoying nature.
Or cycling up a steep hill with your training partners. Another option is to
go swimming and relax your muscles in the Olympic pool. Or even visit
castles on the outskirts of the city.
Do you have free time this month?
Not really, but I think there is a holiday on May 24 for the battle of
Do you know how to swim?
Do you know how to ride a bicycle?
Have you ever climbed a mountain?
In this picture I can see a classroom where the students pay attention to
the explanation of their biology (bayology) teacher who is talking about
nature and I suppose that she is planning to visit different places to explain
the topics in the best way. The places you can visit with her students are:
the zoo where you can see wild animals with giraffes (yirafs), monkeys,
lions. Another option is to visit the museum of prehistoric animals or go to
the forest park where you can find free animals.
Or visit the nearest (nirest) farm to learn about poultry such as chickens
or how milk and its derivatives are made.
Do you like the subject of biology?
Are you afraid of any animals?
Yes I am afraid of spiders
Have you ever visited a zoo?
Yes, but I visited a zoo a long time ago.
In this image I can see a student looking at a billboard of additional
courses to take at school with their different schedules.(skeyools) She
could take dance classes where she will learn to dance to different
rhythms of music including folk music. Or take photography classes where
she will learn about cameras, lighting. Or acting classes where she could
participate in the next school film event. Or take music classes where she
will learn to play the guitar and other musical instruments. She can also
take cooking or auto mechanics classes.
Do you play any instrument?
You know how to dance?
What type of music is your favorite to dance to?
Did you have any of these classes at your school?
In this image I can see a group of six friends from the University, who are
thinking about what fun activities they could do after class. two of them
recommend practicing chess. The other friends think about more fun
activities like going to dance classes so that the instructor can teach them
how to dance salsa. Some of them prefer to do quieter activities like
watching the sports channel on television. Another good option is to
practice basketball at the University Coliseum (Kalusium) and have a
friendly game or go to the computer center and play video games.
Do you know how to play chess?
not really but I want to learn to play
What sport do you play?

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