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Software Development Kit

Administrators Guide
Installation & Setup

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T24 Software Development Kit – Administrators Guide

Table of Content
Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is TSDK ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Getting TSDK ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Copyright and licenses......................................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 3
Supported Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 3
Memory and Disk Space Requirements .............................................................................................. 3
Before Installing ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Pre-requisites ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Creating TSDK Classes........................................................................................................................... 3
WS.DEPLOY .................................................................................................................................... 4
WS.CREATE.TSDK ......................................................................................................................... 5
WS.CREATE .................................................................................................................................... 6
TSDK Generation Process ............................................................................................................... 7
Installing the TSDK JAR Files .......................................................................................................... 7
Installation and Setup .............................................................................................................................. 8
Creating and Packaging the T24 server class ............................................................................... 10
Package and deploy the class ....................................................................................................... 10
EB.API ................................................................................................................................................... 10
T24 Tables ......................................................................................................................................... 10
EB.API ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Set up the EB.API record for the new class ................................................................................... 11
Configure API hook to use EB.API ................................................................................................. 11
Javadoc Overview ................................................................................................................................. 12
Creation .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................... 14

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What is TSDK
For many years, T24 has had an extensive range of API hooks to allow the customisation and
extension of T24’s business logic to meet the needs of an individual institution. However, historically
such code has had to be written in basic.
This document sets out the steps required to install and configure T24 Software Development kit

Getting TSDK
T24 Software Development Kit is a free toolkit that comes with T24 Browser. Once you have T24
Browser, your distribution should automatically include the TSDK

Copyright and licenses

T24 copyright and licensing applies to TSDK.

System Requirements
Supported Hardware
All java dependent platforms are supported. Which ever platform that has T24 installed is compatible
with TSDK.

Memory and Disk Space Requirements

20Mb disk space would be required for installation. See Java documentation for disk hardware and
disk requirement

Before Installing
TSDK requires a number of Temenos products installed
• T24
• jBASE – from version onwards
• T24 Browser (for Web Server Validation)
• T24 Connector (for Web Server Validation)

In addition, Java SDK (from version 1.3 onward) is required

Creating TSDK Classes

The TSDK Foundation classes are provided by Temenos in the form of a Java Archive file (JAR)
called “tsdkfoundation.jar”. Java documentation describing these classes and methods are supplied
by Temenos in the form of a Zip file called “”.
The TSDK Application classes are provided by Temenos in the form of a Java Archive file (JAR) called
“tsdk.jar”. The “tsdk.jar” file contains all of the applications and tables from T24 in class form. If a

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client has written their own local, then the TSDK Application classes can be re-created to include such
changes. Tools are provided to create a full set of application/enquiry classes, as well as individual
application/enquiry classes.
To create the full “tsdk.jar” file containing all the T24 applications, “WS.DEPLOY” and
“WS.CREATE.TSDK” should be used.
To create individual TSDK classes, or a sub-set of classes, of T24 applications, “WS.DEPLOY” and
“WS.CREATE” should be used.
The following sections describe each of these tools.

In order to create the TSDK (either a full set of TSDK classes or individual classes) a deployment
descriptor must first be created using T24. This is done using the T24 application “WS.DEPLOY”.
Please note that this application is also used to create Web Services.
WS.DEPLOY provides information regarding the type of TSDK (or Web Service) that is to be created,
as well as location information for the created files.
Whether creating a full set of TSDK classes or a sub-set of classes, create a WS.DEPLOY record
called “RUN.TSDK” similar to Figure 1 below :

Figure 1: The RUN.TSDK record in WS.DEPLOY

WS.DEPLOY contains the following fields:

• DESCRIPTION: This field contains a description of the deployment.
• PLATFORM: Defines the type platform code to generate. Currently the only supported platform is
J2EE – Java classes.
• DEFINITION URL: The URL for the Web Service. Currently not used.
• LOCATION: Namespace or SOAP address location for the Web Service. Currently not used.

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• WSDL PATH: The path for the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file for Web Services.
Currently not used.
• DEFINITION PATH: The path for the definition XML file for the Web Service. Currently not used.
• CODE PATH: Defines the location for the generated java, class and JAR files. This can be a sub-
directory relative to the user's .run directory, or a full pathname. The user must have permission
to write to the directory.
• TYPE: Defines the type of deployment descriptor. It can be one of the following values:
o TSDK: Used for TSDK class creation.
o WEB.SERVICE - Used for Web Services class creation.

