T24 Updates User Guide Client

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T24 Updates Client

User Guide

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV.

Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

T24 Updates

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Application Overview ............................................................................................................................... 5
System Update .................................................................................................................................... 5
Extract System Information Option .................................................................................................. 7
System Settings Option ................................................................................................................ 7
Products & Components Option ................................................................................................... 8
Installed Updates Option .............................................................................................................. 9
Environment variable Option ...................................................................................................... 10
Create System Definition File Option ......................................................................................... 11
Temenos Update Website .............................................................................................................. 15
Logging in as a Client ........................................................................................................................ 15
Input of Overview and Processing......................................................................................................... 16
Client Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Register a System.............................................................................................................................. 17
R09 and Above System Registration ............................................................................................. 17
R08 and Below System Registration.............................................................................................. 21
Update the System Definition ............................................................................................................ 24
R09 and Above............................................................................................................................... 24
R08 and Below ............................................................................................................................... 29
Delete a System Definition ................................................................................................................ 33
Select and Download Updates .......................................................................................................... 36
R09 and Above............................................................................................................................... 36
R08 and Below ............................................................................................................................... 46
Install the Updates ............................................................................................................................. 49
Update the System Definition, Post Update Installation .................................................................... 49
How to Update an R08 System Definition to a T24 Updates System ............................................... 49

TEMENOS T24 User Guide

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T24 Updates

T24 Updates is a software support mechanism for T24. The Updates system allows the user to search
the T24 Updates Repository for relevant fixes for their T24 environments. These can then be
downloaded and installed onto the T24 server system.

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T24 Updates

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T24 Updates

Application Overview
System Update
System Update is a ToolBox plugin that is used to extract system details and create a file which can
be uploaded to the T24 Updates site as required.
A mechanism is provided by which a client can produce an XML file containing the SPF details
required by the T24 Updates Browser system to identify their system and currently installed updates.
The XML file produced will then be uploaded to the T24 Updates system using the Upload mechanism
As part of the T24 Updates system end users are required to register system details on the T24
Updates site. The system details hold information about a particular T24 environment that will be
used by the T24 Updates system to list updates that are necessary for the system. A client can
register multiple systems, e.g. LIVE, TEST, UAT, etc.
The system details contain information on the products and components that are installed, the
Operating System that is being used, and previous updates that have been installed.
When a client wishes to register a system on the T24 Updates site they will login to the required T24
environment via ToolBox. Once logged on they can run the ‘System Update’ plugin and extract the
necessary details and create a file ready for upload.
Every time that the T24 environment has been updated with a new update the client can simply repeat
this procedure to create a new definition file and upload it. This will ensure that the details held on the
T24 Updates site about that system are kept up to date and in sync.

ToolBox showing the System Update option

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T24 Updates

System Update contains two options, namely:

Extract System Information and Temenos Update Website.

ToolBox showing the System Update screen

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Extract System Information Option

Choosing the Extract System Information option presents a number of further options.

System Settings Option

When System Settings is chosen the T24 System Parameters are presented as extracted from the
system parameter file of the connected system.

System Settings

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Products & Components Option

When Products and Components option is chosen the current products and components installed are

Products and Components

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Installed Updates Option

When the Installed Updates option is chosen any installed updates will be shown.

Installed Updates

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Environment variable Option

When the Environment Variables option is chosen the system’s environment variables are shown

Environment Variables
The screen above is a result of the jDiag output extracted from the T24 application server.

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Create System Definition File Option

The final option is to Create System Definition File.

Create Export File

The field showing the ARC-IB URL should have the ARC-IB url entered only if you use the product.
The url can also be recorded in User Options and is taken from there initially.

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Clicking on the link ‘What will be exported’ produces the following help:

Export Information Help

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To create the system definition file a description of the system is required. This will be the name of the
system used to identify that system on the T24 Updates site. (The COMPANY record name)

Register this System

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Clicking the <Create System Definition File> button creates the system definition file and is saved as
an XML file.
The created file is used to add or update a system on the T24 Updates site.

System Definition XML save

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T24 Updates

Temenos Update Website

Choosing the Temenos Update Website option launches an internet browser session loading up the
Temenos.com website. From here there is an option to login and access the T24 Updates site.

Logging in as a Client
Once logged in to the Temenos web site by following the “Client Login” link you will be presented with
a link for “T24 Updates”.
Upon clicking the T24 Updates link a new window will open with access to the T24 Updates site

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Input of Overview and Processing

Client Functions
There are a number of tasks available to the user via the Client Functions part of the T24 Updates
mechanism using the T24 ARC-IB user interface.
This system provides access to external clients only for the following actions:
Message management of an inbox via a Secure Messaging System. Messages will arrive to the inbox
from the Temenos Updates Team. Once read the messages can be deleted when no longer useful.
Systems registration management for adding systems, uploading, selecting, viewing, and deletion.
Available System Updates management.
Search facilities for available updates via a valid Id or with the selection of attributes such as
GA.RELEASE, Components, Platforms, and Products.
Upon selecting T24 Updates the client is presented with a screen similar to one shown below.

