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Journal of Science Education and Technology

Competency Maps: an Effective Model to Integrate Professional

Competencies Across a STEM Curriculum
Fermín Sánchez Carracedo 1 & Antonia Soler 1 & Carme Martín 1 & David López 1 & Alicia Ageno 1 & Jose Cabré 1 &
Jordi Garcia 1 & Joan Aranda 1 & Karina Gibert 1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both domain-specific and
professional competencies. Whereas universities have had extensive experience in developing students’ domain-specific com-
petencies, fostering professional competencies poses a new challenge we need to face. This paper presents a model to globally
develop professional competencies in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degree program, and as-
sesses the results of its implementation after 4 years. The model is based on the use of competency maps, in which each
competency is defined in terms of competency units. Each competency unit is described by a set of expected learning outcomes
at three domain levels. This model allows careful analysis, revision, and iteration for an effective integration of professional
competencies in domain-specific subjects. A global competency map is also designed, including all the professional competency
learning outcomes to be achieved throughout the degree. This map becomes a useful tool for curriculum designers and coordi-
nators. The results were obtained from four sources: (1) students’ grades (classes graduated from 2013 to 2016, the first 4 years of
the new Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering at the Barcelona School of Informatics); (2) students’ surveys (answered
by students when they finished the degree); (3) the government employment survey, where former students evaluate their
satisfaction of the received training in the light of their work experience; and (4) the Everis Foundation University-Enterprise
Ranking, answered by over 2000 employers evaluating their satisfaction regarding their employees’ university training, where
the Barcelona School of Informatics scores first in the national ranking. The results show that competency maps are a good tool
for developing professional competencies in a STEM degree.

Keywords STEM education . Engineering education . Professional competencies . Professional skills . Academic programs .
Curriculum design . Competency maps . Competency units . Learning outcomes

Introduction tance of training graduates in professional competencies. The

term Bprofessional competencies^ is used to refer to compe-
In the 1990s, interesting academic debate was raised about the tencies that graduate students will need to acquire for their
need to develop students’ professional skills1 in university profession beyond the technical knowledge required (known
degree curricula. Scholars like Hodson (1992) argued that Bthe as Btechnical competencies^). While technical competencies
skills-based approach was pedagogically dangerous because it guarantee the acquisition of knowledge in each area, profes-
encourages bad teaching.^ Nowadays, this debate has become sional competencies enforce transversal skills and practices
obsolete, and university and employers agree on the impor- that are appropriate for most areas and can be applied to a
variety of jobs, situations, or tasks (Gardelliano 2002). As an
In some contexts, the terms Bhard^ and Bsoft^ skills are used. We consider example, programming is a technical competency while team-
the term technical and professional (also called generic or transversal) more
appropriate. work is a professional one.
It must be noted that the authors prefer to use the term
* Fermín Sánchez Carracedo Bcompetency^ instead of Bskill.^ Although both terms are of- ten used interchangeably, skill is defined as the ability to apply
knowledge and use expertise to complete tasks and solve
Barcelona School of Informatics, Universitat Politècnica de problems, whereas competency refers to the proven ability
Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Barcelona, Spain to use knowledge and personal, social, and/or methodological
J Sci Educ Technol

abilities in professional and personal development (European comparable with other European surveys, such as
Parliament 2008). Thus, competency can be understood as the Eurobarometer,5 but it provides local data. The survey’s uni-
combination of knowledge and experience (Bassellier et al. verse consisted of 16,757 companies with production activi-
2003). ties in Catalonia. The sample obtained was 1325 companies,
representing a response rate of 7.91% and a sampling error of
The Need for Professional Competencies in Science, 2.64%. The study is not focused on STEM graduates but in-
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Studies cludes all disciplines.
The AQU’s survey contributes to stressing the importance
Since the beginning of this century, competency-based ap- of professional competencies in tertiary education, according
proaches have been promoted in a number of studies that to participants’ opinions. Figure 1 compares the importance
emphasize the benefits of global instruction. Among them, given by employers to some competencies and their degree of
Rayney (2002) claims that, if a degree program focuses on satisfaction with graduates’ competencies. The comparison
solving today’s problems with today’s technologies, this pro- ratio indicated by these values suggests that universities
gram is quickly outdated, specially in the STEM (science, should dedicate more effort to training some competencies.
technology, engineering, and mathematics) environment. The main highlights extracted from the survey are the
Instead, students need to develop professional competencies, following:
since the training needs of a STEM graduate not only should
consider technical competencies but also must be viewed from & The overall satisfaction with the competencies of hired
a multidisciplinary perspective. Hu (2003) insists on the im- graduates was 7 out of 10 (medium to high). Although
portance of fostering professional competencies and points the rating varied across competencies, all of them were
out that a curriculum must be designed to provide students given at least a pass mark of 5.
with solid fundamental knowledge and to teach them how to & On a scale from 0 to 10, the competencies that employers
learn. It is more important to have a curriculum that integrates considered to be most important were responsibility at
knowledge and competencies to be applied in new situations work (8.9), the ability to learn (8.4), and teamwork (8.3).
than one that teaches vanguard technology but may become The least important were leadership (6.6) and negotiation
obsolete in a few years. skills (6.4).
In the same line, other studies explore the importance of & On a scale from 0 to 10, the graduates’ competencies
professional competencies from different perspectives. which employers were most satisfied with were computer
Newrock and Tovar (2005) identify employers’ requirements skills (7.9), responsibility at work (7.6), teamwork (7.5),
with respect to professional competencies by interviewing in- theoretical learning (7.2), and the ability to learn (7.0).
dustry leaders. To succeed in the world of business, STEM They were least satisfied with leadership (5.8) and nego-
graduates need much more than excellent technical knowl- tiation skills (5.7).
edge. More specifically, they must be able to communicate & The degree of satisfaction with graduates’ competencies
their ideas, they need to understand what corporate ethics did not vary greatly according to the branch of economic
and personal ethics mean, they need to develop social skills activity or the size of the enterprise or institution, except
and manners, and they need to learn how to respect their peers. for foreign language skills.
Taraman and Tovar (2005) also claim that success or failure in
the educational process should be measured through the set of
competencies students need to acquire. Furthermore, the As Fig. 1 shows, the largest comparison ratio between the
UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education importance given by employers to graduates’ competencies
(UICEE) report2 reveals that STEM graduates require a wide and their degree of satisfaction corresponds to problem solv-
range of professional competencies, in addition to a high de- ing (− 1.7), practical skills (− 1.6), and the ability to generate
gree of technical competence (Riemer 2007). new ideas (− 1.5). However, professional competencies, in
In order to know employers’ opinion about which compe- general, should be trained in more depth at tertiary level, since
tencies are relevant in Catalonia (Spain), the Catalan most of them are still weak according to employers’ opinions.
University Quality Assurance Agency3 (AQU) conducted a For example, responsibility at work scores 8.9 in importance
survey 4 at the end of 2014. This study (AQU 2014) is against 7.6 in satisfaction (− 1.3), learning ability achieves 8.4
against 7.0 (− 1.4), and communication skills scores 8.00
h t t p : / / w w w. w i e t e . c o m . a u / j o u r n a l s / G J E E / P u b l i s h / v o l 8 n o 1 / against 6.6 (− 1.4).
PudlowskiDarvall.pdf (last accessed in March 2018).
3 5 (last accessed in March 2018). (last accessed in
4 (last accessed in March 2018). March 2018).
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Fig. 1 Employers’ opinion.