To create a full set of T24 TSDK application classes, “WS.CREATE.TSDK” should be run. This
includes creating a record defining the details for the TSDK, and using the T24 Verify function on the
record to actually create the TSDK.
Create a WS.CREATE.TSDK record called “RUN.TSDK” similar to Figure 2 below:

Figure 2: The RUN.TSDK record in WS.CREATE.TSDK

WS.CREATE.TSDK contains the following fields:

• DEPLOY TYPE: The Deploy Type is the key to the WS.DEPLOY record created earlier. The
deployment descriptor must have a type of TSDK.
• OUTPUT PATH: The base directory where the TSDK will be created (e.g. tsdk). When the
WS.CREATE.TSDK record is Verified "src" and "classes" directories will be created in the output
path directory containing the Java source and class files. The class files will then added to a JAR
• JAVA HOME: The directory where Java has been installed (e.g. /usr/java131).

The record should be authorised and then the Verify function run. The Verify function actually creates
the TSDK.

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NOTE : Depending on the processor of the server, the creation of a full TSDK can take a few
hours. When run in “Classic” the creation of java, class and JAR files are reported to the
console allowing monitoring of the process.

To create a single or sub-set of T24 TSDK application classes, “WS.CREATE” should be run. This
includes creating a record defining the details for the TSDK, and using the T24 Verify function on the
record to actually create the specified TSDK classes.
Create a WS.CREATE record similar to Figure 3 below:

Figure 3: A record in WS.CREATE

WS.CREATE contains the following fields:

• DESCRIPTION: This field contains a description for this creation record.
• METHOD NAME: The name of a method to expose as a Web Service. Only used if the Deployment
Type record is WEB.SERVICE.
• PACKAGE NAME: The package name for the Web Service or TSDK Java classes (e.g.
• SOURCE: A multi-value field containing a list of applications (and enquiries or versions for Web
Services) to be created.
• SCOPE: Only used if the Deployment Type record is WEB.SERVICE. Currently not used.

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• WEB SERVICE URL: The URL for the Web Service as used for the Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL). Currently not used.
• DEPLOY TYPE: Deploy Type is the key to the WS.DEPLOY record created earlier.
• JAR NAME: The name of the Java Archive (JAR) file to create if required. If this is not specified
then the application will only create the Java and class files.
• JAR LOCATION: The directory location of the Java Archive (JAR) file to create if required. This is
only used if a JAR is required, as determined by the JAR Name field. This can be a relative path
to the account .run directory or a full pathname.

TSDK Generation Process

When WS.CREATE.TSDK and WS.CREATE records are verified java, class and JAR files are created
by the TSDK engine. This process runs the following steps :

1. The TSDK engine uses the Location field of the WS.DEPLOY record to indicate where to put
the files created. The location can either be a full pathname (e.g.
“/t24/srdevb/”) or a relative pathname relative to the T24 account “.run”
directory (e.g. “tsdk”). The following directories will be generated from the above settings
under the account “.run” directory :
a. tsdk/src
- This will contain all of the java files created
b. tsdk/classes
- This will contain all of the class files generated from the src directory
c. tsdk/tsdk.jar
- This jar file contains all of the generated classes. The default name of the
JAR file is “tsdk.jar” but this can be specified in the WS.CREATE record,
2. When the Verify function is run a Java source file is created for each T24 application and is
then compiled in to a Java class file. Once all of the class files have been created, they are
added to the JAR file.
3. The tsdk.jar (or the name specified in the WS.CREATE record) is the final product and will
contain all of the applications and tables in class form.
4. The TSDK generation process for a full set of TSDK classes may take several hours to run.

Installing the TSDK JAR Files

Once the TSDK JAR files have been created they should be installed in an accessible directory.

Web Server TSDK Installation

To use the TSDK for web server validation routines (i.e. the Web Validate functionality), the TSDK
Foundation (“tsdkfoundation.jar”), TSDK Application (“tsdk.jar”), and any local application JAR files
should be placed in the following directory of the Browser web installation:
\BrowserWeb\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib

T24 Server TSDK Installation

To use the TSDK for T24 server validation routines, the TSDK Foundation (“tsdkfoundation.jar”),
TSDK Application (“tsdk.jar”), and any local application JAR files should be placed in a directory that is
included in the CLASSPATH environment variable (e.g. /t24/srdevb/ The
CLASSPATH should reference the classes directly as follows :
/t24/srdevb/ /t24/srdevb/;

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/t24/srdevb/; /t24/srdevb/

Installation and Setup

The TSDK product consists of two zip files:

