MYP 3 Summer Pack 2023

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Summer Break Learning Engagements

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one
Saint Augustine
Dear MYP Students,
As the pages of another academic chapter turn, we invite you to
embark on a wondrous journey beyond the boundaries of
classrooms and textbooks. Let the quote by Saint Augustine serve
as a guiding light this summer break.
As you embark on this literary journey, we encourage you to
embrace the spirit of adventure. Just as a traveler, approach each
task with an open mind, curiosity, and the willingness to challenge
May this break be a journey where each page turned reveals a
deeper connection to the world and to yourself.
When you return, we eagerly await the stories you will share, the
insights you will bring, and the lessons you will have learned. Until
then, may your summer break be filled with unforgettable
adventures, meaningful encounters, and the joy of exploring.

Bon voyage, dear students, and may your travels within the world's
book leave an indelible mark on your hearts and minds.

IMPORTANT: You must submit homework in the first week

of new session. No late submissions will be accepted.
Learners! Here is a collection of captivating tasks to embark on during this break.
The challenge is simple: choose and complete at least THREE of the tasks listed below. Each checked box brings you closer
to unlocking a wealth of knowledge and new experiences.
Choose at least THREE subjects listed below.
*You MUST choose
one subject from Language subjects (English and Urdu)
one from E-portfolio subjects which include Design, PHE, Visual Arts and Theater (Drama).
One from Math, Integrated Sciences, Integrated Humanities
You are encouraged to chose Quran Translation as a mandatory subject
Remember, the more tasks you complete, the more you'll learn. So, are you ready to accept the challenge? Let the learning begin!

Theatre (Drama)
Read and Tell: ‫اردو‬
What is set design? Explore the history
Read the short story "The Tell-Tale ‫ تصور کیجئے‬:‫ٹریول بالگ یا جرنل‬
and process of set design. Explain how
Heart' by Edgar Allan Poe and analyze ‫کہ آپ کسی دوسرے ملک یا شہر‬
we use set design in theatre, television
the concept of guilt, explore the theme ‫کا سفر کر رہے ہیں۔ اپنے دس دن کے‬
and films. Create a model of your
of obsession, and evaluate the POV ‫سفر کی خیالی ڈایری لکھیئے جس‬
favorite play/scene/story by using a
adopted by the author. You will be ‫ تاثرات ان‬، ‫میں اپنے خیالی تجربات‬
shoebox or any other material to
presenting your review in form of a ‫جگہوں کی وضاحت کرتے ہیں جہاں‬ Keep on working towards
showcase your skill of creating a set.
digital presentation to your peers. ‫آپ گئے ہیں ۔‬
mastering your ATL Skills

Design a user-friendly website Math Integrated Sciences
"Unraveling the Marvels of the Human
that effectively communicates Brain"
and achieves defined goals like
the food delivery service etc. -Research the Human Brain: a. Use the
Creating a Newsflash on the Current internet or reference books to gather
using HTML5.
Economic Situation of Pakistan which information about the structure and
You can take support from functions of the human brain.
includes: -Brain Hemispheres and Functions: a. Learn
·Research and gather information about about the concept of brain lateralization,
Create a compelling visual
the current economic situation of which refers to the division of functions
concept aligned with the
Pakistan. between the left and right hemispheres of
website's purpose and target the brain.
·Communicate the facts in a script for a
audience. Reflect on the knowledge gained from this
two to three-minute newsflash. task and write a paragraph or two discussing
Apply codes for layout of
·Present your newsflash script in a the most fascinating aspects of the human
page, paragraph, font colour, brain. And share your thoughts with a family
creative and engaging manner, using IH
font size, inserting images, member or friend, and engage in a
command terms. conversation about the wonders of the
navigating the website.
·Documents your research using MLA human brain.
Detailed visual
representation of the
homepage and at least one
internal page.

There are few subjects not mentioned in Travel Journal
A Pythagorean triple consists of
the BINGO Create a digital travel journal of
three positive integers a, b, and c,
identify those, create a task yourself, your favourite travel destination. ‫اردو‬
such that a² + b² = c².
complete the task and bring it to school Make entries of significant sites ‫اپنے گھر کے کسی بڑے کے بیٹھ کر اس ماہ کی‬
to share with your peers and teachers. you want to visit, activities you ‫اشیائے خردونوش کی خریداری کی لسٹ‬
other subjects may include IDU, wish to do there, experiences ‫بنائیے اوراپنے اندازے سے ان کی قیمت کیا ہے‬
Mandarin during your travels that will ‫اور کیا ہونی چاہیئے لکھیئے ۔‬
example: IDU- chose any two enrich your trip. Include
subjects of your choice to conduct a descriptive text, photos, videos,
research, list down a few questions and any other multimedia
factual, conceptual and debatable elements that capture your
dream travel.

‫اردو‬ PHE
IH: Conduct a source analysis on the Set one short term goal for
Letter Writing: ‫بااقاعدگی سے اخبار پڑھیئے یا ٹیلی‬ following article: your client related to the
‫ویژن پراردو خبریں دیکھیئے اور ایک‬ physical activity and health
‫ڈیجیٹل ڈائری بناتے ہوئے روزانہ‬
Write a letter to the school head
convincing her/him to integrate Artificial source/sustainable-development-goals/ .factor they have chosen
Intelligence (AI) in the educational ‫کوئی سی ایک خبر لکھیئے۔‬ You have to identify and explain OPCVL Align short term goals with .2
curriculum and justify how it will benefit
students and better prepare them for the SMARTER principles of goal
future? Support with examples. .setting
Summer Spelling Bee Challenge!
Master the Words, Conquer the Competition!
Get ready to compete in an exhilarating spelling bee competition when we join back in
August! In this exciting task, we invite you to prepare a list of challenging words and practice
their correct spelling throughout the summer break.