Importance given to
competencies (bars) against level
of training received by recent
graduates (line)

Training Professional Competencies in Europe and US design, implement, and operate) project to encourage the de-
STEM Universities velopment of abilities required in real-world engineering situ-
ations (Crawley et al. 2008). Other universities and depart-
In the mid-1990s, prior to the creation of the European Higher ments quickly joined this initiative, and it is currently a widely
Education Area (EHEA), university curricula in Europe fo- used methodology in STEM education (Crawley et al. 2014).
cused on the development of technical competencies, without The CDIO project started after a thorough analysis of univer-
paying much attention to professional competencies. These sity contents and practice, since an important gap between
competencies were only included occasionally in some sub- industry requirements and the contents of engineering curric-
jects and were rarely assessed in STEM curricula. This situa- ula was observed. Universities focused their efforts on re-
tion was common to both European and American universi- search activities, and technical contents became more and
ties. According to observed needs with respect to graduates’ more relevant in syllabuses. As more time and effort were
professional competencies, European and American universi- devoted to technical contents, other aspects were left aside,
ties have tried to address professional competencies training in like students’ personal and interpersonal skills. Therefore,
recent years. As this work is focused on engineering studies, the objective of the CDIO initiative was to foster students’
we will put the stress on engineering initiatives. Some criteria personal and interpersonal abilities while technical competen-
in sciences and mathematics curriculum design can be differ- cies were maintained (as shown in Fig. 2).
ent from engineering criteria, but the competencies required As the CDIO initiative started in the USA, the Tuning6
and the difficulties to integrate them in the curriculum are project was developed in Europe with similar objectives.
similar. This is mainly because most STEM programs are Led by the University of Deusto (Spain), the project was sup-
based on acquiring the rigorous technical knowledge students ported by more than 100 European universities. The Tuning
need to succeed in their profession, ignoring professional project focuses on the design of a methodology that favors
competencies (Taylor 2016). curriculum understanding and standardization among univer-
In order to identify the real needs of engineering profes- sities. The project has also been extended to Latin America
sionals and address them most appropriately, the (Beneitona et al. 2007).
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. The work developed in the first phase of Tuning defined 30
(ABET) accreditation system (ABET 2017) was introduced professional competencies that would be common to the aca-
into American engineering education in the mid-1990s. It in- demic programs included in the study, and a list of domain-
volved a significant change in the criteria established for en- specific competencies for each discipline. The 30 competen-
gineering programs to be accredited since it introduces pro- cies were classified into three categories: instrumental (10),
fessional skills in the curricula. interpersonal (8), and systemic (12). All competencies were
Another initiative to meet engineering students’ needs was defined in depth in a report adopted by the institutions that
proposed in 2000 by the Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics at the MIT. They started the CDIO (conceive,
6 (last accessed March 2018).
J Sci Educ Technol

Year 1
1960s: 2000
Personal and Science & CDIO
Interpersonal practice
skills Year 2

Year 3
Technical Knowledge
Fig. 2 CDIO objective

Year 4
intended to integrate professional competencies in their
Fig. 3 Example of competency itinerary (black boxes)
Taking into account these standardization guidelines,
some studies have recently explored which competen-
curriculum, and black boxes represent the subjects
cies are required from students of a STEM degree.
where a given competency is integrated.
Jang (2016) identifies 18 competencies, 7 categories of
Assigning professional competencies to technical sub-
knowledge, and 27 work activities important for STEM
jects requires setting up domain levels and coordinating
workers. An ongoing research project (Bayer 2014) ex-
the work carried out in different courses for a given
amines the US STEM education, diversity, and work-
competency. This new and complex task entails careful
force issues. In this project, a survey shows most of
planning. Indeed, most faculty members in undergradu-
the skills that applicants do not possess but wish they
ate and postgraduate STEM programs have little or no
did. Some of these skills are leadership, conflict resolu-
experience in training professional competencies, so
tion, complex problem solving, team building, commu-
they find it difficult to include them in their courses.
nication, and critical thinking skills.
Some of the professional competencies may even be
Thus, as suggested throughout this section, there are
more difficult to include in some technical subjects than
several studies in the literature that emphasize the need
others. For example, lecturers might find it easier to
to include professional competencies in engineering cur-
integrate communication skills or teamwork skills than
ricula, but much fewer studies on how to integrate them
ethical or social commitment skills.
in a systematic way. In this paper, we propose a meth-
In order to integrate professional competencies into degree
odology to effectively integrate professional competen-
subjects, we initially devised a hierarchical approach based on
cies in STEM curricula by using competency maps,
Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom et al. 1956). At this stage, we
global structures that describe the development of a giv-
defined each competence in terms of three-level learning out-
en competency in the degree subjects.
comes, based on the Bknowledge,^ Bcomprehension,^ and
Bapplication^ domain levels in Bloom’s model. Each level
Integrating Professional Competencies was assigned to one or more courses, so level 1 of each com-
Across the Curriculum petency was developed in first-year courses. Then, level 2
started in the second year and was completed in the third
Although different proposals to introduce professional and fourth years if necessary. Finally, level 3 would be devel-
competencies in a given technical subject may prove oped in the third and fourth years according to the specific
to be effective, the authors of the present work believe learning outcomes of each degree. Figure 4 illustrates this
that a global strategy is necessary to develop each com- model, where each box represents one subject. In this ap-
petency across the curriculum. With an appropriate co- proach, a coordinator was also assigned to each competency
ordination of competency development, it is possible to to help course designers and lecturers to design learning ac-
set itineraries for each professional competency, where tivities to practice and assess the competency.
participants are aware of domain levels, learning out- As a starting point, this methodology provides tools for
comes, contents, and the subjects where they are curriculum designers to integrate professional competencies
trained, as shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, each box into degree subjects. However, it is difficult to apply because
represents a subject from year 1 to year 4 in the defining a professional competency in terms of Blooms’
J Sci Educ Technol

Research Questions and Methodology

Year 1 Level 1
Research Questions

Year 2 Level 2 In the light of the difficulties previously explained to use the
classic hierarchical approach to introduce professional com-
petencies in the curriculum, we developed what we call
Bcompetency maps.^ To test the efficiency of our model, in
Year 3 this study, we have posed five research questions:
2 and 3 1. Can competency maps help to effectively distribute pro-
Year 4 fessional competencies across the curriculum and guar-
antee that all students have the opportunity to practice
Fig. 4 Domain levels distributed in academic years them?

In this paper, we present the conceptual model based on

domain levels poses some problems; i.e., a domain level is still competency maps to distribute and evaluate the learning out-
too general to define a competency. A more accurate tool was comes for the first 4 years.
required, so we started a new approach to refine the process of
defining professional competencies and also to assign learning 2. Do students improve their professional competencies by
outcomes to subjects in a more accurate way. using competency maps as a methodology?
Thus, although regarding technical competencies the clas-
sical three-level hierarchical approach is effective, it appears To answer this question, the results obtained by 384 stu-
to be less appropriate for the integration of professional com- dents between 2013 and 2016 are analyzed. It is assumed that
petencies. The subjects focusing on a technical competency the results are a good indicator of the skills demonstrated for
itinerary in the first and second years develop and evaluate each professional competency.
learning outcomes at the lowest domain levels of the learning
taxonomy, while the subjects of final courses develop and 3. Are students satisfied with the progress made in profes-
evaluate the highest domain levels. However, in the case of sional competencies? Do they consider professional com-
professional competencies, the domain levels are not as clear petencies important?
as in technical competencies, and it is quite complex to define
just three domain levels for a whole competency. It was ob- In order to look into students’ opinions, we use qualitative
served that some specific learning outcomes for a given com- results from a survey conducted among all students at the end
petency at a low domain level actually required to achieve of their studies.
some previous learning outcomes at higher levels. In addition,
some specific learning outcomes could overlap across differ- 4. What are employers’ and international evaluation agen-
ent domain levels. So, we decided to devise a procedure to cies’ views on the results obtained by graduates who have
assign learning outcomes of professional competencies across been trained with competency maps?
the curriculum subjects in a systematic way to guarantee that
these competencies are acquired. Our study analyzes qualitative results from employer sur-
The remainder of this article develops all the details of our veys conducted by different organizations. In addition, we
model and its implementation as follows. The section also take into considerations the results of national and inter-
BResearch Questions and Methodology^ presents the identi- national accreditation surveys that evaluate the degree where
fied research questions and the methodology used to address competency maps have been implemented.
them. The section BRelated Work^ reviews some of the rele-
vant related studies. In the section BInstitutional Context of 5. Is there a relationship between the acquisition of technical
this Work,^ the context in which this work has been developed competencies and the acquisition of professional compe-
is presented. The proposal describing how to integrate profes- tencies? Do students who get high academic final grades
sional competencies in STEM curricula is detailed in the sec- also get high grades in professional competencies, and
tion BCompetency Maps: a Model to Integrate Professional vice versa?
Competencies.^ The section BAnalysis of Results and
Discussion^ presents and discusses some results, and finally, To answer this last question, the degrees of 421 students
the section BConclusions^ concludes the paper. who finished their studies between 2013 and 2016 (both
J Sci Educ Technol