ƒ [External Libraries]

ƒ [Temenos Libraries]

These zip files will contain the following jars: [External Libraries] [Temenos Libraries]
xalan.jar tsdkfoundation.jar
xerces.jar tsdk.jar
xmlparserv2.jar tsdkexamples.jar
dom.jar t24log4j.jar
sax.jar t24trace.jar

The TSDK product will also require the following jBASE libraries that can be found in the jBASE home
ƒ javaobjex.jar
ƒ jbase.jar

1. Create a folder and unzip the and into that folder.

2. Under jBASE following environment variables must be specified:

LIBPATH – specifies where the java runtime is located

eg. /usr/java131/jre/bin/classic:/usr/java131/jre/bin

JBCJVMLIB – specifies where the JDK is located

Windows - looking for ‘jvm.dll’ eg c:\j2sdk\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll

You need to add ‘c:\j2sdk\jre\bin\server’ to your Path environment variable.

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AIX – looking for ‘libjvm.a’ eg. /usr/java131/jre/bin/classic/libjvm.a

Linux and Solaris – look for ‘’

HP-UX 11 – looking for ‘

CLASSPATH – specifies where the following jars are located:

Jar Name Example Location

javaobjex.jar UNIX: /usr/jbc/java/lib/javaobjex.jar
WINDOWS: [jBASE Install Dir]\java\javalib\javaobjex.jar

jbase.jar UNIX: /usr/jbc/java/lib/jbase.jar

WINDOWS: [jBASE Install Dir]\java\javalib\jbase.jar

tsdk.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\tsdk.jar

tsdkfoundation.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\tsdkfoundation.jar

tsdkexamples.jar The directory where was extracted to:

(if required) UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/

WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\tsdkexamples.jar

t24log4j.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\t24log4j.jar

t24trace.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\t24trace.jar

xalan.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\xalan.jar

xerces.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\xerces.jar

xmlparserv2.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\xmlparserv2.jar

dom.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\dom.jar

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jdom.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\jdom.jar

sax.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\sax.jar

log4j-1.2.9.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\log4j-1.2.9.jar

servletevent.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\servletevent.jar

j2ee.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\j2ee.jar

junit.jar The directory where was extracted to:

UNIX: /storage1/t24.accounts/t24.acc.2/t24.acc/t24devc/
WINDOWS: C:\tsdk\lib\junit.jar

[YOURLIB.jar] The directory where the jar containing all custom validation classes has been deployed.

A jar file that contains

custom classes to
perform the required

Creating and Packaging the T24 server class

T24 application classes can be created and packaged using the supplied set of tools to create TSDK
and Web Services classes. For locally developed applications, or core T24 applications that contain
local reference fields, the WS.CREATE application should be used to create and package the TSDK
class. Please refer to “WS.CREATE”.

Package and deploy the class

Please refer to the “Creating TSDK Classes” for details on how to create TSDK classes and their JAR
The created JAR file (or the Temenos supplied JAR file) should then be added to the T24 servers
class path, either by placing it in a known class path area (the java directory under is
recommended) or by modifying the CLASSPATH environment variable. The package name at the top
of the class will reflect the package structure in this JAR.

T24 Tables
The EB.API table defines BASIC and Java hooks used to validate T24 application data.

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A new record in the application EB.API should be created for each new Validation Class. The name of
the class should be the key to the record. See the diagram below for an example on how to set up the

The following fields will be relative to the validation class created:

o Java class
o The name of the Validation class
o Java Package
The package structure where the Validation class can be found. This will be relative to the jar that the
class is packaged in.

This EB.API routine can then be attached to the relevant VERSION record (i.e. in this case a FOREX
VERSION record).

Set up the EB.API record for the new class

Once a validation class has been created, an EB.API record must be created. This record specifies
the name, package and details for the validation routine. In terms of the TSDK, the EB.API should
define a Java class. However, EB.API is also used for external BASIC routine hooks as well.

Configure API hook to use EB.API

Once the EB.API hook record has been defined it must be attached to a VERSION record. The
EB.API record can be defined as a Web Validate routine to be run on the web server, or a validation
routine attached to a field to be run at the T24 server.
For Web Validation routines please refer to the section “Set up the Web Validate field on the version”.

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For a T24 server validation routine the field ‘Validation Rtn’ is assigned the EB.API record id. See the
figure below:

This example causes the “FOREX.DEFAULT.ACCOUNTS” EB.API validation routine to be called to

validate the CURRENCY.BOUGHT field.

