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ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asian Nations is an inter-regional organization

established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand with the initial participation of

5 member countries. Vietnam officially became the seventh member of ASEAN
since 1995. Up to now, the relationship between Vietnam and ASEAN has been
increasingly tightened thanks to the significant contribution of this organization to
Vietnamese government through many aspects. Firstly, about Politics – Security:
ASEAN is a bridge for Vietnam to strengthen the relationship with countries in the
region and all around the world, participate in international forums, thereby
enhancing the country’s position and influence. ASEAN also cooperates with
Vietnamese government to solve common problems such as terrorism, drugs
trafficking, epidemics and natural disaster, contribute to ensuring security.
Secondly is the economic aspect, ASEAN create ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC) with a common market, zero tariffs, attracting foreign direct investment
(FDI), promoting trade between Vietnam and other countries. This organization
also promotes connecting transport energy, telecommunications, creates condition
for Vietnam to access regional and international markets. Thirdly is Social –
Cultural aspects: ASEAN promote region common cultural values, support
Vietnam to preserve and promote cultural identity through organizing cultural
exchange, sport and travel. It also cooperation with Vietnam to solve social
problems such as poverty reduction, environmental protection, health care,
education, contribute to enhance life quality of Vietnamese people. The last is
resources development: ASEAN promotes training cooperation, expand market in
order to create job opportunities, unemployment solving especially for young
workers by creating conditions to Vietnamese workers to move and find job in
member countries, contributing to improve income and skills for employers.
Beside above contributions, ASEAN also make chance for Vietnam to learn from
member countries experiences in many fields, thereby completing institution,
policy and enhance state management skills. To conclude, ASEAN have a big
contribution for Vietnamese government in many fields, play an important role in
social – economic development.

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