included) are analyzed. These students account for 100% of competency in terms of competency units. In turn, these
the first four cohorts from the Bachelor’s Degree in units determine the definition of the expected learning
Informatics Engineering at the Barcelona School of outcomes for each competency, based on the three lower
Informatics. domain levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
6. After carefully defining learning outcomes in each com-
General Methodology petency map, they were distributed among the different
subjects of the competency itinerary, using the hierarchi-
In the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering at the cal approach for each competency unit. In this way, one
Barcelona School of Informatics, a strategy was devised to subject may develop different competency units at differ-
develop and evaluate nine professional competencies. This ent domain levels of the taxonomy. For example, one
involved the creation of a research team consisting of one subject may focus both on the knowledge level of a par-
coordinator for each competency (nine competence coordina- ticular competency unit and on the application level of
tors), plus a general coordinator. Our strategy also defined a another competency unit. This constitutes the main differ-
methodology to implement our model in different stages and ence between the model proposed in this work and the
to evaluate its efficiency. hierarchical model.
7. Our methodology also considers evaluating the proposed
1. First, the classic hierarchical approach was used to define model, which involves answering our research questions
each of the nine professional competencies in terms of and reporting results. Research question 1 will be resolved
learning outcomes based on the three lower domain levels throughout the design process. To answer research ques-
of Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom et al. 1956): knowledge, tion 2, the final results obtained by the students will be
understanding, and application. used, assuming that the final grades of each competency
2. Next, the defined learning outcomes were distributed reflect the student’s ability in each competency. Questions
among the subjects of the competency itinerary. This dis- 3 and 4 will be answered qualitatively by analyzing sur-
tribution followed the classic hierarchical model: the veys from different sources, as explained above. More
learning outcomes corresponding to the knowledge level specifically, question 3 will be answered with the surveys
were assigned to first-year degree subjects, and those cor- conducted among students at the end of their studies,
responding to the Bunderstanding^ and application levels while question 4 will look at the results of surveys con-
were distributed among more advanced courses. ducted by different organizations and the evaluation car-
3. All subjects in the curriculum were assigned the task of ried out by national and international agencies to accredit
developing and evaluating at least one professional com- the degree where competency maps have been integrated.
petency. Each subject had to provide two marks: the over- 8. Research question 5 deserves special attention since it is
all grade of the subject and the grade corresponding to the related to our methods to assess students’ progress in pro-
professional competency developed in the course. fessional competencies and to analyze the implementation
4. This approach was implemented for 2 years, and it was of our model in the light of these results. The average
evaluated in order to assess the progress made and iden- grade obtained by each student in each professional com-
tify flaws. The coordinators of each competency petency itinerary allows each student to have a separate
interacted with subject coordinators of the competency global grade for each of the nine professional competen-
itinerary to help them to design learning activities to prac- cies. In addition, the grades obtained for the subjects in the
tice and evaluate the competency at the assigned domain itinerary allow to trace the progress made by students
level. The coordinators of each competency and the gen- throughout each professional competency itinerary.
eral coordinator met regularly (once a month during the
first 3 years, and once every 2 months the following years) Having independent grades for domain-specific skills and
to share their experience and views. for professional competencies also allows to compare both
5. The difficulties encountered in the application of this grades and to study whether a relationship exists between both
model led the authors to conclude that the classic hierar- of them. To study this relationship, for each student and for
chical model is not the most appropriate approach to ac- each professional competency, the grade of a given profes-
complish the goals to develop professional competencies. sional competency will be calculated as the average of the
As mentioned above, learning outcomes were too general grades obtained in all the subjects of the competency itinerary
to be assigned to subjects, considering the students’ (among five and eight subjects in each case). The subjects are
needs. Accordingly, in the light of the results obtained not the same for all students, since 37.5% of them are elective.
during the first 2 years, a new model has been proposed As the professional competency grade is qualitative, in the
to define learning outcomes more accurately by using discrete range A–D (A assigned to highest achievement and
competency maps. A competency map first defines a D to lowest), these values will be replaced by an ordinal scale
J Sci Educ Technol

(from 4 to 1) to obtain a professional competency grade in a some programs on the basis of its benefits for students
numerical scale. The grade for each professional competency and designers. As stated by Evans and Gabriel (2007)
will subsequently be calculated as an arithmetic mean from all when referring to communication skills, the specific sub-
the numerical grades obtained by the student in his/her com- ject approach makes four assumptions: (1) as a skill, it is a
petency itineraries. kind of a practical knowledge; (2) because it is practical,
Separate grades will thus allow us to quantify the intensity it can be separated from the foundational knowledge of a
of the relationship between the academic final grade and the particular subject, area, or field—in other words, it is dis-
grade of each professional competency. We think that, if the crete; (3) because it is discrete, it is widely applicable, and
methodology proposed to develop and evaluate professional it is generalizable across different subjects, areas, or
competencies is adequate, a high level of association should fields; and (4) these competencies, because they are prac-
be found between the academic final grade and the grades of tical, discrete, and generalizable, are knowledge than can
professional competencies. Although the Pearson correlation be learned once and for all. A clear example of this ap-
coefficient is the most popular to provide significance infor- proach is presented by Ben-Zvi-Assaraf and Ayal (2010).
mation, it involves an associated correlation test that requires They explain how to involve chemical engineering stu-
normal distribution. Therefore, we will first evaluate whether dents with sustainability by means of a dedicated course
the professional competency grades are normally distributed on the topic. The specific subject approach is also imple-
by using the Shapiro-Wilk test, with a confidence level of mented, for example, at the University of Missouri where,
99%. Thus, p values smaller than 0.01 will indicate that the after detecting (with a pilot survey) the lack of pedagog-
assessed distribution is not normal. When values appear to be ical knowledge in the development of professional com-
normally distributed for a professional competency grade, the petencies, they included a two-semester course entitled
classic Pearson correlation coefficient between the academic BPreparing Engineering Faculty and Professionals,^ em-
final grade and the professional competency grade will be phasizing these competencies (Mohan et al. 2010).
calculated. A subsequent significance test will be performed However, when professional competencies are isolated
to assess whether the level of association is significantly dif- from domain-specific competencies, students may find it dif-
ferent from zero. In contrast, when the professional competen- ficult to link these competencies with STEM graduates’ daily
cy grades appear to fail the Shapiro-Wilk test, we will use the tasks. Therefore, a more global approach to integrating pro-
Spearman correlation coefficient, based on ranks, which does fessional competencies in the curriculum can be implemented
not require normality. It assesses the relationship level in gen- when professional competencies are distributed across differ-
eral, and it is valid even for nonlinear associations. The corre- ent technical subjects, instead of having dedicated courses. In
sponding significance test is based on the permutation test, this case, students acquire professional competencies in a
and it is also free from technical restrictive hypothesis. In both STEM environment, creating a relationship between these
cases, p values of the corresponding correlation test lower than competencies and professional activities.
0.01 will mean a significant level of the association between Several recent examples of the integration of one or more
both grades. professional competencies into existing technical courses can
be found in the literature. Most of them follow the IEEE/ACM
Computing Curricula recommendations (ACM 2008), which
Related Work propose the use of projects or case studies to ensure that stu-
dents can successfully apply the knowledge they have ac-
Various studies have focused on teaching and assessing pro- quired. With this approach, they manage to intertwine
fessional competencies (see, for instance, the comprehensive content and competencies. For example, Aliakbarian et al.
review by Shuman et al. (2005)). Whereas ABET criteria are (2014) integrates guided independent learning (Leuven
commonly used to drive engineering curriculum design in University 2005) into a project-based course (a telecommuni-
USA (Passow 2012), in the context of the EHEA, engineering cation system design project). Although they focus on auton-
curricula are designed in accordance with the Tuning project, omous learning, they also tackle the development of other
based on competencies and following the requirements set by professional competencies such as teamwork, progress
institutions. These trends have a common goal: curriculum reporting, problem solving, and communication skills. The
design should place emphasis on the development of profes- main distinctive features are the structure of teams (macro-
sional competencies. To achieve this purpose, two different groups, micro-groups, and individuals) as well as the chang-
methods have been used: specific instruction and integrative ing levels of guidance and supervision from the beginning of
approaches. the semester until the testing phase at the end. Akcay and
Specific instruction consists in including specific sub- Yager (2010) uses a constructivist student-centered approach
jects into STEM curricula for training students in profes- for improving the understanding of technical concepts, while
sional competencies. This approach has been adopted in developing competencies such as creativity, positive attitude,
J Sci Educ Technol

