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CISCE Grade 10

Project Lab Assignments (2024-25)

Q1 Write a program to check whether a given character is letter, digit or a special character.

Q2 Design a class with the following specification:

Class name: ProNum

Member variables: static int num
Member methods:
static boolean isPronic () – Computes and returns true, if num is Pronic number
Pronic number is the number which is the product of two
consecutive integers.
e.g. 110=10*11
static void main() – Accepts the number from user and assigns it to num. Calls the
isPronic() function and prints if num is Pronic number or not.

Call all the above methods in main method using an object.

Q3 Write a program to demonstrate an impure function.

Q4 Design a class with the following specifications:

Class name: Student

Member variables: name – name of student
age – age of student
mks –marks obtained
stream – stream allocated
(Declare the variables using appropriate data types)
Member methods:
void accept() – Accept name, age and marks using methods of Scanner class.
void allocation() – Allocate the stream as per following criteria:
mks stream
> = 300 Science and Computer
> = 200 and < 300 Commerce and Computer
> = 75 and 200 Arts and Animation
< 75 Try Again

void print() – Display student name, age, mks and stream allocated.

Call all the above methods in main method using an object.

Q5 Define a class to overload the function print as follows:

void print(): To print the following format

2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
void print(int n): To check whether the number is a lead number.
A lead number is the one whose sum of even digits are equal to sum of
odd digits.
e.g. 3669
odd digits sum = 3 + 9 = 12
even digits sum = 6 + 6 = 12
3669 is a lead number.

Q6 Write a Java program to display the pattern of the string entered by user. There are two choices
F and L. If user choose F, then first character of each word is displayed. If user choose L, then
last character of each word is displayed.

Choose F Choose L

Q7 Write a program to accept a number and initialize the instance variable ent_num with the value
using a parameterized constructor. Choose an appropriate name for the class. Print whether
ent_num is Neon or not using a function with the following prototype:
public void NeonCheckerPrinter()

A number is said to be Neon if sum of the digits of the square of the number is equal to the
number itself.
Input : 9
Output : 9*9 = 81, 8+1 = 9
9 is Neon number.

Q8 Write a program to print the following Number Series: 1, 3, 4, 8, 15, 27, 50, 92… (n terms)
Use a constructor to initialize the first three terms.

Q9 DTDC a courier company charges for the courier based on the weight of the parcel. Define
a class with the following specifications:

Class name: courier

Member variables Purpose
name : name of the customer
weight : weight of the parcel in kilograms
address : address of the recipient
bill : amount to be paid
type : 'D'- domestic, 'I'- international

Member Methods Purpose

void accept ( ) to accept the details using the methods of the Scanner class only.

void calculate ( ) - to calculate the bill as per the following criteria:

Weight in Kgs Rate per Kg
First 5 Kgs Rs. 800
Next 5 Kgs Rs. 700
Above 10 Kgs Rs. 500

An additional amount of Rs.1500 is charged if the type of the

courier is I (International)
void print() To print the details
void main ( ) To create an object of the class and invoke the methods

Q10 Define a class StringMinMax with an instance function void ComputeMaxMin (String s) that
should print the smallest and the largest word present in the string ‘s’.

Input: Hello this is wow world
Smallest word: is
Largest word: Hello

Q11 Define a class to overload the method perform as follows:

double perform ( double r, double h) to calculate and return the value of

Curved surface area of cone
CSA = 𝜋𝑟𝑙 and 𝑙 = √(𝑟 2 + ℎ2 )
void perform (int r, int c) Use NESTED FOR LOOP to generate the
following format
r = 4, c = 5
output –
void perform (int m, int n, char ch) to print the quotient of the division of m and
n if ch is ‘Q’ else print the remainder of the
division of m and n if ch is ‘R’

Q12 Write a program by using a class with the following specifications:

Class name — Prime

Data members — private int n
Member functions:
void input() — to input a number
void checkprime() — to check and display whether the number is prime or not

Use a main function to create an object and call member methods of the class.

Q13 Define a class to accept the number from the user and check if it is an EvenPal number or not.
A number is EvenPal if, it is a palindrome(equal to its reverse) and sum of its digits is even.

121 is an EvenPal number, as its Palindrome and sum of its digits => 1+2+1 = 4(an even number)
Q14 Define a class to accept the gmail id and check for its validity.
A gmail id is valid only if it has:
➢ @
➢ .
➢ gmail
➢ com

Example: is a valid gmail id.

Q15 Define a class to accept values in integer array of size 10. Find sum of one digit number and sum
of two-digit numbers entered. Display them separately.

Input: a[ ] = {2, 12, 4, 9, 18, 25, 3, 32, 20, 1}
Sum of one-digit numbers : 2 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 1 = 19
Sum of two-digit numbers : 12 + 18 + 25 + 32 + 20 = 107

Q16 Define a class to accept 10 characters from a user. Using bubble sort technique arrange them in
ascending order. Display the sorted array and original array.

Q17 Define a class to accept values into an array of double data type of size 10. Accept a double value
from user and search in the array using linear search method. If value is found display message
“Found” with its position where it is present in the array. Otherwise display message “not found”.

Q18 Write a program to accept name and total marks of N number of students in two single subscript
arrays name[ ] and totalmarks[ ].
Calculate and print:
(a) The average of the total marks obtained by N number of students.
[average = (sum of total marks of all the students)/N]
(b) Deviation of each student's total marks with the average.
[deviation = total marks of a student - average]

Q19 Write a program to input elements in a 2D array of size m x n and print the sum of all the
number row wise and product of all the elements column wise.

Q20 Define a class Pincode and store the given pin codes in a Single Dimension Array. Sort the pin
codes in an ascending order using the Selection Sort technique only. Display the sorted array.

110061, 110001, 110029, 110023, 110055, 110006, 110019, 110033

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