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Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: January 29, 2024

The day started when the Field Worker woke up in the morning, at exactly 4:00 in
the morning. She immediately gets up from her bed and eats her breakfast. 5:27 in the
morning, the worker was already at the school. She waited for her professor and another
classmate that will be with her on her way to SMEIDFI. The departure time is 6:20 am.
They prepare as they go to the service van and along the way, they talk about several
things that are related to the agency where they will be staying. Along the way they also
tackled the different things that they will face for their journey on their FI 2. The field
worker is very excited and nervous at the same time. Since they are together with their
other classmates that are assigned to the CARRD. They are the first ones who will be
endorsed to the agency. The fieldworker together with the agency and school supervisor
discussed the flow of the field instruction detail by detail. The CARRD also discussed their
agency and the things about the organization and who are the people in this agency. After
the discussion, Ma’am Rosalie Albestor discussed a few things about the field instruction
and introduced the fieldworkers to the workers inside the agency and they also agreed on
the places where they will be put in.
The fieldworker together with their FI coordinator and school supervisor went to
the second agency where they met Patricia together with her other classmates who are
also assigned to the SMEIDFI. They arrived at the good shepherd convent at exactly
11:45 where the fieldworkers were welcomed by the agency supervisor Ms. Jemalyn
Viola. They began to start the endorsement, since the agency already catered the interns
before, they already knew how FI works but Miss Rechee gave the detailed information
that will give further knowledge to the agency supervisor as well as the fieldworkers. The
meeting flowed smoothly and after the discussion, it was concluded in the afternoon.

Learning and Insight:

The field worker started to realize that this will be a good practice for the
preparation for her future work. The field worker learned that there are so many things
that include the work of social workers. After the discussion in one of the agencies where
the fieldworker attended, she realized many things CARRD agency opened the
fieldworker’s eye on the happenings from the farmers who are from the Philippines and
considered as one of the poorest sectors in the country.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: January 30, 2024

The fieldworker started her day inside the office at 9 in the morning. There will be
an agency orientation that will be given by their agency supervisor Ms. Jemalyn Viola and
Ms. Diane Balatero where they discuss things that are under the agency. The information
given by them was all about how the agency works and what are the programs that they
are offering. They also discussed who are the people that are under this administration
and what are their roles in the agency. They also mentioned the places where there is an
existing agency that is under the SMEIDFI. It is almost all over the country and they cater
to different sectors of people where they provide different programs that are suitable for
the needs of the people. After the discussion, Ms. Diane asked the fieldworkers what are
the strengths of the agency, the fieldworkers answered and most of their answers are
basically about their programs and how they cater to people. Then after that, since there’s
existing strength there are also some weaknesses that can be seen by others. The
fieldworker mentioned that their programs are one of a kind, but since there are a lot of
existing programs, there are some programs that are not being focused and there are
programs that are not needed anymore, the agency should have plans in that case. Ms.
Balatero agreed with the statement given by the fieldworkers. The meeting was adjourned
and they had their lunch.
After they have their lunch the fieldworker was tasked to go back to the community
where they need to assist one of the social workers in the agency.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker enjoyed the learnings she got on this day. She realized how
many programs that the agency where she is currently assigned. She is very grateful to
become included in this agency since she really loves to work with different sectors of
the people and she is very excited on how she will utilize the programs that the agency
where she is currently working at. The fieldworker also thinks of different things that she
can do for the community. Upon the arrival in the community the fieldworker realized one
thing. She wants to give something to the community where she has belonged for so
many months. She wants to give atleast some good memories where she can share in
front of many people that she did something that is good for the community.
The fieldworker may feel tired but once she remembers the faces of the people
who she is working with, she manages to have the energy to work again.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: January 31, 2024

The fieldworker started her day early in the morning. They are tasked to buy
some snacks for the visitors because they will be having an evaluation and monitoring
that will be held inside the rosary room. After traveling back to the convent, they already
went to the HMV where their other co-workers are staying from early in the morning. They
gathered the kids because they need to watch a movie and then after watching they need
to do a reflection paper. After watching the movie the fieldworker together with the
program participants from the shelter had their lunch and after they ate their lunch, they
needed to assist the children to be back at their rooms because they will have their siesta
time. While they are having some nap, the fieldworker starts to do some of her journals
that she needs to pass. After they had their siesta time, the fieldworker played along with
the children. The day concluded at 5:30 pm.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker felt so happy to see the children inside the shelter where she
stayed with before. She also had the chance to meet the visitors. The interaction with
visitors and the need to gather children for a movie session show the importance of
engaging with various stakeholders in the community. Social workers often collaborate
with different individuals, groups, and organizations to achieve their goals.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 1, 2024

The fieldworker on this day is not feeling well, she had difficulties in breathing but
she still went to their office to know if there are some things that they need to do. The
fieldworker time is at 8 in the morning. She manages to do the request letter that will be
given to the barangay office before they conduct their community profiling. After that, they
translated it into Tagalog with the help of her co-worker. When she knew that there was
nothing more to do, she decided to go back to their room and to rest because she was not
feeling well.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker is not feeling well on this day. The field worker's decision to go to
the office despite feeling unwell reflects a strong commitment and dedication to her
responsibilities. Social workers often encounter challenging situations but continue to fulfill
their duties to the best of their abilities.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 2, 2024

