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Direct Debits

User Guide

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Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

Direct Debits

Table of Contents
Overview.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Setup ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Stages in Direct Debit .......................................................................................................................... 5
Setting up Direct Debit instructions (DDI) ........................................................................................ 5
Collecting Payments......................................................................................................................... 5
Returned & Resubmitted Items ........................................................................................................ 6
Direct Debit in T24 ............................................................................................................................... 7
Workflow for Outward Claims ........................................................................................................... 8
Workflow for Inward Claims ............................................................................................................. 9
DD.EVENTS ................................................................................................................................... 10
DD.REASON.CODES .................................................................................................................... 12
DD.CODES .................................................................................................................................... 13
DD.TXN.CODES ............................................................................................................................ 14
DD.OUT.FORMAT ......................................................................................................................... 14
DD.IN.FORMAT ............................................................................................................................. 15
DD.PARAMETER ........................................................................................................................... 16
DD.DDI ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Link to MG.MORTGAGE Application ............................................................................................. 18
DD.DDI – For STANDALONE processing...................................................................................... 21
HOLIDAY PROCESSING............................................................................................................... 25
CLAIM ACCOUNTING ................................................................................................................... 25
RETURN & RESUBMISSION ........................................................................................................ 26
DD.ITEM.REJECT.......................................................................................................................... 27
DD.OUT.FORMAT ............................................................................................................................. 27
Example for Header set-up ............................................................................................................ 27
Example for Data set-up ................................................................................................................ 30
Example for Footer Set-up ............................................................................................................. 33
Architecture/Design ............................................................................................................................... 36
DD.PROCESS.LIST........................................................................................................................... 36
DD.LINKS .......................................................................................................................................... 36
DD.ACTIVITY ..................................................................................................................................... 36
DD.HEADER ...................................................................................................................................... 36
DD.SAMPLE.ROUTINE ..................................................................................................................... 36
DD.PURGE.FILES ............................................................................................................................. 36
DD.STANDALONE.FQU.LIST ........................................................................................................... 37

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STMT.ENTRY .................................................................................................................................... 37
DD.GENERATE.FILES.XREF ........................................................................................................... 37
Enquiries................................................................................................................................................ 38
MG.MORTGAGE - Link details .......................................................................................................... 38
DD.HEADER – Outward claim file view ............................................................................................. 39
DD.ITEM.LIST .................................................................................................................................... 41

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Direct Debits

Direct Debit (DD) is the simplest way for an organisation to collect regular or occasional payments
from their Customers account with another bank. It saves time, reduces the cost of collection and puts
cleared funds directly into their bank account.
A Direct Debit is the payment of an agreed amount collected from a customer’s bank account by an
originator on request. The amounts and dates may vary from payment to payment
The Direct Debits application is able to support the processing of both local currency payments as well
as foreign currencies by virtue of the various parameter and setup tables.
The design has allowed for the fact that the system will be customised to meet local requirements and
a certain level of local configuration will be required to meet the local DDI rules, file layouts and
processing cycles.
Direct Debits can be used by standard T24 applications that have the requisite mandate link fields
enabled as well as generic mandates referred to as ‘Standalone’.

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Stages in Direct Debit
In understanding the way T24 processes Direct Debits it is important to understand the stages
involved in the process from the mandate being setup to the successful claim accounting and the
inevitable returned items that will need to be handled.

Setting up Direct Debit instructions (DDI)

The authority to debit the account of a client at another bank usually requires the completion of a
direct debit instruction (DDI) form that the client gives to the organisation (Direct Debit Originator)
through which the DD is to be collected. Although it is now increasingly popular for paperless
mandates to be created where the client is not present the process is essentially the same except the
paperless version is not usually signed.
The Direct Debit Instruction includes details such as:
• Name and address of Bank or Building society that will collect the DD payment (Originator).
• Name and address of the Bank that will pay the funds
• Sort code of the Bank that is to be debited.
• Customer Bank Account number
• Customer Bank Account holder details.
The Direct Debit Originator forwards the completed direct debit instruction to the Customer’s Bank
where the debit account is maintained. Should the details be incorrect, the Customer’s Bank can reject
the DDI.
Once accepted the processing of claims can begin.

