Criteria For English (Hercules)

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Criteria 1 (Poor) 2 (Fair) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent)

Limited expression and Some expression and Convincing expression Strong expression and Outstanding expression
emotion. Inconsistent emotion. Adequate and emotion. emotion. Engaging and emotion. Fully
character portrayal. character portrayal. Consistent character character portrayal. immersed in character.

Use of Frequent stumbling, Occasional stumbling, Fluent delivery with Smooth delivery, clear Flawless delivery,
Language unclear delivery. Poor somewhat clear occasional clarity and articulate. precise and engaging.
enunciation. delivery. Fair issues. Good Excellent enunciation.
enunciation. enunciation.

Expressive voice,
Monotonous tone and Limited vocal range, Varied tone, consistent Commanding voice,
Voice dynamic range.
lacks variation. some variation. volume. Engaging. exceptional range..
Inaudible at times. Audible but not
Confusing or
Overall Somewhat engaging. Holds audience performance. Memorable, impactful.
disengaging. Audience
Impact Audience attention interest. Leaves an Audience fully Audience moved.
loses interest.
wavers. impression. engaged.

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