The fieldworker needs to be at the office early in the morning because they need
to buy some token from the good shepherd’s product that will be given to the medical
workers who are in the community. There is a medical mission that is held inside the
basketball court. The fieldworker assisted them and they were assigned to get the list of
attendees and to gather attendance. They are also the ones who gave the vitamins for the
kids. After this activity they went in the afternoon to barangay to give the letter to the office
and to get the community profile. They also had the chance to meet the Barangay
chairman and also the SK chairman of the barangay. The fieldworker had a small talk
with the SK chairman to gather some information about the youths of the area where they
were assigned. After that, the fieldworker together with the volunteer went back to
Bukluran. The day concluded at 6pm since there are still so many kids that they need to

Learning and Insight:

The interaction with the Barangay chairman and SK chairman provides an
opportunity for networking and relationship building. Social workers need to establish
connections with local leaders to effectively address community needs and concerns. This
will help the fieldworker to utilize the other programs that they can get from the community

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 3, 2024

On this day, the fieldworker started her day early in the morning. She was in the
community alongside her co-fieldworker and agency supervisor. The supervisor
gathered the fieldworkers inside the resource room for agency supervision. They
discussed the arrangements to be made within the BUKLURAN center, focusing on the
creation of rules and regulations for the children and parents visiting the center.
They deliberated on various aspects they needed to address during their stay in
the community and discussed the specific sectors they would be handling. The
designated community, Barangay Bagong Silangan, is huge, with almost 150,000
residents. Due to the scale of the community and the population size, the agency limited
its focus to the vicinity around the BUKLURAN center. Given the constraints, the agency
supervisor decided to assign fieldworkers to different sectors within the community. Two
distinct sectors were identified: women and youth. The assigned sector for the
fieldworker was the youth. Their task involved gathering profiles of the youth residing in
the area served by the agency.
Following the supervision meeting, the fieldworkers proceeded to finalize the
rules, which would be presented to both the volunteers inside the BUKLURAN center
and the community members visiting the center. The day concluded when the children
left the center.
Learning and Insight:
The fieldworker felt extremely nervous on this day, especially since she already
knew who she would be working with. Her nervousness heightened because she had
already met some of the youth they were going to handle, and she was familiar with their
behavior and manners. She was a bit afraid that they might not get along, and she
couldn't establish a strong bond to build rapport.
Additionally, she was conscious of the fact that most of the youths were not
significantly different in age from her. She worried that the youth might not find it
interesting to participate in the activities she planned, given their similar ages. Following
the agency supervision, the agency supervisor provided encouraging words to help the
fieldworkers find light in this situation.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 4, 2024

It was a big day for the fieldworker since this is the day when she will meet the
youth that they will handle. The fieldworker prepared powerpoint presentation in the
evening before this day. It was unexpected since the session are supposed to run by the
CO worker of the agency. Since there is an emergency, they needed people to run the
session that will be given to the youth. The fieldworker and her partner, Clarize is very
nervous since they are not that prepared to do this since it was new to them. There are
two sessions that they need to conduct. The first one is the session that is about the
difference of gender and sex and how it affects the youth then the second one is the
vision of the youth and how they see themselves in 10 years from now. Since it was
unexpected and the only thing that they got is the module of the session the flow and
what are the obejectives of the session. The fieldworker need to study the module about
the gender and sex, and how can she elaborate it to the youth. She need to use proper
terminologies in this because this ment a lot. The fieldworker also did the powerpoint
presentation and then after that. At the afternoon, they started the session when the
youth are already at the center. The flow of the session was smooth and there is also a
cooperation between the youth so they had a successful session. Their day concluded at
the end after the session.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker felt so nervous at this time but she garnered different lessons. At
this time, she will meet the sector that she will work with in the process of community
organizing. The fieldworker felt intimidated on the youth since the gap of their ages is not
that far, she needs to find way on how she can build a connection with them without this
kind of feeling of being intimidated. When the time of preparing, the fieldworker is not
that ready since it was unexpected, they need to run the whole session without the help
of the CO worker who is the one who should run that activities since he already met the
and they had some sessions before. When the time of the session the feeling of being
nervous disappear throughout the session since she saw the eagerness of the youth to
listen on the presentation and she able to feel the cooperation of the group to participate
the given activities. At this time, since the age difference is significant, the treatment
coming from the youth sometimes exceed and they treat the fieldworker like their friend.
At this time the fieldworker thinks of a way on how she can put some boundaries and the
youth will remember that they are the one who is handling them.
Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 7, 2024