and innovation. The effects are evaluated by means of a ethical issues. These results are provided for two terms.
comparison with students following the same semester Finally, a method to develop teamwork skills is presented by
course based on a traditional approach. Arbelaitz et al. Pimmely (2003). Existing group assignments are converted
(2015) presents the use of active learning methodologies in a into a teamwork learning experience by adding a small
basic computer architecture course, which also addresses au- amount of class time and instructor time to train, monitor,
tonomous learning (and, indirectly, other professional compe- and evaluate teams. The method uses cooperative learning
tencies). These methodologies include project-based learning methodologies, including peer evaluation as a critical compo-
(PBL), as well as collaborative learning (Jigsaw-based learn- nent. As a result, the method allegedly leads not only to a
ing). Students work autonomously in several tutored sessions better experience in teaming for students but also to a higher
where the lecturer tries not to instantly answer the questions level of technical achievement on the projects (students can
but to promote reflection within the group to answer them. tackle and complete more difficult tasks through working as a
The approach is evaluated by measuring students’ dedication team). Multiple data are used for assessing the effectiveness of
time, students’ marks (including both teachers’ and peers’ this approach, including weekly progress reports, peer evalu-
evaluations), and students’ level of satisfaction. Data for three ation forms, an end-of-project survey, a portion of the end-of-
academic years are provided, showing an improvement in semester course survey that focuses on the project, and stu-
both students’ academic performance and satisfaction. A dents’ grades on the project report.
Smart Home Test Bed, based on the pedagogical model of Other approaches have been proposed in the literature to
PBL for undergraduate education, is presented by Hu et al. integrate competencies across the curriculum. For example,
(2015). It provides a platform for students to develop their Tribus (2005) describes how to combine the quality manage-
creativity in electrical and computer engineering design, com- ment principles of Deming with the educational theories of
bining autonomous learning, and sustainability skills. Feuerstein and Bloom’s taxonomy in order to design a system
O’Connell (2015) describes the beneficial changes observed of engineering education (i.e., a set of components working
in the implementation of team-based learning (TBL) in circuit together to achieve a defined goal). It also uses a Bmatrix of
theory since 2010. TBL is a particular form of the so-called competencies^ but differs considerably from the one proposed
flipped classroom (or inverted classroom) strategy where, be- here in that it is aimed at one subject only, and it does not
fore attending the class, students must look for new materials consider the curriculum as a whole. Finally, Appleton et al.
in a variety of sources, including textbooks, Web tutorials, (2007) present a guide for curriculum developers that pro-
papers, and lecture notes. Thus, apart from teamwork, auton- poses to include materials to develop general skills such as
omous learning and information literacy skills are also tack- reasoning, problem solving, and behavioral skills in addition
led, as well as communications skills. to vocational skills. The approach is based on two theoretical
Similarly, other proposals integrate TBL and the develop- models [systematic curriculum instructional design (Norton
ment of various professional competencies. A robotics com- 1997) and understanding by design (Wiggins and McTighe
petition (Cybertech) is used by Hernando et al. (2011) as an 1998)] and four selected applied models.
opportunity to span theory, practical laboratory lessons,
seminars and tutoring, integrating technical aspects but also
teamwork skills, oral presentations, budget management, and
entrepreneurship. They consider it as the flagship of Institutional Context of this Work
innovation in education at the Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid. Mahan et al. (2000) integrates communication skills The proposal presented in this study has been designed and im-
(writing) into a first-year course on electrical engineering by plemented according to the educational framework defined in
establishing a collaboration with writing specialists from other our institution. Just to help the reader understand the general
departments. He suggests that this collaboration is crucial for context of this work, some details are presented about the au-
successful practice since both technical content and writing thors’ institution, the Barcelona School of Informatics7 from the
deserve appropriate attention, which justifies the need for Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, with its
one lecturer per area. Once more, the assessment of the specific setup professional competencies to be developed in the
experience is an anonymous poll among students, with an Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering.8
overwhelmingly positive response. Quinn (2005) deals with In order to meet standards of excellence, the authors’ insti-
sustainability and social commitment by integrating a 3-h tution takes into consideration its position in some internation-
ethics case study laboratory into a first-year course for al academic rankings. In recent years, the Barcelona School of
electrical and computer engineering students. The authors 7 (last accessed in March 2018).
first describe their approach in Clancy et al. (2001) and en- 8
hance it in Quinn (2005) with the use of pre-surveys and post- informatics-engineering/curriculum/competences (last accessed in
surveys among students in order to assess their awareness of March 2018).
J Sci Educ Technol

