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Background of the Study

Mathematics plays a significant role in understanding and solving daily

challenges that humans always encounter in terms of business, science, technology, and

society. Learning mathematics enhances problem solving skills and logical thinking in

different fields. It is a key metric for evaluating the effectiveness of any nation's

educational system.

All students learn, but not everyone learns the same way. The different ways that

people absorb, and process information are known as their learning styles, and they can

have an impact on how well students comprehend, remember, and apply new

information. It is moreover delineated “as the characteristic of cognitive, affective,

social, and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how

learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment” (MacKeracher,

2004, p. 71). A person's environment, emotions, social interactions, and personality

development all influence their learning styles. It is a combination of a student's

knowledge organization and processing methods (Klasica-Milicevic, 2018; Ardayeni,


According to Tomlinson (2014), mathematics achievement is the most important

factor pertains to a person's achievement. It refers to the level of success or proficiency a

student has attained in mathematics. It is an assessment of a student's understanding,

application, and mastery of mathematical concepts and skills. According to Bell (2018),

measuring academic performance has been considered a symbol of school success that

can be traced back to the Victorian era.

Improving the standard of mathematics education for all children is at the

forefront of the country's educational objectives (America 2000, 1995). According to the

Article 1 Section 2 in the Ched Memorandum Oder No. 46 ( Policy-Standard to Enhance

Quality Assurance (QA) in Philippine Higher Education Through an Outcomes-Based

and Typology-Based QA ) it states that one of the mission for the higher education

system is to produce thoughtful graduates imbued with analytical and problem solving

skills and to produce graduates with high levels of academic, thinking, behavioral, and

technical skills/competencies that are aligned with national academic and industry

standards and needs and international standards, when applicable.

However, according to the Programme for International Student Assessment or

PISA in 2022, the dismal performance of the Philippines in PISA 2022 indicates that

students in the country are five to six years behind in learning competencies. The report

shows that the Philippines scored about 120 points less than the average scores in its

2022 assessment: 355 for math, 347 for reading and 373 for science. For the second time,

the Philippines landed in the bottom 10 out of 81 countries in reading comprehension,

mathematics and science, based on the 2022 PISA. The results indicate that despite

moving up the rank the performance of students specifically in mathematics shows

minimal improvement.

Students have specific learning style that may influence their academic

achievement (Hakan, 2020; Veteska, 2022). However, there is limited research on the

relationship between learning style and mathematics achievement among BSED Math

students. While various studies have investigated learning styles and academic

accomplishment, there is a significant lack of research targeting BSED Math students.

Every students has unique learning qualities during the learning process. One of

the distinct characteristics is learning style. Learning styles become a potential problem

for math achievement when teaching methods primarily favor one style and

ignore others. If instruction is based largely on a single approach that does not match

students' different learning preferences, it can hinder their understanding and

engagement with mathematics. Additionally, teachers may not always have sufficient

training or awareness of various learning styles. If teaching methods primarily cater to

one learning style, some students may struggle to connect with the material. It

acknowledges that individuals have diverse strengths and preferences on how they absorb

and retain information, leading to improved engagement and overall achievements in


Addressing different learning styles in mathematics can have a positive impact on

student achievement. When teaching methods are suitable for

different learning habits, students can better understand mathematical

concepts. Recognizing and addressing these differences can improve overall

understanding, engagement, and ultimately improve math achievement. Specifically

in mathematics education, Bell (1989) argued that improving mathematics performance

requires analyzing how students learn mathematics. Hall (2008) also stated that learning

styles are an important factor in mathematics performance. Lack of understanding how

different learning styles impact these students’ math ability has important consequences

for curriculum design, teaching approaches, and educational policy. It is for these reasons

that the researchers find it to conduct the study.

In summary, this research is significant as it addresses the practical implications

of acknowledging and accommodating students learning styles. Therefore, the present

study aims to determine the relationship between the learning styles based on the VARK

model and academic achievement in BSED Math students of Eastern Visayas State

University- Ormoc Campus (EVSU-OCC).

Statement of the Problem:

The study examines the relationship between learning styles and Mathematics

Achievement of BSED Math students.

Specifically, the researchers intend to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Sex

1.2. Age

1.3. Civil Status

1.4. Economic Status

1.5. General Weighted Average

2. Using the VARK Model by Fleming, which learning style will have a major impact

on students' academic performance?

2.1. Visual Learning style

2.2. Auditory learning Style

2.3. Reading/Writing Learning style

2.4. Kinesthetic Learning Style


3. Is there a significant relationship between the ff:

3.1. Respondents Profiles and Learning Styles

3.2. Learning Styles and Mathematics Achievement

4. Based on the findings, what intervention scheme may be developed?

Significance of the Study

In conducting the study about the impact of BSED- Mathematics students'

learning style on their mathematics achievement in EVSU- Ormoc Campus, the following

individuals will benefit from the said research:

Students. Students who want to improve their math performance can use this

study to identify their own learning styles. Along with teaching students how to improve

their learning methods and processes to correspond with their individual learning styles,

the study can also help them become more self-aware and capable of self-regulation.

Parents. This research will help parents in understanding how their BSED-

MATH student's learning style relates to his or her ability in mathematics. Along with

encouraging students to use their learning styles as strengths rather than weaknesses, the

study may also help parents in helping their children learn mathematics.

Instructors. This research can assist educators in understanding how the learning

styles of their BSED-MATH learners impact their academic achievement in mathematics.

Teachers can also benefit from the findings of the research on how they can improve their

teaching strategies and techniques to better meet the needs of their various pupils and

enhance learning outcomes.

University. The research will help the institution in assessing the quality and

effectiveness of the curriculum and program offered for the BSED-MATH. Input and

suggestions on how to enhance the materials and support offered to BSED-MATH

instructors and students can also be obtained by the institution from the study.

Future researchers. The study can help future researchers expand their

knowledge and literature on the impact of learning styles on mathematics achievement

among BSED-MATH students. The study can also help future researchers identify gaps

and limitations in current research and suggest directions for future research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to investigate the relationship between learning style and

mathematics achievements of BSED Math students. This study will be conducted at

EVSU-OCC, and this will only focus on the first year - third year BSED MATH students

in School Year 2023-2024. Selected respondents are given the same questionnaires to


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