It was early in the morning when the fieldworker started her day. She time in at
exactly 8am, she is not with her other co-fieldworker since they went to Batangas city
because they need to accomplish their requirements that is need to be passed to the
school. The field worker did some of her paperworks and then she tried to search
something about community organizing. This is what she is waiting since the fieldworker
really wants to learn about community organizing she is very curious since she met
many people in this profession who are into community organizing and she thinks that
this is interesting. She was in the middle of doing her paperworks when her co-
fieldworker went back to the convent. After that, they decided to go at the BUKLURAN
center because they need to get the profile of the people who are living in the
community. There are so many papers that they need to look since there are some
documents of the residents’ profile. They sorted the files and try to look on the piles on
how many are they and how they can be able to get the profiles of those people.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker expresses a genuine curiosity about community organizing and a
desire to learn more. This quality is essential for effective community organizers who
need to continuously educate themselves and stay updated on best practices. Sorting
through files to gather profiles highlights the importance of proper documentation in
community organizing. Well-organized records are crucial for tracking progress and
addressing community needs.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 8, 2024

This day, the fieldworker need to accomplish few things since the time that is
given to them is limited and they need to work for almost 4 months inside the
community. Since the community is huge, they need to work already for them to be able
to gather the data of the residents. The fieldworker sorted the files and documents that is
given to them then after the sorting, they proceed to do home visitation. The fieldworker
together with one of the volunteer went to the houses of the residents. They welcomed
the workers warmly and they got along together. The home visitations went that well and
the workers ended it at almost at twilight.

Learning and Insight:

The fieldworker had a productive day using practical skills, being friendly with
people, and engaging well with the community. These experiences help lay the
groundwork for successful community organizing, especially considering the limited time
available. Working alongside a volunteer indicates a collaborative approach to
community organizing. Engaging volunteers can enhance the fieldworker's ability to
cover more ground and build positive relationships within the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 9, 2024

The fieldworker started her day early in the morning. They need to assist the
session that will be held in the morning up until 3pm. They gathered the attendance of
the people. The session wa all about the parenting method. The fieldworker also
participated to the session since it was a good talk about how parents should handle
their kids. This first session ended at 11 am and after that they had their lunch. The
session continued at 1 pm. They also assist the children who are playing inside the
center since their parents are attending the session. It was tiring but it is fun because
they used to talk with other parents from the community.

Learning and Insight:

This time, the fieldworker used to listen on the session because she realized that
this could also help her to gain knowledge that she can be able to share to the people
that she can work with in future. Attending with this kind of sessions or seminars can
give a huge help for the fieldworker and she thinks that she needs to grabbed it because
through attending of different sessions, she will be able to share also the knowledge that
she can get from that. As a fieldworker involved in community organizing, attending
parenting sessions can yield several valuable outcomes that contribute to the work in
social work and community development. Building relationships with parents establishes
trust and rapport, which is crucial for effective community organizing and also through
participation in parenting sessions, the fieldworker can gain insights into the specific
needs and challenges faced by families in the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 25, 2024


The fieldworker's day began early in the morning to prepare for having their
house to house interview from the residents of Barangay Bagong silangan. Those roads
that are under the BUKLURAN are the place where they need to immerse. They are
guided by some of the community people that they knew already. They are the resource
person that the fieldworker can work with since they are the one who is really from the
community and they will be a great help for the fieldworker.

After their immersion to the community, the fieldworker together with her partner
Ms. Clarize needs to prepare for the upcoming session that they need to give for the
youth. This session is all about on personal development. It is about how they can make
some decisions. The session flow so well and the fieldworker was surprised by what she
saw about the performance of the youth members. She saw that they are very talented
not just in arts but also in creating some ideas of scenarios where they can act.

Learning and Insights:

In the world of community organizing in social work, the fieldworker learned

something important while working with the people in Barangay Bagong Silangan. They
saw how crucial it is to build trust and real connections with the community. Working
closely with local community members made the fieldwork more effective and showed
that it's essential to empower the community itself. The fieldworker noticed how strong
the bonds within the community are and realized that making lasting positive changes
comes from tapping into the knowledge and abilities of everyone in the community. This
understanding highlighted how social workers play a key role in supporting community-
led efforts, collaborating with residents to meet their needs and goals. Overall, the day's
experiences showed the incredible power of genuine relationships in the field of social
work and community organizing. This moment also highlights the potential of the youths
that they are handling. This potential can be use also to empower people and they can
also enhance it to have a brighter future.

Supervisor’s Comments:
Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 26, 2024


The fieldworker started the day early, getting ready for more interviews in the
community with their colleague. By 8:30 AM, they began conducting interviews. Since no
volunteers were available in Bukluran, they asked one of the parents of the children that
they are handling before which is Ate Joan to accompanied them to roam around the
community. Since ate Joan is still busy doing her laundry, Nanay Myrna who’s also a
parent from the community insist that she can accompany them to the roam inside the
community. Nanay Myrna made it easier to the fieldworker to enter and conduct
interviews. They wrapped up their interviews by noon. In the afternoon, the fieldworker
sorted the files that has the information of the residents. They need to classify whether
which road they reside and also they need to separate a household that there are youths
since it is the sector that they need to handle.