Informatics has climbed positions in the most outstanding Table 1 Position of the Barcelona School of Informatics-Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech in different rankings
academic rankings, which are mainly based on research activ-
ity and academic results. Among others, the Barcelona School Ranking Scope Rank Total Quartile
of Informatics appears in the following five rankings:
ARWU 2015 World 101–150 200 Q3
& Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU, Europe 21 61 Q2
Shanghai ranking9). It sorts the world’s top 200 universi- Spain 3 9 Q2
ties in computer science, considering both academic qual- QS WURS 2016 World 51–100 503 Q1
ity and research indicators. This is one of the most presti- Europe 28 211 Q1
gious rankings in the world, and only three Spanish com- Spain 1 8 Q1
puter science schools are included. The Barcelona School BGUR (US News) 2016 World 37 200 Q1
of Informatics ranks 21st in Europe and 3rd in Spain (see Europe 10 63 Q1
Table 1). Spain 1 7 Q1
& QS World University Rankings10 by subject: this ranking NTUR 2016 World 79 301 Q1
is intended to compare institutions in terms of their repu- Europe 13 107 Q1
tation and their scientific impact. The Barcelona School of Spain 2 13 Q1
Informatics ranks 28th in Europe and 1st in Spain (see I-UGR (Spanish) Spain 4 42 Q1
Table 1).
& Best Global Universities Ranking (US News): 11 this rank-
ing orders institutions from the analysis of 12 quantitative
research and reputation indicators. The Barcelona School
of Informatics ranks 10th in Europe and 1st in Spain (see In order to design a model to develop professional com-
Table 1). petencies, one of authors’ initial considerations was the
& National Taiwan University Ranking and Performance framework set by the Universitat P olitèc nica de
Ranking of Scientific Papers:12 this ranking is designed Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, which included a list of seven
to compare quantitative and qualitative aspects, taking in- professional competencies that must be incorporated in all
to account institutions’ efforts in the long and short terms. university degrees. The university also issued a guide with
The Barcelona School of Informatics ranks 13th in Europe recommendations on how to integrate these professional
and 2nd in Spain (see Table 1). competencies into degree programs. The recommended
& Rankings I-UGR of Spanish Universities:13 this ranking is procedure is based on the three-level hierarchical model
based on research published in international journals with described above. However, each department and school
the highest impact and visibility. The Barcelona School of can adapt this model to integrate these domain levels most
Informatics ranks 4th. appropriately in their curricula.
The Barcelona School of Informatics has defined nine
professional competencies to be integrated in the
Table 1 summarizes the position of the Barcelona School of Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering (the seven
Informatics in these rankings for the different scopes.14 As competencies selected by the Universitat Politècnica de
shown in the table, the Barcelona School of Informatics is in Catalunya-BarcelonaTech plus two specifically selected
relevant positions in all of them. by the Barcelona School of Informatics: entrepreneur-
ship and innovation, sustainability and social commit-
ment, foreign language skills, effective oral and written
communication, teamwork, information literacy, autono-
mous learning, appropriate attitude towards work, and (last accessed in March 2018). reasoning.
10 (last accessed in
March 2018). The Barcelona School of Informatics has also developed
11 (last accessed in a procedure to integrate these competencies in the degree.
March 2018). The procedure includes assigning a coordinator to each
12 (last accessed in March 2018).
13 competency, as well as setting up a team with these coordi-
(last accessed in March 2018). nators to work globally on the integration of the profession-
Although the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech has two al competencies. Working in this group, and sharing the
schools teaching the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering, the experience of all coordinators, helps to implement a global
Barcelona School of Informatics provides more than 90% of graduates and
scientific production, so authors assume the results from Table 1 are mainly approach to the integration of professional competencies
based on the Barcelona School of Informatics statistics. and make improvements for better practice.
J Sci Educ Technol

communication competency:
example of two competency units
and domain levels description in Learning Outcomes
terms of learning outcomes

Knowledge Comprehension Application

Becoming aware of Identifying the relevant Selecting an appropriate

Using visuals
visual types and information in a given visual to represent and

explaining their visual. Recognizing transmit a given set of

common uses. redundant detail and data according to genre,

suggesting purpose and audience.

improvement. Implementing it.

Given a source (text, Given a source and a Preparing a summary

conference, lesson, ...) summary, making a from a source, under

determining the most review of the summary: certain constraints

Synthesizing skills
relevant information / length suitability, ideas (time, space,

the most important that have been omitted presentation method,

ideas. or too highly rated, … …) .

Competency Maps: a Model to Integrate example, we found that lecturers responsible for developing
Professional Competencies professional competencies in their courses did not often have
an appropriate, accurate list of learning outcomes to be
Taking into consideration the university proposal (based on a achieved. For example, in the case of the effective oral and
three-level hierarchical approach) and the defined competen- written communication competency, initially, they only
cies for the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering, the planned to evaluate the skills involved in two communicative
authors devised a strategy to integrate the nine professional tasks: writing reports and preparing a project defense. They
competencies and started its implementation. After a 2-year did not even have a plan to train students previously.
experience and the received feedback, the authors decided to In order to help lecturers become aware of specific learning
revise some aspects since some difficulties were identified. outcomes and contents associated to the assigned professional
The authors had defined the contents of each professional competency, it was decided that, for the nine professional
competency into three domain levels, which resulted in gen- competencies, a list of competency units (aspects or dimen-
eral learning outcomes that were too extensive to be included sions) could be set up, and learning outcomes at three domain
in one subject. These learning outcomes were also difficult to levels could be defined for each competency unit. For in-
split to be assigned to more than one subject. Thus, the initial stance, in the effective oral and written communication com-
approach had to be reviewed. petency, eight competency units were defined: using visuals,
synthesizing skills, elaboration of arguments, reasoning and
The Competency Map conclusions, elaboration of examples and metaphors, elabora-
tion of reports, public defense, participation in debates and
The main revision involved the contents of the different pro- brainstorming activities, and interpersonal communication.
fessional competencies, which led authors to design a map of Then, a set of expected learning outcomes was defined for
learning outcomes defined for each domain level. These learn- each competency unit and domain level. This approach result-
ing outcomes were redefined to make them more specific and ed in a competency map in which specific learning outcomes
more flexible for a more appropriate integration. As an were clearly defined for the corresponding competency units
J Sci Educ Technol

Fig. 6 Competency map with competency units and learning outcomes assigned to one subject (shaded cells)

and domain levels (as shown in the example in Fig. 5 for a subject could include another learning outcome at the same
subset of competency contents). level, or even some learning outcomes belonging to different
The learning outcomes set for each domain level in the map domain levels/competency units. Students are thus more
may not coincide exactly with the first three domain levels in aware of the specific learning outcomes they have to attain,
Bloom’s taxonomy, but in most cases, this is the basis for which can promote reflection on the progress they need to
grading them. In general, level 1 could correspond to the make to develop professional competencies (Cajander et al.
knowledge level, the expected learning outcomes in level 2 2011).
could be associated to the comprehension level, and level 3 This model also allows to combine and integrate specific
would be concerned with the application level. In order to learning outcomes and competency units. This is possible
illustrate this grading, Fig. 5 shows how learning outcomes when various competency units and learning outcomes are
and domain levels have been defined for two competency related or fit appropriately in the contents of a course. This
units in the case of the effective oral and written communica- is shown in Fig. 6, where the dark boxes represent how some
tion competency. For example, we can see that, in order to put learning outcomes of several competency units have been
in practice the use of visuals in an STEM context, the first assigned to one specific subject. This model becomes flexible
domain level focuses on getting to know the available visuals enough to integrate learning outcomes at one or more domain
and their use. Later, domain level 2 is devoted to understand- levels into the same subject, to assign learning outcomes of
ing how visuals are applied as the identification of relevant/ various competency units at the same level, and even to avoid
redundant information in a visual is practiced. Finally, in do- assigning learning outcomes of some competency units if con-
main level 3, application is required as appropriate visuals are venient. This flexibility is allowed for domain-specific com-
selected and designed for a specific case. petencies, and it seems to be also appropriate for professional
This model based on maps allows a flexible integration of competencies.
intended learning outcomes into subjects. Learning outcomes Furthermore, competency maps offer a tool to control com-
are defined according to competency unit and domain level, so petency itineraries. As shown in Fig. 7, the subjects to which
that they can be assigned to subjects most appropriately. For competency units, domain levels, and learning outcomes are
example, one of the subjects in the first year could be assigned assigned for a competency may be visualized. In this example,
only one of the learning outcomes for level 1, while another the learning outcomes represented in Fig. 6 are assigned to