Javadoc Overview
Javadoc is HTML pages describing a set of packages, classes and their methods. These are to be
used when developing T24 routines.
The TSDK comes with 2 sets of Javadoc :-
1. The TSDK Foundation classes documentation (
2. The TSDK Application classes documentation (

The TSDK Foundation classes documentation describes the classes and methods for the core TSDK
functionality (e.g. for TContract, TEnquiry, ClassLoader, etc).
The TSDK Applications classes documentation describes the classes and methods for the T24
applications (e.g. for Account, Customer, Abbreviation, etc).
In order to create this documentation, each Java source file must contain javadoc directives, such as
“@param” and “@return” which detail the parameters and return values of a method). For more
details on javadoc please refer to:
Each Java class created by the TSDK application classes automatically contain javadoc directives as
generated by the WS.CREATE.TSDK program. The TSDK Foundation classes should have javadoc
directives in them also as provided by Temenos.

The Javadoc can be created in 2 different ways :-
1. By using the javadoc program on the command line

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2. By using an IDE or tool such as WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)

The TSDK Foundation classes documentation ( will be supplied by Temenos.

These can be simply unzipped.
The TSDK Application classes documentation ( will be supplied by Temenos. However, if
a client has written their own local applications or have added local reference fields to the T24 core
applications, then the javadoc can be re-created to include such changes. Please follow the
instructions below.

Command Line
1. When creating javadoc for a large amount of class file, the Java Virtual Machine memory
amount must be specified on the command. Failure to do this may cause Java OutOfMemory
2. The javadoc command to create the documentation is of the form :-
javadoc -J-Xmx256m -d ..\docs\tsdkDoc -subpackages com
where :-
javadoc The Java program to run
-J-Xmx256m Increase the memory allocation for the program
-d ..\docs\tsdkDoc Where to create the documents. This directory should differ
depending on whether the TSDK foundation or
application classes are being documented.
In general, this should be “tsdkfoundationDoc” for the
foundation classes, and “tsdkDoc” for the application
-subpackages com Build documents for sub packages under the ‘com’ directory
3. For delivery, the created documentation should be zipped. For foundation classes the file is
called “” and for application classes the file is called “”.

WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)

1. For those using WSAD the class files must be available to WSAD in a project. The foundation
class files should already be available in the ‘tdk’ project, but the application classes will need
to be imported.
2. WSAD requires javadoc properties to be set-up. To do this :-
• Select the menus Window -> Preferences
• Select the options Java -> Javadoc
• Add the location of the javadoc program (e.g. "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\bin\javadoc.exe").
• Select Apply and then OK
3. Select the WSAD project that javadoc is required for and then :-
• Right-click and select Export…
• Select Javadoc and then select Next
• The current project should already be selected. Enter a Destination directory for the
documentation (e.g. docs\tsdkfoundation or docs\tsdk) and then select Next

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• Select Next again

• For the Extra javadoc options enter “-J-Xmx256m -subpackages com”. This will
increases the Java Virtual Machine memory and indicate that classes under the com
directory should be included in the documentation
• Select Finish
• The javadoc HTML pages will then be created. For delivery, the created documentation
should be zipped. For foundation classes the file is called “” and for
application classes the file is called “”.

When running a Java routine attached to a VERSION record, a number of error messages may be
displayed :

Message Cause Solution

CALLJ Fatal error creating A Java thread cannot be Ensure that jBASE and Java is
thread created by jBASE. installed correctly.
Cannot find the JVM library The Java Virtual Machine Ensure the JVM library (“jvm.dll” on
(JVM) library cannot be found. Windows, and “libjvm.a” on Unix) is
in the CLASSPATH environment
Class xxx doesn’t exist The specified java class cannot Ensure that the class file (or JAR) is
be found. in the CLASSPATH environment
Method xxx doesn’t exist The specified method name Ensure that the class contains the
cannot be found in the Java specified method name. If not then
class. the class file may be invalid and the
TSDK class may need to be rebuilt.
Cannot find xxx’s constructor The constructor of the specified Ensure that the class contains a
class does not exist. constructor method. If not then the
class file may be invalid and the
TSDK class may need to be rebuilt.
Cannot instantiate xxx An object of the specified java Ensure that the class file (or JAR) is
class cannot be created. in the CLASSPATH environment
CALLJ Unicode conversion jBASE cannot perform a Ensure that jBASE and Java is
error Unicode conversion. installed correctly.
Can’t cast xxx The specified class xxx does Check the class implements the
not implement the correct class. correct class (e.g. TContract).

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