Learning and Insights:

The lesson from this statement is about adaptability and collaboration in

community work. The fieldworker faced a challenge when no volunteers were available,
but they quickly found a solution by asking for help from Ate Joan's parent, Nanay
Myrna, who willingly stepped in. This highlights the importance of flexibility and working
together to overcome obstacles in community projects. The fieldworker's ability to adjust
the plan and collaborate with community members, like Nanay Myrna, not only facilitated
their interviews but also emphasized the significance of engaging and utilizing local
support for effective work. Additionally, the statement underscores the importance of
organization in managing information about residents, emphasizing the need for
systematic sorting, classification by roads, and identification of specific households, in
this case, focusing on the youth sector.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 27, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 28, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: February 29, 2024


The field worker started her day early in the morning. They need to help the
volunteers to prepare for the blessing of the newly built kitchen. They are tasked to help
them since there are few people who are working. The fieldworker helps to cook some
food for the visitors that are coming to the blessing. After that they need to prepare and
to welcome the RGS sisters that is with them. Some of the sisters are asking the
fieldworker if they are enjoying tge

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date:March 1, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 2, 2024


The fieldworker started her day early in the morning. They needed to prepare the
files that were filled with information from the residents of Brgy. Bagong Silangan,
especially those roads under the scope of the BUKLURAN. They had to sort all of those
papers and separate the family profiles into different roads where they were residing.

After organizing the documents and placing them on their respective roads, the
fieldworkers then counted the residents living on each street. They carefully examined
and categorized how many of them had members within the youth age range and fell
within the women's sector. The fieldworkers spent almost half a day on these tasks due
to the volume of work and the need to understand the information written on the papers.

After sorting the papers, the fieldworker, together with her colleagues, decided to
assist the children inside the BUKLURAN. There were some petty fights that they had,
so they needed guidance from the elder people.

Learning and Insights:

The story about the fieldworker in Brgy. Bagong Silangan teaches her that in
helping a community, it's important to start early and be organized. The fieldworker
gathered information from residents, sorted it by streets, and counted people living there.
This shows that understanding the community's needs and demographics is crucial for
planning. Spending a lot of time on these tasks also teaches us that community work
requires effort and time. The fieldworker and her colleagues also helped children in
BUKLURAN and sought guidance from elders, teaching us that teamwork and involving
the community are essential for success in community organizing.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 3, 2024


Today, many fieldworkers need to conduct interviews in various roads covered by

BUKLURAN. Early in the day, they started to move and explore the roads within their
coverage. They interviewed only a few people, perhaps because some youths in the
area had commitments. Only a few agreed to be interviewed, maybe because they were
not interested in participating in the questioning. There were instances when the
fieldworkers were avoided by those they intended to interview, while others simply asked
about the purpose of the interview. Some people refused to participate and ignored the
fieldworkers' inquiries. It wasn't easy for the fieldworkers in this situation, as they needed
to accurately count the number of families under BUKLURAN and determine the count of
women and youth sectors.

After conducting interviews, the fieldworkers had lunch, and then they prepared
for a session they would be handling for the youth. The session focused on developing
communication skills among the youth. The outcome of the session was positive, thanks
to the valuable sharing from the young participants.

Learning and Insights:

From this day, the fieldworker faced challenges while conducting interviews in
different areas covered by BUKLURAN. They found it hard to get people to participate,
possibly because some youths had prior commitments or were simply not interested.
Some individuals actively avoided the interviews, while others questioned the purpose
behind them. Despite these difficulties, the fieldworkers needed accurate information to
count the families under BUKLURAN and determine the number of women and youth in
the community.

After the interviews, the fieldworkers took a break for lunch and then prepared for
a youth session. This session aimed to improve communication skills among the young
residents. The positive outcome of the session highlights the value of the youths' input.
In simpler terms, the fieldworkers faced challenges in getting people to talk during
interviews, but the positive and valuable sharing during the youth session made their
efforts worthwhile.
Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 4, 2024


Today, the fieldworkers had to conduct interviews again in households they didn't
visit and pass by yesterday. They felt the intense heat with every step, accompanied by
the smoke from passing vehicles. Various dirt from animals and even humans added to
the challenging environment. Children playing on the sides of the streets and mothers
chatting in front of stores were common scenes during the fieldworkers' rounds. These
are the usual sights they encounter during their visits, something they have become
accustomed to. The children they meet along the way often respond with calls and
smiles. Sometimes, the fieldworker is surprised because even on the other side of the
street, someone recognizes her. They spent the whole day facing this kind of scenario.
They encounter different kinds of people – some are willing to be interviewed, while
others seem reluctant. The fieldworkers also experienced conducting interviews in the
midst of the heat because they were not allowed to enter some houses. Nevertheless,
they managed the day well.

Learning and Insights:

The people who go to talk and help others in the community are doing important
work. They change their plans to match when people are available. In the morning, they
couldn't find many young people because they were in school, and parents were at work.
Sometimes, they had to be quiet in houses where someone was still sleeping. After
talking to one family, they quickly went to the next house. Some houses were closed, so
they decided to speak to young people on the road.

