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“Exercendo a cidadania Resgatando os Valores”

Aluno(a): _______________________________________ Componente Curricular: Língua
Professor(a): Wlancley Rosa dos Reis Série: 6° ano _________ Data: ________/_________/2024.
Área de conhecimento: Linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias. Valor: 10,0 Nota:___________

Avaliação 2º Corte Temporal

Questão 1: Verdadeiro ou Falso

Leia as frases abaixo e marque se são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) com base no uso correto do
Simple Present.

a) She plays tennis every weekend. ( )

b) He watch TV every night. ( )
c) We go to the beach on Sundays. ( )
d) My cat likes fish. ( )
e) They studies English at school. ( )

Questão 2: Complete as frases abaixo usando a forma correta do verbo no Simple Present.

a) I __________ (to be) a student.

b) She __________ (to read) books in the library.

Questão 3: Circule a opção que completa a frase corretamente no Simple Present.

a) She usually (wakes / wake) up early.

b) They (doesn't / don't) eat meat.
c) My brother (likes / like) to play video games.
d) Our teacher (teaches / teach) us English.
e) It (needs / need) more water.

“You studied and prepared, now it’s time to

shine on the test!”

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