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3.1 / 3.

2 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 If you weren’t so critic________ of Ruth’s job, she’d be happy to have you for dinner.
a. -able b. -ly c. -al

1.2 ________ enjoying my nomadic lifestyle, I suffer from loneliness once in a while.
a. Despite b. Although c. However

1.3 Unscrupulous employees may impose censor ________ on co-workers to ensure their conduct
isn’t reported.
a. -ing b. -hood c. -ship

1.4 Sam and Nick were very tired because they ________ on a crucial deal for hours.
a. had been working b. are working c. have worked

1.5 Do you still want to work as a freelancer ________ your income is hardly ever guaranteed?
a. provided b. in case c. even if

1.6 I think Edna tends to dress ________ appropriately to business meetings.

a. in- b. dis- c. un-

1.7 The students ________ a scholarship next year.

a. will be given b. are been given c. will give

1.8 Take your raincoat and umbrella ________ it rains.

a. as long as b. suppose c. in case

1.9 I hate ________honesty and deceitful________ in the workplace.

a. mis- … -ly b. dis- … -ness c. un- … -ness

1.10 Sarah wouldn’t mind having a digital nomad lifestyle, ________ she could have a good work-
life balance.
a. even if b. in case c. as long as

1.11 The more hours you work, ________ you are to experience burnout.
a. the more likely b. the less likely c. the most likely

1.12 It’s a ________conception to think that digital nomads work only a few hours a day.
a. mis- b. un- c. dis-

1.13 ________ you were given the option to work abroad, which country would suit your lifestyle
a. Provided b. Supposing c. Even if

1.14 The clients ________ at 3 p.m., but I ________ where to pick them up.
a. are arriving… have forgotten b. arrived… will forget c. arrive… had forgotten

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