They told the young people why they were there and why they needed to talk to
them. The young people were happy to help and even brought more family members for
interviews. After a short break, the workers went back to talk to more people. Many
young people were ready to talk, maybe because it was the time they gathered after
school. On their way back, the young people they met in the morning greeted them
warmly. This story teaches us that in community work, it's important to be flexible, be
respectful, build good relationships, work hard, and not give up.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 5, 2024


Early in the morning, the fieldworkers were already preparing to resume their
interviews. During these hours, they often encountered few young people as they were
typically in school. The parents of the youth were also usually away at work. There were
instances when they interviewed in a household where the mother allowed them in, and
upon entering, they found the husband still lying and sleeping in the living room. In such
cases, their conversation had to be kept quiet to avoid waking the sleeping spouse. After
finishing in the first house, they immediately moved on to the next one. Since some
houses were closed, and the owners couldn't be reached, the two fieldworkers decided
to talk to some youths hanging out on the side of the road.

The fieldworkers shared their purpose and explained the need for interviews. The
young people understood and expressed their willingness to help. They mentioned
knowing other youths similar to them who could also be interviewed. One of the youths
even went to their home and brought their mother and older sibling, who was 14 years
old and eligible for an interview.

After completing several interviews, the fieldworkers returned to their

accommodation at the convent to have a meal and take a short break. They rested
briefly and then went back to the area to continue their interviews. They encountered a
significant number of youths who were available for interviews, possibly because it was
the time they gathered outside after school. On their way back to the convent, the
fieldworkers saw the young individuals who had assisted them in the morning, and the
youths warmly greeted them.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.
Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 6, 2024


The day of the fieldworkers has started early again because they need to attend
a meeting for the planning of community organizing with some volunteers from
BUKLURAN and Teacher Princess. The social worker from Paco Manila, where the
current agency of the fieldworker is located, should also be with them. Among the topics
discussed were how to encourage the residents of Bagong Silangan to participate in
various programs of the said agency. They also discussed plans that need to be
implemented this year, where the fieldworkers were among those who brainstormed and
planned projects, sessions, and activities. The meeting lasted for several hours due to
the abundance of discussions.

After lunch, the fieldworkers immediately had time to encode the information
gathered from their interviews. After organizing the files on their respective roads, they
also checked the number of youth they had interviewed.

Learning and Insights:

The fieldworkers, along with volunteers and stakeholders, discussed ways to

engage residents in Bagong Silangan and encourage their participation in the agency's
programs. They emphasized the importance of thoughtful planning for projects,
sessions, and activities that cater to the community's needs. The involvement of a social
worker highlighted the significance of addressing broader social issues. Additionally, the
post-meeting tasks, such as encoding gathered information and assessing the number
of interviewed youth, underscored the importance of effective data management and
evaluation in community organizing efforts. Overall, the learnings emphasize the need
for a comprehensive, community-driven approach that involves coordination, planning,
and responsiveness to foster positive change.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 7, 2024


Today, the fieldworkers prepared for their midterm trialogue. Early on, they
organized the things they would need for their trialogue. They studied what they needed
to explain to their agency supervisor, sharing their experiences during their days spent in
the community. They also shared the lessons they gained from immersing themselves in
the community, highlighting that their learning came from both their experiences and the
challenges they faced. These challenges became a source of lessons for them.
Afterward, they promptly prepared to return to the convent and purchase items for
tomorrow's Women's Day celebration. They finished their evening shopping due to the

Learning and Insights:

Sharing their experiences and lessons learned from immersion in the community
highlights the value of firsthand engagement and the practical knowledge gained from
facing challenges. The fieldworkers recognized that obstacles encountered in the
community served as valuable learning opportunities. This narrative illustrates that
successful community organizing requires continuous reflection, adaptability, and a
willingness to learn from both positive experiences and challenges encountered in the

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 8, 2024


Today, the women's day celebration was held for the women participants from
various communities affiliated with the agency. Early in the morning, they prepared the
necessary designs for the stage. The fieldworker was assigned to handle attendance
and take care of the required materials. They also encountered new people who could
potentially assist them in advocating for their cause. One person the fieldworker met was
Sir Andy, a political science professor from San Beda College. Many topics were
discussed throughout the activity, including the SOGIE BILL and another one focusing
on human trafficking.

Learning and Insights:

The women's day celebration highlighted the importance of community

engagement and collaboration in community organizing. The fieldworker's role in
handling attendance and managing materials underscores the need for organized
logistics to ensure the success of events. Meeting new individuals, like Sir Andy, a
political science professor, emphasized the value of expanding networks and finding
allies who can contribute to advocacy efforts. The variety of topics discussed during the
activity, such as the SOGIE BILL and human trafficking, illustrates the broad range of
issues that community organizers address. This experience reinforces the idea that
successful community organizing involves not only addressing immediate concerns but
also building connections, fostering dialogue, and raising awareness about important
social issues within the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 16, 2024