Fig. 7 Itinerary of a competency

in the curriculum
J Sci Educ Technol

Fig. 8 Map of competency units

and competencies in the

subject S1. It can also be seen how other competency units The Global Competency Map
and domain levels are assigned to other subjects (S2–S5).
These itineraries help curriculum designers to adjust this The global competency map is a matrix that combines the
integration most conveniently when necessary. As displayed maps of all professional competencies in order to provide a
in Fig. 7, competency maps prove to be very useful to check picture of their development. Again, this useful tool provides
how learning outcomes are assigned throughout the degree, further information for all designers and coordinators to opti-
how some may be recurrent, and how some could not be mize workload. First, all competency units need to be defined,
covered. Indeed, the specific curriculum has to define the do- as well as the corresponding three-level learning outcomes, to
main levels for each professional competency and, according- identify partial or complete redundancies across competen-
ly, the map could show some blank cells. This may occur cies. Then, if overlapping competency units are identified,
when curriculum design states that a specific competency unit designers can decide whether it is necessary to avoid those
and domain level is not to be developed in a particular degree. redundancies or not. In fact, after constructing the first global
For example, some high-level learning outcomes could be map, authors realized that some professional competencies
more appropriately attained in master programs, whereas shared some competency units. Therefore, they decided to
some low-level learning outcomes could be left out of the carry out a second iteration to simplify the map where neces-
map. To illustrate this idea in our degree and following the sary. Figure 8 shows how this is made apparent in the global
example of the two competency units shown in Fig. 5, levels 1 map and how the map can help to start revisions as necessary
and 2 of using visuals and level 1 of synthesizing skills were (domain levels have been omitted to simplify the figure).
assigned to the physics subject (first year, first semester), Some of the coincidences identified in the global map were
while level 3 of using visuals was assigned to the statistics actually handled in different ways. In some cases, authors
subject (second year, first semester). decided that it was necessary to simplify the map and fuse

Fig. 9 Global competency map

J Sci Educ Technol

competency unit. This is the case of coincidence found be-

tween communication and teamwork. Authors found that a
competency unit named Binterpersonal communication^ was
listed in the maps of both professional competencies, with
shared learning outcomes.
However, authors found it appropriate to maintain learning
outcomes and some overlapping practice in other cases. For
example, some of the learning outcomes of effective oral and
written communication show some coincidence with those
defined for foreign language skills, since both share some
learning outcomes to develop writing skills and oral commu-
nication. Nevertheless, authors understand that learning out-
comes need to be maintained in each competency since they
are approached differently. In addition, it is also true that re- Fig. 10 Students’ grades distribution from 2013 to 2016
current practice proves to be effective in the development of
competence and ability in general, which may reinforce au- competency learning outcomes could best fit in their course
thors’ decision. Another example where authors did not find it syllabuses. This included discussing learning outcomes in the
convenient to fuse learning outcomes was the case of coinci- competency map, designing effective practice activities, and
dence between teamwork and entrepreneurship and innova- taking decisions about assessment methods. These first con-
tion. They share a competency unit named Bdecision making tacts showed that, in general, course coordinators and lecturers
and problem solving.^ In this case, in spite of competency unit needed some guidance to integrate the professional competen-
overlapping, the learning outcomes defined for teamwork cies assigned. More specifically, for some professional com-
were more specific, and so authors decided that it would be petencies and subjects, this integration could be planned quite
effective to maintain them in both professional competencies. naturally in the course syllabus with some guidance, whereas
All these decisions can be shown in the global competency in other cases, a specific professional competency was very
map, where the results of the revisions are specified. As shown difficult to implement because it did not fit easily into course
in Fig. 9, the map displays the three-domain level for each contents. In the latter cases, authors decided to reassign a more
competency unit and competency. According to their descrip- appropriate competency to the subject, with the corresponding
tors, those coincidences can be identified to take decisions, as adjustments in other subjects to keep a balanced map.
changes can be shown in the map. It is possible to keep record After receiving the first feedback, the authors decided that
of all this procedure for curriculum design, making the map a it was necessary to make some general adjustments as conve-
very useful tool for present and future work. nient. Firstly, professional competencies were reassigned in a
few cases so that course coordinators felt comfortable with
Implementation Procedures integrating the corresponding learning outcomes. In general,
most subjects were assigned to develop and evaluate one or
As described above, in order to shape the integration of profes- two professional competencies and up to three in the case of
sional competencies, it is necessary to coordinate implementa- subjects based on PBL methodology. Secondly, after coordi-
tion procedures to help participants (course coordinators, lec- nators shared the feedback received, it was possible to design
turers, and learners) make the most of the experience. At the a global strategy for the implementation of all competencies.
Barcelona School of Informatics, a coordinator was appointed This included planning effective iteration with the
for each professional competency under the supervision of a
general team coordinator. Each competency coordinator was in
charge of defining learning outcomes and competency units
and assigning specific learning outcomes to subjects according
to a competency itinerary previously defined by the curriculum.
Work was started with the corresponding course coordinators,
and competency coordinators met regularly to report on the
progress made, to share implementation strategies, and to take
decisions about common procedures.
After defining contents for each professional competency,
authors started a procedure to integrate all competencies in the
degree subjects. Competency coordinators organized meet-
ings with course coordinators in order to discuss how Fig. 11 Competency assessment average score (first class, 2013)
J Sci Educ Technol

corresponding course coordinators for a finely tuned imple- also a mechanism to highlight the importance given to profes-
mentation of the competency map. sional competencies in the degree.
The outcome of all these processes is the proposed model Students’ competency assessment has been achieved
to integrate professional competencies in the Bachelor’s through a broad set of activities and pedagogical approaches.
Degree in Informatics Engineering, introduced at the Lecturers include case studies, discussion, group work, work-
Barcelona School of Informatics in September 2010. shops, and projects for task design, and they use a variety of
Authors have defined nine competency maps and a global methods like project-based learning, cooperative learning,
competency map that constitute a useful tool for curriculum challenge-based instruction, coaching, and formative and
design. These maps allow to implement a procedure to inte- summative assessment. In general, assessment has been based
grate professional competencies which is based on iteration on an accurate definition of competency learning outcomes
and refined improvement. and the use of rubrics to evaluate them. To this end, a reference
manual based on the Tuning project was used (Villa and
Poblete 2008).
The quantitative students’ data presented here summarize
Analysis of Results and Discussion the grades of professional competencies obtained by students
that presented their final year project (FYP) during 2013,
The evaluation of the present model was based on the final 2014, 2015, and 2016. The data include the grade of the 384
design of a flexible, integrative competency map and on the FYPs (each FYP assesses seven professional competencies
different information sources that can shed some light on its and gives a specific grade for each competency) and a total
effectiveness. We assessed the correct design implementation of 18,695 students’ grades from 96 different subjects in the
of each competency map (research question 1) and observed curriculum.
the results of students’ achievements throughout the degree. In Students’ grade distribution during the four courses (from
addition, we surveyed the significance of the integration of 2013 to 2016) for all professional competencies in the curric-
professional competencies in the Bachelor’s Degree in ulum is presented in Fig. 10. As can be seen, more than 80%
Informatics Engineering at the Barcelona School of of evaluated students have reached the higher scores (A or B),
Informatics. Other evaluation data included the reports on confirming these results as highly satisfactory.
students’ achievement and progress, and some studies carried
out by different institutions in the light of the opinions of Qualitative Students’ Data
students and employers. The following sections show some
of them. This section addresses research question 3: Are students sat-
isfied with the progress made in professional competencies?
Do they consider professional competencies important?
Quantitative Students’ Data The Barcelona School of Informatics has designed a spe-
cific questionnaire to assess the degree of importance and
This section addresses research question number 2: Do stu- satisfaction among students with respect to their own profes-
dents improve their professional skills by using competency sional competencies. This survey has been conducted every
maps as a methodology? year among graduating students since 2013, the first class
In our model, a subject that integrates professional compe- using the methodology proposed in this work.
tencies must provide students’ assessment results for each All graduating students have been asked to answer some
professional competency. Each subject assesses at least one questions related to the importance they give to professional
professional competency. In some cases, it can assess two, and competencies, and how they have acquired them during their
even three competencies in subjects based on PBL methodol- studies. All answers are based on a rating scale from 1 (strong-
ogy. The final grade of a subject is rated between 0 and 10 and ly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Four years have been eval-
combines the assessment of both technical and professional uated since the new degree started to be implemented, from
competencies developed in the subject. However, each profes- 2013 to 2016.
sional competency also gets a particular grade (rated A, B, C, Figure 11 shows the evaluation of the graduating students
or D15). Although passing the subject depends only on the in July 2013 based on the following directions: BAssess the
final grade, the separate professional competency grade indi- importance of each of the following competencies in the en-
cates students’ progress in a particular competency, and it is gineering professions.^ These students were the first class
completing their engineering degree with the methodology
The professional competency grades means the following: A competency presented in this work. As the figure shows, more than 83%
acquired with excellence, B good, C sufficient, and D deficient acquisition of
the competency. The grade can be NA (not applicable) in some cases (for of students clearly feel that professional competencies are im-
instance, if the student drops the subject). portant for the development of their professional activity
J Sci Educ Technol

