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Verb + preposition

1) to concentrate on (doing) sth.

Do you sometimes find it difficult to concentrate on your work?
2) to differ from sth.
How does life in your country differ to life in other countries?
3) to insist on (doing) sth.
Does your company insist on anything? e.g. dress
code/punctuality etc.
4) to prevent sb. from (doing) sth.
Did your parents prevent you from doing anything you wanted to
do when you were a teenager?
5) to resign from sth.
Why might somebody resign from their job or position?
6) to retire from sth.
At what age do most people retire from work in your country?
7) to suffer from sth.
Do you suffer from headaches or backache, or any other physical
8) to be accused of (doing) sth
Can you think of any celebrities/famous people who have been
accused of committing a crime?
9) to (dis)approve of sth
Is there anything people do that you disapprove of?
Has your government done anything recently that you
(dis)approve of?
10) to succeed in (doing) sth
Did you succeed in passing your driving test first time?
11) to rely on sth/sb
Can people rely on the public transport system where you live?
12) to specialise in (doing) sth
Did you specialise in anything at college or university?

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