Early in the morning, the fieldworkers began preparing to return to Manila ahead
of time. They had a recollection scheduled for the youth, and the fieldworker was
responsible for finding and picking up the facilitator for the youth recollection. Their day
started as soon as they arrived at the Bukluran center. They began going house to
house to invite the youth they had interviewed. They visited various roads they passed
through to conduct interviews, but only a few youths were seen. Their recollection
started, but only a few attended. This situation was challenging for the fieldworker
because they had prepared well for the day, but only a few people showed up.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 17, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 18, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 19, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 20, 2024


The field worker started her day early in the morning. They need to help the
volunteers to prepare for the blessing of the newly built kitchen. They are tasked to help
them since there are few people who are working. The fieldworker helps to cook some
food for the visitors that are coming to the blessing. After that they need to prepare and
to welcome the RGS sisters that is with them. Some of the sisters are asking the
fieldworker if they are enjoying tge

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 21, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
Date: March 22, 2024


The fieldworker's day began at exactly 9:00 in the morning, and she and her
partner immediately started listing the names of the target households they would visit
and interview. They planned to pass the list they compiled to a PTA officer who would
then forward it to their colleagues, so they could be picked up since they were not yet
familiar with the areas.

In the afternoon, they conducted interviews with some parents from the list they
had prepared. Since they had already befriended some of these parents, the fieldworker
used them to accompany them to several other households because the fieldworker and
her partner were not familiar with the area. The fieldworker's day concluded at 6:00 in
the evening after she and her partner decided to continue their interviews and home
visitations the next day.

Learning and Insights:

For this day, the fieldworker began organizing the information they would need
for their home visits and interviews with their target participants. They started with their
partner by writing down or listing the names and addresses of the potential households
they would visit. They did this so that they could provide these lists to a parent officer
who would help them contact the names on the list.

Having contacts within a community is crucial in community organizing because it

helps establish connections with the community and its people, especially when going to
unfamiliar areas or corners of a community. These contacts, or people well-connected in
the community, serve as bridges for the fieldworker to reach out to a larger population
within the community. Now, the fieldworker understands the importance of first knowing
the relevant individuals such as Barangay officials and people with standing in the
community, like PTA officers and youth, as part of community preparation because they
will assist in the fieldworker's deeper immersion into the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: March 23, 2024


On this day, the fieldworker woke up early and attended to their own needs because
they needed to watch over the children playing as they had training with Bukluran that
day. Since the children are naturally playful, they need supervision because even a little
carelessness among them can quickly lead to fights due to the different environment
they grew up in Barangay Bagong Silangan. Just like today, the day proved to be
extremely challenging for the fieldworker as one child got angry at their playmate and,
being aggressive, intended to throw a big stone at the other child and hit another with a
large piece of wood. Fortunately, the youths intervened quickly to prevent harm, and the
fieldworkers immediately talked to the child to ask why they did that and to better
understand the situation without judging them hastily.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, there was a station of the cross in Bagong Silangan,
and the Bukluran participated in the celebration. Thus, the fieldworkers also joined and
participated in the activity. Afterwards, the youth groups led by Clarize and Patricia held
a meeting to prepare for their boodle fight the next afternoon, discussing what needs to
be brought and who will attend their bonding fellowship. The day ended for them at
around 8:30 in the evening.

Learning and Insights:

This day's narrative provides valuable insights into the challenges and
responsibilities faced by fieldworkers in the realm of social work, particularly in
community settings. Firstly, it underscores the critical role of supervision, especially
when dealing with children in environments with different social dynamics. The need for
constant vigilance to prevent conflicts and ensure the safety of the children highlights the
proactive approach required in this profession.

Moreover, the incident involving the aggressive behavior of one child towards others
emphasizes the importance of intervention and conflict resolution skills possessed by
fieldworkers. By swiftly intervening and engaging with the child to understand the
underlying reasons for their actions, fieldworkers demonstrate their capacity to address
challenging behaviors with empathy and without resorting to judgment.

Participation in community events such as the station of the cross not only
showcases the fieldworkers' commitment to being active members of the community but
also provides opportunities for building rapport and trust with the residents they serve.
This integration into community activities is essential for fostering meaningful
connections and understanding the unique context in which they operate.

Additionally, the meeting held by youth groups reflects the collaborative nature of
social work practice. By convening to plan a boodle fight and discuss logistics, the youth
groups demonstrate their ability to organize and engage in positive, collective activities.
Fieldworkers, in their support of such initiatives, play a facilitative role, empowering
youth to take ownership of their activities and fostering a sense of belonging and
camaraderie within the community.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: March 24, 2024


The fieldworker started her day at exactly 9:00 in the morning. Just like yesterday,
she and her fellow fieldworker watched over the children who came to Bukluran to play.
Meanwhile, in the afternoon, the fieldworkers immediately started preparing their food for
the boodle fight happening that day. They all pitched in to cook the food, and even the
youths gradually handed out the assigned dishes. By 5:00 in the afternoon, the
fieldworkers and youths began setting up the food for their boodle fight. Once everything
was ready, they promptly started the boodle fight, and it was evident that the youths
thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were satisfied with the food served. After finishing
the boodle fight, within a few minutes, they began the second part of their bonding
fellowship, which was the movie marathon. Since the boodle fight and movie marathon
were suggested by the youths, they were delighted because they once again
experienced the bonding they had missed for so long. It was clear from their faces that
everyone was happy with the outcome of their bonding fellowship.

