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Membre A: We believe Morocco is working hard to make sure what students learn in theory is
actually put into practice. The government is improving schools, training teachers better, and
updating what students learn to match the real world.

Membre B: Yes, they're also making schools more modern with technology and giving students
more hands-on experience. This helps them understand things better and be ready for jobs when
they graduate.

Membre C : Plus, they're offering more options like vocational training, which teaches practical skills
for work. This way, students can choose what suits them best and be more prepared for their future.


Membre D : While Morocco talks about making things better, many schools still lack basic things like
books and good teachers. It's hard for students to learn if they don't have what they need.

Membre E : And even if they do, the job training programs aren't always up-to-date. Students
might learn skills that aren't useful anymore, leaving them unprepared for work.

Membre F : Also, what students learn in school often doesn't match what they need in real life. If
education doesn't help them solve problems or think critically, it's not very practical.


Membre A : Team Against, how do you think we can make sure that students in Morocco have
everything they need to learn well?

Membre D : Good question! We believe the government should focus more on providing better
resources like books and trained teachers to schools in every area of Morocco.
Membre E : Team For, how can we update what students learn so they're ready for jobs when they
finish school?

Membre B : We think it's important to talk to businesses and see what skills they need. Then, we
can change what students learn in school to match.

Membre C : Team Against, how do you think we can teach students useful skills without forgetting
about other important things they need to learn?

Membre F : That's a good point. We think schools should mix theory and practice, so students learn
both problem-solving and how to do things in the real world.

Membre D : Team For, how can we make sure vocational programs in Morocco teach students the
right skills for jobs that are available now?

Membre C : We believe it's crucial for schools to work closely with businesses. This way, they can
learn what skills are needed and teach students accordingly, making sure they're ready for work
when they graduate.

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