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DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY Liaquat University ‘of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro. a 8™ SEMESTER, 4™ YEAR MBBS 1 INTERHEE EVALUATION TEST 2019 sou Mart: yo SiniEc: sreciaL PATHOLOGY Met a aaatite none Dited 20-08-2017 Name: —_—_—_. : Roll No: NB -Each st ive optic i “Begs as Gee opns —_~Feibreorespend cones sues paso Note ost commos Nod The most mnly feared complication of long-standing chronic PID Is: 1b) Intestinal obstruction ¢) Bacteremia a) Vulvo vaginitis ¢) Infertiity eno, Which one of following is not risk factor for endometrial carcinoma: b) Diabetes Hypertension 4) TB e) Infertility QNo3. Regarding serous tumor all are true except: case » a) Bilateralityis common b) Psammoma bodies are seen histologically ©) Serous cystadenocarcinomas account for 40% of all cancers of the ovary: 4) Serous cystadenocarcinomas are the least commen malignant ovarian furmors fe) Serous tumors appear on gross examination as cystic lesion 60 years female complains of Bilateral partly solid and cystic ovarian tumor and present with ascites which one of following Is mast common type: a) Mucinous cyst adenocarcinoma b) Teratocarcinorma ©) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma a) Clear cell carcinoma ) Brenner tumor QNo.S. Most common benign germ cell tumor Is: a) Yolksac tumor Bb) Dys germinoma ) Mature cystic teratoma d) Scrous cyst adenoma ce} Struma ovari 1¢ had pap smear test which shows high grade intraepithellal Qn. A 30 year femalt ‘helo’ wintch one of the following ls causative organism: a) EBV b) Herpes simplex virus . HIV ) HPV 16818 e) Chlamydia QNNo.7, Most common cause of haemorrhagic nipple discharge ts: a) Galactocele b) Breast abscess )_ Intraductal papilloma d)_Phyllodes tumor uct cell carcinoma anos? ovkich one of the following tests assessing the best regarding thy" status? zi a) Total T3 level b) Total T4 level ¢) TSH level a) Radiolodine scan e) Fine needle aspiration . . ‘old functional Scanned with CamScanner QNo.12. a) ») 9 a 2) QNo.13. Q.No.14. a) ») 9 a e) Q.No.15. a) QNo.18. Which ofthe following genete mutations are commonly seen In BSAA.“ PTEN BCL-2 P53 BRCA-1 RB gene Which one of the following Is estrogen producing Teratoma Mucinous cystadenoma Granulose cell tumor Brenner tumor Endametal carcinoma aegaraey routine physical examination, an old man ts found to ave small mass in peer a cen Anglograph reveals ancurysmal dilation (about S cos) of aorta distal aeeaeel arteries, Which of the following is the most It kely cause ofthis aneurysm: Atherosclerosis ‘previous syphilitic infection Hypertension ‘Acongenital defect ‘Trauma ‘At what blood pressure, you regard a patient Is hypertensive: ‘Sustained diastolic > 89 mm of Hig or sustained systolic > 139 mm ‘Sustained diastolic > 95 mm of Hg or sustained systalic> 145mm Sustained diastolic> 85 mm of Hg or sustained systolle > 135mm Sustained diastolic > 160 mm of Hg or sustalned systolic > 1S0 mm Sustalned diastolic > 105 mm of Hg or sustained systolic 155 mm Large ovarian cystle mass was removed om faked eye examination It shows cheesy material, hair, teeth and bone. Which Is histological diagnosis: ‘Struma ovari Benign cystic teratoma Hydatidiform mole ‘Teratocarcinoma Partial mole 30 year female complains of sever colicky pan and dysmenorrheal, on Ultrescund examination. Both ovaries were enlarged and cystic and were lagnosed as chocolate cyst. Whch one of following Is histopathological leston: Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Serous cystadenoma Endometriosis Teratoma ‘The most common type of prostatitis in these days ts: Acute bacterial ‘Acute abacterial Chronic bacterial a W/V -Vap- 2 . Chronic abacterial Fungal Prognosis Is most Iikely better in prostatic cancer, when tumour cells are: Diploid Aneuploid Tetraploid Pentaploid Haploid ‘A 25 years male with complains of testicular mass. Histopathological 2 aminstion shows polygonal cells with distinct outlines, clear cytoplasin and vesicular nuclel, The most likely dlagnosis Is: Teratoma ‘Seminoma Yolk sac tumor tumor of ovary? Embryonal carcinoma Immature teratoma ‘Which type of ovarian tumor has the highest frequency of occurring: Germ cell tumor . - . . Malignant tumor Sex- cord stromal tumors Metastatic non-ovarian cancer Surface epithelial cell tumors Scanned with CamScanner La ae La 9 clintelan with complaint of retention of urine: itaged prostate, name the most common | tate hyperplasia arises. .rd old male comes t 'd examination reveals 6! QNo.19. A 60 yea! nich benlgn pros Untrasouns zone / region from Wi a) Central zone b) Transitlonal zone ©) Peripheral zone 4) Perlurethralzone QNno20, A 70 