Learning and Insights:

This day's activities shed light on the integral role of community engagement and
recreational activities in social work practice. The fieldworker's involvement in
supervising children during playtime at Bukluran exemplifies the importance of providing
safe spaces for youth to interact and develop social skills. By overseeing these
interactions, fieldworkers can prevent conflicts and promote positive socialization among
community members.

Furthermore, the preparation and execution of the boodle fight highlight the
significance of communal dining experiences in fostering a sense of belonging and
camaraderie within the community. The collaborative effort involved in cooking and
sharing food underscores the value of collective participation and mutual support among
community members. Additionally, the enjoyment and satisfaction expressed by the
youths during the boodle fight signify the importance of incorporating culturally relevant
and enjoyable activities into social work interventions.

The subsequent movie marathon serves as an opportunity for leisure and relaxation,
promoting mental well-being and providing a platform for meaningful social connections.
By facilitating such recreational activities, fieldworkers contribute to the holistic
development and overall resilience of individuals and communities they serve.
Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 2, 2024


On this day, the fieldworker began her day at exactly 9:00 in the morning by
assisting in the kitchen and conversing with the mothers of the students at the Headstart
Play and Learn Daycare Center. In the afternoon, the fieldworker then assisted and
watched over the children who went to Bukluran to play. The fieldworker also enjoyed
playing while watching over the children because while she was supervising the kids,
she took the opportunity to have fun and play with them as well.

Learning and Insights:

This scenario illustrates the multifaceted role of a fieldworker in the realm of

social work, particularly within the context of childcare and community engagement.
Beginning her day by aiding in the daily operations of the daycare center and engaging
with the mothers highlights the importance of building relationships and fostering trust
within the community. These interactions not only provide valuable insights into the
needs and concerns of the families but also establish a sense of rapport and support.

As the day progresses, the fieldworker transitions into a more hands-on role,
overseeing the children at Bukluran. This demonstrates the active involvement required
in ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable populations, such as children.
However, what truly sets this narrative apart is the fieldworker's willingness to immerse
herself in the experience, actively participating in the children's play. This not only
facilitates a deeper connection with the children but also promotes a sense of inclusivity
and mutual respect. It emphasizes the importance of meeting individuals at their level,
embracing their perspectives, and fostering a sense of empowerment. Ultimately, this
holistic approach to social work underscores the significance of empathy, cultural
competence, and community collaboration in effecting meaningful change and promoting
social justice.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 3, 2024


On this day, the fieldworker, together with her group mate Patricia Panganiban,
engaged in paperwork, one of which was creating their session plan for the upcoming
Sunday. This allowed them to identify the materials and preparations needed for their
session. After completing the session plan, the fieldworker took the opportunity to
interact with the workers at Bukluran, exchanging greetings, engaging in conversations,
and sharing laughter with them.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, similar to the previous days, the fieldworker continued
to supervise the children who came to Bukluran to play, while also engaging with the
youth. Since the youth they handle also frequent Bukluran, the fieldworker seized the
opportunity to engage in conversations with them as well. By 5:30 in the afternoon, their
duty came to an end.

Learning and Insights:

This day showcases the dynamic and versatile nature of social work,
emphasizing the importance of both administrative tasks and direct engagement with the
community. The collaboration between the fieldworker and Patricia in creating a session
plan highlights the significance of careful planning and preparation in delivering effective
interventions and services. By identifying the materials and resources needed, they
ensure the smooth execution of their session, maximizing its impact on the beneficiaries.
Moreover, the fieldworker's proactive approach in interacting with the workers at
Bukluran reflects the essence of building rapport and fostering a sense of camaraderie
within the community. These informal interactions contribute to establishing trust and
strengthening relationships, which are essential foundations for successful social work

In the afternoon, the fieldworker's commitment to supervising the children and

engaging with the youth underscores the hands-on aspect of social work, particularly in
providing support and guidance to vulnerable populations. By actively participating in the
activities at Bukluran, the fieldworker not only ensures the safety of the children but also
creates opportunities for meaningful interactions and mentorship. Additionally, the
fieldworker's recognition of the youth's presence and their importance in the community
highlights the value of inclusivity and empowerment in social work practice. By engaging
in conversations with the youth, the fieldworker demonstrates a willingness to listen to
their perspectives and address their needs, fostering a sense of belonging and agency
among them.
Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:




Name of Student: Patricia G.Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 4, 2024


On this day, the fieldworker prepared early due to a change in the schedule for the
children attending the Headstart Play and Learn Daycare Center and those going to
Bukluran to play, prompted by the effects of the intense heat being experienced.
Because of the extreme heat, it was decided to temporarily change the schedule of the
second batch of daycare students who study at Bukluran to 3:00 in the afternoon.
Consequently, the children who go to Bukluran to play had their entry time moved
earlier, starting from 9:30 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. Therefore, at exactly
9:30 in the morning, the fieldworker began to watch over the children alongside her
fellow fieldworker. They supervised the children playing at Bukluran while also joining in
the play themselves.