Collecting Payments
Once a DDI is accepted by the Customer’s Bank, the Direct Debit Originator can send claims. Based
on the clearing cycle, a claim has to be submitted in the prescribed file format though the clearing
agency to the Customer’s Bank. Each clearing system has a different processing cycle and file format.
For example the UK BACS clearing process has a 3 working day cycle as follows:
• Day 1: Input Day
Claim file has to be submitted to BACS.
• Day 2: Processing Day
File sorting and forwarding by BACS to respective banks.
• Day 3: Entry Day.
All payments are simultaneously debited and credited to the relevant accounts of the member
banks of the clearing.
The originating bank must provide BACS with the electronic list of all the payments it wants processed
in the correct format on the Input day.

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BACS then has the processing day to re-sort the payments and sends a list to each paying bank
detailing the amounts, references and accounts to be debited.
On entry day the originating banks debit the clearing account and process the claims, for example
processing a Mortgage payment.

Returned & Resubmitted Items

The Direct Debit claim can be returned unpaid by the Customer's Bank along with details of the reason
for non-payment, and the DD Originator’s account will be debited with the original claim amount within
a preset period. These unpaid claims can be resubmitted with the same details again for claim
processing. A unique transaction code is given by respective clearing agency for each activity related
to DD processing to understand whether it is a first claim after DDI lodgement, Direct Debit claims,
Returns etc, and these codes have to be used while sending the Claim file.

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Direct Debit in T24

The above business requirement can be achieved in T24 through the Direct Debit (DD) module which
supports Mandate handling, Creation of Claim, generation of Claim file, Claim Accounting, Return and
Resubmission of Claims for Outward claims.
Recording of rejection and Item creation for rejection and definition of file format is supported for the
Inward claims from DD module and local accounting interface can be used for raising Accounting
entries related to above.
The Direct Debit (DD) module is designed to interface with existing T24 applications via core
Accounting System. Currently the MG.MORTGAGE application has the link to DD module and
claims can be generated automatically based on MORTGAGE schedules for payment Interest Amount,
Principal Amount, Commission and Charges. Also DD claims can be generated manually (without
linking to any T24 application) based on frequency or one time, through the DD.DDI application for
standalone processing.
To use the direct debit module, the DD – Direct Debit product has to be installed in the SPF and
COMPANY applications.

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Workflow for Outward Claims

Workflow for Outward DD Claims

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Workflow for Inward Claims

Workflow for Inward Claims

T24 supports processing of inbound DDs through GAI using OFS Clearing. It is advised to set value
dated accounting for Direct Debits in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER for processing inbound DDs.
Refusal requests for inbound direct debits can be recorded with reference to DD.MANDATE.REF or
DD.BC.SORT.CODE in PAYMENT.STOP application. T24 has the ability to stop inbound DD items
matching with the recorded refusal requests and issue a rejection message. ACCOUNTING.MODE in
AC.ENTRY.PARAM record should be set to SNP for handling refusal requests or rejections raised
due to overrides or errors encountered. To have a unique transaction code in accounting entries
generated for refused items, need to set transaction codes for REFUSE.ITEM.DR and
REFUSE.ITEM.CR in the DD.TXN.CODES table. Inclusions can be made suitably in DD.EVENTS
and DD.CODES tables to accommodate refusal of inbound DD items.

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T24 has a set of finite events it understands and can process. These are mapped to the codes used
by the local Direct Debit system, which can have many codes for each T24 event.
A list of events as applicable for DD modules is given in this application as an ID along with its
description. The events defined here can be used in DD.DDI and DD.ITEM applications. These
events control the generation of accounting entries related to Claim, Reversal and Resubmit as well as
population of reason codes for claim file.

