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Assignment 1: Individual Case Analysis

Roshani Shrestha (2304096)

University Canada West

MGMT 661: Strategic Management


Prof. Adrian Bulzacki

May 3, 2024
Executive Summary: AI Revolution- Smartly, Artificial Intelligence Is New-Day Society



With Artificial Intelligence, society is in the process of changing the capacity of its members to

analyze data, as well as entertainment. This episode of Innovation Fuel focuses on the theme of

how AI has brought the tech and entertainment industries the change all of the related aspects,

with the help of Dave Keighron and Dr. Gelareh Farhadian as the hosts and Paul McKenzie,

CEO of NexOptic as the guest. The dialogue enlightens audiences on the company`s unique AI

technology direction, using file size reduction methods, and also highlights the wider

repercussions of the same for industry transformations and partnership ecosystems.

Key Findings

NexOptic, a company developed by under chief exec. Paul McKenzie has created the latest AI

technology capable of compressing video files without altering their quality. This technology

may turn a new page in the entertainment world marked by the cost-cutting of storage and

quickening of transmission of data. On the other side, she pointed out integration difficulties

when doing business with the leaders of the emerging OTT service providers, or streaming

companies, as they also tend to be the leaders in the industry. (Innovation Fuel Podcast |

University Canada West, 2023)

Strategic Implications

NexOptic's technology based on AI applies to enterprises with decentralized storage and video

streaming because it expands the capabilities of video content processing. With the effect of the

reduction of file size, companies can bring down their costs and build data transmission at a
faster stream thus, the companies can send their high-quality content with less saved data. Clients

will also want to use less energy to store or move large video files, and this innovation reflects

that. The technology of NexOptic which is considered as one of the advantages top of leading

companies may provide streams with totally novel characteristics (NexOptic, n.d.).

Urgency and Importance

Making streaming a monetary profit currently is only possible for the largest platforms. Paul’s

vision of building partnerships with these platforms highlights the idea that we must move ahead

and keep up with these technologies. The establishment of successful partnerships, among others,

shall create the needed industry change, which is a process that will set a new standard for the

way data is handled in this sector. The failure to accept this technology would leave the

companies behind in the increasingly competitive market since the cost for storage and

transferring of data are higher and the processes are slower affecting the revenue directly.


NaxOptim's AI technology that helps in reducing the file size of the videos creates a new

milestone that will enormously contribute to the streaming and entertainment industry. Through

our chat with Paul McKenzie, partnership networking for industry transition is brought to light as

an important facet. Through presenting the episode of Innovation Fuel about Globalization, the

world will have a chance to explore the difficulties and opportunities of the AI age.


Innovation Fuel Podcast | University Canada West. (2023, December 6). University Canada

West (UCW).

NexOptic. (n.d.). NexOptic.

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