Learning and Insights:

This scenario highlights the flexibility and adaptability required in the field of social
work, particularly when faced with unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather
conditions. Furthermore, the fieldworker's active involvement in supervising and
participating in the children's activities at Bukluran underscores the importance of hands-
on engagement and relationship-building in social work practice. By immersing
themselves in the play alongside the children, the fieldworker not only establishes trust
and rapport but also fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging within the community.
This approach goes beyond mere supervision; it creates opportunities for meaningful
interactions, where the fieldworker can better understand the needs and preferences of
the children they serve.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:




Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 5, 2024


The fieldworker woke up early and prepared herself because this day was
scheduled for the fieldworkers to have validation with the volunteers and workers of
Bukluran. At exactly 9:00 in the morning, their validation began and concluded at 12:00

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, the fieldworkers supervised the children who came to
Bukluran to play. Since the children who visit Bukluran are as young as 5 years old, it is
really necessary to watch over them while they play because it is dangerous for them to
play alone or without adult supervision. The fieldworker's day ended at 5:30 in the

Learning and Insights:

This situation highlights the diverse responsibilities and roles that social workers
undertake within their practice. The early morning validation session with volunteers and
workers of Bukluran exemplifies the importance of collaboration and teamwork in social
work. Such gatherings provide opportunities for reflection, feedback, and alignment of
goals, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of interventions and services provided to
the community. By participating in these validation sessions, fieldworkers not only
validate their own efforts but also contribute to the continuous improvement of programs
and initiatives aimed at supporting vulnerable populations.

In the afternoon, the fieldworkers transition into a more hands-on role, supervising
children at Bukluran. This underscores the critical role of child protection and safety
within the social work framework. The recognition of the vulnerability of young children
emphasizes the need for constant supervision and support to ensure their well-being. By
actively engaging in the supervision of children's play activities, fieldworkers
demonstrate their commitment to promoting a safe and nurturing environment for all
individuals, especially those who are most at risk.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:


Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban
Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 16, 2024

Today, the fieldworkers needed to prepare early because their agency supervisor
assigned them to assist volunteer teachers who teach day care students. The
fieldworker went to Teacher Josephine's class, where only a few children attended
because most of them were sick with coughs and colds. The class ended with two
groups, one in the first class and the other in Teacher Edna's class until 12:20 noon.
Some of the things the fieldworker did were teaching the children how to cut out pictures
and sticking them onto a separate paper where the corresponding answers could be
seen. The fieldworker also helped in feeding the children because one of the programs
of Headstart Bukluran is the feeding program for students.

In the afternoon, similar to their usual routine, they watched over the children
inside Bukluran and interacted with other youths.

Learning and Insights:

From this day's experiences, the fieldworker learn the importance of community
involvement and support in education and childcare. The fieldworkers' assistance to
volunteer teachers in day care classes highlights the collaborative effort needed to
ensure the well-being and education of children in the community. Additionally, their role
in helping sick children and facilitating activities demonstrates the importance of flexibility
and adaptability in addressing the unique needs of the community. Furthermore, the
fieldworkers' engagement with the youths in Bukluran emphasizes the significance of
building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging among community members.
This day underscores the value of community organizing in providing essential services
and support to promote the overall welfare of the community's children and youth.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:




Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 18, 2024

From this day, the fieldworker and her partner decided to take a half-day off. This
will help the fieldworker to have some time to think about things, especially regarding her
involvement in the community. She also made a list of proposals with her partner that
could help the community, especially the youths. After that, they went back to watching
over the children inside Bukluran.

Learning and Insights:

This day's experience highlights the importance of self-care and reflection in

community organizing. Taking a break allows the fieldworker to recharge and reflect on
her role and contributions to the community. The collaborative effort between the
fieldworker and her partner in brainstorming proposals demonstrates the significance of
teamwork and collective action in addressing community needs, particularly those
affecting youths. Returning to watch over the children afterward underscores the
commitment to continuous engagement and support within the community, balancing
personal reflection with active involvement in community initiatives. This day emphasizes
the holistic approach to community organizing, integrating personal well-being,
collaboration, and ongoing dedication to community service.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:




Name of Student: Patricia G. Panganiban

Agency Placement: St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 19, 2024

Today, one of the tasks of the fieldworker in the community was to be a cook.
Together with some volunteers, the fieldworker prepared food for the children who were
picking up their modules. The mode of learning for the children was changed to modular
due to the hot weather.

Learning and Insights:

This experience highlights the versatility and adaptability required in community

organizing. By taking on the role of a cook, the fieldworker demonstrates the importance
of addressing various needs within the community beyond traditional roles. Collaborating
with volunteers to prepare food for the children reflects the power of teamwork and
collective effort in supporting community members, especially during challenging
circumstances like extreme weather conditions.

Supervisor’s Comments:

Signed by: Date:



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