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There's a common misconception that design in software development life cycle is all about aesthetics (UI) and user

experience (UX). While those are crucial aspects, the design phase encompasses a much broader landscape. It's the
foundation that translates requirements into a functional and user-centric software solution.

Here what’s really goes in the project design phase:

Design Disciplines in Software Development:

 UI/UX Design: Focuses on the user interface and user experience, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive

 System Architecture Design: Defines the software's overall structure, including components, communication
protocols, and data flow.

 Database Design: Establishes a structured and efficient way to store and manage the software's data.

 Algorithm Design: Defines the logic and step-by-step process for how the software will solve problems or
complete tasks.

 API Design: Creates a well-defined interface for other applications to interact with your software.

By addressing all these design aspects, you create a software solution that's not only beautiful but also functional,
adaptable, and built to last.

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