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Taking care of the natural environment is of great importance for the future of our planet. Our
ecological activities have a direct impact on climate change, air and water quality and
biodiversity. By taking ecological actions, such as reducing CO2 emissions, reducing water
consumption, or avoiding the use of plastic, we can contribute to protecting our ecosystem
and creating a better environment for future generations.
Being eco-friendly has benefits for our health. Choosing natural and organic food products
such as limiting fruits and vegetables and depriving harmful substances brings benefits to our
body. Being Eco also brings economic benefits. Implementing energy-saving solutions such
as solar panels and LED lighting can reduce your energy bills.
In everyday life, being Eco is: sorting waste, using public and public transport, cycling, giving
up plastic shopping bags in favor of a reusable bag. Saving light (turning off the lights in
rooms we are not in), using water sparingly, for example a shower instead of a full bathtub.
Let's not throw away plastic toys that we no longer use, but give them to others. Let's buy
consciously, let's not waste food, and instead of clothes made of synthetic materials such as
polyester, choose organic cotton or lyocell, which is 100% biodegradable (read the labels!).
We can also join local campaigns, such as cleaning our neighborhood, planting trees,
collecting rainwater to water the garden, or collecting plastic caps.

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