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Confusing words

101. liking/likeable
* liking(n) = fondness= sự ưa thích
- He had a liking for fast cars.
*likeable(a)= pleasant and easy to like=dễ mến
-She’s warm, friendly and likeable.
102. magic/magical
*magic = magical (a)= containing magic; used in magic ((thuộc) ma thuật)
= wonderful; extremely pleasant (có phép kỳ diệu)
- There is no magic formula for passing exams—only hard work.
- Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship.
- Her words had a magical effect on us.
- We spent a magical week in Paris.
103. manly/manned
*manly(a) = nam tính, mạnh mẽ
-He looked so manly in his uniform.
*manned(a)= has a person or people inside in order to operate it (có người lái, vận hành)
-China announced plans to launch a manned spacecraft.
- Almost all manned petrol stations accept British bank cards.
104. unmatched,matchless
* unmatched(a) by sb/sth=better than all others (không thể sánh kịp, không ai địch nổi)
- For years they have enjoyed a standard of living unmatched by any other country in Europe.
- He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century.
*matchless (a)= incomparable (không thể so sánh được)
-matchless beauty/skill
105. medical,medicated,medicinal
*medical(a)= related to the treatment of illness and injuries (thuộc y học, y tế)
* medicated(a) = tẩm thuốc, ngâm thuốc
* medicinal(a)= có đặc tính chữa bệnh; (dùng để) chữa bệnh
-medical care/insurance/advance
- medicated soap/shampoo
-medicinal herbs/plants
106. momentary,momentous
*momentary(a)= chốc lát,thoáng qua, không lâu
*momentous(a)= quan trong, trọng yếu
-The announcement caused momentary confusion among the passengers.
-At the same time, momentous events were taking place in Russia.
107. normal,abnormal
*normal(a) = thông thường, bình thường
*abnormal(a) = không bình thường, khác thường; dị thường
- It is now regarded as normal for women to work outside the home.
- My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.
108. numeral,numerical,numerous, numerate
* numeral() = chữ số
-1, 10, 50 are Arabic numerals
- I, X, L are Roman numerals.
* numerical(a) =(expressed in numbers) bằng số
- a numerical code.
* numerous(a) = existing in large numbers (nhiều)
- Numerous studies have shown this to be true.
* numerate(a)= giỏi tính toán
-All students should be numerate and literate when they leave school.
109. photogenic,photographic
*photogenic(a)= looking attractive in photographs (ăn ảnh)
*photgraphic(a)= connected with photographs or photography ((thuộc thuật nhiếp ảnh; chụp ảnh)
-Helen is very photogenic.
-They produced a photographic record of the event.
110. priceless,pricey/pricy
*priceless(a)= extremely valuable (cực kì có giá trị, không định giá được)
* pricey/pricy(a)= expensive
-The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.
- Our family photos are priceless.
111. productive,counterproductive/ reproductive,unproductive
*productive(a)= producing or achieving a lot=fruitful (năng suất)
-a productive meeting
- My time spent in the library was very productive.
*unproductive(a)= not achieving very much (không năng suất)
- a three-hour meeting that was totally unproductive
*counterproductive(a)= achieving the opposite result to the one that you want (phản tác dụng)
- Sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.
*reproductive(a)= relating to the process of producing babies, young animals, or plants
(liên quan đến quá trình sinh sản)
- the human reproductive system
112. real,unreal,realistic,unrealistic
*real(a)= existing/not imagined; not false or artificial (có thật, đang tồn tại, không phải do tưởng tượng;
không phải nhân tạo)
-The growth of violent crime is a very real problem.
- Are those real flowers?
*unreal(a)= not existing in fact (ảo tưởng, tưởng tượng)
*realistic(a)= showing things as they really are (hiện thực)
- a realistic portrayal/depiction/picture
- She made a very realistic drawing of a horse.
= sensible and appropriate, feasible, viable (hợp lý/ khả thi)
-We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.
- We must set realistic goals.
*unrealistic (a) = not reasonable or sensible, not likely to happen (không thực tế, phi hiện thực)
-It is unrealistic to expect people to pay such high ticket prices just for a concert.
113. satisfied,dissatisfied,unsatisfied/ satisfactory/ satisfying
*satisfied(a)= pleased(a) = pleased (cảm thấy hài lòng)
- They have plenty of satisfied customers.
*Dissatisfied(a) = not satisfied/displeased (không hài lòng, bất mãn) (people)
-The teacher is dissatisfied with students’ progress.
- He was dissatisfied with his job
*unsatisfied(a) = not dealt with (nonhuman things)
= (of a person) not having got what you hoped; not having had enough of something (chưa thỏa
-There is unsatisfied demand for the product.
-unsatisfied curiosity/desire
*satisfactory(a) = acceptable (thỏa đáng, có thể chấp nhận được)
- None of the solutions was entirely satisfactory.
* satisfying(a) = making you feel pleased by providing what you need or want ( đem lại sự thoả mãn, làm
thoả mãn, làm vừa ý)
- a satisfying meal/result
114. asleep/ sleepy
* asleep(a)= sleeping (ngủ, đang ngủ)
*sleepy(a) = tired and ready to sleep (buồn ngủ)
- Quiet! The baby’s asleep.