Fig. 12 Evolution of assessment

average score through periods

(agree or strong agree), whereas only 16% think they are not 2000 employers from companies (in Spain) with more than
relevant (disagree or strong disagree). 10 workers, over 21,700 young professionals from 95 degrees
It can be observed that this perception of the importance of and 72 universities. The study considered eight competencies:
competencies is strengthened over time, as authors’ teaching analysis and problem solving, communication and interper-
and learning methodologies are maturing. The evolution of sonal skills, teamwork, ability to work in multicultural and
student’s opinion through the periods evaluated can be seen multidisciplinary environments, ability to learn and adapt to
in Fig. 12. If 83% of the students from the first class thought change, results orientation, honesty and ethical commitment,
that competencies were important, this figure grew up to 96% and technical knowledge of the profession. BTechnical
in 2016. For each year, the number of students who answered knowledge^ is the only domain-specific competency. The
the survey is presented in brackets. The first courses have study includes all fields of knowledge, so this competency is
fewer students because, since the degree was very recent, the assumed to be different for every profession. Although uni-
number of students who finished was lower. versities place most effort and emphasis on technical knowl-
edge, it appears as the least valued by employers.
Results show that, in STEM disciplines, the most valued
Qualitative Employers’ Opinion school is the Barcelona School of Informatics (first in rank-
ing). This fact corroborates that the Barcelona School of
The sections entitled BQualitative Employers’ Opinion,^ Informatics graduates meet the needs of the labor market.
BNational and International Accreditation,^ and BCatalan According to the study, the Barcelona School of Informatics
Government Survey Among Recent Graduates,^ address re- graduates are excellent in honesty and ethical commitment,
search question 4: What are employers’ and international interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to
evaluation agencies’ views on the results obtained by gradu- work in multicultural and multidisciplinary environments.
ates who have been trained with competency maps? The study also concludes that the competencies most valued
As presented in the BIntroduction,^ employers’ surveys by employers do not exactly match those being more common
(AQU 2014) show that professional competencies are more in university programs. Companies attach more importance to
highly valued than technical ones, but they also suggest that honesty and ethical commitment, learning ability, and team-
some improvements are necessary in the development of stu- work, whereas universities emphasize technical competen-
dents’ professional competencies. Employers’ opinions in- cies, ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary en-
deed shed light on the effectiveness of the method described vironments, and results orientation. Curriculum designers at
in the present work. the Barcelona School of Informatics are aware of this problem
Firstly, the Everis Foundation has recently elaborated the and have thus designed an informatics-engineering curricu-
first university-enterprise ranking,16 including a survey lum that aims at fostering the professional competencies most
among Spanish companies on the employability of graduates valued by employers.
from 2011 to 2015. It is based on information provided by
16 0 (last accessed in (last
March 2018). accessed in March 2018).
J Sci Educ Technol

Another report involving employers’ opinions is the bachelor or master degree programs in informatics.
BSeminar on good practices in competencies assessment,^17 The program is evaluated by using a set of defined
held in Barcelona in November 2015. The seminar18 was or- standards according to the principles of quality,
ganized by the Department of Didactics from Universitat de relevance, transparency, recognition, and mobility
Barcelona. It presented the results and significance of covered by the EHEA. The Euro-Inf label is
assessing the development of competencies at tertiary level internationally recognized and allows to identify high-
(Cano 2012), a project supported by the Spanish Ministry of quality informatics programs in Europe. The committee
Economy and Competitiveness from January 2013 to highlights the following issues: BIn terms of transversal
December 2015. The data of the study came from closed competencies for the Bachelor and Master programs un-
questionnaires among students and teachers, discussion der review the peers confirmed that each module has at
groups with students and teachers, and interviews with direc- least one general competence assigned which has to be
tors of studies and employers. Three universities were evalu- submitted and assessed by the respective professor. In
ated: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Universitat Oberta de order to assure that transversal competencies as well as
Catalunya, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- personal/professional skills are delivered the school has
BarcelonaTech. set up coordinators who interact with the respective pro-
According to these studies, it can be concluded that fessor for each subject. The employers argued during
only the Barcelona School of Informatics has an integral the discussion that students have excellent technical
design of professional competencies in the curriculum. skills and the ability for independent learning which is
In other degree programs, teachers act individually and highly welcomed. However, they still see room for im-
do not get any support. In some cases, a given profes- provement when it comes to social skills. The peers
sional competency is assigned to a subject but it is not welcomed the implemented monitoring process by the
treated in depth and/or there is no procedure to evaluate Barcelona School of Informatics and encouraged the
it. In general, there is no coordinated action to assign school to further develop the transversal and profession-
and develop professional competencies. Consequently, al skills of their students.^
course coordinators and teachers report that they need
help and guidance to tackle professional competencies
appropriately. Catalan Government Survey Among Recent

National and International Accreditation The impact of technical and professional competencies on
students’ employability can be appropriately assessed once
Finally, the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering they have accessed the labor market. They can be asked to
was evaluated during 2016 by national and international evaluate which competencies seem to be most useful and in
agencies such as the AQU19 or the EQUANIE.20 Both of which they were better trained. Since 2001, on a triennial
them have emphasized the integration of professional basis, the AQU and Catalan universities have performed an
competencies in the curriculum. The AQU granted the employment survey among graduates to enquire about profes-
degree with national accreditation and quality award. sional insertion, and the degree of satisfaction regarding the
With respect to graduates’ labor insertion, the AQU’s re- training received.21
port emphasizes that the Barcelona School of Informatics In 2014, all public and private universities in Catalonia
graduates are valued very positively by employers, mainly participated in the fifth (and latest) edition of the survey.
by their technological knowledge and level of autonomy This is one of the most representative and important sur-
(one of the professional competencies). The AQU also veys in Europe, both for its scope and long trajectory
highlights that using tools for the participation of repre- (2001, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2014 editions). On this oc-
sentatives of the labor market in the definition of compe- casion, 17,295 graduates were surveyed from a total refer-
tencies is a good practice. ence population of 31,734. The number of Barcelona
The EQUANIE, in turn, has awarded the Euro-Inf School of Informatics students participating in the survey
label, a certificate awarded to a university for a changed over years, being 107 students out of 193 in 2008,
119 out of 330 in 2011, and 85 out of 174 in 2014. This
17 variability in both the universe and sample is not relevant (last
accessed in March 2018). when comparing means.
18 (last
accessed in March 2018).
19 21 (last accessed in March 2018). (last
20 (last accessed in March 2018). accessed in March 2018).
J Sci Educ Technol