DD.EVENTS with description

The following tables show the events used by DD.DDI and DD.ITEM.

NEW New Mandate created/Entered
ADVISED Mandate sent to Customer’ Bank for approval
AVAILABLE Customer’s Bank approved the Mandate and
Mandate ready for use.
ACTIVE First claim Sent or Claim already sent to
Customer’s Bank *
RETURNED Mandate returned with a reason code
REJECTED Mandate rejected
RESUBMITTED Mandate resubmitted
HOLD Mandate put on hold because of some problem
CANCELLED Mandate cancelled
MATURED Mandate matured –Termination date reached *
* Indicates the status is updated by the system.

DD.EVENTS for DD.DDI usage

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NEW.ITEM Claim Item created *
FIRST.ITEM Claim Item sent for first time *
CLAIMSENT.ITEM Claim file generated for underlying Item *
CLAIMED.ITEM Claim accounting raised for the Item *
DELETED.ITEM Item deleted because of change to MORTGAGE
or standalone claim. *
CANCELLED.ITEM Claim Item cancelled
EXTERNAL.ITEM External claim
HOLD.ITEM Claim Item put on hold
LAST.ITEM Last claim
PASTDUE.ITEM Claim Item moved to past due
PROCESSED.ITEM Claim Item processed fully
REJECTED.ITEM Claim Item rejected
RESUBMITTED.ITEM Claim Item resubmitted*
RETURNED.ITEM Claim Item returned *
* Indicates the status is updated by the system.


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The file sent for claiming DD amounts will contain codes that are applicable to the clearing system and
indicate whether it is a first claim (i.e. Claim presentation after DDI lodgement); subsequent claim or
return of an item etc. The reason codes related to Direct Debit for a clearing system are defined here
along with the description, which is displayed as enrichment when these codes are referred to in other
DD applications.


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A code that is defined in the DD.REASON.CODES application is linked to an Event as defined in
DD.EVENTS through this application and the appropriate reason code is defaulted in either DD.DDI
or DD.ITEM based on respective events. Note there are usually more codes in the local system than
there are events in T24, for example there are many reasons for a payment to be returned and the
local code provides a more detailed reason.


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The TRANSACTION code that is to be used when generating accounting entries is specified in this
application for each event such as new, claim, return, resubmit and reject. A transaction code defined
here is applicable for all clearing systems.

DD.TXN.CODES with Transaction codes.

Each clearing system has their prescribed file format for outward claim submission and return. In order
to create the format to suit the local Direct Debit layout it is necessary for T24 to allow the user to
create customised layouts with user configurable parameters.
These custom formats are defined in the DD.OUT.FORMAT application, which allows for three
basic sections, namely, Header, Data and Footer. The customised format settings are linked to the
relevant DD.PARAMETER for Claim file generation.
In the Header, Data and Footer section, details can be specified either as a static information related
to file or can be linked to other applications using DD.ITEM information to get the clearing reference,
Bank sort code, value date and amount etc from the DD.ITEM application.
The id of the DD.OUT.FORMAT is comprised of the clearing system identifier (the id used for the
DD.REASON.CODES) and a numeric sequence. This allows several formats to be defined so you
could have a current format in daily usage and one being created for a scheduled changeover date.
This application is similar to DE.FORMAT.PRINT that we use for formatting printed messages.
Refer to the DD.OUT.FORMAT set-up section for more details.

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Like the outward file, which is constructed from information from within T24, there is also provision for
the processing of an incoming file. It is usual for the incoming file format to mirror the outward format
for ease of use. The clearing authority sends the file to the paying Customers Bank, who on receipt of
the file deconstructs the details and passes the relevant accounting Entries. This inward processing
needs to be handled using local interface/routines, which can use the DD.IN.FORMAT details to
deconstruct the details and map them to DD.ITEM. The Local interface/ routines can be made to
generate the incoming claim Accounting entries.
Due to the varying local requirements and methods of processing inward claims all such processing is
done locally. The DD.ITEM records which can be created are marked as inward and have no system
processing related to them.
In the DD.IN.FORMAT application we can specify the DD.ITEM field name to which incoming
details can be mapped, along with the position from which the information to be extracted from the
incoming file can be specified as well as any delimiters or the number of characters. If required a User
routine can be attached to map the details to DD.ITEM for more complex mapping requirements.

