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5 gu dhesten, aH : ; 2? INTERNAL EVALUATION iss 2018 : 7 SUBYECT; t ss : SPECIAL PATHO! ‘otal Marks: 100 ‘Time Allowed: 01 Hour iad Q4. A 4 your fomais chit morphologically looks like as Dated: 04-09-2018 $ id prasented with polypold mass projecting through vagina, bounhvof grapes, which one of following le type ef tumors a) Neuroblastoma b)_Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcotfa TB - ©) Squamous cell carcinoma ) Clear cell carcinoma all ©) Vulvar intraepithelial neopl i .2. A 40 years male With a history of renal transplant suffer from chronic Inflammation of urinary bladder. Histopathological examination reveals lymphocytes, multinucleated glant cells and Michaelis Gutmann bodies within acrophages. The mostly Ikely dlagnosts Is: ‘a) Chronic cystitis { b) Interstitial cystitis 1 c) Malakoplakia T d) Polypoid cystitis @) Acute cystitis, ‘ A.30 yours old male sutioring from testicular swelling. Histopathological examination reveals shests of large round to polyhedral cells with distinet coll membrane, clear cytoplasm and large nucleus with prominent ni The shosts are separate fibrous septa, On immunohistochemistry the cal positive for placental &lkaline phosphates. The patient is 6) Seminoma T suffering from: | } d)_ Immature teratoma e) Spérmatocytic seminoma * . 1a) Embroynal carcinoma b) Yolk sac tumor inn Siocon Qua. A 30 yours married woinen admitted In Ward with C/O headache, lethargy, drowsinoss with no cening of thyrold gland. Doci&¥il consultant suspected Hashimoto's thyrolditis. What Is best Investigation for Hashimoto's thytBiditis: a) Anti adrenal antibodies 4 b) Thyroid profile c) Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies T d) Serum calcium e) Serum TSH : cman 5. A 30 yoars female complalhiof gacondary Infortlty and grese with colicky abdominal pain and dysmenorrhea which ‘Offé of following Is most common caus ) Leiomyoma ‘ b) PID 1} ¢) Anovulatory cycles i a) Endometrial hyperplasia @) Endometriosis T 4 i i : : ' ‘ Jar mass In the bring bladder wall, sears old wale rovest dp om nodul Hlstopathological os rato” ovoals neoplastic ‘ells with large hyper huclal, eosinophilic cytopmen, i : , vor Meal und atyeicat Mftosus. Thare ts loss of polaty and dyscohesiveness, All foxtures Wor: ' 8) ‘High grade urothulialBarcinoma T 4) Carcinomain situ ©) Low grade urothelial Garcinoma ¢) Papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential ®) Papiloma , +topathological examination revests Q7. A 3 yoars old chia adi from testicular mabe, medium sized cuboldal cull@farrahyed Into 1 like pattern, papillary structures and cord Schillr Duval bodies and byline ike globules aru ereabea Ae child is suffering from: a) Seminoma © % 5) Spermatocytic seminoma 6) Embryonal carcinoma § 4) Yolk sac tumor T ©) Immature teratoma x ha 4 Q.8. If patient has TSH a ¥ ‘normal and T3 normal, yo Is your diagnosis: 3 Pepeityroiism b) Hypothyroidism ©) Subclinical hypetinyroiallm ) Subclinical hypothyroidigin ®) Report is normal sacieg aah femals compluingict bustueal partly solld ar ascices which one of following most commen type: ° 2) Mucinous cyst adenocarchoms, ) Teratocarcinoma gi ©) Serous cyst adenocarcinchna T @) Clear cell carcinoma ¢) Brenner tumor G10. A 85 years old mate ly wulfosing from dificulty in passipg urine. Ultrasound examination ‘ovoals onlargemunt of provta , ts the most common: St Bf Benton prostate hyperplasia: a) Peripheral zone b) Central zone ’ ©) Periurethral zone 4) Transitional zone T Q.11, An Infant suffering trom testicular mass. Histopathological examination reveals neural Giaait and Immature cartilaginous tissue, squamous orithenes $04 