Fig. 13 Self-evaluation of
professional competency training

Fig. 14 Professional competency


The results of graduates’ assessment of technical and training level for each professional competency in a range
professional competencies are presented by academic de- from 1 to 7. In the same survey, students were also asked
gree and can be extracted for particular universities. In about the perceived usefulness of these competencies to
order to present students’ satisfaction with received pro- find a job. The questions were as follows:
fessional competencies training, the last three polls (cor-
responding to 2008, 2011, and 2014) have been selected. & What do you think about the training you received at
Since the new curriculum described in this work was in- university?
troduced in 2010, with the first class graduated in 2013, & Is the level of training received at university useful for
the results from the 2014 poll are considered and are work?
compared against the previous ones. These results corre-
spond to students’ assessment of the accomplished As shown in Figs. 13 and 14, in general, the ratings that
students assigned to their training increased in 2014 with re-
spect to previous evaluations. Results also show an increased
awareness of the usefulness of such professional competen-
cies, indicated by higher ratings.

Relationship Between Academic Final Grades

and Professional Competency Grades

Fig. 15 Density plot representing the triangular distribution displayed by Finally, this section looks into research question 5: Is there
some professional competency grades versus final academic grade a relationship between the acquisition of technical
J Sci Educ Technol

competencies and the acquisition of professional compe-

tencies? Do students who get high academic final grades
also get high grades in professional competencies and vice
Both the final academic average grade and professional
competency grades were extracted for each student to ob-
serve potential levels of association. They have been
graphically represented to analyze significant facts about Fig. 16 Density plot representing the logarithmic distribution displayed
by some professional competency grades versus final academic grade
them. The final academic grade is displayed in the X-axis
(with a range from 1 to 10) versus the professional com-
petency grade, which is represented in the Y-axis (with a
range from 1 to 4). A density plot has been used in order Table 2 shows the values of the Shapiro-Wilk statistics
to highlight the areas with higher overlapping points. As and their corresponding p values, as well as the
no relevant differences are observed between the graphs Spearman correlation between the final academic grade
for each year and the global graph for any of the profes- and each of the professional competencies, also with their
sional competencies, the analysis takes into account stu- corresponding p values. The last row contains the infor-
dents’ grades regardless of the year they finished their mation about the average grade for all the professional
studies. competencies. Since this average grade follows a normal
The grades of the nine professional competencies distribution, we have also considered the Pearson corre-
present three different patterns regarding their relation- lation, which is 0.829. In this case, the p value is also
ship to the final academic grade, as shown in Figs. 15, significant (< 2.2E−16), confirming the strong level of
16, 17. Figure 15 depicts the triangular distribution pre- association between the final academic grade and the av-
sented by the teamwork competency. Sustainability and erage grade of all professional competencies.
social commitment, foreign language skills, and informa- Density plots in Fig. 15 show that the students with a
tion literacy present similar distributions. Figure 16 high academic final grade never get low grades in none of
shows the logarithmic pattern displayed by the autono- the professional competencies. However, it also shows the
mous learning competency. Entrepreneurship and innova- existence of students with high qualification in some pro-
tion, effective oral and written communication, and ap- fessional competencies regardless of their final academic
propriate attitude towards work present similar distribu- grade.
tions. Finally, Fig. 17 shows the linear relationship pre- As shown in Table 2, the level of association be-
sented by the Breasoning^ competency, the only one tween each professional competency grade and the final
displaying this layout. None of the competencies grades academic grade is always significantly different from
follows a normal distribution, so all of them fail to ac- zero, although in most cases, it is low, with the excep-
complish normality according to the Shapiro-Wilk test tion of Bautonomous learning^ and reasoning, whose
(i.e., they show significant p values). Spearman correlation values are 68.3 and 71.4, respec-
These three patterns represent that each competency grade tively. Thus, in spite of the observed general trend that
has a lower bound that increases with the final academic the higher the academic final grade, the higher the pro-
grade. That is, there are no students with high final academic fessional competencies grade, variability can be high in
grade and low professional competency grades. Nevertheless, some cases. This relationship does not appear to be a
certain students whose academic performance is low might
present more heterogeneous professional competency grades,
some of them even quite high.
Figure 18 shows the relationship between the average
grade of all professional competencies for each student
and his/her academic final grade. In this case, the distri-
bution is clearly linear. On the contrary to the behavior
observed for each individual professional competency, the
average grade of all professional competencies follows a
normal distribution, with a p value in the Shapiro-Wilk Fig. 17 Density plot representing the linear distribution displayed by
normality test of 0.0207. some professional competency grades versus final academic grade
J Sci Educ Technol

may also be quite skilled in some particular professional

competencies. The number of high-graded professional
competencies must necessarily increase with the final ac-
ademic grade. Due to this, the average professional com-
petencies grade for each student tends to correlate very
well with his/her academic final grade, while it does not
correlate so well with the grade of each individual
Fig. 18 Density plot representing the average professional competency competency.
grade versus final academic grade for each student

trend in the case of low academic grades. Therefore, it Conclusions

can be assumed that the relationship is only significant
in the following direction: high final academic grade Professional competencies are becoming more and more
implies high competency grade, whereas the opposite critical, particularly in STEM degrees, due to constant
is not necessarily true. increases in multidisciplinarity and globalization. The
Nevertheless, the average grade for all the professional need to include them in a STEM curriculum is currently
competencies does indeed show a high level of associa- a challenge for curriculum designers. Most universities
tion with the final academic grade (81.7%). In this case, have adjusted educational goals of undergraduate pro-
the Pearson correlation is 0.829, confirming quite a strong grams to address some of the professional competencies,
relationship between both grades. Therefore, for this glob- including the use of PBL and co-curricular and extra-
al grade, we can make a twofold assumption: high final curricular activities or by means of dedicated seminars
academic grade implies high competencies grade, and or courses. The authors of this work believe that spe-
vice versa. cific courses on professional competencies may help
From these data, it can be inferred that the better the students to improve them. However, authors think that
final academic grade of a student, the better the grade he/ integrating professional competencies into the curricu-
she will tend to have in all the competencies in general lum subjects is a more effective approach because it
(thus obtaining a high average). On the other hand, the allows students to perceive these competencies as an
students with lower academic grades will present more important part of their future profession. The present
variable scenarios with regard to competency perfor- work has described a proposal based on competency
mance. That is, they might have a low qualification in maps that allows to integrate professional competencies
all the competencies, or only in some of them, and they along the curriculum in a global approach.

Table 2 Shapiro-Wilk statistics

values and Spearman correlation Competency Shapiro-Wilk normality Spearman correlation test
between the final academic grade test
and the grade of each professional
competency plus their average, Statistics p value Spearman correlation p value
with their corresponding p values
Entrepreneurship and innovation 0.979 9.40E−06 0.546 3.28E−34
Sustainability and social commitment 0.973 5.13E−07 0.486 2.24E−26
Foreign language skills 0.96 2.51E−09 0.44 2.12E−21
Effective oral and written communication 0.957 9.97E−10 0.444 7.75E−22
Teamwork 0.932 6.12E−13 0.373 2.22E−15
Information literacy 0.972 3.75E−07 0.41 1.42E−18
Autonomous learning 0.986 4.54E−04 0.683 2.28E−59
Appropriate attitude towards work 0.982 4.44E−05 0.593 1.95E−41
Reasoning 0.983 7.92E−05 0.714 5.99E−67
Average 0.992 2.07E−02 0.817 1.13E−102
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