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This is a high level parameter file and contains the details related to Direct Debit processing such as
Clearing Account category and Suspense account category which are to be used for Claim accounting,
Value date before the Claim to be submitted/Resubmitted, Claim file name and location (Both
Inward/Outward), No of days after which file to be moved to History and history file location, Holiday
processing, whether Standalone DD is allowed or not etc.
The id can accept a 4-digit numeric and this id has to be specified in the DD.DDI to link the
parameter setting to the individual Claim.
Each parameter record is used to link together the underlying DD files and it is therefore possible to
create a separate system for each sort code, or even to allow alternate currency clearing systems to
be used.
In this document where a foreign currency clearing system is referenced it is assumed that the files
are sent either to a branch of the bank for merging with their local direct debit claims or directly to
another clearing system. The merging of any such claim files from a branch, for onward transmission
to the local clearing system would be subject to local development.


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Before sending a claim for Direct Debit, the mandate received from the Customer has to be sent to the
customer bank, which should have details like Customer Bank sort code, Customer Account name,
Account number, clearing reference etc. These details are stored in the DD.DDI record.
The ID to this application is a valid T24 Account (for which a Direct Debit mandate has been received
or agreed) and a sequence number. This means that several mandates can be created for the same
Account with unique settings.
In normal circumstances the cycle of the mandate goes from “NEW” to “ADVISED” then to
“AVAILABLE” and in most instances “ACTIVE”. If errors occur or the customers situation changes
then alternate settings of “RETURNED”; “HOLD”; “CANCELLED” or “MATURED” can be set.
The DD.DDI can be sent to the Customer’s Bank for confirmation after changing the status to
“ADVISED”. On obtaining the confirmation, the status can be changed manually to “AVAILABLE” or
during the EOD process the system updates the status to “AVAILABLE” after the elapse of a
stipulated period defined in the DD.PARAMETER.

Direct Debit instruction details.

Note in the above DD.DDI that the field COMBINE.DD.ITEMS is set to Y(es). This means that where
for example an MG contract raises entries for Principal and Interest amounts that the entries are
processed together and one claim is made for the total.

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Link to MG.MORTGAGE Application

To trigger automatic claim processing from MG.MORTGAGE based on MG schedules, choose the
REPAY.METHOD as “DD” and link the DD.DDI (Mandate), which has the status as
“ADVISED”, ”AVAILABLE” or “ACTIVE” in the field DD.MANDATE.REF of the MG application.

The DD.DDI record can be linked to MG only when the MORTGAGE.ACCOUNT matches with the
DD.DDI ID account. Once the DD.DDI record is linked to MG and after the related DD.ITEM is
included in the claim file during the EOD process, the status of DD.DDI automatically changes to
“ACTIVE” to indicate that the mandate is in use.
The DD.ITEM record is created automatically with amount, value date and reference number for each
forward entry raised from MG for the MORTAGE.ACCOUNT. The DD.ITEM is updated with status as
“NEW.ITEM” along with the reason code as applicable for that event.

MG contract liked to DD.DDI

In the above example an MG contract is created which has an equated monthly repayment of EUR
1190.52 (ie. Principal Repayment of EUR 988.85 + Interest repayment EUR 201.67 ) every month
starting from 27 June 2001. Since the DD processing is enabled by linking the Mandate “19348.1” to
the MG Contract, for each forward entry created for the MORTGAGE ACCOUNT, the system creates a
DD.ITEM record with the respective details and with the status “NEW.ITEM”.

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Forward entries details

The accounting entries have automatically raised the DD.ITEM records.

DD.ITEM is created for the Principal repayment.

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DD.ITEM is created for the Interest repayment.