brain tissue. The most likely dlagnosis Is: & yt 4) Immaturé teratoma T $ 5 b) Seminoma ¢)Embroyonal carcinoma i d) Yolk sac tumor t ) Spermatocytic seminoma 12, 60 year dlabstlc and hyperetsive femalo complains of Pogimencpausal bleeding, what is the common cause: t i a) Endometrial hyperplasia b) Cervical carcinoma ¢) Granulosa cell tumor of ova d) Endometrial carcinoma T @) Teratocarcinoma . ‘ 5 the following Gnzyiily Is responsible for lon of tastosterone Into Q.i3. Which of In the stromal colis'of prostate: dihydrotestosterone In t a oxespt: .23. A 30 years old ieuy coins io Q.24. A 18 yours fomale complal jears old lady le cui trom thyrold swellingslaboratory ey ana'16 lavel und IAcréased TSH level, Histopathological hhyporplastlc and collold contulning follicles. The patient ls suffering from: 8) Graves'disca, © 5 nes ©) Hashimoto thyroiuie: ©) Subacute lymphocytig ts viotis ) Granulomatous thyralis e ©) Riedel thyroiditis i 3 joeding, on Pap smoar examination. ‘squamous céll E, Which one of th loped malignancy: ® a) Endomettial hyperplasia ») Chronic endometitis » ©) Use of oral contraceptives 4) Human papilloma virdInfection T ©) Adenomyosis a aerame Q.21. All of the following | of thyrotoxicosis are e asyoclated with hyporthyroldism 8) Struma ovari ») Granulomatous thyroiditis ©) Graves disease Ts i ) Subacute lymphocytic tiyroiaus | ©) Riedeal thyroiditis Q.22, 28 yoars fomale with hibiory of 2 months Pregnancy gomplains of vaginal bleeding with Glagnosigs, "P* "K® tssuallscus, Which one of fallowidg serologial makers Ie kata diagnosis: 7 @) Alpha fetoprotein b) CEA level ©) Estrogen e i 4) BetaHce T i ®) Thyroxine i +, ‘iniclan with complaig of swalling In the neck. Clinical gxamination reveals thyruld "Swolling. Laboratory Investigations Increased TSH level and docreaged T4 level. The putiont 8 sustering from: $ ‘ a) Graves disease $ ' b) Hypothyroidism 7 ©) Toxic adenoma i ®) Toxic multinodular goiter | d) ‘TSH secreting pituitar la iirin mobile Breayg nodulas and was diagnosed as a benign tumor. Which one of following ls most common benign tim fe 4) Fibrodenoma T b) Phyllodes tumor t fe c) Acute mastitis ; ‘ ) Fibroma i ®) Intraductal papillae i ik Reed y a: f . #€ ro a) Prostate puchoenmen eet Ve 4 b) Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 4 c) Transforming growth factor (TGR) B d) Type-! Sa=reductase 6) Type-2 Sa—reductase T} # 2 14, Which one of the following Is not coyrsct ausoclation of tumogmarkor with corrasponding tumor? * i pe a) Sertoli leydig cell tumor- undfogen —~ 4 \ b) Choriocarcinoma- Alpha fetdBrotein T ¢ j ©) Serous cyst adenocarcinoma! GA-125 moe ; 4) Granuloma cell- tumor- estrobe? j ° ®) Dysgerminoma- Beta HCG { : 4 G.18. 4.70 yours old mals cones tb éliniclan with complain of dysurja und difficulty In starting or stopging the urino. Histopathologléal examination reveals prostatic tivsue containing small closely packed glands, lined by single layer of low columnar epithelium. The cells contaln large vesicular nuclel with prominent nucleoll. The patient Is sufforing from: 8) Adenocarcinoma of prostatelg 7 b) Granulomatous prostatitis ¢) Chronic bacterial prostatitis 4d) Chronic a bacterial prostati 6) Benign prostate hyperplasia’ 2 ane: ‘ Q.16. Which one of the following for marker Is used for prognosis of surface epithelial tumors of ovary: a a) CA-115 i b) Alpha fetoprotein g ©) CA125 T if d) CEA level ag e) Beta HCG iq | G7, A.30 yours old lady cessd 10 cljalclan with complain of gwelling in the neck, excessive i ” ‘ Sioating aad welght loss. On exéunlnation palont has tachycardia palpitation and protrusion of: , eye ball, clinically pationt st agnosed as a caso of Grave's disease. Which laboratory: Investigation favor the diagnos! 