Asserssment 3

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Assessment: Probation

Name: Buhle Zikali Department: Panorama

Position: General Assistant Supervisor: Aadela Agherdien

1. = Unacceptable 2. = Needs to improve 3. = Competent / Satisfactory 4.= Strength

Please indicate with an X

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comment
1 Performance X
2 Quality & Standard of work X
3 Productivity X
4 Work ethic X
5 Continuous development X
6 General Attitude X
7 Patient care / Communication / Compassion X
8 Teamwork X
9 Initiative X
10 Reliability / Dependability X
11 Adaptability to new trends & developments X
12 Compliance to Practice Protocols X
13 Record of incidents, disciplinary actions and complaints X
14 Sick leave abuse X
0 0 11 3
14 Complete
0,00% 0,00% 78,57% 21,43%

Does the employee AGREE with assessment

Does the employee DISAGREE with assessment

Comments by Head of Department

Buhle has adjusted well since arriving at Panorama SCP. She has become more communicative and is always polite. She is encouraged to keep up the good work and continue to grow.

Comments by Employee

Employee Signature: Date: 03.07.2023

Supervisor / Manager Signature: Date:

- Elctronic copy to employee

- Elctronic copy to personnel file


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