In the situation that the DD.DDI is submitted for the first time after DDI lodgement for claim processing
(i.e. DD.DDI old status is not “ACTIVE”) then during the actual claim file generation the DD.ITEM
status is updated to “FIRST.ITEM” and updated with the appropriate reason code from
Whenever the details in an underlying MG contract are changed, then the existing DD.ITEM
record(s) are de-linked and the status is updated to “DELETED.ITEM” and new DD.ITEM records
are created with the current MG details. These deleted items will not be picked by claim file generation.
However in case the claim is sent for the underlying DD.ITEM, (i.e. DD.ITEM already has the
status as “CLAIMSENT.ITEM”) then the Item cannot be de-linked and an override is raised in the MG

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DD.DDI – For STANDALONE processing

By linking the DD.DDI mandate to the MG application, claims are raised automatically. To generate
claims manually with a user-defined frequency for standalone processing, the same DD.DDI
application can be used if the field ALLOW.DD.STD is set to ‘Y’ in appropriate DD.PARAMETER. The
details required in the DD.DDI are basically the same but when the field STAND.ALONE.DDI is set
to ‘Y’ certain key fields are also required for the amount, currency market and required frequency for
which claims are to be made.
On entering the above details in DD.DDI, forward entries are created for the mandate account and
the standalone clearing account, which in turns creates DD.ITEM records with the given amount and
value date.
In the below example a weekly claim is to be made starting the 22nd June 2001, EUR 37,908.41 has to
be claimed and credited to the account 19763. The claim has an end date of 31 Dec 2001.

Mandate created for as a Standalone claim

Based on the above information, forward entries for the immediate claim and DD.ITEM record are
created as given below.

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Forward entries raised for standalone claim

DD.ITEM based on standalone claim details

When the standalone frequency detail is changed, then the underlying DD.ITEM is marked as
“DELETED” when the claim is not sent. Otherwise an override is generated with information “Item
cannot be de-linked”.

T24 provides the ability to process flexible schedule for standalone outbound direct debits. Future
schedule dates and amounts can be defined for standalone outbound direct debits.

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Once all the future frequencies are merged with the cycle frequency and termination date is reached,
the DD.DDI record STATUS will get set as MATURED.

Mandate for Standalone outbound DDs with future Frequency

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The Direct Debit claim has to be submitted in the prescribed format and as per the number of clearing
days schedule. In the DD module, the claim files can be generated as per the format and number of
days before the value date as given in DD.PARAMETER, either online or during the EOD batch
In brief T24 works out the forward window for file generation based on the following criteria:
• Claim cycle
• Holiday inclusive indicator
• Local or Foreign Clearing system
• Local Holidays
• Foreign Holidays

To generate the claim file, the number of days as given in the CLAIM.DATE.PRD field in
DD.PARAMETER is added with the system date and all the claims from DD.ITEM (with the status as
“NEW.ITEM“ and underlying DD.DDI status as “ACTIVE” or “AVAILABLE”), with the value date
scheduled between the system date up to the claim period date being taken for processing.
If the DD.DDI status is “HOLD” or “RETURNED” then these items are skipped during file generation.
Where the value date is a holiday, then depending on the CLAIM.HOL.IND setting in the relevant
DD.PARAMETER, either it is included with the previous day file (when set to “Yes”) or the claim is
sent on the next day.
To generate files online DD.GENERATE.FILES has to be verified with an appropriate
DD.PARAMETER id. Once the file is generated (either on-line or an EOD process), the individual
DD.ITEM record status is set to “CLAIMSENT.ITEM” and DD.HEADER is updated with the Item
summary details.
Once the Item is included in the file, it is skipped during the next file generation process. Hence to
view a sample file before sending it to the Clearing Agency, set the UPDATE.FILES field as “No” in
DD.GENERATE.FILES, then a sample file is generated without updating the Item and Header, this
can then be viewed from the Hold Control Report.

