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Statutes of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

for the university's own selection process
in the Bachelor's degree program in Biochemistry

from 16 February 2012 / 13 March 2013

Based on Sections 63 Paragraph 2, 60 Paragraph 2 No. 2, 29 Paragraph 5 and 19 Paragraph 1 No. 10 of the
State Higher Education Act in the version from 1 January 2005 (GBl. p. 1), last amended by Article 1 of the
Act from 7 February 2011 (GBl. p. 47), Section 6 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Higher Education Admissions Act
in the version from 15 September 2005 (GBl. p. 629), last amended by Article 6 of the Act from 7 February
2011 (GBl. p. 47, 63) and Section 10 Paragraph 5 of the Higher Education Allocation Ordinance (HVVO) from
12 May 2005 (GBl. p. 404), last amended by the Ordinance from 14 January 2011 (GBl. p. 29), the Senate of
the University on 13 December In 2011 the following statutes were adopted.

Preliminary remark

All official, status, function and professional titles that appear in this Regulation in the
masculine form apply equally to women and men and can also be used in the corresponding
feminine form.

§ 1 Scope
The University of Heidelberg allocates 90 percent of the places in the Biochemistry bachelor's
degree program (Section 9, Paragraph 2, No. 1 HVVO) to applicants based on the results of the
university's own selection process. The selection decision is made based on the applicant's degree
of suitability and motivation for the chosen degree program and the desired profession.

§ 2 Start of studies and deadlines

(1) New students in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Biochemistry shall only be admitted to the winter
semester of each year.
(2) The application to participate in the selection procedure for the winter semester must be received by the
university by 15 July of each year (deadline). This application simultaneously counts as an application for
admission to the course of study.

§ 3 Form of the application

(1) The application shall be submitted in the form specified by the University.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by a copy

a) the certificate of general higher education entrance qualification (HZB), a relevant

subject-specific HZB or a foreign HZB that has been recognised as equivalent by the
competent state authority,
b) Evidence of any specialist vocational training and professional activity, practical activities or
extracurricular achievements and qualifications, including acquired English language skills,
unless English was taken as a foreign language in the last four semesters of upper
secondary school,
c) Description of your career to date and a written report (max. 1 A4 page) justifying your
choice of study and career

to add.
(3) The University may require that the documents on which the admission decision is based
be presented in their original form upon enrolment.

§ 4 Selection Committee
(1) A selection committee is appointed to prepare the selection decision. This committee consists
of ten members. Five members from the full-time scientific staff of the Faculty of Life
Sciences, including at least one professor, and at least two deputies are appointed by the
Faculty Council of this faculty. Five members from the full-time scientific staff of the Faculty
of Chemistry and Geosciences, including at least one professor, and at least two deputies
are appointed by the Faculty Council of this faculty. The term of office of the members is two

(2) After completion of each award procedure, the Selection Committee shall report to the
Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences and the Faculty of Biosciences on the experience
gained and make proposals for the further development of the selection procedure.

(3) The members of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences and of the
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Biosciences shall have the right to attend the meetings of the
Selection Committee and the selection interviews; however, they shall not have the right to vote.

§ 5 Selection procedure

(1) Pursuant to Section 6 (2) Sentence 3 HVVO, the ranking list pursuant to Section 6 (2) Sentence 2 No. 5 HVVO (selection
based on waiting time) shall be taken into account before the ranking list pursuant to Section 6 (2) Sentence 2 No. 4
HVVO (selection based on the result of a selection procedure).

(2) Only those who

a) has applied for a place at university in due time and in the correct form,
b) does not participate in the selection process within the framework of the quota to be deducted in advance
pursuant to Section 9 Paragraph 1 No. 1 or No. 2 HVVO or otherwise within the framework of a quota to be
deducted in advance,

(3) The verification of the conditions referred to in paragraph 2(a) and the implementation of the award
procedures referred to in paragraph 2(b) shall be carried out by the Student Secretariat of the Central
University Administration.

(4) In order to allocate the remaining study places, the Selection Committee shall make a pre-selection from among the
participants in the selection procedure in accordance with Section 6, a selection from among the pre-selected
applicants on the basis of the selection criteria set out in Section 7 and shall draw up a ranking list in accordance
with Section 9. The decision on the selection shall be made by the Rector on the basis of a recommendation from
the Selection Committee.

(5) Authorisation shall be refused if the documents referred to in Section 3(2) have not been submitted on
time or have not been submitted in full.

(6) Otherwise, the general provisions applicable to the admission procedure in the Admission
and Enrolment Regulations of the University of Heidelberg remain unaffected.

§ 6 Pre-selection (first stage)

(1) A pre-selection will be carried out among the participants in the selection procedure in order to limit the number of
participants in the selection interview (Section 8). This will be based on the following criteria:

a) The average grade of the higher education entrance qualification (HZB)

b) Individual grades in the HZB, which provide particular information about suitability for the course of
c) The type of vocational training and professional activity, special previous qualifications, practical
activities as well as extracurricular achievements and qualifications which provide particular
information about suitability for the course of study.

