Tests Results 28623508591

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Ω΍ήϣ ωή˰˰˰ϔϟ΍Ϣ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍βϠΠϣβϴ΋έ

ΪϴγήϴΒϋΩ ωή˰˰ϔϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ ϞϣΎϛϪϨϣΆϣΩ΍

ϰϠϘϨϟ΍ΰϳΰόϟ΍ΪΒϋΩ΍ ϩΪΣϮϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ
ϰδϴδϟ΍ϼϋΩ΍ ϩΪΣϮϟ΍ΐϴΒρ ϞϣΎόϤϟ΍ήϳΪϣ
Ϣϴϫ΍ήΑ΍ΕΎϳ΍Ω΍ ϲϨϴΑήθϟ΍ΪϨϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 15-12-2023 19:09:04 Collected 28-03-2024 14:37:06

ϖϳΪλαϭήο΍ϮΗϢϳήϣ Authenticated 29-03-2024 14:38:53 Printed 29-03-2024 15:14:00
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
28623508591 40 Year Female Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range Previous Result

Vitamins Assessment

25 OH Vitamin D (Total) 11.42 ng/mL Deficient : < 20 Insufficient : 20 ± 7.84

Sufficient : 30 ±

Assay Method: CLIA/ECLIA Due to different standardizations between methods, result variation may arise. Clinical assessment should
be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

Dr.ABD El-Aziz El-Nokaly

Professor of Medical Bio-Chemistry,
Faculty of medicine, EL Azhar University 1-1
Ω΍ήϣ ωή˰˰˰ϔϟ΍Ϣ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍βϠΠϣβϴ΋έ
ΪϴγήϴΒϋΩ ωή˰˰ϔϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ ϞϣΎϛϪϨϣΆϣΩ΍
ϪΒϴηΔϟΎϫΩ΍ ϩΪΣϮϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ
βϴϤΧ˯ΎϋΩΩ ϩΪΣϮϟ΍ΐϴΒρ ϞϣΎόϤϟ΍ήϳΪϣ
ϥΎπϣέϦΗΎϓΩ ϲϨϴΑήθϟ΍ΪϨϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 15-12-2023 19:09:04 Collected 28-03-2024 14:36:28

ϖϳΪλαϭήο΍ϮΗϢϳήϣ Authenticated 28-03-2024 16:14:27 Printed 29-03-2024 15:14:02
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
28623508591 40 Year Female Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range Previous Result

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (EDTA Blood)

First Hour: 15 mm Up to 12

Second Hour: 36 mm

Dr.Hala Sheba
Professor of clinical pathology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo university 1-1

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