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The scheduled date for the claim file generation or claim value date and cycle frequency date can fall
on a holiday. In such cases the decision on whether to process above activities on the previous
working day itself, or on the next working date, can be defined in CLAIM.HOL.IND in
For example in CLAIM.DATE.PRD is given as 10C (to generate claim files 10 calendar days before
the value date) then on 1st Jan when the claim file generated it will have the DD.ITEM records which
have the Value dates between 1st - 11th Jan.
Where the 12th Jan is a Holiday and the field CLAIM.HOL.IND is set to “Yes”, then claims which are
due on 12th Jan are added in 1st Jan claim file with processing file date as 11th Jan. If the field
CLAIM.HOL.IND is Null then claims that are due on 12th Jan are sent only on next working day i.e.
2nd Jan with file processing date set as 13th Jan.
Similarly, entries related to 12th will be raised on 11th January with a value date as 12th January when
CLAIM.HOL.IND is set to “Yes” and the cycling of frequency in case of Standalone DDI’s is done
during 11th January End of day activities.
In the above example, in case the CLAIM.HOL.IND is set to null, then 12th January claim entries will
be raised only on 13th (Next working date) and the cycling of frequency in case of standalone DDI’s is
done on during 13th End of Day.
When the Mortgage scheduled repayment date is a holiday, then the repayment entries are generated
on the previous working day by default.
Hence based on the Bank’s requirement, the CLAIM.HOL.IND can be set to either generate the
entries before the claim or after the claim date where there is a holiday on the claim date.

During the Start of Day process, based on the DD.HEADER record for the system day and parameter,
claim accounting is raised by debiting DDI.ACCT.CLASS for Items created through DD.DDI and
STD.ACCT.CLASS for items created through standalone processing, crediting the respective
mortgage account or standalone account. The status of DD.ITEM is changed to CLAIMED.ITEM.
Claim accounting is raised based on the claim file generated for the respective day with the booking
date as the system date and value date as the DD.ITEM claim value date. Where the scheduled date
is a holiday, then based on the CLAIM.HOL.IND in DD.PARAMETER, entries are raised with the
claim date amended as appropriate.
Forward entries created by DD.DDI for standalone processing and MG are dropped through a
generic batch process. During End of Day MG Batch process, the Mortgage account is debited and
credited to the Mortgage due amount (Principal and Interest). New forward entries are created for the
next due items, which in turn creates new DD.ITEM for the value date and amounts.
For a standalone claim, forward entries are created during the End of Day process after cycling based
on the frequency. The status of a DD.DDI standalone record is moved to “MATURED” when the
termination date as specified in DD.DDI is reached.

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It is an inevitable part of any Direct Debit system that some claims will be returned, since the
assumption is that the payment would be made and accounting entries have already been passed for
the claim date then the system needs to undo this accounting. The reasons for the return can vary
from errors where an account number or reference has been incorrectly listed or where the amount is
being questioned. Whether it is for an error or for insufficient funds the initial process in T24 is to
record the return and if appropriate try to make the claim again.
The DD.RETURN application is used to register the returns and perform the resubmission. An item
that is returned can be updated in DD.RETURN manually or through an interface process by giving
the relevant DD.ITEM.ID along with the reason code for the return.
Using DD.RETURN to process a return can only be done where the status of the returned claim is
“CLAIMED.ITEM” (i.e. Claim accounting has been raised on the value date).
Where automatic resubmission is required then a period after which the system should make the
return can be specified in the field RESUB.DATE.PRD in DD.PARAMETER.

Resubmission can also be done using the RESUB.VAL.DATE field in DD.RETURN. For
resubmission an accounting ‘forward’ entry is created for the mandate account and the concerned
clearing account with the original DD.ITEM amount along with new value date. The value date for the
resubmitted forward entry is arrived at based on the resubmit value date as given in DD.RETURN
plus the number of days specified for the claim period in DD.PARAMETER. Based on forward entry
details a DD.ITEM is created with the required information and then processed like normal claim

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Incoming claims can be processed with a local Accounting interface set-up through which the required
accounting entries can be raised (i.e. Customer account is debited and clearing account is credited).
The DD.ITEM.REJECT application is used to reject the incoming claim. In this application the mandate
reference, Currency, Amount, Inward account etc can be given, which in turn creates a DD.ITEM
with direction as “INWARD”. These details can be sent to the bank that originally sent the claim along
with reason for return. However the file generation as per the required file format and rejection
accounting has to be handled through the local interface.