(2) The pre-selection shall be based on a total number of points, which shall be determined in accordance
with the following academic performance and other qualifications in the following steps:

1. Assessment of academic performance:

a) The total number of points achieved as shown in the HZB is divided by the maximum
total number of points that can be achieved and multiplied by 15 points. The resulting
points are calculated to two decimal places. No rounding is performed. A maximum of
15 points can be achieved.
b) Individual grades shown in the HZB for the last four semesters of the upper secondary
school are evaluated as follows:
ba) the grade points in mathematics are added and divided by 4. The resulting
The number is calculated to two decimal places. It is not rounded. A maximum
of 15 points can be achieved.
bb) two of the scientific subjects selected by the applicant: chemistry,
For biology or physics, regardless of whether the respective subject was taken in all
four semesters or whether individual grades were included in the average grade of
the HZB (values in brackets), all grade points achieved are added together. The
resulting total is divided by 8. The resulting number is calculated to two decimal
places. There is no rounding. A maximum of 15 points can be achieved.

c) The points determined according to No. 1a, No. 1ba and No. 1bb are added(Total points for
academic achievement) A maximum of 45 points can be achieved.
d) Foreign grades are to be converted into German grades according to the guidelines of the KMK.
e) The calculation of points for the assessment of academic performance is carried out by
the Student Secretariat of the University Administration.
2. Assessment of further qualifications
Further qualifications which provide particular information about suitability for the degree
programme (Section 6, Paragraph 1 c) are listed in Table 1 and will be assessed by the
selection committee as indicated therein by awarding up to 15 points.

(3) For the overall assessment of academic performance and other qualifications, the total number of points
determined in accordance with paragraph 2 no. 1c (academic performance) and the points awarded in
accordance with no. 2 (other qualifications) are added together. On the basis of this total number of points
(maximum 60 points), a ranking list is drawn up among all participants.

(4) In case of equality of rank, Section 16 HVVO shall apply.

(5) The number of best-ranking candidates to be invited to the selection interview shall be three times the number of
places available in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Biochemistry pursuant to Section 1.

§ 7 Selection based on the result of a selection procedure ns (second stage)

(1) The selection from among those preselected pursuant to Section 6 shall be made on the basis of a ranking list to be drawn up
pursuant to Section 9 in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 2.

(2) In drawing up the ranking list, the assessment of academic performance (Section 6, Paragraph 2, No. 1) and the result
of the selection interview (Section 8, Paragraph 4) shall be taken into account.
§ 8 Selection interview
(1) The selection interview is intended to show the extent to which the applicant is qualified and open-minded for
the Bachelor's degree course in Biochemistry and the desired profession. The applicant's conversational
behavior will also be assessed with regard to his or her ability to express himself or herself, his or her
approach to discussing problems and the coherence of his or her argumentation.
(2) The selection interview will normally be held between 20 July and 10 August at the University
of Heidelberg. The date and location of the interview will be announced by the university
two weeks in advance. Applicants will be invited to the selection interview by the university
in good time.
(3) Each applicant will be interviewed by two members of the selection committee for approximately
30 minutes. Group interviews with up to five applicants at the same time are permitted.
The answers of each individual must remain identifiable and be evaluated separately.

(4) Immediately after the interview, each of the two members of the committee conducting
the interview shall assess the applicant's ability and openness to the Bachelor's degree
programme in Biochemistry and the desired profession on a scale of 0 to 15 points.

(5) The main questions and answers of the interview must be recorded in a record which must
be signed by the two members of the committee conducting the interview. The record
must also contain the date and place of the selection interview, the names of the
candidates and the points awarded by the two members of the committee.
(6) To evaluate the selection interview, the points awarded by the two committee members are
added together and multiplied by 1.5. The resulting points are calculated to two decimal
places. No rounding is used.(Score total for selection interview) .A maximum of 45 points
can be awarded.
(7) The selection interview will be awarded 0 points if the applicant does not appear at the
interview without good reason. The applicant is entitled to take part in the next
interview or the next possible selection procedure if the university is provided with
written proof immediately after the interview that there was a good reason for the
non-appearance; in the case of illness, a medical certificate must be presented.

§ 9 Preparation of a ranking list for the selection decision heath

(1) The selection shall be based on a score determined on the basis of the assessment of the
applicant’s academic performance and the result of the selection interview.
(2) The total number of points determined in accordance with Section 6 Paragraph 2 No. 1c (maximum 45 points) and the total
number of points awarded in accordance with Section 8 Paragraph 6 (maximum 45 points) are added together. A ranking
list is drawn up among all participants on the basis of the total number of points thus determined (maximum 90 points).

(3) In case of equality of rank, Section 16 HVVO shall apply.

§ 10 Entry into force

This statute comes into force on the day after it is published in the Rector's bulletin. It applies for the
first time to the winter semester 2012/2013.

Heidelberg, 16 February 2012 / 13 March 2013

Professor Dr. Bernhard Eitel

Table 1 - Assessment of other qualifications that about suitability for the course
provide particular information.

The assessment will take into account vocational training, professional activity, special previous qualifications,
practical activities, extracurricular achievements and qualifications, which are not exhaustively listed below.

• Commercial training with a journeyman’s certificate and professional experience: up to 5 points

can be awarded for this.

• Commercial training with a CTA, BTA or PTA qualification and professional activity: up to
5 points can be awarded for this.
• Started studies in natural sciences, for this 2 points are awarded for each semester for
which proof of performance is provided.
• Industrial internship or internship at a scientific institute (duration at least 2
months): 2 points are awarded for this.
• Certificates from the fields of chemistry, life sciences and pharmacy; 2 points can be
awarded for each certificate, for a maximum of 4 points in total.
• Participation in competitions such as the “Chemistry Olympiad”, “Biology Olympiad” or “Jugend
forscht” (Youth Research) – up to 5 points can be awarded for this.

• Participation and prize-winning competitions such as the “Chemistry Olympiad”, “Biology

Olympiad” or “Jugend forscht” (Youth Research), for which 10 points are awarded.

• Membership in working groups in the natural sciences, mathematics and computer

science: 2 points are awarded for each working group, up to a total of 4 points.

The overall assessment of these additional creditable qualifications is carried out by awarding
points on a scale of 0 to 15. A maximum of 15 points can be awarded in total.

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