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Project 1 – Basic Skills

Presenter Name: SC Luchini Student ID No:

Topic: Letter Z Name of Evaluator: TM Hansika Wijayasundara
Select a topic that appeals to you. It can be anything. Be sure your topic is narrow enough to be an effective 2 to 3-minute
speech. Clearly define your topic and consider your goal for your speech. Before you organize your speech, identify and
express your purpose in a single sentence. Practice your speech and refine its organization.
Purpose Statements
The purpose of this project is to learn or review basic method s for writing a speech with a defined purpose and to present
a well-organized speech on any topic.
Notes for the Evaluator
The member completing this project is working to write a speech with purpose. The speech they create must be well
written and clearly focused. Their goal is to meet their expressed purpose statement with a well-executed speech.
About this speech:

 The member will present a well-organized, well-delivered speech.

 The speech may be humorous, informational, or any style the member chooses.
 The speech content and style should work well together.

General Comments
You excelled at

Confidence and the delivery of the speech. The speech crafter (SC) has a good grasp of the subject matter and showcased
it with her enthusiasm. The SC commanded a rich vocabulary in a speech including a few riming words and SC used a
level of vocal variation to indicate the significance of such words. SC started the speech with relating to memory by
mentioning “Lets dive back into our Montessori times”. It helped as a visual anchor for the audience. Furthermore, during
the speech, SC asked a question from the audience “Does a zebra have white strips on black skin or back strips on white
skin”. I believe it helped the SC to pique the interest of the audience in the subject matter. She had a good structure to her
speech and there was a clear beginning, middle and ending. At the end the SC ended with a take home message as “Life is
not a straight line, it’s a zig zag journey.
The eye contact of the SC was commendable.

You may need to work on:

Need to exercise the use of stage area. The speech was performed only at the center of the screen I advise the SC to try to
use the stage more to create a time line for the events in your speech.
Need to focus on hand gestures and body movement. During the speech, I have encountered few closed hand gestures. It
would be great if the SC can use more open hand gestures.
Criteria Max Score Score Remarks
1. Content Clarity 7
logical, clear and effective

Was the content logically organized, easy to 10

follow, and had a clear structure (problem-
solution, before-after, etc)

2. Content Value 12 The speech crafer related her topic to life lessoin
knowledge, well-researched, and provided a take-home message at the end.
easy to understand
Was the content well research and supported
with facts, figures and personal

3. Interest 7 Used questions and recalled childhood

use of stories, applicability to memories to connect with the audience.
audience, interest of audience
How well did the presenter manage to hold
your attention – use of stories, engaging
questions, anecdotes, etc.

4. Body Language 9 Showed enthusiasm and confidence. Eye contact

posture, gestures, stance, eye was good. Hand gestures and body movements
contact, movement need to be improved.
Did the presenter use gestures, eye contact and
movement to compliment the speech. Did
he/she have strong posture and stance that
conveyed confidence
5. Vocal Variation 7 Showcased a level of vocal variation to enhance
pausing, pacing, power, pitch and the impact of few unique words.
Did the speaker use different vocal variations
to hold the audience’s attention. Were the
variations appropriate

6. Impact & Audience Awareness 12

clear purpose, take home message
Was there a clear takehome message and action
expected from the audience
7. Confidence & Comfort Level 8 The speech crafter was calm and confident
throughout the speech.
Did the presenter convey a sense of confidence 10
and subject matter expertise from his/her verbal
and non-verbal communications
8. Personality & Attitude 8
dress code, conduct, presence

Was the presenter professionally dressed? Did 10

you feel the presenter should be taken
seriously? Did he/she demonstrate any

Total 100 70

Contribution to Final Score 10% 7

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