Go through the spelling bee list given below. This comprehensive list consists of words carefully
selected to challenge and expand your vocabulary.

Set aside dedicated study time each week to focus on learning and memorizing the words. Use
effective strategies such as word associations, mnemonics, or creating flashcards to aid in your

Practice spelling the words aloud, ensuring you are familiar with their pronunciation as well. Pay
attention to tricky spelling patterns, silent letters, and any specific rules associated with the

Engage in fun spelling activities to make the learning process enjoyable. Consider organizing
spelling games with friends or family members, participating in online spelling quizzes, or even
creating your own spelling challenges.

Reflect on your progress periodically. Take note of the words you find most challenging and
dedicate extra practice time to strengthen those areas. Keep track of your improvement and
celebrate your achievements along the way.

Remember, the goal of this task is not only to excel in the spelling bee competition but also to
enhance your overall language skills. By expanding your vocabulary and improving your spelling
accuracy, you will become a more confident and effective communicator.

So, accept the Summer Spelling Bee Challenge and let the words become your allies. Prepare
diligently, embrace the joy of learning, and return in August ready to conquer the stage. We can't
wait to witness your spelling prowess!

Best of luck, and happy spelling!

Summer Spelling Bee Challenge!
Master the Words, Conquer the Competition!

1. precipitate 2. forgery 3. belligerent 4. snobbery 5. vessel

6. annoyance 7. parliament 8. serviceable 9. burglary 10. outrageous

11. procrastinate 12. abstain 13. escalator 14. embargo 15. vertigo

16. recurrent 17. shuddering 18. malady 19. passageway 20. lucrative

21. fashionable 22. privilege 23. melodious 24. laboratory 25. anxious

26. unduly 27. insufficient 28. capably 29. amnesty 30. applicant

31. fibrous 32. honorary 33. prestigious 34. scandalized 35. voracious

36. universal 37. transient 38. meticulous 39. personification 40. inevitable

41. malignant 42. vigilant 43. interrogate 44. benevolent 45. vivacious

46. precocious 47. indulgence 48. vacillate 49. ubiquitous 50. vulnerable
Mathletics Summer Challenge
Dear Learners ,
You have been assigned 12 tasks on Mathletics. Assigned tasks are covering the following topics:

Volume and Surface Area

Note:To enhance your subject-specific skills, You MUST complete the assigned tasks. These
activities will contribute significantly to your overall growth and understanding of the subject.
Upon your return, school will be hosting a Mathematics contest, providing an opportunity for you
to showcase your abilities and compete with your fellow classmates. Take this time to adequately
prepare yourself for this exciting and healthy competition. Best of luck!

"Mathematics is the most beautiful and the most powerful creation of mathematics"
Stefan Banach

Dear learners, please answer the following question:

Outline the changes in the Prophet's relations with the Jewish tribes and the
‘hypocrites' in Medina in the years between 622 and 632. [10]
Pakistan Studies
Dear Learners , Please answer the following 14 marker question:
The coming of the British was the main reason for the decline of the Mughal Empire. Do you agree or
disagree with the? Give reasons for your answer.

Note: Follow the pattern of 14 marker questions as explained in the class.

Visual Arts
Impressionism is an influential art movement that originated in the late 19th century, primarily in France. It was a reaction
against the rigid academic standards and traditional subject matter of the time. Impressionist artists sought to capture the
fleeting effects of light, color, and atmosphere in their paintings, emphasizing the subjective perception of the artist rather
than aiming for realistic representations.
The significance of Monet's "Water Lilies" series lies in its groundbreaking approach to capturing the essence of nature.
Through these paintings, Monet sought to portray the water lilies and their surroundings as a continuous, immersive
experience rather than a static representation. He used loose brushwork, vibrant colors, and abstracted forms to depict the
interplay of light, reflections, and vegetation in his garden pond at Giverny.
As for creating a 1-foot by 1-foot painting inspired by Monet's "Water Lilies" series, here is a suggested outline for your
research document as a summer task for MYP 4:

1. Introduction:
Briefly explain the Impressionist art movement and its significance.
Introduce Claude Monet and his role in Impressionism.
2. Monet's "Water Lilies" Series:
Discuss the context and inspiration behind the series.
Analyze Monet's technique, use of color, and brushwork in the paintings.
Explain the significance and impact of the series in the art world.
3. Research and Preparation:
Study Monet's "Water Lilies" paintings in detail, noting key elements and techniques.
Explore the use of color, light, and brushwork in Impressionist art.
Gather reference materials, such as photographs or prints, for inspiration.
4. Painting Process:
Describe the materials and techniques you will use for your 1-foot by 1-foot painting.
Document the step-by-step process of creating your artwork, from sketching to final touches.
Explain how you will incorporate the elements of Monet's "Water Lilies" series into your own work.
1. Reflection and Analysis:
Reflect on your experience of creating the painting.
Analyze the similarities and differences between your artwork and Monet's "Water Lilies" series.
Discuss what you have learned about Impressionism and its influence on your artistic expression.
2. Conclusion:
Summarize your research findings and artistic journey.
Reflect on the significance of studying and creating art inspired by famous artists like Monet.
Remember to tailor the document to your specific requirements and include any additional guidelines or criteria provided by
your teacher. Good luck with your summer task!

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