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Register a System
R09 and Above System Registration
The following screen is displayed for the Add System option. The add option can be used to take the
updates to a specific environment, for example a UAT environment rather than taking the update to
the live area. Once the system has been added the user then has the option to select which
environment to be used from the select system option.

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T24 Updates

Clicking the <Browse> button opens a choose file dialog. Once the correct system definition file is
selected and the <Open> button is clicked the dialog will close and the file will be automatically

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The T24 system has been registered

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Clicking the Systems link the newly registered system is showing

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R08 and Below System Registration

The following screen is displayed for the Add System option. To register a pre-R09 system the client
will select the <Add a GA Release R08 and below (T24 Service Packs)> link

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The R08 and below system registration screen is shown. The Ga Release and OS Platform are
selected and a description of the system added.

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The system is registered and showing in the Systems list.

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Update the System Definition

R09 and Above
To update the system definition, choose “Update System” from the dropdown against the system.

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The re-enter a new T24 Updates system file screen is displayed.

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T24 Updates

Clicking the <Browse> button opens a choose file dialog. Once the correct system definition file is
selected and the <Open> button is clicked the dialog will close and the file will be automatically

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The T24 system definition has been updated.

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Clicking the Systems link the newly updated system is showing with the date and time of the last

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R08 and Below

To update the system definition, choose “Update System” from the dropdown against the system.

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The re-enter a new T24 Updates system file screen is displayed. Enter the required changes

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The T24 system information has been updated.

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Clicking the Systems link the newly updated system is showing with the date and time of the last

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Delete a System Definition

In the next screen an attempt is being made to delete a system’s details from the repository.

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Confirmation of delete is shown

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The system is deleted; this is the deletion of the system definition file only on the T24 Updates site.

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Select and Download Updates

R09 and Above
To select a system to find updates for, click the “Select System” hyperlink.

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T24 Updates

A list of current components the system has installed is displayed. The search bar is now shown as a
system has been selected.

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Enter some criteria to perform a search in the search text box

All update files will be searched. It will look to match any word entered in the phrase to any word used
in the problem or symptom fields of the update.

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T24 Updates

Each row returned by the search can be selected by clicking on it. By clicking a row you are also
choosing the associated update file and any other update that is required by it. The selected updates
are remembered until you choose a different system or log out.

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T24 Updates

Clicking the <Available Updates> link, the previously chosen updates are selected. Each item can be
deselected or new ones selected.

Any selected updates will be remembered between search results and available updates.
Closing the browser window or selecting a different system from the Systems menu will clear the
remembered updates.

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Alternatively clicking the <Available Updates> link will return all available updates for your current

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The update content can be viewed prior to being taken.

All fixes in the update with symptom and problem are shown. As with the search results the update
can be selected here by clicking on any row and will be remembered in the available updates menu.

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Individual updates can be taken by choosing each one or choosing all. The impact will show the level
of importance.

The selected updates can be downloaded by clicking the tick icon

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A confirmation of updates to download are shown

When the selected updates are correct click the <Download Updates> link. A zip file containing the
updates files can be downloaded and saved to the preferred location.

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The downloaded file will contain files as listed under the Update Reference column on the download
confirmation page.
• Browser and ARC-IB war files should be installed on the web server(s) to replace older versions.
• Toolbox should be installed on the Windows PC’s as required.
• T24 component archive files (.tar extension) should be placed in the T24 Updater and the
Updater service run to install them.

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T24 Updates

R08 and Below

Service Pack files are not available for download from the updates site. Information on fixes in a
Service Pack is available
To select a system to find service pack details for, choose “Select System” from the dropdown against
the system.

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T24 Updates

The “Available Service packs” screen is shown. This shows a list of all service packs available for the
T24 release of the system.

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Click the <Service Pack contents> link shows the content of the service pack in terms of problem and

Service pack files are available by contacting Temenos who will provide the ftp site address.

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T24 Updates

Install the Updates

Once the Updater is installed alongside the T24 system (please refer to the “Updater User
Documentation” guide for installation and configuration) updates can be installed.
Please refer to section 4 “Run the Updater” in the “Updater User Documentation” guide on how to
install updates

Update the System Definition, Post Update Installation

Once the T24 components have been successfully installed a new system definition file should be
generated from Toolbox then uploaded on the Updates Service site against your system.
Please refer to the section titled “Update the System” in this guide on how to do this.

How to Update an R08 System Definition to a T24 Updates System

If a system is on an R08 release and it is being upgraded to an R09 release or above then the system
definition on the T24 Updates site must be updated in the following manner.
Log on to the T24 Updates site. Find the system that has been upgraded and choose “Delete System”
from the dropdown. Follow the prompts to delete the system definition.
In Toolbox generate a system definition file (See the section titled “Create System Definition File
Option” in this guide for information in generating this file).
Back to the T24 Updates site; Click the “Add System” link. Click the <Browse> button to open a
choose file dialog. Select the correct system definition file and click the <Open> button to
automatically upload the file
A message will be displayed saying “The T24 system has been registered”.
This system is now compatible with updates and can no longer take service packs.

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