4) Decreased T4 and increased su teve i % b) Increased TSH and normal T3 and,T4 level ) Increased TSH and decreased T3/and Té level d) Increased free T3 and free T4 apie! TSH level T @) Increased free T3 and free 14 and TSH level G16, 30 years female complalits of severe colicky pain and dysmenorrhea on ultrasound ‘examination, both ovaries were oflarged and cystic and were diagnosed as chocolate cyst. Which one of following Is Ee ety lesion: * . a) Adenomyosis iy b) Lelomyoma ; c) Serous cyst adenoma, d) Endometriosis T ) Teratoma AbD years old Inay suis trom thyrold ewelllag. Histopathologleal thyroid Gesu Infltrated by lyniBhocytos, plasma cells ard Iymphold follciog nation i, ‘armninal centers. The thyrold ular cells show Hurthle cell change and Prominent Peaturos favor which of the foll Abas: + 1 fibroste, Tet Kost common cause of hi, By rnay ' le nipple discharg b) Breast abscess ¢) Intraductal papilloma 7 4) Phyllodes tumor : @) Duct cell carcinoma $ 2) Galaciocele q 1 # A 85 . nce saad glands ines eo {rom prostate eniargomentBlopey examination reveals . glands are separated by fibromuscda Aroma. Tho eee imag Ge r papillary Infoldings. 4) Chronic bacterial prostatitis ff b) Acute bacterial prostate» Hf ¢) Benign prostate hyperplasia Tt 4) Granulomatous prostatitis ; ®) Adenocarcinoma of prostate 2.28, 40 your formate had hard ltregular lump with ee nipple and poud-orange Sppeurance of skin, lump Was remdVed and was diagnosed as malignant tumor, which one of following Is most common malignant tumor of broast: 4) Invasive duct cell carcinoma 4T ; b) Cystosarcoma phyllodes 7 ¢) Mucinous carcinoma i ) Papillary carcinoma 4 @) Metaplastic carcinoma 4 of broast cancer ‘ 2 G.c¥, A 27 years old female royuescs & mammogram her mother andisister which one of the following Is major risk factor for breast cancer: 3) Multipaity t b) High fiber diet 1 ¢) Oral contraceptive use d) BRCA- mutation T @) Bilateral fibroadenomas 4) Periductal mastitis ' b) Fibroadenoma c) Acute mastitis T 6 d) Mammary duct ectasia t 2) Fat necrosis Walle any FOUR SHOKT Wu Section! MARKS 20 4. A 20 yours nursing mother of fever, te and painful right breast. Answer the tions. lump in Q.30. In lactating mother most couunun cauye of painful lump Is: . . What is most probsbie elinical diagnosis. ae * Name most Common micro-organism causing this condition, Name non Proliferative breast changes. i » A 28 years Yemile complains of i Vaginal bleeding. She was advised to have Pap smear test, + | . ‘ 2 |. Name risk factors Gausing cervical epithelial ies, li, "Name viruses which causes high grade ecrvical infra epithelial lesion. a Mi Name differen copic types of cetyical cancer. it groSs and micros: A 20 yours uniiitried girl present with solid évarlan mass. Which Was removed and histologicallylreported as dysgerminoia, 5 |. Name other types of germ cell tumors, a il Define struma ovaril, —, lil, Name tumor markefS usgd for diagnosis of ovarial + npr. Secdon-il * 1. A 30 years old feinsis suttaring from thyrolg swelling, clinically patient has tachycardia, palpation and tremors in hand&i There Is protrusion of eye ball, MARKS 20 i, Name the Imrnunoglébulins involved in this diséase$ tL . Name laboratory inv@Stigation and their interpratati¢n, lil. Name inflammatory conditions of thyroid. 2, A 80 years old male suffering from enlarged pri jtate. Clinically it Is dlagnosed as a case of Adenocarcinoma of prostate. 1. Give ts morphologicalifestures. 7 ii, Name tumor markers{Belpful forts diagnosis. | Write Short Notws oi 4 Seminoma Testis. Endometriosis. t Phyllodes tumor. 4 ¢ om

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