The DD.OUT.FORMAT application is where the format of the outgoing claim file is set. This format
application allows for the creation of a file with a header, body and footer section.
Data can be entered a free text; a field on DD.ITEM; a field linked from DD.ITEM; data derived via
a subroutine or a few specific control characters for line control.
A limited formatting option is permitted in the HDR.LEN.MASK, DATA.LEN.MASK and FTR.LEN.MASK
fields. The formatting can also be used for spacing the data into columns as will be seen in the
In a similar manner to that used in ENQUIRY it is also possible to use fields that are used for data
retrieval and are not themselves displayed.
An example showing the setup of an outward claim file format using the DD.OUT.FORMAT application
is shown below.

Example for Header set-up

The following static information has to be populated on the header and the required setup is given

Position Details to be Populated Mask/Length Include

Header Line 1
1-15 Free Text information “Header Details:” Y
18-30 Free Text information “VOL1DDSUSD001” 15R Y
31-51 Free Text information “DDUSD.1 Local Clearing” Y
LF <010> Y
Header Line 2
1-12 Free Text information “Body Details” Y
CR <013> Y

Required Header details

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The first text takes up 15 characters and is followed by text that has a length defined as 15R, this
means that any text is right adjusted and if less than 15 characters would have leading space(s)
The <010> indicates to the system that a linefeed is required after the header line, whilst the <013>
represents a carriage return & linefeed.

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Header details set up in DD.OUT.FORMAT

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Example for Data set-up

In the data record section, the details can be populated as static information, or using
the DD.ITEM details other application like DD.DDI can be linked through DATA.FIELD.LINK.

Position Details to be Populated Mask/Length Include

Data Body
1-8 Free text information “Mandate:” Y
16 Free text information “*” - Note 1 Y
17-22 Free text information “Claim:” Y
31 Free text information “*” Y
32-38 Free text information “Booked:” Y
47 Free text information “*” Y
48-58 Free text information “Value Date:” Y
67 Free text information “*” Y
71-81 AMOUNT(from copy of sample routine Y
82 Free text information “*” Y

Data field details

1 For this we have used a * as a field delimiter only as an illustration
2 Linked field. The value in MANDATE.REF is used to access the record in DD.DDI and the content
from field CUSTOMER.NO is returned.

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Position Details to be Populated Mask/Length Include

Data Body
89 Free text information “*” Y
96 Free text information “*” Y
105 Free text information “*” Y
109 Free text information “*” Y
145 Free text information “*” Y
156 Free text information “*” Y
157-171 CONTRACT.REF 25”-“L Y
172 Free text information “*” Y
173-189 STATUS 16L Y
190 Free text information “*” Y
CR <013> Y
LF <010> Y

Data field details continued

3 The value returned is formatted with the ‘-‘ character being used as a fill option so any spaces will
contain the ‘-‘ instead.

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Data record set up in DD.OUT.FORMAT

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Example for Footer Set-up

Position Details to be Populated Mask/Length Include

Footer line 1
1-15 Free Text information “Footer Details:” Y
CR <010> Y
Footer line 2
1-18 Free Text information “Number of Items: “ 18L Y
19-21 TOTAL.ITEM (from copy of sample routine 3L Y
CR <010> Y
Footer line 3
1-16 Batch Total USD 16L Y
17-32 TOTAL.AMOUNT (from copy of sample routine 16L Y

Required Footer details

In this example the sample routine supplied was copied and used to supply the number of items on
the claim file and the total value of the items. It could also be used to format amounts or other fields as

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Footer record set-up in DD.OUT.FORMAT

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Generated outward Claim file using the format given in DD.OUT.FORMAT

In the above case the amount is displayed with the decimal point (“.”) if there is a requirement to
suppress this decimal point or replace it with a comma then a user routine may be used. The supplied
DD sample routine can be modified to format the amount as per the user requirements.

