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1 (11)
I. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Most people don't need (support) financially once they (already, find) reasonable jobs.
2. For the past few days, I (work) in Jack's office because my own office (redecorate)
3. All students (not, hand) in their papers (will, punish).
4. Although she (join) the company only a year ago, she (already, promote) twice.
5. The city (destroy) during the war (already, rebuild).
6. Jesse (live) in England for 3 years when she (be) at university.
7. Oh, no! Look at the time. I (be) terribly late.
8. She was the first woman (award) the first prize.
9. In her free time, she often (lie) on her bed (read) a novel.
10. I (ring) my friend yesterday, and she (say) it (rain) there.
11. What (annoy) him most was that he (Feceive) no apology.
12. The diagrams (make) by young Faraday (send) to Sir Humphry Davy at the end of 1812.
13. When 1 (be) 21 years old next year, I (allow) to vote and drink alcohol legally.
14. Male cancer rates (rise) significantly during the period 1969-78.
15. (you, inform) yet about the new policy?
16. The novel (buy) by my sister (be) very interesting.
17. The site (block) as it had provided pirate copies.
18. I'm writing (inquire) about the job (advertise) in yesterday's "Times'.
19. They (take) him to hospital last night and he (already, operate) on.
20. About half of the chemicals (test) caused cancer in rats.
II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The occasional glass of wine is both (enjoy) and (benefit).
2. We keep the grass (manage) short for as long as possible, and resume mowing at the end
of the wet season.
3. It was (safe) to locate the chemicals factory in a (resident) area.
4. What are the government doing to tackle the (populate) problem?
5. (Fortunate), I didn't have my credit card with me, or else I would have bought it.
6. Service industries such as (tour) have become more important in the post-industrial age.
7. He didn't really behave any (differ) around her than with anyone else.
8. There were not enough classrooms and staff had to work in (crowd) conditions.
9. People waste time scrolling (purpose) through their phones.
10. What restrictions did we (add) place on the articles?
11. The (injure) to their key player could be a (decide) factor in the game.
12. This book is indispensable to anyone interested in space (explore).
13. Tomorrow the children will receive their (anxiety) awaited presents.
14. All those (agree) please hold up their hand.
15. Goods are (exchange) as long as they are returned in good condition.
16. All the time and (expend) involved in keeping up to date with the changes has been
17. The new offices were comfortable, but (convenience) arranged.
18. (Environment) would like to see even more ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas
19. Experts seem (ability) to agree whether the drug is safe or not.
20. The party went on and (amaze) enough there was plenty of food for everybody.
III. Rewrite the sentences as directed.
1. We enjoyed the city. We spent our vacation in this city. (Relative clause)
→ We enjoyed ...
2. Here are some accounts for her to check. (Use a relative clause)
3. The storm totally destroyed the fence of the garden. (Causative)
→ The garden ...
4. Do you usually go to that restaurant for lunch?
→ Is that the restaurant...
5. Some trouble makers were arrested after the match. They have been released. (Use
reduced form)
6. Mike found this key on the way home from school. (cleft sentence focusing on adverb)
7. He took us to his house. It was in the centre of the city.
→ His house ...
8. I told you about Kate, not Mike.
→ It...
9. They haven't found the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week.
→ The man ...
10. "I'll come with you as soon as I am ready," Tom said to Mary. → Tom....
11. The owners of newspapers are usually very rich.
→ The people...
12. These students didn't arrive late in spite of the traffic jam.
→ Although ...
13. The woman works in a hospital. She is from India. (Reduced form)
14. Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose.
→ The window must ...
15. "Where is the cake which I have just made?" her mother said.
→ Her mother wondered...
16. He drove into the car park and then walked to the office.
→ After having...
17. We broke a car belonging to my uncle. (Use a relative clause)....
18. She invited no one to her birthday party. (not)...
19. Your brother stole my bike. The police are looking for him. (Use a relative clause)
→ Your brother...
20. Jim used to get married to that girl.
→That is...
IV. Choose the best answer.
1. Venice,....was built on water, is a city in Italy.
A. where B. that C. who D. which
2. ….that we often gather for our study.
A. It is at her house B. It is on her house
C. It is from her house D. It was at her house
3. "Would you like me to drive you there?"...."
A. Oh, would you? Thanks. B. Yes, go ahead..
C. Well, that's what I thought. D. Well, I see.
4. Anyone….to another country needs special papers.
A. whom travels B. travels C. travelling D. who travel
5. Our teacher told us that light…. faster than sound.
A. traveled B. travels C. had travelled D. is travelling
6. Bondi is the beautiful beach….I used to sunbathe.
A. when B. where C. which D. why
7. The pilot was the only man….after the crash.
A. rescued B. was rescued C. whom was rescued D. to be rescued
8. A: -"This job is time-consuming, I think." B: “.....”
A. Absolutely! B. Thank you! C. Anytime! D. Another time, perhaps.
9. The hotel….last month has….with modern facilities.
A. completed/been equipped B. has completed / being equipped
C. was completed / equipped D. which completed / been equipped
10. We had a chance to visit an Islamic….when we stayed in Indonesia.
A. pagoda B. antenna C. temple D. mosque
V. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences
1. I find it important that we should keep silently during the meeting.
2. My uncle's house is next to a beautiful lake which we go swimming every day.
3. Sapa, where is best known for foreign travellers, has pleasant weather.
4. What was the girl's name who phoned you last night?
5. There are a lot of students are standing outside, waiting for you.
6. When David is too busy to do his assignments, he often gets his mother to do the cleaning
for him.
7. They are reconstructing all the buildings that were collapsed in the devastating storm last
8. Everybody I know like to eat chocolate and ice-creams.
9. The land and the people who I have met are nice.
10. All the work in this factory is done by machine is operated by a few workers.
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Pandas are one of the rarest animals in the world. They live only in a small (1) in the
mountains of South-western China. There are only 500 to 1000 pandas (2) survive in the wild
and the number is decreasing all the time. There are about 100 more in zoos and research units.
(3) they are protected, pandas are still poached for their skins. Because they are so rare, their
skins are very (4) Pandas live in mountain forests and can only eat bamboo. As their habitat (5)
smaller and smaller, they are in danger of dying from lack of suitable food.
Zoos (6) efforts to breed pandas in captivity, but this is very difficult. (7), baby pandas weigh
only 100 grams at birth, so they need to be (8) very carefully. Since 1963, about 50 baby pandas
(9) in captivity and around half of them are (10) alive today.

1. A. place B. area C. district D. quarter

2. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which
3. A. Although B. Because C. However D. Since
4. A. important B. prized C. valuable D. worthy
5. A. gets B. is getting C. has been got D. will get
6. A. are trying B. are doing C. are making D. are taking
7. A. Therefore B. However C. Because D. Moreover
8. A. looked for B. looked after C. took care of D. taken care
9. A. have been born B are being born C. were born D. had been born
10. A. still B. already C. ever D. just

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