- The warmth from the fire made her feel sleepy.
115. sociable/,social
*sociable(a)= (of people) enjoying spending time with other people (dễ gần gũi, dễ chan hoà, hoà đồng)
*social (a) = [only before noun] connected with activities in which people meet each other for pleasure ( thuộc xã
- She's a sociable child who'll talk to anyone.
- Team sports help to develop a child's social skills (= the ability to talk easily to other people and do things in a
116. stressed,stressful
*stressed(a)= bị căng thẳng. ở trạng thái căng thẳng
*stressful(a) = causing a lot of worry (gây căng thẳng)
- I always eat when I’m feeling stressed.
- She's very good at coping in stressful situations.
117. studious,studied
*studious(a) = spending a lot of time studying or reading (chăm chỉ; bỏ rất nhiều thời để học tập)
*studied(a) + way of behaving = deliberate and carefully planned, not sincere (được xem là được tính
toán hoặc đc lên kế hoạch kỷ lưỡng, không chân thành)
-He liked to wear glasses, which he thought made him look studious.
- She spoke with studied politeness.
- After a pause, he gave a studied answer.
118. stylish,stylistic
*stylish(a) = fashionable and attractive = classy (phong cách, hợp thời trang)
* stylistic(a)= connected with the style an artist uses in a particular piece of art, writing or music
(thuộc văn phong; (thuộc phong cách nghệ thuật)
-Their house is very stylish.
- stylish people/clothing
- Notice the stylistic similarities in the work of these three sculptors.
119. suggestive,suggestible
*suggestive of sth(a)= reminding you of something (có tính gợi ý, gợi ai nhớ đến cái gì)
*suggestible(a) = dễ bị ảnh hưởng (bởi đề nghị/ý kiến của người khác..)
-Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.
- The success of advertising proves that we are all highly suggestible.
120. tired,tireless,tiresome,tiring
*tired(a) = cảm thấy mệt mỏi
*tireless(a)= working very hard in a determined way without stopping (không biết mệt mỏi; đầy sinh lực)
*tiresome(a)= making you feel annoyed or impatient (gây khó chịu hoặc khiến mất kiên nhẫn)
*tiring(a)= making you feel that you want to sleep or rest (gây mệt mỏi)
-She was tired after a long day at the office.
- Martin was a very popular teacher and a tireless worker for the school.
- Buying a house can be a very tiresome business.
- We’ve all had a long tiring day.
121. touched, touching,touchy
* touched(a)= xúc động; cảm thấy biết ơn
* touching(a)= gợi lên lòng thương; gây cảm động
*touchy(a)= sensitive (hay giận dỗi, dễ bị đụng chạm, hay tự ái)
- She was touched by their warm welcome.
- It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.
- She gets very touchy if you mention the divorce.
-He's a little touchy about his weight.
122. true, truthful
*true(a)= based on facts (thật, đúng phù hợp với hiện thực, đúng với sự thật đã biết)
*truthful(a) = honest (thật thà, chân thật, không bao giờ nói dối)
-She was completely truthful about her involvement in the affair.
- All the rumours turned out to be true.
123. used,disused,unused
*used(a)= second-hand (cũ, dùng rồi)
*disused(a)= no longer used (không được dùng nữa)
*unused(a)= not being used at the moment; never having been used (không dùng đến, chưa bao giờ được sử
- used books/equipment/cars
- The party was held in a disused warehouse.
- The meeting rooms are left unused for long periods.
124. valuable,invaluable
*valuable (a)= worth a lot of money/ very useful, important (có giá trị nhiều tiền; rất có ích, quan trọng
*invaluable(a) =extremely useful (cực kì có ích)
- My home is my most valuable asset.
-The book provides valuable information on recent trends.
- Your advice has been invaluable to us.
125. workaholic/ workable
*workaholic(n)= a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work(người tham công
tiếc việc, người nghiện làm việc)
*workable(a) = có thể làm được, có thể thực hiện được, thực tế, khả thi
- a workable plan/solution/timetable
126. subjected/subjective/subject
* Sb (be) subjected to sth = Ai đó phải chịu đựng/trải qua/ảnh hưởng bởi cái gì.
- The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel treatment.
-An African-American friend told me that she is subjected to racist behavior every day.
* St (be) subjected to sth = bị tác động bởi cái gì
-The city was subjected to heavy bombing.
*subjective(a) = thuộc về chủ quan
- Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.
*be subject(a) to sth = có thể bị làm sao đó
- Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.
- At this stage these are proposals and are still subject to change.
127. appreciable/appreciative
* appreciable(a) +N = Considerable + N
* appreciative (a) of sth =
- There has been an appreciable increase in profits.
- The company was very appreciative of my efforts.
128. technical/technological
*technical(a)= thuộc về kĩ thuật, chuyên môn
*technological(a)= connected with technology
-technological advances/change/breakthrough
-The organization provides technical assistance to farmers.
-She doesn't possess the technical ability to perform the song well.

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