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This file is updated during creation of DD.ITEM and contains the DD.PARAMETER id, Date,
DD.DDI and Currency in the key. Each record contains the list of DD.ITEM for that key; this
structure assists in performance and selections. This is deleted once the claim file is generated for the
value date.

This file serves as a link between the mandate and the underlying contract ids. The id of this file is a
DD.DDI reference (mandate) and the Contract id can be *MG contracts / Resubmitted DDI’s, which
use this mandate.
* At present only MG has the extra fields necessary to claim payments by Direct Debit.

For each MG.MORTGAGE contract and Standalone mandates that are linked to the DD module, this
application has the relevant DD.DDI and DD.ITEM ids.

The DD.HEADER application contains the outgoing file details like file name and operator name and
time of creation, total number of records, total amount, list of DD.ITEMs linked to the file. This file is
used to create claim accounting on the claim value date. Field level Context enquiry is available to
view the generated file using RECORD.ID.

The amount details for the outgoing claim file can be mapped directly from DD.ITEM. However,
when the claims are for the same mandate and for the same value date, then claims can be combined
and a single claim can be sent. In such cases, amount details cannot be mapped directly from
DD.ITEM. This sample routine is released which can be modified locally as per the Bank
requirement and attached to the respective DD.OUT.FORMAT. Please note the items are combined
not only for file generation but claim entries / return handling is for each item.

This application is used to purge the records in DD.DDI, DD.ITEM, DD.LINKS, DD.EVENTS,

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specifying criteria, which can accept a valid field name from the respective application along with a
Records in above the applications can be purged on line by using the “V” function or during End of
Day activities. However for fallback reasons, the application record has to be archived before purging
using local routines.

This file contains the lists of Standalone DD’s that are scheduled for a date for each
DD.PARAMETER Id. This file is updated when a DD.DDI with STAND.ALONE.DDI set to ‘Y’, is
added or modified and this file is referred to, to create DD.ITEM and STMT.ENTRY on the
scheduled date.

The DD.MANDATE.REF and DD.ITEM.REF are updated in STMT.ENTRY, which can be used for

This application holds temporary files for building the final claim file to be generated for Direct Debit
Clearing Processing.
It contains details of the records to be claimed for a particular mandate reference under a specific
DD.PARAMETER id for a particular claim value date.

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MG.MORTGAGE - Link details
A context enquiry is available in MG.MORTGAGE in field DD.MANDATE.REF, which shows the list of
MG contracts that are linked to a mandate.
The browser screenshot below shows the deal menu (this can be toggled on/off) where the section
containing linked Enquiries such as DD.LINK.LIST appears. Note the menu shows a descriptive name
rather than the ENQUIRY id, as this is more meaningful to the user.

MG.MORTGAGE – DD Mandate link

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Running the enquiry, either manually or via the link displays the contracts which already use the
DD.DDI entered in the DD.MANDATE.REF field.

MG contracts linked to a DD.DDI

DD.HEADER – Outward claim file view

The claim file, which is generated and available in the outward location specified in
DD.PARAMETER for a DD.HEADER detail can be viewed using the context enquiry available for
field RECORD.ID in the DD.HEADER application.

Context Enquiry for Claim files viewing in DD.HEADER application.

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As an illustration the screen below shows a test file. It is not meant to be a real claim file but shows
that the internal format is user configurable and as such contains the data and data labels.

Claim file example being viewed in Browser

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This enquiry can be used to list the DD.ITEM’s details based on the selection criteria from
DD.ITEM fields - Status, Value Date and the Parameter id.

DD.ITEM.LIST enquiry output

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