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You must answer on the question paper.

Total no 24


● Refer to the Reference Material given to you to answer the questions

● Answer all questions.

● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.

● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

● Write your name in the boxes at the top of the page.

● Calculators are not allowed.

● You must show all necessary working clearly.

Criterion A Criterion B Criterion C

Level 1-2 Level 1-2 Level 1-2
Level 3-4 Level 3-4 Level 3-4
Level 5-6 Level 5-6 Level 5-6
Level 7-8 Level 7-8 Level 7-8
Final Level Final Level Final Level

Command Terms

Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process

Determine Obtain the only possible answer


Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Find Obtain an answer showing relevant stages in the working

Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.

Select Choose from a list or group.

Show Give the steps in a calculation or derivation

Solve Obtain the answer(s) using algebraic and/or numerical and/or graphical methods.
Use Apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice.

Write down Obtain the answer(s), usually by extracting information. Little or no calculation is
required. Working does not need to be shown.
Section A- Evaluating & Section C : Reflecting

1. Explain how can theatre be used as a tool for initiating a development process in a community? 2/ A

2. How can native language help build awareness regarding social issues in a community? Explain your
answer with contextual examples? 2/A

3. What are the causes of Injustice in our society and what is your opinion to end it? 2/A

4. Write down how theatre helps to improve language skills and how national language creates
an impact on audience? 6/ A-C

Section B - Synthesizing

5. Describe the process of “Theatre for development” performance theatre process? 6/ B

6. Justify their product communicates interdisciplinary understanding? 6/B

Justify how your Urdu theatrical performance communicates your learning process and show your
understanding of

The interdisciplinary unit “Be the change”

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