years old male suffering from adeno following microscople features. Which of the prostate adenocareinama: 12) Glands re smaller and crowded 3} Nectet are targe with are or more prominent nucleoli ©). Glands are lined by double layer of epithelium ©) Perineural invastonal ls present 8 ou itmanonistochemistry neoplastic cells are positive for Alpha methylacy! €o- enzyme A recemase) quvozs. ‘A'30 years female complain of swelling In the neck. On examlnation It was a thyroid swelling. Mistopathologieal examination reveals follicular adenoma. Which Is the characteristic features of follicular adenoma which differentiate tt from follicular carcinoma: a) Areas af ibrosis b) Areas of calcification ¢) Invasion of capsule and extra thyroldal tissue by neoplastic calls, @) Presence of intact well formed capsule completely encircling the tumor ¢) Invasion of eapsular vessels and vessels beyond the capsule QNo22. A 25 years female comes to the clinician with complains of swell cervical region. Histopathologtcal examination reveals lymph metastasized by paplllary carcinoma of thyrold. Which of the following Is not a feature of papillary carcinoma of thyro! a) Papillary processes with ibrovascular core 1B) Orphan annie eye nuclel €) Psamomma bodies @) Pseudo Inclusion Papillary processes without brovascular core (pseudopapiliae) nod, “Water te tollowing thyrota mor progucesampisis ‘a) Follicular adenoma 1b) Follicular carcinoma > ©) Papillary carcinoma d) Anaplastic carcinoma €) Modullary careinoma . QNo.24, A 30 years old lady Is suffering from Graves disease, Which laboratory test favors Graves disease: a) Decreased level of free T3 and free T4 b) Increased level T4 of TSH and decreased ) Decreased level of T3 and T4 and Increased level of TSH 4) Increased level of free T3 and T4 and decreased level of TSH fe) Increased level of TSH tree T3 and free T4 Q.No.25. Which of the following disease Is not caused by mutations In CTLA4 and PTPN22 gene: a) Graves disease b) Hashimotos thyroiditis ©) Type-l diabetes mellitus d) Addison disease e} Granulomatous (De Quervain thyroiditis) QwNo.26. During a routine physical examination, in his abdomen. Angiograph reveals aneurysmal dilation (ab distal to renal arteries. Which of the following 1s the most aneurysm: a) Hypertension . b) A previous syphilitic infection ©) Atherosclerosis 4) Acongenital defect e) Trauma carcinoma of prostate reveals following Js not 2 feature of an old man Is found to have a small mass jout 5 cms) of aorta Itkely cause of this Scanned with CamScanner ) Hemangioma 4 Torearcl oman by ee Seiler at tamination shoves weg ana enero of he sere fates of aver eer Wer fie ows 1 sapeneniehere rats te 5) Doseninatd trae 9) Reenter remot net) “emer en Do yee 10.20 ld ae compl eensin frie tasand exitin a aghmmetclinalcondiontntas pans | nt n/m Wate moe 1 eign noon pera 9) Givetepresanie 4 rears anos Mego 00, “A Sbyesrald woman bad palo thems of te super lower les he Magers become blue a cl oe oe becae cageeous 2nd Ie ampetaied.dlgnosed as teas of thromonngie soem of he ttlwing ts awocned vhs dese 2) Mapes 3) Wpentnnon 1) becca ake frat 4) Decrease amine sodaie tate 5 Sirece meting ne onth. Payal Hewing terms best descrbes cL SECUO Manis 20 td ne atherosclerosis ellst the risk faclors and morphological features of Seutoua a what abst are ase or far ao years eating Chines examination gt es Siar syour dni apes? Winzerd the comman cases ofthis condon? YRSETES hc are avd fr agro beast Woo yeors known dabetie and bypertenss isang’ on uscaaminationa table grows Mrstteretsbagnons? Menon deren asses fees tise morphologies eatres o et. a2 1 a a3. Merges complains of pale, (ver sod lamp kn eight breast. On setts rea and tender. ™ een to uterine avy jae vagnal beedings tn young females? itt endemetria eareinoma? sanKs20 wlth oft scrotal swelling since 06 months. Sectlon:ll, a. "A’50 years male clinteally presents ‘Ginjea examination swelling i hard and fixe Unatare causes of srotal swelling? Cisenty testicular tumors? What seruin markers ate advised for diagnosis? 425 year old lady Is suffering from thyrol tachycardia, palipation and protrusion of eyeball exophthalimos)- female complains of post menopausal axes as nd Patlent alsa cotmplalns of welght oss, 14 swelling, Clinieal examination reveal 4 What isthe diagno: Thame the laboratory investigation and seul” IL, ame the genes whieh are tnvalved? G3, Ato yout old mate {s suffering from enlargement of prostate, Wistopathologis! Geamination reveals adenocarcinoma of prostate. i the ctuewon zone of prostate invelved by prostate cancer? hat are the nnereseupte features of adenocarcinoma of prostt ——aa7= Scanned with CamScanner

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